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The Austere Academy (A Series of Unfortunate Events #5)
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Baudelaires, after every other disaster that has happened in their lives, arrive at Prufrock Preparatory School with Mr Poe.

The Austere Academy doesn’t even start off happy. The school the Baudelaire’s arrive at looks depressing at best. The individual buildings look like tombstones, and the vice principal is a self-obsessed, violin playing dictator.

The Baudelaire’s go straight off to a rough start, being told that since they didn’t have a guardian’s permission to live with the rest of the students, they must live in the Orphan Shack – a mouldy shack infested with crabs.

It’s probably one of the most depressing books in the series so far because even though Count Olaf reappears (shocker), they’ve begun to give up telling adults who he is because they are never believed. The Baudelaires seem on the verge of completely giving up and letting Count Olaf and his associates win.

There is a small beam of hope where they meet the Quagmires, and I’ll leave it at that to avoid spoiling the entire book.

The series is just starting to pick up with this book as it begins to reveal some of the mysteries and secrets which have been looming since the first book. It really seems that this book marks a turning point in the series and really starts off the uncovering of all of the mysteries surrounding the Baudelaire’s circumstances.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hands of the Ripper (1971) in Movies

May 27, 2018 (Updated May 27, 2018)  
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
1971 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bring the Daughter; Have some Slaughter
Pretty decent Hammer horror melodrama set in a sort of grab-bag version of late Victorian London. Anna (Rees) grows up an orphan, little suspecting the identity of her father, or the fact that she seems to have inherited his compulsion to kill. An ambitious psychiatrist (Porter) takes her under his wing, believing he can help her with her little problem. (As ever, hubris comes before a gory comeuppance.) Meanwhile, Hammer whips up gallons of fake blood.

Not-bad production values and decent performances go a long way to make up for some fairly preposterous plotting; you get the classic Hammer sense of a traditional costume drama coupling energetically with a disreputable exploitation movie, with a good time had by all. On the one hand this is another tale of an improbably arrogant man whose specific area of brilliance doesn't stop him making a whole series of insanely bad decisions; on the other it is about the power of men to seriously screw up the lives of women in patriarchal societies (so perhaps still somewhat relevant). Film does an interesting little dance, too: are Anna's problems purely psychological or is she genuinely possessed by the spirit of the Ripper? Well put together, some interesting ideas, doesn't outstay its welcome - definitely worth a look if old British horror movies are your thing.
The Secrets We Keep
The Secrets We Keep
Liz Milliron | 2024 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Secrets Lead to Murder
Betty Ahern has just gotten her PI license, and she has a new case, as well. Private Christopher Lake was raised as an orphan, but he’s started to wonder what really happened to his parents. With only a St. Christopher medal as a clue, Betty sets out to see what she can learn. She’s just making progress when someone connected with the case dies. Can she figure out what is happening before Christopher ships out again?

I’ve enjoyed this series set in Buffalo during World War II, and this was another great entry. Even before the murder happened, I was hooked by what Betty was learning. Things only got more interesting the further I got into the book, until I reached the great climax. There are some timeline issues, but they are mostly annoying and don’t impact the story itself. Betty is really growing as an investigator, and it was nice to watch her follow some small clues in this book. The suspects are sharp, and I enjoyed seeing the returning characters again. There is a sub-plot that flows from the previous book in the series, and a few references to past stories, but nothing that is truly a spoiler. If you are interested in this time period, you’ll enjoy these books. If you are already a fan, you’ll enjoy this latest entry.
The BFG (2016)
The BFG (2016)
2016 | Family, Sci-Fi
6.8 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fun Family Film
An orphan girl is in for the surprise of her life when she stumbles upon a world of giants and, in the process, makes a best friend.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10
You quickly learn in The BFG that all giants are not created equal. You have your bullies, your overeaters, your dumb giants. The Big Friendly Giant is in a class of his own, a character you quickly come to appreciate. He’s smart but humble and is the type of being that would give you the shirt off his back…even if that shirt is eight sizes too large. He makes you care about what ultimately happens to him and his intriguing home world.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 2

Genre: 7
Entertaining and worthy of a watch, but falls just short of other upper echelon kids films I’ve seen.

Memorability: 6

Pace: 7

Plot: 2

Resolution: 8
Satisfies with a warm, feel-good ending anyone can get behind. Slightly far-fetched, but definitely a good payoff.

Overall: 70
The BFG gives you a lot to entertain you, namely it’s crisp visuals and the beautiful detail amongst the giants and their world. There is a dream world scene that I highly recommend watching in 4K as it’s colors are brilliant and pop off the screen. The pace, and the film as a whole, is far from perfect but it’s worth at least a single watch.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 12, 2020  
Today on my blog, author Amanda Cabot stops by for a fantastic interview where she discusses her writing as well as her new historical Christian romance novel OUT OF THE EMBERS. Check it out, and enter the GIVEAWAY to win a $25 Barnes & Noble or $10 Starbucks GIFT CARD as well as a copy of Hill Country Sweets Cookbook and Out of the Embers.

Ten years after her parents were killed, Evelyn Radcliffe is once more homeless. The orphanage that was her refuge and later her workplace has burned to the ground, and only she and a young orphan girl have escaped. Convinced this must be related to her parents' murders, Evelyn flees with the girl to Mesquite Springs in the Texas Hill Country and finds refuge in the home of Wyatt Clark, a talented horse rancher whose plans don't include a family of his own.

At first, Evelyn is a distraction. But when it becomes clear that trouble has followed her to Mesquite Springs, she becomes a full-blown disruption. Can Wyatt keep her safe from the man who wants her dead? And will his own plans become collateral damage?

Suspenseful and sweetly romantic, Out of the Embers is the first in a new series that invites you to the Texas Hill Country in the 1850s, when the West was wild, the men were noble, and the women were strong.
The Wrangler and the Orphan (Farthingdale Ranch #4)
The Wrangler and the Orphan (Farthingdale Ranch #4)
Jackie North | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE WRANGLER AND THE ORPHAN is the fourth book in the Farthingdale Ranch series, and although technically, I suppose you could read as a standalone, I personally feel it works best in a group.

Brody has been the strong, silent one up until now, turning Clay down when he came onto him. He kept himself to himself, preferring the company of the horses. Now we find out why. He had a horrific childhood himself and was rescued (quite literally) by Quint. This means he is able to understand fully where Kit is coming from and knows exactly how he feels.

This is slow-burn, with a couple of steamy moments, but the focus is on their relationship, and the changes Kit goes through as he finds somewhere so completely different to what he has known, he thinks it's like a TV show.

Although Brody has his own scars, both internal and external, Kit never questions them or Brody's past, and I really wish he had. No, they weren't the same, but I do think it would have helped.

This was a great addition to the series that I read in one sitting, so do I recommend it? You betcha!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 26, 2021
Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1)
Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1)
Sarra Cannon | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I used to read a lot of Young Adult, Fiction and Fantasy books before. My little sister mentioned to me a few weeks ago that she started reading this genre. I decided that it would be a good thing to join her in this adventure, and to read some of the books she's reading.
I have also asked for recommendations on the bookshelf that I made especially for this, and received so many responses. Thank you to all of you who contributed, and this is the list that we have now - <a href="">Tea's Wishlist</a>
<b><i>Beautiful Demons is the first book of the Shadow Demons series.</i></b>
It is a story about Harper Madison, an orphan, that went from one family to another, causing troubles all her life and on one occasion, unintentionally made fire and burned people to death. With no family willing to take her now, she has to go to Shadowford, a place for troubled orphan girls.
<b><i>But what if everything happens for a reason? And why is this whole town so mysterious? Why, for the first time, she actually belongs somewhere?
Everyone in this town seems to be hiding something? And that is just the beginning…</i></b>

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Even though this book is quite short, I was actually amused as to how much it was able to cover. I was pulled in from the first chapter, and this kept me going until the last.
We have all seen the new girl, new town, new school, being bullied type of scenario, and the cheerleaders owning the school and dating the jocks. This is the same, except it isn’t. It is spiced up with mystery and magic, and cheerleaders are just a metaphor of all that lies behind it. I will only reveal this much - the moment you get accepted to become a cheerleader, your life changes. But that is also the moment you realise it's only the beginning.
I liked Harper's character, and how she was presented. Sometimes she was too naïve and vulnerable for her own good, sometimes a bit too reckless when she didn't have enough information and clues. She was though, a nice young girl example of making brave decisions, but also a bad example of making stupid decisions…
The plot twist in the end was amazing, and I could never see that coming.
I think the purpose of this book was to make a nice scene building for the next books in the series, and to raise our curiosity. A lot of questions were raised, and not many were answered, which proves my point.
I really enjoyed the beginning of this series, and will definitely be reading the next books.
Triptych (Will Trent, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It goes show, you should really read the first book in a series before heading to the next. I was trying to prepare myself for a Q&A session with the author and so I grabbed the first book that was available to me and that was her third Will Trent novel, Undone. I really enjoyed that book as well. And while I enjoyed Triptych as well, it seemed to move a bit slower for me. There was a lot of character development, which of course I expected and was looking for in the other book. Now, I've got it.

Will Trent is an orphan and a bit illiterate. He is a detective with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and he has just been assigned a new case. When a hooker is found dead, raped, and with her tongue cut out, questions start to arise. There have been other cases like this one, but the girls were much younger, so why the change in M.O.? Will is working with Dekalp County police officer Michael Ormewood on the case. And when Ormewood's neighbor becomes one of the victims, the story takes and unusual turn.

Angie Pulaski and Will Trent go way back. Angie is also a police officer, but she is undercover as a hooker. Helping Will with this case, she meets someone who has an interesting connection. John Shelly, recently released from prison, his rap sheet looks a lot like these recent murders.

Will John Shelly be heading back to jail?
Long Trail Home (Texas Trails, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Long Trail Home is a compelling story about forgiveness and ultimately coming back home. Not only in the natural but in the spiritual.

We follow the story of Laura, Annie and Riley. Laura is the instructor of a school for blind children. She has sacrificed her own long term dreams for the children that she loves and adores. But when the school has been threatened to be shut down, will those dreams resurface? Annie, once was a homeless orphan. Now she has a family at the school, but will her deception be her undoing? She has found God's forgiveness but will her fellow man be as forgiving? Riley, a soldier come home to devastation after the war has found peace and refuge working at the school. But will he ever find "home" again?

I enjoyed Long Trail Home. Although the story line was a bit slow at times, there is enough action to keep it going and Vickie McDonough relays a great message. Forgiveness is the main basis of the story. God's forgiveness of the sins we have committed. Forgiveness of our selves. And the forgiveness of others. Coming clean and telling the truth can be the hardest thing to do at times. Especially when we are afraid of what others think. But the best thing we can do for our selves is to walk in the truth and trust that our Heavenly Father will care for us and protect us and lead us home.

I received a free copy of Long Trail Home from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
1960 | Action, Adventure, Western

"My fondness for the western has probably got to be included in here, but it can’t be something like Hombre, which is kind of silly. You know, I’d probably go Magnificent Seven, truthfully, if I’m going five, because seeing Charles Bronson, seeing Steve McQueen come into his own and just sit there and steal focus is kind of awesome. It’s one of those movies that has a pretty simple story, like a lot of great westerns, and I love simple storytelling. I think it’s so powerful. And I think The Magnificent Seven’s very simple storytelling and seeing that crazy group of guys – Yul Brynner, Bronson, across the board – all on horseback, sort of wondering what it was like shooting that, to me, as an actor, that always fascinates me. Knowing the amount of egos and the points in their careers when they had to shoot that movie, that, to me, as an adult, makes me put that on this list. When you watch the McQueen documentary about him, it breaks down how, whereas Paul Newman always seemed so relaxed and cool on set, McQueen was a fighter. He was an orphan who was constantly fighting for validation, you know? And they would talk about how, if you were in a scene with him, forget it. He was going to steal focus. In one scene, I think he’s reloading his gun, and it’s not even his scene, and it’s like, forget it. He wants you to just stare him in the eyes. [laughs] It’s pretty great."
