Psychic Abilities for Beginners: Awaken Your Intuitive Senses
There's more to this lifetime than the naked eye can see, and Psychic Abilities for Beginners is the...
Tone Psychology: The Sensation of Successive Single Tones: Volume I
Carl Stumpf (1848-1936) was a German philosopher and psychologist and a visionary and important...
The Dark Side of Social Media: A Consumer Psychology Perspective
The Dark Side of Social Media takes a consumer psychology perspective to online consumer behavior in...

The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets
"The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to...

Modern Educational Psychology: An Historical Introduction
Many contemporary issues in educational psychology become clearer when set against the perspective...
A Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology: From Homophobia to LGBT
This ground-breaking text explores the contemporary history of how psychological research, practice,...
LGBT Psychology and Mental Health: Emerging Research and Advances
This cutting-edge guide spotlights some of the most exciting emerging discoveries, trends, and...

Positive Psychology: A Toolkit for Happiness, Purpose and Well-Being
Positive Psychology will help you to look on the bright side and to find your place in the world...