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Fascinating look at the empire of drug-related terrorism
An absolutely astounding look at undercover operations in the fight against narco-terrorism.

Edward Follis, a veteran undercover DEA agent, writes about his biggest drug busts in which major heroin, ecstasy and cocaine kingpins from across the globe, are apprehended using covert and exhaustive methods.

From learning Thai in order to intercede Khun Sa's major heroin drug routes, to befriending Afghan opium billionaire Taliban financier, Haji Juma Khan, Follis has had a long and fascinating career.

And at times, the bragging may feel over the top, however, it is completely understandable given what he has endured and some of the traumatic experiences included one of his own informants being brutally murdered. Obviously it is written with an American bias, so it's worth keeping that in mind.
Cinnamon and Gunpowder: A Novel
Eli Brown | 2014
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cinnamon and Gunpowder reminds me a lot of Treasure Island. Or at least of my childhood memories of reading Treasure Island, as it's been decades since I read it. The book is told from the viewpoint of Owen Wedgwood, a chef who finds himself kidnapped by a famous pirate and forced to cook gourmet meals for her in exchange for his life. As a home cook who's had a small amount of actual training, I really enjoyed his descriptions of making do with only the cooking tools the ship has on hand and whatever rations he could lay his hands on. The creativity he displays in making amazing meals out of almost nothing is one of the best parts of the book. (And the descriptions of those meals - YUM.)

The formatting is set up as a kind of personal ship's log, each part dated and written down after the events happen. Wedgwood (or "Spoons," as the crew calls him) even mentions how he hides it and leaves out a decoy log, since he also writes down his dreams (and plans!) of escaping the pirates.

Some of the events in the book are incredibly predictable, but there are still a few surprises. I was a little disappointed when one thing in particular happened; I saw it coming but hoped that wasn't where the author was going with it. I know that's vague, but I don't want to spoil anything!

I enjoyed learning about Mad Hannah's background and why she's a pirate; she's fighting against the opium trade, and she actually gives Wedgwood a pretty accurate summary of the terrible things the opium trade was responsible for.

Any book that can combine sumptuous description of exotic meals with action and cannonballs will have my attention. And Brown does not shy away from proper action scenes. These are pirates, and fights get brutal. Men lose limbs if not their lives to storms and Navy bombardments. Keeping order on a pirate ship involves lashings and brute force. The book doesn't shrink from those, but it also gets philosophical with Wedgwood's description of flavors, and almost comedic with the images of using cannonballs as pestles for grinding herbs. It's that contrast and variety that makes this book so much fun to read.

You can find all my reviews at
Corpse Thief (Joshua Hawke #1)
Corpse Thief (Joshua Hawke #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I remember reading Michael Arnold's seemingly-abandoned Captain Stryker Civil War Chronicles books when they first came out, and quite enjoying them.

I wasn't so sure about the setting of his new series, of which this is the first (and currently only) entry.

None-the-less, I thought I would give it a chance anyway: after all, a gin-sodden opium addicted grave robber ex-policeman who previously participated in the Peterloo massacre is hardly, shall we say, your standard protagonist!

Set in and around London's seedy underground of the 1820s, I got a strong flavour of Jack the Ripper when reading this; of a murderer who strikes at his (or her?) victims before disappearing again, and of whom the authorities seemingly have little interest in apprehending until he - or she! - jeopardises their own interests.

It's interesting, therefore, seeing the life and time from the 'other side', as it were, from the points of view of the downtrodden masses rather than from the rich and powerful.

Be aware, however, that this is NOT a self-contained novel in its own right (well, it is and it isn't), in that some major plot threads are purposefully left hanging for the inevitable sequel.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Seeking Mr Hare in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Seeking Mr Hare
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've not read anything by Maurice Leitch before, but like most people I've heard of Burke & Hare, so thought this would be worth a read.

Overall it was very well written. As well as the historical Mr Hare, Thomas de Quincey (Confessions of An English Opium Eater) makes an appearance. The novel starts with Hare still held in gaol and we see him turn King's Evidence and be allowed to go free while his partner in crime (pun intended!) goes to the gallows. A plaster cast is taken of Hare's head and a phrenologist has a good feel of his skull!

Being somewhat notorious and with many people being outraged with his perceived escape from justice, Hare has some difficulty in getting away and he has little money and few possessions to his name.

So much for Hare's half of the narrative. His account is interspersed with chapters in the form of letters or journal entries from Mr Speed, a former police detective. He had been charged by a Lord with an interest in science and criminology to track Hare down. This is the weak point for me - I don't quite understand why. Hare was imprisoned while the trial was going on, so why is it only after he is released he has to be tracked down. What is Speed supposed to do for him employer if and when he catches up with Hare? What exact;y does he want to know? This isn't clear to me and so the book as a whole rather loses its point. I can't say much more as it will end up spoiling things, but the ending did seem very anti-climactic to me.
Stray (Outcast Mates #3)
Stray (Outcast Mates #3)
Lee Colgin | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leonas is a panther shifter who hates water. Can Jeno show him the pleasures of it?
STRAY is the third book in the Outcast Mates series, and I would highly recommend you read it as such, rather than a standalone.

I had said previously that I wanted Leonas' story and I'm happy to say, I got it. He meets a young vampire called Jeno, who has a troubled history with opium addiction. Ivaz thought he'd got rid of the nasty goblin but, instead, it just looks like he moved to a different town. The town where The Twig and Berries reside. That puts it on Leonas' radar, and he, in turn, brings Sebastian and Dominus back into the story.

I found this story to be delightful but it just didn't quite tick all the boxes for me. There were parts I loved - Leonas' hate of baths, for example - that I thought were brilliant, but there were also other parts that frustrated me. Jeno's lack of anger with Leonas was one. Yes, I agree there's no need for unnecessary angst but this WAS NECESSARY!!!!! Leonas didn't give him a chance to explain and basically kicked him out when he was needed the most. I expected at least five minutes of anger but there was nothing. This was more insta than the others and I missed the slow-burn feeling I got with the previous couples.

This is a great addition to the series and I'm really glad I've read it. I highly recommend the series, and have no hesitation in recommending this book as part of that.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Inherent Vice (2015)
Inherent Vice (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“Inherent Vice” Follows Doc (Joaquin Phoenix), a private investigator, as he falls down a dark rabbit hole into a world of crime and systemic corruption.
Phoenix is a transformative actor, delving deep into his role. We’ve seen him do it before in movies like “Walk the Line.” He becomes his character to the point that it is conceivable this just might be the real him.

It is set in bohemian 1970s California. Everything from the way the camera captures the scene, to the outfits that adorn the characters, exudes a hippy-grunge vibe.
The film encompasses multiple genres including crime, comedy, and drama.

Similar to movies like “The Big Lebowski,” it is filled with humorous moments as Doc, a well-meaning and laid back stoner, is constantly found in the middle of the proverbial shit.
When his ex-girlfriend Shasta Fay (Katherine Waterston) reappears one random day, telling him of a plot to kidnap her billionaire boyfriend and then disappears shortly after, Doc becomes consumed by his investigation into her whereabouts. He is led into a conspiracy-like web of drugs, crime, and corruption.

It is not a typical movie with a coherent storyline, rather it is an experience of what Doc goes through as a mind bending mystery unfolds before him.
Strange, subtle details leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the audience to follow along with Doc, as he tries to make some sense out of the connections he stumbles across.
The plot transpires in a blur, floating into the perceptions of the audience like the winding smoke of an opium den. With a few dull moments, it drags on at times, much like the reality of human experience tends to do.

The musical selection only adds to the film’s tantalizing stylistic ambiance – at times it’s a dull and prolonged high, other times it’s a seedy bluesy underground, or absolute instrumental lunacy. Interestingly, much of the music was composed by Radiohead lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood.

Adding to the intricacy and authenticity of the film, is a brief cameo by what is perhaps the most psychedelic band of our time, The Growlers. This moment will only be recognized by fans who are paying close attention, but is an absolutely fitting detail.

Director Paul Thomas Anderson adapted the film from the original novel written by Thomas Pynchon. Like reading a novel, the film is consuming. But because it goes by much quicker than reading a book, it may need to be watched several times for the viewer to grasp exactly what happened.

Audiences will leave theaters with a resonating feeling of pure delirium from the cerebral experience that is “Inherent Vice.”

A surreal masterpiece, I give “Inherent Vice” 5 out of 5 stars.