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Then There Was You
Kara Isaac | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Then There Was You is a story filled with heartache, regret, pain, broken dreams...and the journey that Paige and Josh must traverse to gain the healing they need in order to move on with their lives.

There is a love triangle-squareish thing going on. But tastefully done and did not make me uncomfortable or annoyed. It felt very real and a situation that is very believable. Being set in Australia and jumping back and forth from an American perspective and an Australian's it really helped the perspective of how differently cultures can be even if they speak the same language. I LOVED it! I adore learning about different cultures...Even if I was disappointed to learn a thing or two about Koalas that weren't all that great. And drop bears! Y'all better watch out for those if you ever visit the land down under!

This story depicts the amazing hand of God at work in our lives. Sometimes, the things He has for us are even greater than we ever thought possible. Even if we can't see how it could ever work out.

Both Paige and Josh let preconceived ideas influence their opinions of each other. Only through trust and removing the walls they have placed around themselves will they be able to see the truth. But when that trust is tested will everything they have built be for naught?

A touching and moving romance infused with the healing that only God can provide. Travel Down Under with Paige McAllister for the adventure of a lifetime.

I received a complimentary copy of Then There Was You from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
 The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
Mary E. Pearson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
That was one of the hardest books I had to rate and review. The reason is that the adult part of me had very specific expectations while my young teenager self was reminding me that this is a YA book. More details.

Things that I liked:
-Lia is taking control of her destiny and do everything she can to save her people. As with the previous books is a strong female character, with personality and a big heart.
- We keep seeing how Lia is still attached to Venda and is also willing to help them. Is not just about saving her people but it's also about saving the people of Venda from their tyrant.
-Nice twists regarding Kaden past.
-Nice twists regarding Lia family
-I liked Lia's and her family dynamic.

Things my teenager self liked:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending.

Things I didn't like:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending... As an adult, I really didn't like that. First of all, if you have a love triangle and for two books you are telling us how much both Rafe and Kaden are sooooo deeply in love with Lia you don't get to just make Kaden fall in love with Pauline out of the blue and forget about Lia and just be besties. NO. I want my heart to be broken. I had mentally prepared myself for him to die or at the end to de like "I can be around you if you are not mine" and just leave. The author had an amazing opportunity to break our hearts but not... It's a YA book we can't do that. I sound like a crazy person I know...
-I felt this book was slower than it should have been. I was 40 pages from the end and this big battle between the ferocious army of Venda haven't even started. We had a big build-up from the previous book and I wanted an epic battle with twists and turns but it didn't happen.
-For 3 book we were told that Lia would have to "sacrifice" herself for the greater good. Well, that didn't happen either. Well, she "sacrificed" because she became the queen of Venda and couldn't be with Rafe. Ok, I can deal with that but then at the end, Lia and Rafe are "we love each other so we'll make it work", sooo... where is the sacrifice? Again a great opportunity to break our hearts but no... we went with the happy ending.

As I said this is a YA book so I'm perfectly aware of the author choices and I respect them. As a teenager, this would have probably been a 10/10. But if this final book was written for an adult audience it could have been heartbreaking and amazing.
Opposed Desires (Rehoboth Pact #2)
Opposed Desires (Rehoboth Pact #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love that we had to wait for Seina to give in!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Rehoboth Pact series, but it's not necessary to have rea book 1, Confined Desires, before this. Not necessary, but I would strongly RECOMMEND you do. Aubrey revokes the Pact in that book, and you need to know why.

Aubrey is a player. She goes out and gets one she wants, and there are no repeats. She is the polar opposite of Selina, who would rather go without than do what Aubrey does. In a moment of something totally out of character for BOTH these women, there is a fundamental shift in their relationship. But this is a vacation, and the real world encroaches.

I really enjoyed book 1, and I really enjoyed this one, for different reasons.

This is HEAVY on the emotional aspect from both these women. Aubs mum is ill, and she is worried that things are really bad again. Selina is lonely: she wants someone to love her, just as she is. And I cried a bit for both Aubs and Selina, I really did. They are both a little bit broken by their life experiences and actually talking to each other, rather than sniping at each other, starts them on a path neither is quite prepared for.

I love love LOVED that I had to wait for Selina to give in to Aubrey. But equally than AUBREY was the one who really wanted to wait. Aubrey usually had a different girl every night, but a whole vacation week, without a single one? Totally unheard of and I loved that her friends noticed. The smexy stuff is not especially explicit, but I'm finding I like that in these books. There is more to a relationship than sex and these women are finding that.

Skye and Mia (from book 1) are here, but also Kyle, who is the third in this little trio of friends. We didn't meet her before and she has a tale to tell, I can feel it. Her book is next, but not til bloody January! Kyle revokes the Pact here.

creeping up to 4.5 stars, (but rounding down to 4 for the blog, sorry!) can't quite stetch to five, but maybe Kyle can squeeze that extra bit outta me!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Willoughbys (2020)
The Willoughbys (2020)
2020 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Character development (or not) (3 more)
Good messages
Cute music
Adorable storyline
Random Candy Guy (0 more)
Absolutely Adorable
This film takes hard and upsetting topics, addressing them in a light-er tones that can be understood by children. This film is a heartwarming tale about the trust meaning of family and what it really means to choose your family. At the end (no spoilers!) there is a single moment where I began to worry that it would be one of THOSE movies and trust me you'll know it when you see it. I'll give you a hint and say it involves es both the parents and kids but that's all I'm saying!
The reason I enjoyed this film so much definitely has to do with how they chose to address the topics of social services and what it means to put a child into the system. They also do this in such a way that a child can understand and clearly see that there's something not right with how they go about things. However, despite this, they do not make 'orphan services' as it's called in the film, the bad guy. Rather they add a slightly different tone, hinting that they care and that their coldness is a result of trying to be apart of the working system. They're not the 'problem' in the film but simply another aspect within the film pushing the real problem. The system is broken, a system set up to help and keep children safe (they even mention it in film), is instead breaking up families for no other reason than minimal circumstance and (not sure if people caught this one) NO EVIDENCE.
I fear I'm starting to hint around spoilers so I'll say no more but the film is worth a look. Even if you don't necessarily like kid films the ideas in this film on family and 'the system' is truly something to marvel.
Little Secrets
Little Secrets
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't get me wrong. This is a really good book. It takes any parent's worst fear and turns it into a raw, dark page-turner. I think what made me a little sad about this thriller is that is was so hyped, so loved that I felt a little let down when I read it. Was it good? Yes, it was. Jennifer Hillier is an amazing writer, and I will always love her books. But did it blow me away like I was hoping? No. And I was a bit disappointed by that. Maybe I'm just becoming jaded in my old age.

Again, this not me saying not to read this book. It's good. It's emotional and sad, twisty and deep. But I also found a lot of it far more predictable than I thought I would. I had an inkling who had taken Sebastian from the beginning and while I still wanted to read the story, I felt a little let down by that. I guessed several of the other big "aha" moments too. Sigh. Maybe I've just read too many thrillers.

Still, this is quite a page-turner, and I read it over the span of two days. You're pulled quickly into Marin's horrible world, where she's completely broken by the aftermath of losing--literally losing--Sebastian. She feels hopeless and when she realizes Derek has cheated on her, it gives her a purpose, even if it is a misguided one. Kenzie works well as an enemy--appearing young and vapid. Derek comes across as a heartless man ignoring his depressed wife. As things build up, you know that an inevitable confrontation will not go well. I just wish I hadn't guessed how said confrontation would go.

However, just about everyone on the planet loved this book unconditionally, so you can't go wrong picking it up. 3.75 stars from me.
    Minitutor: Number Crusher

    Minitutor: Number Crusher

    Education and Games

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    Practice early math skills with a fun learning game for kids. Learn the numbers, how to count and...