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Inspired By Murder
Inspired By Murder
Audrey J. Cole | 2018 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good book, just not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my coy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos this may not make sense but I'll do my best!

Ordinarily, I LOVE getting into the minds of the bad guys. LOVE it, because it happens so rarely. I love being able to follow their twisted convoluted thinking (sometimes, anyway!) and actually being able to follow just WHY they do their thing.


But here? Not so much. I don't know if it is the subject matter, or just the way the author tells her tales (first one I've read of this author) or maybe just Eric himself. I dunno. I just didn't (and this is going to sound like I need some serious help!) connect very well with Eric!

He is an aspiring author, but needs the perfect crime. So, why not commit one to get it right?? So he does! He has it all planned out, and carries it off, and then the police start asking questions about his secretary? He is a little thrown off but pulls himself together enough to get justice for her, even if it isn't correct.

Stephenson, the detective in charge of solving the murders of a New York Times best selling romance author and his wife, knows Eric did it, he just has to give him enough rope.

But Eric has some tricks up his sleeve, and some secrets in his closet that throw the whole thing wide open, world wide open! And I DID like that! The man was three steps ahead of Stephenson every step of the way, and Cole pulls a blinder of a plot twist I did not see coming!

I did like the way the story unfolds, the way Eric unravels (sorta) I just don't think THIS particular book did very much for me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Life Finds A Way
After really enjoying Jurassic World back in 2015, I was excited when they announced that a sequel was in the works. I felt optimistic about it because the ending of Jurassic World left it wide open for a story continuation, and I didn’t feel like they were just making a new one to milk a franchise. It’s no surprise that I can be hugely critical of sequels, but I was willing to give this one a fighting chance.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is set three years after the destruction of the Jurassic World park, and characters are faced with the dilemma of what to do now a volcano on the island is beginning to erupt. It’s a huge moral dilemma: let the dinosaurs die again, or move them to a safe location where they can thrive. Ultimately, Claire and Owen end up back on Isla Nublar with the help of a rescue team to round up the dinosaurs. As you can expect, things don’t go according to plan and we soon realise the rescue team has other, darker intentions.

Whilst this film is not the strongest in the franchise, it’s still an enjoyable watch. I wasn’t expecting it to be as thought provoking as it was, which was a pleasant surprise. I felt like the storyline had a lot of depth to it, and a lot of emotional moments too. One thing I really love about the Jurassic franchise is how they make you connect and feel emotions towards CGI dinosaurs. You know they aren’t real, yet you get so invested in the narrative that you quickly forget. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom we see some familiar dinosaurs from the previous films, as well as some new ones too. In classic Jurassic nature, we also see a brand new dinosaur that humans thought was a good idea to create… for some reason.

Another thing that surprised me was the horror-like elements that were present in the film. Without giving too much away, there’s a couple of scenes that are very reminiscent of classic horror and plummets the film into a much darker, creepier atmosphere. These scenes were incredibly well done and didn’t feel out of place, even though they could’ve easily felt too jarring. It was fun to witness the franchise experimenting with this, and enhances the scary side of the dinosaurs. There’s some really impressive shots during these scenes too, that emphasises the imposing nature of these creatures.

My biggest criticism of this film is that I felt like too much was going on, and consequently the narrative felt rushed. Despite it running at just over 2 hours, I almost felt like we needed another half hour to properly tell the story without glossing over some really important plot points. The main narrative was paced okay but then we had random side storylines that seemed unnecessary and just left me confused more than anything. It’s a shame they tried to cram so much into such a short space of time as there was no need to do that.

Long time fans of Jurassic Park should definitely give this a go as I think it’s a solid entry into the franchise, though it doesn’t do enough to ascend above its predecessors. It’s what I’ve described as a “fun, Monday night film” to people who’ve asked, so if you’re looking for a visually impressive blockbuster with loud roars and some creepy elements, this film is perfect for you.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Alpha (2018) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Alpha (2018)
Alpha (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Story: Alpha starts as we meet Keda (Smit-McPhee) a young man and member of a prehistoric tribe, this is his chance to go on the hunt with the chief and his father Tau (Johannesson) to complete his path to manhood in the tribe, along with the other recruits, the week doesn’t end well for the young man when he becomes separated from his tribe.

Keda must find his tribe while dealing with the perils of the wilderness including the wolves, one of which he rescues making an unlikely friendship in the harsh world he is travelling through.


Thoughts on Alpha


Characters – Keda is the young man, the son of the chief of his tribe, he must go on his first hunt which only leaves him alone in the world. he must earn fast how to survive this environment with his caring nature showing with a wounded wolf that he nurses back to help. Alpha is the wolf that was hunting Keda, only to get wounded, she sticks around after being nursed back to health which brings her a new connection, one with a human. The two remain loyal to each other through the bitter winter which will test both of them. Tau is the chief of the tribe and father to Keda, he wants his son to follow in his footsteps showing strength to the rest of the tribe and wisdom to his son.

Performances – Kodi Smit-McPhee is fantastic in the leading role, he has to go through such a physical performance while balancing the emotion impact of believing he could be alone in the world. he does have to deal with most of the work in this film and the connect he has with the wolf. The supporting cast is good with what they need to do without having to do as much as Kodi.

Story – The story follows one young man that gets separated from his tribe and must figure out how to get home, making a new friend along the way, a wolf. This does follow the survival story very clearly and the bond between man and animal starts coming through during the film. even with the formulaic storyline you are kept on edge through out as we want to see if Keda and Alpha can make it home. The connection between the two makes us see how humans and wolfs became one together. The simple story is what keeps us happy.

Adventure/Family – The adventure takes Keda who is part of the tribe through the prehistoric world with threats that a solo man would be struggling to survive through. This does have moments that would be slightly too dark for the younger family audience.

Settings – The world created is beautiful, we have the open plains to the snow filled background each condition becomes more difficult as we go on the adventure.

Special Effects – The effects are strong for the most part, we do have moments that are not good but for the scale of the film should be applauded for the world we see.

Scene of the Movie – The tiger attack.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not understanding the bison hunt.

Final Thoughts – This is a visual treat for the audience with a connection between man and dog that is fantastic to see, the story might be generic but it works well.


Overall: Entertaining adventure
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Joe Abercrombie | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, these were some of the longest books I’ve listened to in a while. I’ve been plugging away on these suckers for over a month. some of the tracks are an hour or longer. So if you like long books, it’s worth the time investment! this is a great series for a long road trip, a summer (winter) vacation, or to play in the background while you attack a major knitting project.

All three books have a part 1 and a part 2. Part 1 of the first book was spent introducing a huge variety of characters that didn’t seem to have anything to do with each other; in fact they didn’t even feel like they were living in the same world. I did put the story down and move away from it a few times, because there wasn’t much plot or connection between them. Even though it was interesting, funny, and well written, that first part seemed very disconnected.

I told myself I’d listen to one more track. So I did, and that one track was the one where everything started falling together. Not only were they in the same world, they would be going on the same adventure and working together to save the world from an evil king, a crazy wizard, and magical zombies.

I love a good war story.


Each story left off with a stunning finish that begged for more. Even the last one; though it was open enough that anything could happen, you’re pretty sure you know. All the loose ends are tied up: bad guys die, people get their revenge, the king gets married, the deserving are promoted, and the drunks get… less drunk than normal.

If you’re into action, adventure, fantasy, or bloody thrillers, this series will keep you busy for a good long time!

Content and Recommendation: Ages 18+. Some sex (I’ll tell you know it’s awkward not great, even worse when you’re listening to it, not reading it). Plenty of language. Lots of violence; war scenes, murder, and cutting off body parts. One of the main characters is a torturer, okay? This one isn’t for the faint of heart. And don’t listen to it while you’re eating.
The Illusionist's Apprentice
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An incredible story brimming with suspense, illusion, questions, romance, sacrifice, and redemption. Spanning the course of Wren's life, we jump around quite a bit as her story and character unfolds, but it is easy to follow. We also get to see the world through a few different viewpoints which helps to draw your heart into the world of vaudeville.

LOVE - LOVE - LOVE Elliot. He is protective and gentle, yet firm and carries a strength that Wren needs, although she denies it. Wren is such an incredible person. I fell in love with her from chapter one. With her eccentric style and lifestyle, a performer, giving the public the illusion of grandeur...when in reality, her lifestyle is quite simple. A woman with a past that tears at her soul, longing for freedom, but not knowing where to turn. When Agent Elliot Matthews bullies his way on to her stage, her life takes a dramatic turn and the impossible becomes possible.

Wren struggles to forgive herself for something in her past that she has been led to believe is her fault. We follow her on a journey of realization that forgiveness is not just an illusion, but something very real. That it penetrates the very heart and soul of who we are. It shapes and molds us. And that we can be free if we choose to be. But if we spend too long believing in an illusion, it will distort our view of reality.

So, embrace the truth. Let Papa God open your eyes to see yourself as He created you. To see your gifts, your strengths, and the forgiveness that He has poured out on you. Take a step back in time to the Jazz Age. Step into the world of Harry Houdini and Wren Lockhart in the center of vaudeville. Let them dazzle you with a story of truth, forgiveness...and illusion.

I received a complimentary copy of The Illusionist's Apprentice through BookLook Bloggers and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Review originally published at

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of The Evil Within in Video Games

Oct 30, 2019  
The Evil Within
The Evil Within
Psychological Within
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Evil Within- is a fantasic horrorfying, thrilling, psychological terrorfying, scary game. That was published by Bethesa. Yes that Bethesa who did Skyrim and Fallout. So lets talk about it...

The game centers on protagonist Sebastian Castellanos as he is pulled through a distorted world full of nightmarish locations and horrid creatures. Played in a third-person perspective, players battle disfigured nightmare-like enemies, including bosses, using guns and melee weapons, and progress through the levels, avoiding traps, using stealth, and finding collectables.

Sebastian Castellanos, the protagonist, needs to make use of the environment and things he may find in order to survive. The game world can transform during scripted events and as a result of player actions, altering locations and creating new paths or teleporting the player to new areas.

Players have a safe house called 'Safe Haven' that can be accessed during scripted events and by finding mirrors. The safe house is a mental hospital and has several accessible areas such as a save point, an upgrade room (where the player may upgrade Sebastian's skills), and the safe room where keys are used to open storage safes which contain useful items such as green gel and ammunition. These keys are collected by finding and breaking 'Madonna' statues hidden throughout the game's levels. There is a nurse called Tatiana who greets Sebastian when he teleports to the safe house.

Lets talk about the plot/story:

While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder at Beacon Mental Hospital, Krimson City police detective Sebastian Castellanos (Anson Mount), his partner Joseph Oda (Yuri Lowenthal), and Junior Detective Juli Kidman (Jennifer Carpenter) find themselves suddenly thrown into an unreal world, after hearing a high-pitched noise.

Their are two DLC and their are called The Assigment and The Consequence. Which I havent played yet.

The player unlocks several bonuses for completing the game. Extra weapons, character models and bios, 'AKUMU' difficulty (the game's hardest difficulty level), and New Game+ are some of the unlocks.

It is a must play game, it will twist and turn your mind until the end credits.

Lastly shout out to @LeftSideCut for getting the hints/clue to this review correct.

Kaysee Hood (83 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Nov 6, 2017  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
Realistic Pokemon Spawning (1 more)
Simple Fun
Glitches (1 more)
Geolocked Pokemon
Are you ready Trainer?
Is this as good as sitting down and playing Pokemon on the 3DS or gameboy? No, it isn't. There is a more open world, chances to catch all Pokemon, and a bit more to do.

However this does not mean the APP is a failure. For what it is Pokemon Go is as close as we could get with a "realistic" idea of what it would be to travel and catch Pokemon. It is simple fun and that's what a phone app should be. An app should not be a full game more so when it comes to Pokemon altogether since there would have to be a story.

Being what it is, Pokemon Go is successful.

The issues come with the glitches within the game, Pokemon locked to certain countries, and the difficulty of obtaining Legendary Pokemon. Though it is meant to be a team game it tends to be hard if you do not have friends who are on your team and even if you did you have to hope you can meet up.

But once more it is an app. It will never live up to our dreams.
Defining Pearl...a precious difference
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Other than recognizing the name Mugabe, I will admit to a severe ignorance of anything regarding Zimbabwe, and I feel a great portion of the world could echo that confession. Because of this, I was very excited to read this memoir, not only to learn about what has happened (and is still happening) over there, but also to learn of what this one brave woman endured to keep her family safe while also trying to help her fellow citizens and improve her nation.

Pearl Matibe is a role model for everyone, no matter their sex, race, social status, etc. She looked around at all she had, yet still she and her husband wanted to do more for those around them. Because of their generosity and selflessness, they were forced from their home, lost everything they'd worked so hard for, and she ultimately had to flee the country to which they'd given so much.

I am so blessed to have been given the chance to read this book, and I urge everyone to take the time to read it, as well, It will definitely open your eyes and make you truly grateful for all you have.

5 stars
Cherishing Destiny is the story of Destiny who is a Vamphyr who is laying injured in a cave. While she is healing she is remembering how she came to be. Her mother transferred her memories to Destiny when she died. The night of Destiny's conception was the night a solar storm hit earth. As a result of said storm Vampires are now able to walk in the sunlight and reproduce. They offspring are referred to as Vamphyr. The world as they knew it was gone. Tsunamis destroyed cities, earthquakes broke open the earth, and various types of communication were destroyed.After the solar storm mercenary hunters have taken over the human and Were population and are on a hunt to wipe out all vampires.

This book sounded interesting when I first read the synopsis via goodreads, but once I started reading, I had so much trouble getting through it. The main idea of the book is great, I just think that the spelling and grammatical errors took so much away from the story. Also, I noticed that there were several spots within the book that the author meant to reference Alex and she wrote Ryan instead, and I had to go back and re-read several sections and make sure I understood what was going on.
Spenser Confidential (2020)
Spenser Confidential (2020)
2020 | Action, Crime, Drama
I had such high hopes for this film. I didn't necessarily think it was bad, but it's one of those movies where the trailer really makes it seem so much better than it actually is. You know the ones. I love Winston Duke in this, I think he really shines - especially in contrast with his role in Black Panther as M'Baku.

As much as I didn't really LOVE this film, I am hoping there will be a sequel, especially after the ending of this one left it open for one. I really like the cast they chose, the dynamic is really cool. I think my biggest problem with this film is the pacing. Some parts move very slowly and other parts feel so quick. I also didn't really understand the roles of the Feds they had. Like I get it in the context of the film, but it felt unnecessary to actually have them named and have lines and that whole thing. Maybe that's just me though.

Overall, I think it's a relatively decent film. Definitely not going to win any Academy Awards or probably any recognition from the film world, but it's still a good watch. At least to say you did, if not to say you like it.