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Merissa (11800 KP) rated Never Again in Books

Jun 8, 2023  
Never Again
Never Again
Heather Starsong | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is simply amazing and it should be read by everybody. I can't put it any plainer than that!

We start of with Clara, an old lady in her garden, feeling all the aches and pains of being over 80-years-old. Then she starts to tell a story, which will quickly enfold you and have you completely entranced, hanging onto every word. She has a tale to tell and she won't finish until she has.

This book raises some important issues, gives you questions, also gives you answers that I personally would love to be true, and makes you ponder. All of this is a good thing as far as I am concerned. I loved how she wasn't comfortable with her 'old-fashioned' values, inside the body of a younger woman. I thought Zachary was a jerk, and refused to admit that I was the same generation as him! I adored Lenny and his eyebrows.

I will not give out anymore to do with the story, except to say that this book blindsided me. I honestly thought I'd just be getting a 'normal, run-of-the-mill' science fiction. What I got was a biographical account, a fascinating story that tore at my heartstrings and emotions. I loved every moment of reading this and certainly didn't want it to end, especially not once it became clear what would happen at the end.

A fascinating concept, executed with perfection, and definitely one to keep. Absolutely recommended. (ps, don't forget the Kleenex)

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 5, 2016

Andrew Rich (36 KP) rated Nintendo Wii in Tech

Jun 20, 2019  
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
7.9 (26 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Homebrew options including emulation (4 more)
Back compatibility
Good 3rd party hardware support
Intuitive user interface
Huge enthusiast base for support
No true HD output (1 more)
Fully deprecated by Nintendo as of January 2019
Better with age
Almost 13 years ago, Nintendo gave us the Wii, and if the enthusiast community is any measure, the Wii is still going strong. Even at its release, it wasn't the most powerful console - it wouldn't even do HD - and never had the game selection of the PS3 or XBox360, but it managed to chug along.

The motion controls are either fantastic - as in Wii Sports, Mario Kart and Skyward Sword, or just felt gimmicky, and even terrible - as in Mario Party 9, Ninjabread Man, and Chicken Shoot, and some didn't even use them, like my personal favorite @Muramasa: The Demon Blade. But the fact remains that it was, and is, still a good system.

These days, the original release games either look incredibly dated, or were designed around the system's limitations, and still manage to look good, but we're not seeing anymore new releases (except, of course, for Just Dance 2020. Thanks UbiSoft! ) so why is the Wii still good?

Well, between being back compatible to the GameCube, the Wii is also an absolute beast when it comes to emulating classic systems, from the Atari 2600 up to the original PlayStation. Add the Wii Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro, and you've got a one-stop shop for every Nintendo Console - including handhelds - from the NES up to the Wii, as well as systems from Atari, Coleco, NEC, Sega, and Sony. It turns out the Wii is a great option for those of us who want to play the old classics, but aren't collectors; and might want games not on the NES, SNES, or PS classic mini consoles.

All this time later, that little box of tricks is still proving its use!
Once Upon A Wolf (Wayward Wolves #1)
Once Upon A Wolf (Wayward Wolves #1)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MAHOOSIVE sugar rush!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book is the first in a new series by Rhys Ford. You all know I love her work, and this one is no exception! It came with a warning though, and I was curious as to how that warning would play out.

The warning?? It is "sweet, dammit!"

And it really is!

It's only short. just under 100 pages, but it packs such a sugar rush, I didn't even notice it was nearly finished, til I ran out of bloody book!

Gibson is looking after his brother, Ellis, who is stuck as his wolf. Something happened that trapped him there, we are not told what exactly, just hints are thrown, and I expect that (insert puppy dog eyes, all begging like at Ms Ford) Ellis will get his own story and all will then become clear. Ellis chases Zach, new owner of local bed and breakfast into the freezing lake, and Gibson has to save him from hypothermia. The fact the Zach pushes every single one of Gibson's buttons is not lost on Gibson, and all becomes clear as to why Ellis choose Zach later in the book.

Both Gibson and Zach have their say, and you get just enough of them both to fully engage you in their story, their here and now and their past.

It is sweet, almost sickly, but I think for these two guys, it is right their story be this way. There is very little actual physical stuff between the guys, and I was kinda expecting it to be totally clean, but it isn't, not quite. I think, maybe, even if it HAD been clean, I would still have loved it!

And love it I did! I had just finished a much longer, heavier book, and this was just what I needed at that time, hence the hang over cure tag.

So, a much needed, perfectly written, perfectly delivered, MAHOOSIVE sugar rush....

5 stars

ps, just remember, it IS sweet, dammit!

**same worded review will appear elsewehere**
The Martian
The Martian
Andy Weir | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.9 (50 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic novel! One of my all time favorite books.
Mark Watney is a snarky, foul-mouthed, crude nerd that’s stuck on Mars and forced to survive by himself. He’s beyond awesome. He takes a pounding from Mars right from the beginning. Has to be able to utilize all his skills and fix all his problems by himself (“Martian taters” “Cannibalized it so much it looks like I left it in a bad part of town”), deal with countless months by himself, and basically frantically try not to die. Through it all, he keeps a sense of humor that still (yes, still, I’m on my 12th listen or so) makes me snicker, and is obviously brilliant in a MacGuyver sort of way, yet utterly relate-able. At this point, I’ve listened to The Martian so much that he’s like a dear friend that I’m constantly rooting for. His reactions are utterly believable .

Andy Weir did a FANTASTIC job with this book.

If you like scifi at all, you will love this book. If you need a hero you can root for, you will love this book. Also, if you're looking for an audio book that is fast-paced, great quality, with an easy to understand and wonderful narrator, you will love the audio book version.

Now, to be fair, some people have complained that there's a lot of science in this book, and that it can be kind of hard to get through because of that. Here's my take on that. Is there a lot of science? Yes. BUT, its not overwhelming. Weir doesn't bombard you with pages upon pages of incomprehensible technobabble. He tells you what's going on in a way that, even if you don't understand the precise details behind what's happening, you still know what's going on. I don't believe at any point that its excessive, and most of the time I found it downright fascinating!

I'm sure this book has a few negatives, but... not any that I can identify.

PS: Lots of F-bombs dropped in the book. Don’t read if you’re sensitive to that.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Sep 22, 2022  
Need a playlist to listen to while you pack your suitcase? Check out author Carrie Carter Writes' travelogue WHISKERS ABROAD: ASHI AND AUDREY'S ADVENTURES IN JAPAN on my blog as well as a fun playlist from Audrey! Enter the giveaway for a chance to win the eBook and a set of Ashi Stickers!

PS - The Kindle eBook is at a special pre-order price of only $0.99 if you buy it by October 2nd.

Whiskers Abroad is a lively and charming travelogue featuring a trip to Japan shared by two main characters, Audrey and Ashi, who alternate recounting their versions of events. Audrey, having won the chance to write a magazine article about traveling in Japan, takes along her cat, Ashi. Over the course of a twelve-day trip, the pair visit Tokyo, Wakayama, Shirahama, Kyoto, and Miura Peninsula. Food is of great interest to both, as they sample typical Japanese dishes from ramen to sushi to tuna specialties. They also explore Japanese culture, including food markets, a family farm, temples, and Tokyo nightlife.

Adventures abound, from Audrey losing Ashi in the fish market to Ashi slipping out of the hotel at night to go to a cat café, where he meets an alluring feline. Audrey is still trying to find her place in the universe, while Ashi believes Audrey would sink beneath the waves were he not present to rescue her time and again. Audrey is a dedicated reader of her horoscope, and the prediction for each day offers tantalizing clues as to what’s in store for the pair.

Written by author Carrie Carter and beautifully designed by Stacy Vickers, Whiskers Abroad is both an amusing travel story with unforgettable characters but also a useful guide for tourists going to Japan about such basic travel issues as how to get from the airport to central Tokyo, how to purchase a rail pass, what to visit in Tokyo, and what to eat. Lavishly designed with full-color photographs and arresting page layouts, Whiskers Abroad will delight both your eyes and your sense of adventure.
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Tutus and Tinsel (Half Moon Bay 2.5)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful catch up!
I was lucky enough to win an ARC copy of this book.

This is a little catch up, if you will, with the Harris-Reid family, and you really SHOULD at least read Fish Stick Fridays before this one. Hanging the Stars ain't too shabby either, but this is more about Zig and her dads.

Zig is eleven, and blindsided by a school project. Her dads go about rallying around and making the project a little less painful for her.

I'm not usually one for Holiday/Christmas stories, but I loved Zig, and Deacon and Lang, so really had to catch up with them! And I LOVED this! It packs quite an emotional punch for some 90 odd pages!

Zig has to do a project on Christmas traditions on her family. But she doesn't have any, not really. So Deacon and Lang go all out about making NEW traditions: using some from Lang's grandmother, some from their friends and making some up as they go along.

They do cracker house decorations, the chopping of trees down. Trees in each and every room. Making salt dough ornaments. Lots of different things, from a whole host of backgrounds, and choosing which ones to make their own.

I loved that we caught up with Deke and Lang, but also with West, Angel and Rome. Loved the plans the adults have for the kids should something happen to either set of parents.

But Zig, again, made this book! Set 3 years after Fish Stick Fridays, and she still has her eclectic taste in tutus and boots, and it's so great she hasn't lost her swear jar! Indeed, opening line in the book is Zig swearing her little head off and realising that Deke can hear her! Loved it!

And even though Zig was sick, and not actually able to do her presentation at school, loved that she WAS able to still show her dads what did. I cried at that point! Because even though it was about making NEW traditions, Zig still draws on her painful past and how important it is to remember where you came from, and that past is a part of you, always. And new families need new traditions.

5 full and sparkly stars!

ps, we ALWAYS have take out Christmas Eve!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Dillon Jacoby-Rankin (202 KP) rated Wargroove in Video Games

Jan 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
2018 | Strategy
Turn Based Strategy (7 more)
Various Unit Types
Player Count
Map and Campaign Creation
Online Play
Advanced Wars Refresh!
If you have ever played Advanced Wars in the past, get ready for a refresh and a brand new experience. This game takes Advanced Wars and blows it out of the water.
Turn Based Strategy: The game brings back classic turn Based strategy that we have all come to know and love.
Various Unit Types: There are so many unita u. This game. Ground, Air, and Water types make the strategy as simple or complex as you want depending on the maps and style you want to play. Great for many different play styles and friends.
Player Count: Although you can only add up to 4 human players, the max the game plays is 8 if you include AI's. Therefore you could totally do a 4 vs. 4 with your friends on one team and the AI on the other. So 8 total, 4 human players
Expandable: The game is setup fine as is but has the capability to be added onto constantly whether it be new maps, units, commanders, etc. By the way. First free dlc update adds new units and commanders in February 2020. So if you don't have the game yet, enjoy the free dlc bonus next month when you get the game.
Unlockables: Beating the campaign will unlock you new commanders. So will earning a certain amount of stars for each of the missions you clear in the campaign, as well as various other things you may need to complete. All in all, there should be 3 commanders to unlock in the game.
Map and Campaign Creation: All the tools used to build the in game campaign are actually available to the player community to build your own maps and campaigns that can be shared and downloaded online. These maps are also crossplatform as well as the whole game. So I can make a map or campaign on one platform and you can download it on another. And then we can play said map on two different platforms at the same time with each other. It's great!
Online Play: Works great and is also crossplatform.
Crossplatform: Game is currently crossplatform on Nintendo Switch, PS, XBOX, and PC.
Improper Mage
Improper Mage
Taylor Westwood | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IMPROPER MAGE is the first book in a new series by a new author, Taylor Westwood.

In a world similar to our own, Liana lives in Triaedian - a land where shifters, vampires, and mages all live in harmony?! As a female, she doesn't have many options, and the only magic she is supposed to know is how to help with her household. Luckily for us, Liana is not content with that and learns as much as she can by herself, being a strong and proficient mage, even if she can never show it.

One night she meets Damien, the King of Triaedian, who is fascinated by her. He has ruled alone for some time but, maybe, it is time for him to find his Queen. Liana is flattered until she finds out he has expressed interest in two others as well. Then she feels betrayed and played.

The interaction between these two is brilliant. Liana is seen as an 'odd' one in that she doesn't abide by society's rules for what a woman should do. Damien sees this and doesn't seem to want to change her, delighting in who she is. The attraction is hot and immediate but, once again due to society's rules, they are forbidden to act upon it until they are married. They do push the boundaries and have one particularly steamy moment, but will he marry her or one of the others?

I found the world-building to be brilliant, giving me enough information to see how the world worked without overloading me all at once. I also adored the hidden depths of others characters that sneaked through every so often. There is an overall story arc here so don't expect a HEA ending. What you do get is a fantastic ending that will definitely leave you wanting more.

I immediately went onto the author's website to see if there was any indication of when the next book was due out. For a debut book, this was amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended by me!!

ps - and if you find out when Improper Queen is due out before me, please let me know! I need it!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Once Upon a Dream (Mystic Beach #1) by Aislinn Archer
Once Upon a Dream (Mystic Beach #1) by Aislinn Archer
Aislinn Archer | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ONCE UPON A DREAM is the first full-length story in the Mystic Beach series. I first met Ellie and Hunter in their short story - Here Comes the Sun - which takes place when they are six years old. This one takes place over a longer amount of time, and they both grow and change in a number of ways.

Both of them lose their mothers and neither of their fathers will ever win a 'Father of the Year' award! Ellie - who changes her name to Brighid - is hands down my favourite. She deals with what life throws at her, loves her best friend, and does the best she can. Hunter - I love him and hate him at the same time. He's got a long way to go before I'll forgive him for how he treated both Ellie and himself. And those pathetic excuses he makes to himself just aren't going to cut it. Too many excuses and not enough thought. Being completely honest here, the longer the book went on, the more I disliked him!!!

There is enough mysticism here to keep me happy whilst definitely leaving me wanting more. In fact, that's the feeling I've got now that I've finished this story. I want - no, I NEED - more! I want to see how the paranormal becomes normal for Brighid. I want to know more about Mystic Beach. I want to know more about the guys in the band, especially Kieran! And not forgetting Mace.

The world-building - whether in Virginia, Delaware, or New York - is first class. The characters are all different and don't blend into each other. The pacing is perfect. And the part near the end in New York? Had me in tears! Good on Brighid for showing backbone though and doing what was best for her. Still had me in tears though.

A fantastic book that I thoroughly enjoyed and can't wait for the next one. Highly recommended by me.

PS - LOVED the Robin of Sherwood references!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
The Other Woman
The Other Woman
Sandie Jones | 2018 | Thriller
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beware of Pammie
Holy. Mother. (yup I said it)

The moment I get into the first third of the book I had to keep going. I had to finish this book and see what will happen next. It was one thing after another and you were just waiting for who was going to snap first.

There’s a lot of tension and the mood is high strung. It’s like as if you’re near someone sensitive and you’re walking on eggshells. It’s that tense. The plot is quick and fast as you watch Emily put up with Pammie and her behavior. You feel angry towards Adam who seems to be a spineless dolt and just bows to Pammie’s whims little do you know there’s a bomb ready to drop at the very end and you just weren’t ready when it happens. It’s extremely well written and the revelation at the end is also well done. When it is revealed, you start to realize everything falls into place. It’s certainly an eye opener.

Character wise, I found it hard to like any of them. Pammie, well she’s not your favorite mother in law now is she? Adam isn’t any better. Emily would be 50/50 as there were times when I was rooting for her when she finally stuck up for herself. Then the cheering would be short lived because she’s reverts back to her needy whiny persona and she let’s Pammie and Adam walk all over her. She snaps but then cowers back later. It’s frustrating. I can’t stand James because of his behavior and what he tried to do. Okay, granted it was meant as a warning, but it’s a really strange messed up way of doing so. Emily behaves like this lovesick mooncalf around him it gets annoying. If you really wanted to be with him, you can always dump Adam. Stop mooning over James like he’s Adonis when you don’t have the galls to drop Adam like a hat. (He deserves it too, by the way)

Despite the character though, the book is still an enjoyable read as the plot gets better and better with each chapter read. What you think is obvious, isn’t and there’s a reason why everything was done. Now granted, it’s a very messed up way of doing so. But it still makes for great reading.

Greatly recommended. Certainly going to be one of my favorite reads of 2018.

PS: Every woman needs friends like Seb and Pippa.