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Fear The Silence
Fear The Silence
Robert Bryndza | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely love Mr Bryndza's Kate Marshall series but this is his first standalone crime thriller and what an absolute triumph it is.

From the very first lines, I was absolutely hooked right to the very end. The author certainly knows how to grab you by the short and curlies and not let go!

With excellent characters, a great setting which added to the atmosphere, a riveting plot that pulled me in and all written at a perfect pace, this book had me on the edge of my seat ... I loved it.

I have no hesitation recommending this to lovers of psychological thrillers. In fact, I have no hesitation in recommending Robert Bryndza's work as everything I have read by him has been to notch and he is one of my go-to author's where I don't even need to read the blurb to pick it up and know I will enjoy the ride.

Many thanks to the author, Raven Street Publishing and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Fear The Silence.
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
M. Night Shyamalan once again has audiences very excited for absolutely no reason. The trailer portrays an interesting psychological thriller of a man (James McAvoy) subjected to many different forms of consciousness, as the plot tells he is one of the first to openly portray over twenty different personalities.

He even takes on different physical characteristics down to a metabolic level as he switches from persona to persona. This combined with the character of a doctor (Betty Buckley) who is thrilled to perhaps have discovered the missing link to understanding the unused portion of the human mind, sounds like it makes for a great sci-fi thriller.

Unfortunately rather quickly the plot devolves after the disturbed man’s abduction of three teenage girls turns over the top hokey and stereotypical. Nothing can be said that will make up for the impending disappointment of viewers as yet again Mr. Shyamalan has an idea that sounds quite intriguing, yet falls completely flat and leaves viewers feeling as if they are the brunt of the joke.

As the psychotic killer develops into a character audiences could really be scared of, a turn for the worst happens when he is transformed by his own mind into an animal. Reaching beyond anything physically possible in a much staged way, he becomes a superhuman creature who rampages until he is caught.

Even with skilled acting at his disposal Shyamalan has managed to make another very poor quality film. At each step of the way, the suspense almost grabs you but is completely predictable. It’s too bad but this one earns
The Other Mother
The Other Mother
Carol Goodman | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisty psychological thriller
When Daphne flees her home, taking very little but her six-month-old daughter, Chloe, she isn't sure what to expect. She's leaving everything behind (including her controlling husband) to work for one of her favorite authors, Schuyler, as an archivist. She'll be living in the shadow of a mental hospital, which Schulyer's late father ran for many years. Daphne hopes this will be a new start and a way to escape both her husband and the dark moods, diagnosed as postpartum mood disorder, she felt when Chloe was born. She'll also miss her friend, Laurel, with whom she formed a tight bond after meeting in a mother's group.

Get ready: this book is a crazy, bewildering ride. It will also always have the distinction of being the novel I was reading on an airplane trip to San Diego when one of my five-year-old daughters threw up. Twice. So it will be memorable in several ways. :)

If you're looking for an easy, linear psychological thriller, this one may not be for you. This novel is confusing and crazy and makes you question everything you're reading. But it's an exciting, twisty thriller and a great, fast read (and a welcome distraction from vomiting children). Most of it is told in current-day descriptions from Daphne, along with excerpts from her journal from her postpartum mothers group. As Daphne meets her new boss, Schuyler, and becomes fascinated with a patient of her father's, Edith, we also eventually hear from Edith and excerpts from Edith's journal, too. The entire result is a wonderful, twisted, tale that has you frantically turning pages, trying to work things out and figure out who is who and what the heck is going on.

I don't want to reveal too much, as it's best going in without too many preconceived notions. The novel has a bit of gothic in it, as many of Goodman's do, with the mental hospital looming in the background. The idea of postpartum depression and motherhood is a theme running throughout, as well.

Overall, even though I was sometimes frustrated as I tried to work through this one, I wound up enjoying it. I was impressed at how things came together and enjoyed the wild ride I was on. I've loved Goodman since The Lake of Dead Languages and find myself looking forward to each new novel she releases. This one was different, but I was quite caught up in its characters and dark themes. Definitely worth a read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Librarything in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace
Mindy Mejia | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defying all odds, ten years after a father and son wandered into the hundreds of miles of woods and water, comprise northern Minnesota's aptly named Boundary Waters, the son emerges from the wild not only alive but changed, violent, and withdrawn.

Winding up in the mental hospital where former patient turned assistant language therapist Maya Stark works, when Maya first meets nineteen-year-old Lucas Blackthorn, he lashes out, nearly choking Maya to death in a horrific assault.

The only person with whom he's shared any meaningful interaction (good or bad), the unflappable Maya is sent to speak with Lucas again, only for the two to build a strong connection as Mindy Mejia's book continues and we realize that both are harboring some serious secrets.

The definition of a page-turner from the start, while initially Leave No Trace's intensely vivid sentences fly right by, as the book moves from thriller to psychological mystery, it loses a good deal of suspense.

Slowing things down in the middle of the work which could've used some tightening up, while it's fairly easy to see how the two characters are connected on the surface, as Maya risks everything to help Lucas and learn more, Mejia's book picks right back up, leading to an if not altogether surprising than at least satisfying conclusion.

A terrific character-driven storyteller, while Mejia takes awhile to return to the pace of Trace's opening chapters, readers looking for mysterious psychological tale set against the atmospheric (and metaphorical) backdrop of such a beautiful but dangerous stretch of land and sea should pick this one up.

Note: I received an ARC of the title through Bookish First in exchange for an honest review.
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
The description above kind of explains what the books was about, but my description would be something as follows: After the incidents at home, when Milly’s mother got arrested, she lives with new foster family. New mom, dad and sister, but there is the problem there. Her new foster sister hates her and starts bullying her in every way possible. New foster parents have no idea about what is going on under their roof. How Milly is going to deal with all the things which are getting thrown at her? Let me start by saying that it is outstanding psychological thriller, where every chapter breathes of suspense and anticipation of what is going to happen next. I really enjoyed the way this book was written, like a letter to character’s evil mum. At the same time it was laying this story so beautifully, it was real pleasure for me to read it. The language used in the book is really understandable and easy to read, so you can put away the dictionary, will not need it here.

I found the characters very diverse and really disturbed in this publication. All of them had some sort of problem they were suffering from and that made them really interesting. I believe here is where author’s life experience came in. She worked with a lot of disturbed people, children and grownups, so that knowledge where greatly used in this novel. In my opinion, children where the strong characters in this book and not the grownups. Those revenge parts were like honey to sore throat, unexpected and so satisfying, after all the anger caused to me by bullying scenes. There was one thing that didn’t make me very happy, I needed more information about the murders. There were more murders, but only one discussed thoroughly. I am extremely curious how others died. Also I needed to know more about what mom used to do to Annie, I didn’t find given information sufficient. I think more information would’ve helped to understand the main character better. The ending of the book was like a crown on the queen’s head, applause for it! So to conclude, this is a gripping psychological thriller with a lot of twists and turns and I do strongly recommend it. Is there going to be a film? I would not be surprised if there would be.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The List in Books

Jun 20, 2020  
The List
The List
Carys Jones | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a dark, psychological thriller about paranoia and disturbing secrets all told within an original plot and from 3 perspectives; Beth, the writer of The List and Ruby.

Beth is a loner with no friends or family to speak of apart from a seemingly ideal boyfriend. She seems to have the perfect life, aside from recurring horrific nightmares, but it soon becomes clear that she has a dark and disturbing past that she is keen to forget and put behind her.

The writer of The List is just that ... but why and what does she have to do with Beth and what are her intentions given that the first two people on The List are dead?

Ruby is a teenager in an institution placed there following her part in a totally heinous and horrific attack on a vulnerable child ... what does she have to do with Beth and the writer of the list?

This is a story that although is a work of fiction, is not beyond the realms of reality unfortunately which makes it a hard and emotional read in places. It's also a slow burner which builds in tension as the whole story emerges and Beth's life unravels and this is the only complaint I have, it wasn't as fast paced as I would have liked with a bit too much description which affected the flow for me but, having said that, I would still recommend to dark, thriller lovers who enjoy reading something a bit different for the norm.

Many thanks to Orion Publishing Group via NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest review.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Split (2016) in Movies

Oct 19, 2017 (Updated Oct 19, 2017)  
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
A little better from M Night Shyamalan, but still not spectacular
By far, James McAvoy steals the show in this psychological thriller, in which he plays 23 different personalities. Suffering from the condition Dissociative Identity Disorder, McAvoy reveals a dark side, where he kidnaps three girls and holds them hostage to his whims, while attempting to seek help from a psychiatrist. In between, we see one girl in particular engage with him, the trauma also bringing out her own demons. And of course a mandatory cameo from the director himself.

While the story has potential, and his acting is flawless - it lacks substance somewhat. Apart from his 'transformation', the film seems to have been created mainly on the premise that there will be a sequel, so you're left in limbo at the end with a small clue of what's next.

It's not particularly scary, so I wouldn't deem it a horror movie as such. The girls' kidnapping also seems slightly pointless, like tools in the movie so that they can showcase Kevin's (the main personality) different sides and what a 'monster' he is. Disappointing, but better than Shyamalan's recent terrible films.
Selfless (2015)
Selfless (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I’ll keep this short.

What if the extremely brilliant minds, could live another 50 years on this earth after their body is about to expire by transporting their mind into a new, younger body…could those minds continue to create amazing legacy? This is the premise for the film Self/less. Ben Kingsley plays Damian, a wealthy business tycoon type who is dying of cancer decides to “shed” his body for a younger healthy body. That body is played by Ryan Reynolds. But when things do not exactly turn out as they appear to be, Damian has a crisis of conscience and has to decide what is right.

That being said, somewhere in this film there is a good story…they just forgot to show us the right chapters. And thus a movie about identity, doesn’t know what it is. Instead of a great nuanced psychological thriller, we get a ho-hummed derivate small action film that is not something terrible to watch, but not something encouraging you to seek it out. In the end, this is really a redbox movie. And that’s a shame

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated The Fury (1978) in Movies

Mar 3, 2020 (Updated Mar 5, 2020)  
The Fury (1978)
The Fury (1978)
1978 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the last of this list we skip forward 16 years and some 25 film credits. Not that there wasn’t any work of quality in that period, but because the edge that existed in the younger man had undoubtedly waned, with Douglas often miscast or out of his depth. Aged 62 he stumbles upon a role in a psychological horror movie that is quintessentially 70s. The reason I believe this is the last movie of real note he made is that it was a committed performance that returned him to the idea of being an angry underdog. Essentially a thriller, Douglas revels in the fear and anguish of a father pushed to the edge of his abilities to save his son. Even though he would go on to make many more films, you feel the last of his real fire was given to this role. It also proves to me that despite a lifetime of activity the real grist of his career lasted only 16 years: 1946 – 1962. The rest was a man who knew cinema better than anyone, but couldn’t always outrun his own type-casting.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Dare in Books

Feb 20, 2021  
The Dare
The Dare
Lesley Kara | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having read and enjoyed Lesley's previous two books, The Rumour and Who Did You Tell?, I jumped at the chance to read this, her latest outing and, once again, I wasn't disappointed.

The Dare is an enthralling read where you can literally feel the tension building as the story unfolds. I was absolutely immersed from start to finish in the story of Lizzie and her best friend, Alice from both the "then" and "now" perspectives - this may sound confusing but, believe me, it's not.

After the accident that killed her best friend 12 years ago, Lizzie is trying to rebuild her life; she is engaged to be married to a GP, her epilepsy is under control and she is thinking of going to university however, things start to happen that quickly threaten that happiness.

The Dare is a slow-burner, that builds in tension, intrigue and suspense. I found it riveting and hard to stop reading and I would certainly recommend to people who enjoy an excellent psychological thriller with an enthralling plot and great twists.

Thank you to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.