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Shadow and Bone - Season 1
Shadow and Bone - Season 1
2021 | Fantasy
Shadow and Bone is based upon the popular Young Adult series, The Grisha Trilogy, which takes place in a steampunk-ish, Russian fantasy world at war. The story’s main character is Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li), an orphan who discovers she has some magical powers when she journeys into something called the Fold with her childhood friend Malyen, “Mal” (Archie Renaux), for short. The witches in this fantasy world are called Grisha and are trained to help with military operations for some king. The General of this witch army is Kirigan, played by Ben Barnes. There are also two other storylines, this group of kidnappers, and a Grisha that’s enslaved.
This series wasn’t really made for a general audience, it was made for the fans of the book trilogy. The series starts, and the watcher is immediately thrust into this fantasy world that doesn’t really make much sense with no prior knowledge. If you couldn’t tell from the series description, I wasn’t really into it. It took me two months to watch all eight of the episodes. I almost didn’t keep watching after the first two episodes, but my boss encouraged me to keep going.
The storyline is your standard YA novel, a girl who didn’t know her powers, some lame love triangle, and for some reason, the girl is the only one that can save the world. Nothing new to see here. My interest was only piqued by Barnes’ character Kirigan, and Barnes was the main reason I actually kept watching the show. The seventh episode, which features Kirigan’s backstory, was the most interesting.
The whole kidnapping crew storyline wasn’t really all that interesting. The leader, Kaz (Freddy Carter) is a kingpin-type character with an unexplained limp, or I missed the explanation. The crew also had an assassin-type character, Inej (Amita Suman), who might not really have been an assassin, again, missed that explanation. The best member of this crew was Jesper (Kit Young), who was the charmer, expert trick shooter, and the second most interesting character in the series.
The subplot with the whole kidnapping Alina thing was neither here nor there, I don’t even remember the characters’ names that were involved in this subplot. Maybe it meant something to the readers of the novels, or it’ll make sense in the next season, but it certainly didn’t mean anything to me. I think I fast-forwarded through those portions in the last episode.
I think I started liking it after the seventh episode, but two interesting episodes does not make an interesting series. It’s been about a week since I finished it, and I honestly had to look up all the characters’ names. I probably seem flippant about explaining the different plots, but it’s legitimately all I remember. This series also didn’t leave me with a hankering to read the book series, nor would I care to watch any further seasons. I’m sure if you’re a fan of the book series, you’d probably love this, but it was not for me.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Jane Steele in Books

May 24, 2017  
Jane Steele
Jane Steele
Lyndsay Faye | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic Retelling
This eBook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

“Reader, I murdered him.” Jane Steele is a gothic retelling of the renowned Jane Eyre written by the celebrated Charlotte Bronte. Crime writer, Lyndsay Faye, creates an entirely new story, whilst appropriating the skeletal structure of the original classic. However, Jane Steele is nothing like the Miss Eyre everyone is familiar with. She is far more headstrong and independent, and also a murderer.

Before readers are discouraged to hear that their beloved Jane is portrayed as a criminal, the murders that occur are more of a homicidal or self-defense nature, as opposed to premeditated serial killing. In fact the first death, occurring when she is a nine year old orphan, is not her fault at all, however it prompts Jane’s wealthy aunt to pack her off to boarding school, and thus the similarities with Jane Eyre commence.

Written in an autobiographical manner, Jane describes her years at the virulent school, where she and the other girls experience abuse at the hands of the ignoble schoolmaster. As readers will recall, Eyre’s life improves in her later school years, however Jane Steele’s education comes to a premature end, resulting in her fending for herself in 19th century London.

As the blurb indicates, Jane returns to the house she grew up in after the death of her aunt, affecting to be a governess for the current owner’s ward. Mr. Charles Thornfield, a bachelor, is Jane Steele’s version of Rochester, minus the wife in the attic. The contents of the cellar, on the other hand, are a different matter…

From a romantic point of view, all happens in a similar manner to Jane Eyre, however this is where the comparisons end. With concealed crimes and secrets, as well as an unsolved murder, the story becomes the thriller it initially proposed to be. The incisive Jane Steele takes matters into her own hands – figuratively and literally – as she determines to resolve the unanswered questions.

Although not written with the intent to be comical, the stark contrasts between original and retelling create humorous scenarios. The nature of the main character in comparison with the time frame, a period where women had very little rights, makes the narrative far more exciting and amusing than the earlier novel – although not necessarily better.

Lyndsay Faye maintains the atmosphere of the 1800s with her affinity for eloquent turns of phrase and choice of words. She is a prolific author full of wonderful ideas; her ability to create a new story out of a well-known classic is a formidable skill. What is admirable is they way in which Faye has made Jane Steele a novel in its own right, and not merely a rip-off of Bronte’s work.

The skillful composition and wording will likely be loved by all, its only downfall being the reaction of hardcore Jane Eyre fans. Those who wish for the classics to be left alone and not pulled apart by contemporary authors or film directors may adopt a negative attitude towards to publication of Jane Steele. On the other hand, many will absolutely love this gothic retelling, appreciate the similarities and enjoy the new twist to the storyline. Personally, I am with the latter group.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Replica in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replica is a fascinating novel about human cloning that is written from two points of view. It's really unique because it can be read in three different ways. The first is from Lena's perspective. Lena is a replica, or clone, and has only known a life at Haven. The second is from Gemma's point of view. Gemma is a normal girl who doesn't feel like she fits in. The final method, and way I chose to read the book, was alternating chapters. The two stories are woven together seamlessly and make for a great read.

On an island surrounded by guard towers and fences, ocean and marsh, alligators and water mocassins is Have - Lyra's home. Each day she is told when to eat, sleep and take her medication. Her life is not her own. It's not even considered a life by most of the staff who address her as "it".. if they recognize her at all.

Gemma attends high school and has two overprotective parents. she was very sick as a child and her parents never quite got over it. Gemma isn't even allowed to participate in gym, which doesn't help shield her from school bullies. Instead, it makes her more of a target. Her only true friend is April.

Somehow, Gemma and April manage to convince their parents to allow them to spend their spring break at April's grandparent's house in Florida. Just days before their trip, there is an explosion at Haven. Gemma overhears her parents fighting about it and suddenly she's not longer allowed on her trip. hurt and confused, Gemma begins to dig into Haven wondering why it is so important. She discovers a world of conspiracies and realized she must uncover the truth.

Catching a ride to Florida with a classmate, Pete, Gemma rebels for the first time in her life. She goes on a harrowing adventure and her path eventually crosses with Lyra's. Together, they begin to learn the truth and uncover life-altering information about Haven and themselves.

Both Lyra and Gemma are well-written characters that the reader can relate to. Lyra, or number 24, is new to the world and slow to trust. Gemma is caring and curious. Personally, I related to Gemma more than Lyra but I know a lot of people say the opposite. They are joined by the talkative and reliable Pete; the only person to ever make it to Haven Jake; and a fellow Haven resident number 72, or Caelum. Each boy has a unique personality and purpose in the story.

The world of Haven and the replicas is fascinating. Unfortunately, we only know as much as out protagonists do. I eagerly await more world building in future books. The backstory was a giant mystery involving Gemma's father, but she slowly discovers little pieces and the world is exposed to us bit by bit.

The story immediately draws you in and you can't put the book down (or at least I couldn't!) Recommended for fans of science fiction (or fact) and mystery young adult books. Even if you don't normally gravitate towards science related fiction, this book is very accessible. Fans of BBC's Orphan Black will find themselves in love with this novel. Definitely a must read!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
J.K. Rowling | 2014 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (271 Ratings)
Book Rating
***Contains minor spoiler***
Harry Potter is young orphan living with his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and Cousin Dudley. The Dursley’s are not a nice family and Harry is near non-existent to them. Strange things start happening, things that Harry cannot explain but he can’t tell the Dursley’s as they already look at him like he is something they have trodden in. One day Harry gets a letter, Harry never gets letters, he doesn’t know anyone. Only Mrs Figg down the road but she wouldn’t send a letter and surely she doesn’t know he sleeps in the cupboard under the stairs. Unfortunately the letter is snapped away before Harry can open it, whoever wants to get hold of Harry is persistent, the next day 2 letters arrive the day after that 3 and so on and till Uncle Vernon is at breaking point and takes the family to a deserted shack on a little island. Vernon thinks he has outsmarted the sender until a huge monstrous man charges through the shack and introduces himself as Hagrid from Hogwarts, the school of magic and wizardry. Harry is shocked to find that this Hagrid knows his name and is now telling him that he is a wizard and a famous one at that. Harry finds himself being whisked off into a magical world where people play a sport called Quidditch and have potion lessons. He makes friends with Ron and Hermione but also he makes enemies of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle from the Slytherin House. With him trying to pass his first year at Hogwarts and bypassing Filch in the corridors, it seems that Harry is to be at the centre of attention and adventures as Voldermort tries to kill Harry for the second time.

I loved this book, I liked all the characters. My daughter asked me who my favourite character was and I couldn’t answer it, they were all equally good and when I asked my partner who has been listening to it on Audio he couldn’t pick a favourite either. (Harry Potter on audio narrated by Stephen Fry is supposed to be amazing) All the characters were equally fleshed out they were complex and three-dimensional, there are a lot of characters to this book but it’s not overwhelming. The world building was brilliant even without the pictures from this book you would have a clear understanding of what Hogwarts was like. The different characters names, spells, potions and various animals/mythical creatures were just phenomenal, Rowling has one pretty amazing imagination and she grips you from the start and holds on to the finish. The ending to this book was great, it gave me a fuzzy feeling inside and also happy goosebumps. The writing style was easy to read as it’s aimed at children as our main character is only eleven in this book, however this shouldn’t put you off reading it. It doesn’t matter how old you are, this book is for everyone who just wants a bit of magic and adventure in their life. I have to say that JK Rowling has changed a lot for children, reading has become joyous and somewhat an inspiration and pivotal role in the educational system, my daughter is at primary school and is set into houses just like Hogwarts and gain points and urges them to do better.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Tolkien (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Tolkien (2019)
Tolkien (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Tolkien shows us a snapshot of the author's younger years from orphan to student, from soldier to scholar. I don't know much about his history but I'm familiar with the estate and I was surprised that this went through without their blessing. Not knowing the background I can't say how much is true and how much is artistic license, and sadly in this instance, I'm really not too bothered about finding out. Other biopics have left me with a desire to find out more about the subject matter but this left me rather indifferent about it.

It's not a wildly exciting life story that's captured in the film, what I found more compelling was the way that the creative process was depicted. The way they used visuals to connect everything in his life to his stories was beautifully done. The war scenes are stunning in their simplicity, seeing the colours against the stark backgrounds was incredible and I love how they managed to weave his visions into them. The mist effect was particularly well done.

I love the idea that Tolkien saw all these ideas in what most people would dismiss as life or a trick of the light. At the beginning of the film we see his mother telling the brother a story with the use of a zoetrope. (I'm not sure it's technically a zoetrope, do let me know what it is if I'm wrong.) The way they managed to create the feeling of life in those projections was mesmerising.

I'm quite aware that I haven't mentioned a single member of the cast yet. To be honest, I think I was so engrossed in the visuals that the rest of it was just kind of... there.

I found it difficult to keep track of who was who in his fellowship. I couldn't have told you their names or their individual niches. In fact, near the end I realised I'd got one of their names wrong the entire way through my notes.

Nicholas Hoult isn't an actor I'm particularly excited for in films, he is a consistent performer but I don't think I've seen anything that's wowed me. As Tolkien thought he did bring some surprisingly emotional elements... I definitely hadn't expected to cry at this screening. If I'd have been Edith in the moment where she asks him to tell her a story I'd have fallen in love with him on the spot, it had me leaning in intrigued to see him working everything out.

Visually, the movie is stunning and the feeling it creates is perfect, but everything else in the film felt very non-descript, and a lot of it seemed like it just had a place to make you link it to his writings. Tolkien is more of a nostalgic trip down memory lane than a biopic.

What you should do

The visuals on the big screen were amazing, but I don't think there's enough going on in the rest of the film to warrant a trip to the cinema for it. Try and catch it when it's available on home release though.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

The ability to create a wall of ideas without getting annoyed that nothing was lined up straight.
News of the World (2020)
News of the World (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Tom Hanks and Director Paul Greengrass have combined to create a truly moving and memorable western which is one of the best films of 2020.

Hanks stars as Captain Kidd; a former Confederate Captain making his way in occupied Texas in the post-Civil-War era. Kidd travels from town to town reading various newspaper stories of interest to gathered locals who are too busy or unable to read the news and look forward to his lively interpretations of news of interest on a local and national level.

On his way to his next location; Kidd comes upon a fair skinned blonde girl wearing Native American clothing and speaking a tribal dialect he does not understand. The fact that their cart has been overturned and a lone male is hanging from a tree leads Kidd to uncover the tragic history of the child.

According to documents he discovers in the wreck; she was taken during a raid and her parents and sibling killed. The tribe that raised her was subsequently killed leaving her an orphan twice over. As such; the girl named Johanna (Helena Zengel); is to be taken to a nearby town and remanded to a local agency for transportation to an Aunt and her husband over 600 miles away.

Kidd sees it as his duty to take her to the nearby town which is confirmed by some passing Union soldiers who occupy the area during the Reconstruction era much to the scorn of the locals who are stinging from losing the Civil War.

Things do not go as planned as Kid is told that the authority in charge of such cases is away for three months so he must either wait or deliver the girl himself.

Thanks to the help of a former soldier under his command, Kidd sets out on the road to Dallas and then to the very dangerous areas beyond as he attempts to take Johanna to safety.

Along the way the two will face danger, challenges, and bond on a very memorable journey.

Hanks is very solid in the role and his character is compassionate yet complex. There is a reason for his generosity and he attempts to make peace with the pain and regret in his life by trying to do what is right and coming to terms with what has plagued him.

The film moves at a steady pace and does not have many extended action sequences but when action does arrive it is central to the story and never seems gratuitous.

Zengel is a great pairing with Hanks as the young German actress will be one to watch going forward. She is able to convey so much without an abundance of lines and you can clearly see how well she and Hanks clicked.

The visuals of the film are scenic as the audience really gets a look at the rugged beauty of the land and life during this era. It was fascinating to see what Dallas and San Antonio looked like in the 1860s after knowing them as the modern cities that they are today.

There is much to like about the film and I am eagerly putting “News of the World” on my best of 2020 list and I truly hope this film gets the recognition it deserves come awards time as it is truly a wonderful and inspiring film that is cinema at its finest.

4.5 stars out of 5


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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Heirs in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Heirs
The Heirs
Susan Rieger | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rupert Falkes is a wealthy, (somewhat) self-made man. A British orphan, he came to America, charmed his way into Yale Law, and made a career as a successful lawyer. He also married well: the beautiful (and rich) Eleanor Phipps. Together, the pair had five sons (Harry, Will, Sam, Jack, and Tom) and a happy life. When Rupert dies of cancer, a woman comes forward, claiming to have had two sons with him as well. The revelation causes different reactions among Eleanor and all the Falkes boys (now men), setting off a chain of reactions throughout the privileged family.

I'll be honest; I requested this ARC solely because I enjoyed Reiger's previous novel, [b:The Divorce Papers|18142403|The Divorce Papers|Susan Rieger||25489091], so much. I did not realize THE HEIRS was set in New York City and focused purely on a wealthy family--it seems like so many of these novels lately are tedious, and I can't find any connection to the characters.

And, truly, at first seemed it seemed like a boring look at a bunch of rich people. However, the novel becomes more interesting and nuanced as it progresses, with the viewpoints varying by chapter (and really within each chapter). The story is told by the people who were within Rupert Falkes' orbit. We hear from his wife, some of his sons, and past love interests of both Rupert and Eleanor. It turns out to be an effective way to tell the story, with bits and pieces of various stories coming out from the characters throughout the book, including about the possible illegitimate sons. (The focus is less on these two potential heirs than you would think, albeit their potential existence sort of kicks off the story.)

About halfway through, I found many of the characters to be petulant and annoying again--probably because we were in whiny middle son Sam's chapter. Truly, a lot of the people in this book are jerks. Sadly, Eleanor and Rupert's sons aren't always of the best character. Still, Eleanor is a fascinating person. She's strong, witty, and deep. She was definitely my favorite character in the novel, and any stories related to her were my favorite as well.

There is a lot of talk about money, class, and heritage in the novel. It's set in an earlier time period; it sometimes seems a bit much, but I suppose it's a realistic portrayal of wealthy New York in that era. Still, it is a lot of Jews versus Gentiles, rich versus poor, Yale versus Princeton.

I was a bit torn on this one for a bit, but I can't deny that I really enjoyed it, even if I didn't always like the characters. Besides, I was quite taken with Eleanor and even Anne (the wife of Eleanor's past love, Jim). Rieger is simply a good writer: her books are crisp and sharp. While on the surface the novel seems to be about a bunch of rich people, it also depicts the ties that bind us; there's meaning behind the sniping. There are touching moments in this novel, heartbreaking ones, and even funny ones. I didn't love it quite as much as THE DIVORCE PAPERS, and would probably rate as it 3.75 stars, but I'll round up to 4 stars here.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Librarything (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 05/23/2017.

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I received this book through the Goodreads First Read Giveaway and have to say, I am so glad it landed on my doormat!

The story is set in a medieval style alternative world, and follows the sudden changes taking place in the kingdom. Errol, an orphan and drunkard, embarks on a strange quest which sees him travel through the kingdom to the capital, meeting people who help and hinder him along the way, and becoming a completely different man in the process.

I have to admit, when I first started to get into this, the book gripped me from the first chapter, which I liked, but which also concerned me whether or not Carr could continue that momentum through out over 300 pages. Boy was I wrong! What a wonderfully written story this is! The plot is incredibly engaging and keeps you hooked all the way through, with delicate twists and turns, secrets and spies all up until the very last few words. In fact, so much happens, it's hard not to spoil any of it when writing a review!

Another huge positive in this book is the characters. Errol is a wonderfully written character, and the way Carr shows his development through the book is excellently done, delivering the changes so gradually that when he finally does flourish into the 'man for the job' (ambiguous I know, but I'm trying not to spoil it for those who are yet to read, and believe me, you will!) it feels sudden as you forget in that moment all the gradual changes that have taken place. The other characters are equally enjoyable and engaging, whether it's the dilemma and greed of caravan masters, mysterious members of The Watch, or even the various clergy you encounter throughout the book, all with ulterior motives and all keeping secrets with each other. They all help contribute something special to this tale, and although you would have thought it would be difficult to keep track of all the secrets and duplicities, but it's written in such a wonderful way, woven delicately together with immense skill, that it isn't hard at all, in fact, I found myself thinking about them after I put the book down and trying to pick it apart in my own head.

Something else that needs mentioning, is the flow of this book. It's brilliantly linked from one part to the next, and I found the action to be playing out like a film in my head. This is a book that even those with the least imagination could 'see' as they read, which is testament to the excellence of the writing. I have to be honest, I would love to see this made into a film series, as I think there is so much potential for a 'box office smash' and the characters would be great on the big screen, but that's just my opinion.

Overall, this is a truly wonderful start to what I imagine will become a best selling saga. The foundations are incredibly well written and are firmly set, with many outcomes possible, and I wouldn't be surprised if more characters were added to this eclectic mix. I honestly cannot recommend this book highly enough, it was thoroughly engaging and enjoyable, 'un-put-downable' and a book I will be pushing into the hands of friends all over the place and urging them to read! Carr is a fantastic new talent in this genre and someone I will most definitely be watching out for future releases from, especially this saga as I am on tenterhooks to discover the destiny of the kingdom! Well done Patrick Carr, a fabulous piece of writing that, I think, will stand the test of time, now when can we get our hands on the next instalment?