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    Virtual Families for iPad

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Siege and Storm
Siege and Storm
Leigh Bardugo | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
First half is good, slows down in the second with the last 50 pages exploding
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers ahead, you have been warned***

You’d have to read Shadow and Bone to read and understand Siege and Storm. Otherwise you’d be pretty lost as events follow up right after the first book.

The first half of the book was at a great pace and filled with lots of action, bombs, explosions, fighting, magic, all sorts of goodness you would expect for the second book to follow up for an excellent start in the first. It slows down in the second half of the book where preparations for encountering The Darkling are made and you have this whole drama with Alina and Mal going on;

Okay I was wrong about The Darkling. I was torn apart when he ended up being jackalope of the year and I was holding a banner of love for Alina and Mal.

Then Nikolai steps in.

Handsome, charismatic, swashbuckling, people sway to his beat Nikolai. I loved reading about him whenever he came into the picture. It’s like when your school crush comes into the classroom and you realize you’re going to share a table with him. That kind of giddiness is what Nikolai brings to the book.

I saw the chemistry with Alina and Mal in the first one, and it just falls apart here in Siege and Storm - understandably so as the dynamics have changed a lot and Alina has climbed up in the ladder of importance and Mal has suddenly fallen off the grid and is just considered a lowly guard of Alina the Sun Summoner. Which is pretty good right? You’re near the person you love and care about, you’re standing guard and you’re close by.

No. Can’t be that easy right? First Nikolai steps into the picture and is suddenly looking like a much better prospect and the drama with Alina looking for the Firebird to amplify her powers even more - the point where she becomes obsessed with it changes her personality and makes her more darker, assertive, and she’s not the girl we all once knew in the first book. I really love this personality change in her. There’s a slight whiny voice to it but she really steps up and grows exponentially as a character.

So I can see the romance aspect of the book falling apart, but at the same time you ask yourself is it really necessary? I can see the attempt at a love triangle with Mal and Nikolai with Alina in the middle but from what I see, she gets along fine with both of them, but does she really need one or the other as a love interest? I don’t see the chemistry there with either of them.

Sure, Alina still cares a lot for Mal but everything’s changed and it just seems like she doesn’t need romance..not yet anyway. Instead, the attempt at the romance is seen as two whiny people who can’t get their own way and they take it out on each other by indulging themselves on the road to self destruction. Again, that’s a very human trait and good on portraying that. The whininess though, I could do without. It caused unnecessary drama in the book, and endless of pages in the second half where the plot doesn’t seem to be moving forward or anywhere. It feels like an unnecessary filler.

The last third of the novel though did pick up the pace (did not make up for the whiny drama though) and provided a lot of the explosions and action you had in the first half. Not really featuring a cliffhanger ending, but it’s making me look forward to what I have to see in the third and final book of this series.

PS: My heart bled for Genya.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider Definitive Edition in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
2014 | Action/Adventure
I remember the days of Tomb Raider coming out on the PC in the irregular shaped packages and the outcry some people had over the outrageously curvaceous proportions of Lara Croft. As the series has unfolded to not only include two cinematic features as well as entry into the console market the mix of action, adventure, and puzzle solving has been a staple of the series. Square Enix has released Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for next-generation consoles and I was very happy to experience the game on our PlayStation 4 system.

The game has been given updated graphics which really show off the amazing character facial animations of the series as well as the dynamic lighting and other graphical effects that are made possible with the new consoles.

This time out Lara is stranded on an island and must fight for survival against the dangerous people that occupy the island and will stop at nothing to protect its secret.

This is very dark and gritty game as its mature rating would suggest and with the power of the graphical engine you can see Lara in stunning detail down to the beads of sweat on her face, every stranded here, and of course the dirt and damage she takes in the course of fighting for her survival.
Being able to customize her weapons is but one of the many advantages to the series and there of course is puzzle solving which the series is famous for.

One early segment of the game had me moving through a dark cave in order to try to get an injured Lara safety but some very dangerous people in hot pursuit. These are not the typical serial adventure bad guys who shoot first with bad aim and hope to take the heroine hostage, rather these are bad guys intent on killing her and anyone else who gets in the way as brutally as they can.

The collection comes with bonus outfits and DLC and seeing the game in 1080 resolution running at 60 frames per second is truly eye-popping as to a casual observer it would be difficult to see what was gameplay and what were cut scenes. Upon seeing it for the first time, my wife was highly impressed the graphical abilities of the game and became interested in storyline and events unfolding as she sat down and offered me gameplay help and advice.

That is the beauty of the series as hard-core and casual, male and female, gamers are easily drawn to the character and her adventurous.

While I have spent a lot of attention on the graphics and look at the game is important that we focus on the game itself and I’m happy to say that both the solo and multiplayer aspects of the game offer plenty of entertainment. There’s a good mix of action and story to the game and the less linear nature of the game and open environments make it very enjoyable especially to somebody who’s used to the affirmation tombs of the original games. While there is puzzle solving to the game there is also the ability said a difficulty that is best suited to your level of gaming and like any game of this type players have to accept that they are going to have failed or along with their successes as that is the nature of an action adventure game.

I did not play the earlier versions the game as my time with the PS 4 version of the game is my most recent experience with the series in a while. That being said, the graphics and gameplay easily hooked me and reminded me why I became a fan of the original games and this imaginative and immersive new installment is the perfect mix for fans new and old alike looking to experience the game.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you don’t want to read a long review, here’s my summary: Read. This. Book. It is perfect.

In my last review (of <a href="">Beautiful Creatures</a>), I was a little harsh about the portrayal of love stories in teenage/young adult fiction. The backbone of this book is that slowly but surely, the two main characters, Hazel and Augustus, fall in love. It’s not some pre-determined, intense force that sweeps the characters off their feet. It’s slow and steady, with a few set-backs, much like Hazel’s breathing at times, if you like. As Hazel puts it, perfectly:

<blockquote>“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”</blockquote>

There’s nothing glamorous – life goes up and down, it’s sad and it’s funny, it’s not fair. It’s real.

In The Fault in Our Stars, John Green introduces us to two extremely philosophical teenagers that have been through a lot more than most people, with the knowledge that there is only more hardship to come. He humanises something I know I have never really thought about – the feelings, and more specifically, the sense of humour cancer sufferers/survivors have throughout it all. I talk about the humour later, but something that really got the message across was Hazel finally admitting her biggest fear to her parents. Hazel, the girl who decided to become a vegetarian so as to “minimise the number of deaths I’m responsible for.”

<blockquote>“‘I’m like. Like. I’m a grenade, Mom. I’m a grenade and at some point I’m going to blow up and I would like to minimise the casualties, okay?’”</blockquote>

It was the realness of the characters that got me so attached. For the last third of the story, I was unabashedly sobbing (luckily, alone. The first time I finished this, I was on a bus). To be blunt (and a little bit gross), the best way I can describe the end of this book is like this. When I was a child, I’d be crying my eyes out over something or other, and my mum would be comforting me. When the worst was over, she’d joke that I’d better not have got snot on her jumper, which would make me laugh through the tears. I’m trying not to put spoilers in here, but the next quote, for example, happens just after one of the most poignant parts of the book. It lightens the mood without altering the seriousness, and at the same time reminding us that they are, after all, only teenagers.

<blockquote>“He smiled. Gallows humour. ‘I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up,’ he said.

‘And it is my privilege and my responsibility to ride all the way up with you,’ I said.

‘Would it be absolutely ludicrous to try to make out?’

‘There is no try,’ I said. ‘There is only do.’”</blockquote>

John Green managed to blend humour and tragedy perfectly. If you’ve read the book already, he wrote a blog post answering questions about the book – I’d recommend a read. I don’t want to waffle, so I’ll leave it there, but I’d wholeheartedly recommend The Fault in Our Stars - it’s an instant favourite and already has a place in my heart. Don’t forget the tissues!

Oh, and about the film that’s apparently in the works – did anyone else picture Hazel as looking a little like Ellen Page in Juno? Maybe it’s a similar attitude to life, but I could only see her as this!

PS – Sorry for anglicising the quotes – habit!

This review is also on my <a href="">blog</a>; - if you liked it, please check it out!

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Jan 8, 2019 (Updated Jan 8, 2019)  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Opening Sequence (0 more)
Pretty much everything afterwards (0 more)
Wishy Washy
I was excited to see this movie after hearing the glowing reviews and praise it was getting. I am also a fan of Jason Momoa and James Wan, so I was really hoping for this to be at least as good as Wonder Woman. Also, being a long time fan of DC Comics, I really want to see them find their footing cinematically and I thought that this could finally be the start of that. Unfortunately I left the cinema feeling pretty underwhelmed.

The movie opens by telling the story of how Aquaman's parents came to meet and fall in love, even though they are from vastly different worlds. This whole sequence is brilliant and I was totally on-board for what was to come afterwards. Sadly, this opening sequence is by far the best part of the entire movie. From this point on it descends into a mediocre action adventure flick with story elements very reminiscent of Thor and Black Panther, (two movies that are vastly superior to this one.)

From a direction standpoint, it is clear that James Wan knows how to visually capture a scene in the most beautiful and intriguing way possible, which is especially evident during the trench sequence. His direction during all of the action sequences is great, with Nicole Kidman's trident work in the opening scene and the rooftop sequence with Black Manta, Mera and Aquaman being the highlights. I don't think that my issue with this movie is due to the direction lacking in any aspect. The only questionable choice in my opinion, was the choice to shoot the big Black Manta scene in broad daylight. It just looked slightly naff and would have came across much better if shot in darker conditions at night.

Nor do I think that it is the fault of any of the cast members. I think that Momoa does a great job in the title role and he looks incredible in the full on Aquaman suit, (which I don't think many other actors could legitimately pull off.) I think that Patrick Wilson did a decent job as the evil slightly cheesy power hungry half brother of Aquaman. I also enjoyed Willem Dafoe, Dolph Lundgren and Nicole Kidman in each of their scenes.

I think that the major culprit in this movie feeling a bit forced at times, is the lazy script that the actors had to work with. Almost every scene plays out in the exact same way; with the characters that we are following turning up to a new location, meeting up with a character, (usually Willem Dafoe,) listening to them spout a bunch of expositional dialogue and then mid sentence bad guys will attack and an explosion will go off cutting the conversation short. Then we will get a well shot action sequence with super dynamic cinematography, then the characters will figure out where they need to go next, they will go to the next location and the process will be rinsed and repeated for the duration of the movie.

Overall, Aquaman is not a bad superhero movie, there is a lot of fun to be had here with the badass action sequences. Unfortunately the lazy script holds the movie back from being as good as the glowing reviews told me it would be and out of the DC solo movies, - this, Man of Steel and Wonder Woman, - this is probably the worst of the three.

PS. Although I don't think that the movie in general was up to the highest level of quality, the CGI is objectively breath-taking in every scene and I totally agree with James Wan that it is nothing short of an atrocity that the SFX team on this movie have been snubbed for this year's Oscars ceremony.


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