The Haunting of Highdown Hall (Psychic Surveys #1)
Have you discovered the bestselling Psychic Surveys series yet? Perfect for fans of Stephen King,...

Dr. Drew Midday Live with Psycho Mike Catherwood
Dr. Drew Pinsky gives his unique take on the day's news from a medical stand-point along with Psycho...

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry
K.W.M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps and George Graham
Philosophy has much to offer psychiatry, not least regarding ethical issues, but also issues...

Earth Angel: The Amazing True Story of a Young Psychic
This is the story of Ross Bartlett's incredible psychic talent and his 'fast-track' progression as a...
A Case-Based Approach to Emergency Psychiatry
Working in an emergency department as a psychiatrist or mental health clinician requires an ability...
Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance
Siu-Lan Tan, Peter Pfordresher and Rom Harre
In Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance (2nd edition), the authors consider music on a...

Slaine the Brutania Chronicles: Psychopomp
Pat Mills and Simon Davis
Albion, in a time of legend. Celtic warrior SL AINE united the tribes of the Earth Goddess Danu and...

Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy
Philippa Perry and Junko Graat
What is it like to be a fly on a psychotherapist's wall? This compelling case study in the form of a...