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I Let You Go
I Let You Go
Clare Mackintosh | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
One rainy evening, an accident occurs on a quiet neighborhood street. Walking home from school with his mother, young Jacob is hit by a car, and killed. Even worse, the car quickly backs up and drives away, leaving Jacob's mother shattered and Detective Inspector Ray Stevens and his team, particularly eager young DC Kate, to seek out answers.

With her world ruined by the accident, Jenna Gray seeks refuge by the coast. She finds a small cottage, gets a dog, and tries to escape the nightmares of the accident that haunt both her dreams and waking hours. Meanwhile, Ray and Kate are forced to close Jacob's case, no closer to the suspect than when they started. But the two remain undaunted, working on the case in their off hours, and an anniversary plea one year after the accident turns up some potential leads. What exactly happened that rainy night? Will justice ever come for Jacob--and peace for Jenna?

This was an excellent thriller-- a real surprise, honestly. The beginning of the novel started out slow, and was so horrendously sad, what with Jacob's accident and his mother's terrible grief. It was one of several book's I'd read lately involving the death of a child, and I was so saddened that I almost set it aside. I'm glad I didn't though, because while the book is gut-wrenchingly sad, it's excellent, tense, and suspenseful. Divided into several parts, things pick up immensely at the end of the first part, when Mackintosh throws in an excellent plot twist (I shan't say anymore so as not to ruin it).

Mackintosh is excellent at conveying Jenna's anguish and the sadness that the accident causes. We also have a side-plot of Ray and his feelings toward his subordinate, Kate. Ray's home life is unbalanced: he's dealing with issues with his son, Tom, and his wife. These are a bit distracting at times, but serve to humanize him as well. The police subplot (watching them try to piece things together) is interesting, also. In fact, the book alternates in perspectives: we hear from Ray, Jenna, and one more character. In part 2, we go back in time for some of the characters, but remain in the present with Ray and Kate as they (much like us, the readers) try to solve this crime. It's an interesting technique and works surprisingly well. Jenna is a complicated character, but a well-drawn one.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this book. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that there is definitely a trigger for domestic abuse/violence, so please be forewarned for that. There's a character in the novel who reminds me of the husband in that creepy Julia Roberts' film "Sleeping with the Enemy" (I'm totally dating myself here). As such I was up late reading one night, completely creeped out. However, that's the sign of an excellent thriller in my opinion. I raced through the last 2/3 of the book and really wasn't disappointed. There are several more twists, but they actually are pretty believable, not outlandish like in many thrillers. Definitely recommend this one (with the abuse caveat thrown in). A unique psychological thriller that's worth your time, for sure.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley - thank you! The U.S. edition is available everywhere on 5/3/16. You can find a review of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
The Other Widow
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dorrie is embroiled in an affair with her boss, Joe, which ends abruptly one cold and snowy night when Joe picks her up. He tells her the affair is over, that "it isn't safe," and then moments after, their car skids on the ice and crashes into a tree. Joe dies at the scene, but Dorrie's airbag deploys and she makes a split moment decision to walk away from the crash (undetected). But she's haunted by that evening and Joe's death. Further, what did Joe mean that it wasn't safe? Why didn't Joe's airbag deploy like Dorrie's? Did Dorrie really see someone near the car moments after the crash?

Meanwhile, Joe's wife Karen is left reeling from his death as well. Also wrapped up in Joe's passing is insurance investigator Maggie Devlin. A former cop, Maggie is suspicious about the circumstances of Joe's death--and the women involved in his life. But can she put together the pieces of what really happened? And are Karen and Dorrie truly in danger?

This novel was interesting and suspenseful, though it didn't fully grab me. Still, I read it in about two days, so it was certainly a fast read with a captivating plot. For me, I liked Dorrie and Karen well enough, but I wasn't deeply pulled into either of their lives. Neither character was fully drawn enough for me to fully relate to them. In fact, I really liked Maggie the best, but we learn the least about her. I could almost see Maggie getting a sequel--she was a very intriguing and likable character.

Crawford's novel is well-written, but seems to suffer a little bit from "who am I" syndrome... in some ways it's a thriller, but in other ways, it's purely psychological women's fiction. As such, the mystery seems to take a backseat to the women's lives, at times, and becomes convoluted and confusing by the end. There's a backstory with Joe's business that I almost couldn't fully tell you what happened, because it's not given complete attention, even though it's supposed to propel so much of the action. That duality was tough, because the book never really focused on either the thriller aspect, or the women, and you felt like you were left hanging on both plot points by the end.

Overall, this was a quick read, with an original plot, but seemed confusing and pulled in a few directions: 3 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication on 4/26/16. You can read reviews of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
The Ice-Cream truck (2017)
The Ice-Cream truck (2017)
2017 |
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Going into the Ice Cream Truck I have to admit I had some lofty expectations for the movie. When I read this movie was directed by the grand-daughter of one Elmore Leonard (if you have to ask, leave the room). Now yes, I know I shouldn’t let that factor into how I choose my viewing but its a good place to start.


Ice Cream Truck didn’t disappoint me, I mean sure yeah if you watch the trailer and expect to be watching some gore filled serial killer horror (Which from the trailer you could well expect that) then you may be a little disappointed. However stick with this flick because what you actually get is a well placed slow burning psychological thriller that waits till the last 10-15 minutes to ratchet up the action. Oh and there is a few pretty neat deaths. At first I felt fairly disjointed with the flick, people where dying and no one in the neighborhood seemed to give a shit or even know, but Director Megan Freels Johnston is taking her time and building towards something, all the while having Deanna Russo deliver an incredibly layered performance in a movie that is only a sharp 90 minutes.

So the movie sees Deanna Russo (Being Human, Gossip Girl) as Mary, Mary has had to relocate to some suburban neighborhood after her husband being offered a new job. She makes her way to the new house a few days before the rest of the family and meets all the local neighborhood stereotypes on offer including the Step-ford wives, the Local Hunky yard cleaner and the Ice Cream Man. She is about to find that they have moved to a suburban hell hole.

The Ice Cream Truck also stars Dana Gaier (Despicable Me 3), John Redlinger (Thirst, Banshee), Emil Johnsen (Isolerad), Hilary Barraford (Go For Sisters), Jeff Daniel Phillips (31), and Lisa Ann Walter (War of the Worlds).

Im not going to say this is the worlds best movie but its a definite recommend. Was I expecting something else? Yes. Did I like what was presented? Yes. Johnston has given us a well constructed thriller. The only place it really falls apart is that… Well the kills are pretty easy, I personally like some cat and mouse. However Emil Johnson as the Ice Cream Man is creepy as shit. Deanna Russo is great in the lead so no complaints on that front and we got a cheeky little twist that made me go… HUH.

Not the strongest recommend I have given but you should give this flick a go and like I say at only 90 minutes your in and out before you know it. Personally I think you will get a kick from this movie.
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Milly is 15 years old. She has just been placed with a foster family because she has just turned her mother in to the police. Why would a 15 year old need to turn their parent in to the police? Her mother is a serial killer who kills children. Milly is afraid that she may turn out just like her mother. Does she have it in her to be good, or is she bad like her mother? How much of our make up is nature and how much is nurture?

Thank you to Flatiron Books and Ali Land for an advanced reader's copy of this book.

I was so excited to read this book. I couldn't wait. The description alone is enough to get you intrigued. While reading the book, I kept waiting for something to happen. Something big, something major!!! It never happened. Milly did a few little things to "test" her limits on the side of good or bad, but nothing I don't think a typical teenager who was being bullied would have done in her same situation.

After turning in her mother to the police, Milly is sent to live with a foster family. The father is her psychiatrist, the mother is in need of one, and the daughter is jealous and a bully from the time Milly moves in. Milly tells the story as if she is talking to her mother. It covers a span of a few months, while Milly is waiting to give her testimony in her mother's trial. Overall it's a good story. I don't think I would put it in a category of psychological thriller, because it didn't leave me on the edge of my seat and there wasn't a major WOW moment.

This is a debut novel from author Ali Land, and I will see what her next book will be.

You can see all my reviews at
Something in the Water
Something in the Water
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Erin and Mark are about to get married. Before their wedding day, they have a few things to deal with. Erin has to prepare everything for the documentary she is working on, about how inmates re-enter the real world. And Mark, loses his job as an investment banker, which was their main source of income. This forces them to change some plans of their wedding and honeymoon, but also make the break that much more needed.

While honeymooning in Bora Bora, they go on a scuba diving excursion where they find a bag floating in the water. What's inside will lead them on a journey where they will find out more about each other than they ever expected.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Someting In The Water, gives you the ending of the book first, then goes back three months for us to see what could have possibly happened. The book starts with Erin digging a grave to bury Mark in. If they are newlyweds, what could he have done in such a short time that she is now burying his body in the middle of nowhere.

This book started out really well and it was hard to put down at first. But, as the story went along, the details just became more and more implausible. To me, Erin was an idiot and the fact that she couldn't see what was happening right under her nose, and some of her actions were just ridiculous. The things that occurred in this book did not seem possible for an investment banker and a film maker to pull off (Eg. cutting the lining of their luggage to hide money). It's said this book is supposed to be a psychological thriller, but to me it was just psychotic.

This is debut novel from this author, so I'm willing to give her another chance, if she rights another book. This one reminded me of the movie Into the Blue with Paul Walker and Jessica Alba
The Stranger Inside
The Stranger Inside
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kimber Hannon's belief that she has complete control over her life is shattered the night that she comes home from a trip to find her key no longer opens her front door. There is a stranger living in her house. A stranger who claims he has every right to be there, with the paperwork to prove it. When she confronts the man, he lets her get close enough to whisper, "I was there. I saw what you did."
She doesn't know how he knows her, but with those words Kimber knows this stranger isn't after anything as simple as her money or artwork or charming Craftsman bungalow. She has to find out exactly what he wants and get him out of her carefully orchestrated life before he ruins it.
There are plenty of people in her life who might help, but should Kimber trust any of them? Her lawyer, Gabriel, is also her ex-lover; Diana, her best friend, doesn't know Kimber slept with her husband; her ex-husband has a new, happier life since leaving her; and her co-workers know she'll do anything to get her next sale. And no one can know the real reason this man is in her house. Without trust, everyone's a stranger....

This is a psychological thriller that has plenty of twists and secrets. This book manages to grip you from the very start and doesn't let you go. There are plenty of plots and twists to keep you guessing all the way to the end.
The story is fast paced and well developed characters. The ending of the story will blow your mind.
The plot switches between the two timelines of the past and present and as it does you will learn of secrets and lies.
If you are looking for a suspenseful read then this is the one for you.
Highly Recommend!!
Thank you to NetGalley, Hodder and Stoughton and the author for my free digital ARC.
Her Husband&#039;s Lover
Her Husband's Lover
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I read “Her Husband’s Lover: A gripping psychological thriller with the most unforgettable twist yet” by Julia Crouch, I found myself swept up in a bloody battle for revenge. But is the wife of the dead husband really the innocent victim of abuse? Or is the girl who was having an affair with the wife’s husband just looking for a quick, get-rich scheme because she’s realised the wife is very rich?

Louisa Williams has really been through a tough time losing both her husband Sam and her two kids, so when her husband’s lover, Sophie appears on the scene (even in the hospital as Lou is trying to recover from some serious injuries) Louisa is frightened by this girl’s tenacity. Could she be dangerous?

Having tracked Louisa down, Sophie reveals she is expecting Sam’s baby and that as the father of her baby they are entitled to part of their estate! Well as you can imagine, Louisa is not having any of this, and cannot believe this young girl’s audacity! Who the hell does this Sophie think she is, coming into her life at a time Louisa is so unhappy and vulnerable?

While I was reading I could eventually see where this was going and the reality of what was the truth, and who was lying became a meaty part of the plot, which I devoured like the carnivorous meat-eating diner I am. Unlike the new guy, vegan-loving, hapless Adam of whom Louisa shacks up with, and unfortunately also gets wrapped up in the whole Lou and Sophie saga.

Julia Crouch has written a very exciting novel, and I really did not know what was going to happen at the end until it hit me! It’s a dark, twisty tale with some chilling scenes. I could not put it down. I would recommend this to anyone who likes sinister, domestic thrillers that have a surprising final conclusion you won’t see coming! Wish I’d got to this one earlier!
OMG, this book was bloody fantastic, one of my favourite reads this year, can't believe this was a debut author it was that good and believe me I read a lot of fiction.
Don't wake up by Liz Lawler was one of those stories that is impossible to put down. I was awake half the night reading, as this was such a compulsive story and I just had to know what was going to happen next.
To summarise we have Dr Alex Taylor, A doctor working A&E. One night upon leaving work she is attacked, upon rousing, she discovers herself naked on an operating table, with a masked stranger.
waking from this traumatic ordeal and believing she could have been raped the police are called. The problem is Alex when found unconscious in the hospital grounds by a security guard and her boyfriend Patrick The vet, is fully clothed with not a mark on her and nobody really believes her thinking she has suffered a head trauma and imagined her horrific experience.
Alex then spirals into a downward plunge of alcohol, anxiety and diazepam.
No one will listen to her, and events are escalating. I won't go into any more detail as I really don't want to spoil this excellent read for others, let's just say we have murder, intrigue a bit of romance and a story of phycological warfare that keeps you guessing until the end.
In conclusion, this is one book that you don't want to miss this year, the writing is excellent and in a sea of fiction, Don't wake up really stands out as a brilliant dark psychological thriller if I could give it more than five stars I would it was that good.
A job well done, Liz Lawler
I received a free E-Copy of Don't Wake Up from NetGalley and this is my own honest opinion.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Mean Girl in Books

Apr 2, 2018  
Mean Girl
Mean Girl
Natasha A. Salnikova | 2015 | Horror, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ebook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Bullying is a topic many authors try to tackle, usually ending up with the bullied overcoming their tormentors. But, as many people have experienced, that is not always the result in real life. Natasha A. Salnikova, on the other hand, produces an alternative solution, a solution that is almost too horrific to imagine.

Fifteen-year-old Corby Mackentile is the stereotypical victim for private school bullies; she is quiet, intelligent and overweight. Whilst mostly humiliating Corby because of her size, the bullies also use her own parents against her. Corby’s mother is a Boston TV Anchor and her father is a vegetarian Buddhist who also happens to own a butcher’s shop.

The butcher’s shop is a haven for Corby; she can escape there after school and not be intimidated by anyone. But when one of the horrible girls from school turns up at the shop after hours, a terrible accident occurs, which gives Corby a new solution to her bullying problem.

It is initially hard to get into the novel Mean Girl; the third person narrative distances the reader from the main character. Although many people may be able to relate to Corby’s situation, the incident in the shop changes her beyond recognition. In order to hide events from her parents, she becomes mean, rude and altogether an unpleasant person.

Until the feeble plot twist at the end of the novel, it is impossible to care much about what happens to Corby. Bullying is a terrible thing to experience but the way Corby deals with it is beyond tolerable.

Mean Girl is advertised as a psychological thriller; however, it appears to be lacking the thrilling aspect. Some may place the book in the horror genre but “horrifying” would be more appropriate. With some scenes containing gruesome details, it is overall not a very pleasant story to read.

ClareR (5596 KP) rated The Witch Elm: A Novel in Books

Oct 16, 2019 (Updated Oct 16, 2019)  
The Witch Elm: A Novel
The Witch Elm: A Novel
Tana French | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A psychological thriller that had me guessing along with the main character!
After a night out with his friends in Dublin, Toby Hennessy walks home alone and goes to bed. He’s woken up in the early hours by two men burgling his flat and when he confronts them, they attack him viciously and leave him for dead. He doesn’t die, and after a long period of time in hospital, he returns to his flat, clearly suffering from PTSD and a brain injury. Luckily for him (but not so lucky for his uncle) his uncle, Hugo, is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. So Toby and his girlfriend Melissa move in to help keep him company, and ultimately to care for him.

They’re a close family, who meet every Sunday for dinner, and Toby and his cousins Leon and Susanna spent every summer at their Uncles house, living pretty much unchecked - every teenagers dream.

This idyllic life is brought abruptly to an end when a skeleton is found inside the trunk of one of the Wych elms in the back garden. It’s complicated further by the fact that Toby’s head injury from the burglary means that his memories are ropey, to say the least.

I really liked this book: I liked the slow build up and learning about the family and the relationship between the cousins. As for the skeleton, well that mystery had me guessing right up to the end.

Incidentally, this is sold as ‘The Wych Elm’ in the UK - ‘Wych’ is an alternative spelling in old English of ‘witch’, and it also means pliant or supple. The words ‘wicker’ and ‘weak’ come from this word too (yes, I looked it up, and this will join all of the terribly interesting, yet relatively useless, information that accumulates in my head 🤷🏼‍♀️).

This is my first Tana French novel, and based on this book, it won’t be my last.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin for my copy of this book.