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Killer Cocktail
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nic and Nigel have recently discovered some home movies from the production of A Winter’s Night, a huge movie from 20 years ago famous not only for the wonderful story but the behind the scenes drama, including the death of the original star. They are the talk of the Oscars, but a break in convince the couple that there is someone on those tapes someone doesn’t want seen. Can they figure out what that is?

This is a second delightful romp with a modern day homage to The Thin Man, not that you need to be familiar with the original to enjoy this book. The book includes portions of the tapes that have been found, and since they introduce us to the suspects and motives, they are important. I thought I had things figured out early on, but I turned out to be wrong. The characters are a lot of fun, and the banter kept me grinning if not laughing outright.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Apollo 13 (1995)
Apollo 13 (1995)
1995 | Action, Drama, History
No problems here!
Everyone was waiting to see what Tom Hanks would do next after winning his back-to-back Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. It ended up being another wondrous film about the true story of the doomed space mission and the many people who banded together to help save the lives of the three astronauts.

Everything about the film is fantastic including the acting, screenplay and special effects. If this film were made today, I think filmmakers would have tried to go too high tech and CGI when this is a human story and a triumph of the human spirit vs. something more savvy.

I really miss Bill Paxton most of all. His performance in the film was magnificent and hilarious, just like all his memorable characters. I truly miss him every day.

Through my melancholies, I was able to enjoy a perfect film like this. You know you are watching something truly awe-inspiring when you know how it's going to end and it still chokes you up.
A Star Is Born Soundtrack by Lady Gaga
A Star Is Born Soundtrack by Lady Gaga
2018 | Soundtrack
I was recently lucky enough to win this CD in a Smashbomb giveaway, so here's my review!

If you'd read my review of the movie back in October, you'll know that I found it to be one of this years big disappointments (sorry!). For me, the first half was an 8/10, the second half a 4/10, so I ended up giving it a 6 overall. That being said, the best thing about the movie, and the thing that remains consistent throughout, is the music. By now you'll have probably heard Shallow thousands of times by now as it gathers frequent radio plays, and the Oscars are sure to follow. But there are so many other great songs, and it's great to be able to have all of them collected together as Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga both have incredible voices. With accompanying dialogue in-between tracks, it's like having all of the best bits from the movie, without all the boring stuff that starts dragging it down.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Reign of Fire (2002) in Movies

Apr 13, 2020 (Updated Apr 13, 2020)  
Reign of Fire (2002)
Reign of Fire (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
Better than you'd think
I remember watching this when it first came out and being fairly impressed. I havent seen it since so decided to give it a go and it's really not as bad as you'd expect.

Story wise it's a great idea for an apocalypse style scenario, definitely beats a zombie film any day. I'm surprised something like this hasn't made a resurgence after the popularity of the dragons in Game of Thrones. Christian Bale is always enjoyable as a lead character, although his London cockney accent does make me laugh. Matthew McConaughey has potentially been given a rather cliched character but he does have a lot of fun with it at least.

The effects and CGI are potentially a little dated at times, but that's to be expected with something that is now 18 years old. There are some cliched and cheesy lines and a few predictable and cheesy moments, but overall it's just a rather enjoyable bit of entertainment. The ending is a bit cheesy as well but I wouldnt have expected it to end any other way. It won't win any Oscars, but I feel like it's a film that's been fairly forgotten and underrated over time.