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The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Excellent tension (1 more)
Brilliant score
Suprise Thriller a Real Hit
What I love about cinema is that you can go in expecting one thing and come out experiencing another - which was exactly how I felt coming out of The Invisible Man.

The film stars Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia who is desperate to escape the grasp of her abusive partner Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) and does so by way of a tense opening that is devoid of any dialogue. Instead, as an audience we are holding our breath as she tiptoes around the house.

When news comes that Adrian is dead and has left her a small fortune she straight away becomes suspicious and is convinced he has orchestrated the whole thing. As time passes Cecilia is stalked by an invisible force that those close to her believe is simply PTSD and all in her head.

It's written and directed by Leigh Whannell who is probably one of my favourite cinematic writers. Fans of Saw will recognise him as Adam, the poor bastard who gets locked in the bathroom at the films climactic ending [apologies if you haven't seen that yet, but it has been 16-years].

At it's core The Invisible Man echos a clear message. Cecilia's experiences of being gaslighted by Adrian is a serious topic that many women from abusive relationships will have experienced first hand. The psychological trauma that Cecilia goes through makes her doubt her own sanity.

The best part about the film is the way that Whannell is able to create a sense of unease. In a number of scenes we are left looking at an empty corner of a room, or a chair. When the camera pans it is because it is going to focus on something that is there - but of course there never is.
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
2016 | Horror
A combination that looks like it may be a vapid display of glitz and garbage, the trailers for “Neon Demon” don’t dare give away just how far this film will take audiences.

Completely unique, the psychological thriller goes to dark places – necrophilia, cannibalism, and the solitary confines of the human mind.

The film stars Elle Fanning as Jesse, a sixteen year old girl from a small town who decided to go to LA to become a model. Without any parents, Jesse is completely on her own in a seedy wonderland.

She stays by herself in a dingy motel. Keanu Reeves plays the grubby motel manager, Hank. His role in the film is more of a supportive one, but he still plays a major part in the overall story and feel of the film.

Of course, Jesse meets all kinds of odd people as she dives into a world that is so shallow it could break her. Makeup artist Ruby (Jena Malone), and supermodels Gigi (Bella Heathcote) and Sarah (Abbey Lee) are characters the audience will love to hate. Malone, Heathcote, and Lee have done a great job becoming their characters. They incite visceral disdain, perhaps laced with admiration.

There may be a few moments where it feels like the plot is going nowhere fast, but I highly recommend resisting the urge to lose hope. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts in this case.

It’s not a stretch to say that Director Nicolas Winding Refn has created a piece of cinematic art.

The combination of finely selected camera technique, psychedelic lighting, and a cerebral soundtrack is like watching a beautiful nightmare.

Best described as “Clockwork Orange” meets “Top Model,”
The Woman in the Window (2021)
The Woman in the Window (2021)
2021 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A woman, Anna, wakes up and we get a view around her home, followed by a conversation with her daughter and her husband. We see her watching her neighbours before engaging in a therapy session. It is soon clear that Anna has problems. She has attempted suicide, has a drinking problem and is agrophobic meaning she is too scared to leave the house.

One evening her new neighbours son Ethan, comes over to introduce himself and they get talking, but something is worrying him. The next day his judgemental mum, Jane, comes over after Anna's House is egged on Halloween and they also get talking, but she is worried about her son and husband. That same evening, the husband comes over asking her if his family had come to see her, she lies and says no.

One evening whilst in the bath, Anna hears a scream coming from her new neighbours house, she speaks to Ethan who is clearly distraught but won't say why. Then whilst watching them again, she witnesses a brutal crime where a Russell family member is stabbed, but when she reports it nobody believes her, so she decides to try and find out what happened, which isn't going to be easy for someone with agrophobic.

I want to say I have never seen a movie like this before, and in truth I haven't, but I have seen a very similar storyline on the simpsons, when Bart thinks ned flanders has killed maude, it even plays out in a similar way.

It was an interesting movie though, with so many twists that I didn't see coming and it kept me interested right to the end. I did feel the end wasn't In keeping with the tone of the movie though, it started off like a psychological thriller but ended like a teen Slasher.
The Foster Child
The Foster Child
Jenny Blackhurst | 2020 | Contemporary, Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, but mainly, Imogen and Ellie are the ones sharing their feelings and thoughts. I liked Imogen as a character, but sometimes her actions and decisions were silly and not very thought through. Ellie was a mystery from the beginning till the end, and I kind of liked that the author left this mystical aura surrounding Ellie until the last sentence of the book. All the characters in this book were quite disturbed, carrying some baggage from their pasts.

The narrative of this novel was quite tense, there always were little incidents related to Ellie, that made this book very absorbing. I liked the topics this book discussed, such as pregnancy, parental love, bullying, fighting your fears, child’s behaviour problems, attachment, and many more. I enjoyed all the little twists and turns the author threw in this in this book, it made this book a true page-turner.

The writing style of this novel was easy to read, but quite confusing. Till the last page, I could not understand what was going on with Ellie. In some places, it seems that she was supernatural, and in other places, it was brushed off as fabrication, so this thing did leave me baffled. The chapters had a very decent length and they didn’t leave me bored. The ending of the book was quite surprising but it rounded the story very nicely and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this psychological thriller, it has very complex and disturbed characters, as well as the plot that is always trying to confuse the reader, and filled with turns, twists and very important topics.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Apr 24, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not one to give spoilers so I'll just give the overall impression the book made.

The book tells the story of Nick and Amy Dunne through a series of diary entries. Nick's entries chronicle the day his wife disappears, their fifth wedding anniversary, and all the events that follow. Amy's entries begin several years before and paint a picture of her and Nick's life together over the course of their five year marriage.

As I was reading, I could identify a bit with both Nick and Amy. Then things start to get a little dull and predictable. Still able to identify with both characters, I start to like one a little bit more than the other, because that's the opinion the author wants me to have and I fall into the trap of forming cliched opinions of these characters. I'm left with a sense of <i>yeah, we all know where this is going</i>.

But then, it dawns on me; I am only nearing the end of Book One, the halfway point of the book. Clearly, there is something I'm missing because you can't need half a book to detail the outcome of what has obviously happened. So I reach the end of Book One and feel a bit blasé about it. It's a story I've read so many times before, nothing new (same sh%t, different characters).

I start reading Book Two and everything I thought about this book was promptly turned on it's ear. Everything I thought I knew, I quickly learned was not at all what it seemed. I can't remember the last time a book has surprised me so you can imagine by joy at being proven wrong. It was like a slap in the face that made me sit up and pay attention.

The rest of the book takes you on a journey to find out the truth. The truth about who these two people really are and what <i>really</i> happened; not just on that fateful day of Amy's disappearance, but over the course of Amy's life. Everything that played a part in shaping their lives together.

If you are a fan of mystery/thriller, I would highly recommend this book. It is not a typical mystery/thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, biting your nails even though you know the outcome. What it is, is a good psychological mindf$%k that will prove you don't know as much as you might think you know.

Isabel Smith (34 KP) rated Obscura in Books

Jun 28, 2018  
Joe Hart | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fine example of genre-blending!
Joe Hart’s Obscura is a must-read for fans of science fiction and space travel. Dr. Gillian Ryan, a neural radiologist, is down on her luck. Ever since losing her husband to the mysterious new form of dementia called Losian’s, she has been working hard to find a cure for the disease that is now afflicting her only daughter. She’s so close to locating the exact neurons in the hippocampus that are affected by the disease when she gets word that her funding has been cut. With all the stress she is undergoing, it’s no wonder her opioid addiction makes a reappearance.

When an old colleague that now works for NASA offers her the opportunity to continue her Losian’s research with unlimited funding, she’s hesitant to take him up on the proposition because he wants something from her in return: to accompany a group into space and study the inhabitants of a United Nations space station who are experiencing neurological side effects due to working on a top-secret NASA project. Even though she hates the idea of leaving her daughter behind for six months, she knows she can’t pass up an opportunity like this and so she agrees to the terms.

Almost from the moment she steps off the space shuttle and onto the space station (or is it?) things begin to feel off. Her research assistant, Birk Lindqvist, starts experiencing major hallucinations and she is sedated once she discovers a startling truth that was initially kept hidden from her. Everything is called into question and nothing is at it seems. What’s really going on? Where is the station they’re supposed to be rendezvousing with? And why does it feel like there is a hidden presence on board with her after everyone goes into stasis?

Obscura is a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled thriller set in the vastness of space. Is that great or what? The prospect of reading a psychological thriller combined with a space mission story is what initially attracted me to the novel. Joe Hart does not disappoint with his ability to blend the two genres seamlessly. He even tossed in the element of the ‘unreliable narrator’ with Gillian for a little while there during her opioid abuse and withdrawal periods where readers couldn’t judge which of her experiences were real and which ones weren’t. Genius! I loved every bit of it: the deception, the uncertainty, the space travel, the action scenes, the startling discoveries…everything!

Louise (64 KP) rated Baby Doll in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Baby Doll
Baby Doll
Hollie Overton | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
**This review may contain mild spoilers**

I really enjoyed this book, when someone has been kept prisoner for 8 years you know there is going to be some interesting reasoning behind it. I love psychological thrillers, I like to know what the captors thought processes and why they do what they do. The scary thing though is how devious they can be but also how normal. This book makes you step back and question, who can you really trust?

This is the story of Lily, she has been held captive for 8 years and also conceived her daughter Skye whilst being held prisoner, one evening her captor forgets to bolt the door, once he realises his error, he believes he has conditioned Lily to an extent that she won’t betray him and try to escape…..Wrong!

I was seriously scared for Lily when she was fleeing the cabin, would she make it? was he waiting round the corner? I was on the edge of my seat (or bed)I mean after 8 years a lot changes, I was worried that her family wasn’t living in the same house. I was hoping someone would recognise her and pick her up and tell her she was safe.

The book is told from multiple points of view we have Lily, Rick(Captor), Eve (Mother) and Abby(Twin Sister),this made the book more enjoyable and fast paced.I am a nosey person and want to know everything so this was brilliant for me,I got to understand what life was like for her mother and sister during the past 8 years, what they went through,their grief and how they had become the people they were today.

This book definitely delved into how messy and complicated family life can become, especially when someone has been away for so long and the rest of your family are moving on without you.

I am unsure if I liked Abby’s character or not. She always believed her sister was alive (like some twin connection)and couldn’t get over the grief when people stopped looking, obviously something like this could affect your mental health but I just felt she was too intense! She was a bit of a harsh character, very abrupt and would do things impulsively.

This book is a great debut novel by Hollie Overton, it’s a fast paced psychological thriller with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat and I recommend reading it. I don’t think it is anything like ‘The girl on the train’ as it has been compared to.


Overall I rate this 4 out of 5 stars
Amy Crandall | 2018 | Crime, Horror, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A must-have for all the lovers of psychological thrillers and mysteries – this is a book that will show you a twisted side of a human being so well, that you will not know what happened once you reach the end! A masterpiece of a thriller – a delight for all the murder solvers out there!

''She remembered now. The deaths. They weren't just delusions planted in her mind by others. They were real.''

This book starts in an interrogation room, where two detectives are questioning Abigale about the murders that happened - and she is the main suspect. As the interrogation happens in the present, we follow the story in the past from Abigale's point of view, from the moment she moves into the new town.

The story and plot are so well set, and the past and present are so well connected that give you clues step by step, until you reach the grand ending, and nothing is as you expected. Even though I realised what is happening around the middle of the book, I still had to keep reading to find out whether it was true in the end.

This is, for certain, the best ending of a mystery book I have read so far!
The characters - some of them - are so twisted, and so psychologically unstable and scary, that it makes you wonder. Such possessiveness and anger, and twisted mind - Amy managed to perfectly such a rare condition. ( I am trying so hard here to stay away from all the spoilers.)

''Abigale wasn't the outgoing type. She'd rather sit in her room with her nose buried in a book than socialise with anyone outside her inner circle of friends, which was small to begin with.''

I wish I could connect with Abigale's character - but I just couldn't. That was the only flaw I had with this book. I didn't care enough for her, and for what was happening to her. The side characters were amazingly portrayed though - I enjoyed reading about Julia and Mike, and Damien - what an interesting character!

''There was something about him that made her feel alive and ready for anything, but there was another part that screamed danger. She wasn't sure she liked either half.''

The ending, as I already mentioned, was the best one I have read - it was so unexpected and so amazing - I can't explain that feeling of satisfaction when all the little pieces from the puzzle throughout the book finally come together - spectacular!

If you love mystery, psychological thrillers and good book that keeps you on your toes all the time - this is the book for you. I highly recommend it!

Thank you to the author, Amy Crandall, for sending me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on New England folklore, Robert Eggers brings us his debut film The With.

William (Ralph Ineson) and Katherine (Kate Dickie) are the parents of five children living in 1630 New England. This God-fearing family has become dissatisfied with how their town chose to live by the word of God. William hopes to promote change in the town, instead he causes his family to be banished left only to find a patch of land bordered by dark dense woods to call home. Luckily they have Thomasin (Anya Taylor-Joy) the eldest daughter who is in charge of looking after her younger siblings. A pre teen Caleb, unruly twins Mercy and Jonas and baby Samuel along with all of the household chores. Newborn Samuel has fate working against him when he suddenly disappears during an afternoon round of peekaboo.

The family is left heartbroken. With no sign of Samuel’s return William declares that this must have been the act of a wolf. Thomasin’s siblings soon become suspicious that this was not the work of a wolf, that she has to have succumbed to the malevolent forces of witchcraft. Mercy has also claimed that she and her twin brother have been conversing with their goat Black Phillip one would assume only jokingly from children. There might just be something darker going on. As the days progress and their crops continue to fail, tensions between the family grow. Things start to go bump in the night making the situation more oppressive each day.

This film is described as a horror genre film, after screening it though I felt it lean more towards a psychological thriller. When asked what films inspired The Witch Robert Eggers mentioned Stephen King’s The Shinning which to me really shines through the film. Most importantly the film is based on actual historical accounts of witchcraft in a time where men feared a woman’s power and sexuality. In my opinion the horror in it is the unknown, because even though you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I suppose it can be viewed as both horror and psychological.

Paying close attention to detail Eggers’ immerses the audience into 1630 New England. It’s hard to believe that it was filmed in Canada and not New England because of how accurate every little detail is from the hand stitched costumes to the intricacies of the dialogue. Perhaps this can be credited to his former career as a production designer and costume designer. The music alone adds the perfect amount of horror to make those hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This film is an excellent portrait of amazing filmmaking and horrific historical folklore.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Split in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
The Split
The Split
Sharon J. Bolton | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, but the main characters would be Felicity and Joe. Felicity is a scientist, who specialises in ice. She is an amazingly written character in my opinion. All the parts from this character’s life are filled with mystery, intrigue and mindblowing twists. Joe is a very important character in this book as well, he is a psychologist, who together with his detective mother, try to figure out Felicity and her connection to very strange events. I loved how different the characters are in this book, the police officer is an older, overweight woman who loves a pint, but great at what she does nevertheless. I am normally met with these young detectives that are so fit and superhero kind at what they do, that it is kind of refreshing to see a different type of woman that is absolutely amazing at what she does. There are many different characters coming in and out of the picture, and they all have a story to tell.

The book is set in two completely different places, it begins in the remote island of South Georgia, that is absolutely incredible! I loved the research that the author done for this book, the description of South Georgia is unbelievable, it felt like I was there with the characters, running alongside them. The other part of the book was set in Cambridge, where Felicity lives, and all the creepy and unexplained events took place. The narrative is absolutely beautifully developed and delivered. It has everything the reader might want from a thriller and more. It is full of layers, very well placed twists and turns, the suspense was overwhelming, and I was left gobsmacked on many occasions. There are some pretty important topics that the author discussed in this novel, such as homelessness and a lack of psychological help for them, obsession, stalking, child abuse, psychological trauma and many more. The mood and the atmosphere was constantly changing throughout the pages, and it was a true page-turner for me.

I love Sharon Bolton’s writing style since her first book, she knows how to lure the reader with brilliant characters and a superb plot. The audiobook I listened to was narrated by Katie Scarfe, and she did an amazing job with her voice intonations, she brought this book to life. The chapters are quite short, so I believe the pages are just going to fly by too many readers. The ending was very well written, and I was left satisfied with the outcome. I have to tell that this book has plenty of gory and disturbing things related to small children, so please approach this read with caution.