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Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
1991 | Animation, Family, Musical
Be Our Guest
Beauty and the Beast- such a classic, with excellent songs like.."Belle", "Gaston", "Something There", "Be Our Guest" and "Beauty and the Beast".

The plot: An arrogant young prince (Robby Benson) and his castle's servants fall under the spell of a wicked enchantress, who turns him into the hideous Beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Belle (Paige O'Hara) enters the Beast's castle after he imprisons her father Maurice (Rex Everhart). With the help of his enchanted servants, including the matronly Mrs. Potts (Angela Lansbury), Belle begins to draw the cold-hearted Beast out of his isolation.

Such a classic movie than their had to remake it. Grr. Like why disney, oh yea i know why $$$. What next a live action of "The Brave Little Toaster".
Disjointed Lives
Disjointed Lives
Morgan Sheppard | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I purchased my copy of this book.

Imagine meeting your best friend for coffee and telling her something that happened ten years before, something that could possibly cost you her friendship.

Because, at it's most basic, that's what this is : two old friends, best friends, meeting for coffee and Ava has to tell Paige something that happened ten years ago, when they were estranged, something that she NEEDS to say, but knows that Paige might not, hell, she WON'T like it, but she needs to know.

At it's most complex?? It's the story of a woman who falls in love with an abusive partner and her fight to get out and away from that partner. The abuse is not physical, it's emotional, it's mental, it is total in it's destruction of Ava of old. It is total in cutting Ava off from everything and everyone she knows. It reduces her to a woman who, while maybe at the back of her mind knows that what is happening to her is not right, this marriage is not how it should be, she cannot be anything else but his wife. She knows no one will want her, because James tells her so.

But Ava finds a friend at work who is not letting her wallow, is not letting go, and Jacob helps Ava. And Ava has been dreaming about Jacob, which is what prompted this coffee shop meeting, and it all coming tumbling out of Ava.

It is beautifully written, painful reading though. While not told in great detail, there is some reference to Ava's abuse, to what James did, what he made her do. I had to keep putting it down, it made me cry in many places. It's not very long, but because I had to keep putting it down, it took me all day to read the 67 pages here. But so beautifully written!

 Cutting extremely close to home on two fronts.

Because someone close to me went through what Ava did, but her abuse was physical, as well as mental. I watched her cutting us off, one by one, those closest to her first, and then spreading out, just as his tentacles spread out. And there was nothing we could do to stop it. We tried, oh Lord we tried, but she was in love. We had to wait til she came to the same conclusion, and wait for her to act on her own. She did. It just took a bit of time.

And because I know Ava, because I AM Paige. Finding out a wonderful day spent in amazing company last October was the inspiration for this book made me cry. Made me feel incredibly proud to be part of this book, made me feel incredibly proud of Ms Sheppard.

I cannot express, not really, how much this book affected me. But you should know that...


5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sloane's List
Sloane's List
Viola Estrella | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
high on the cute scale!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Sloane is now an empty nester, after sending her 18 year old daughter off to college. She has a list of ten things she wants to do. She just needs a man to help her. Enter Oscar. He meets her the day before Paige goes off, and is smitten from then on. But Oscar is younger than Sloane, and has a bit of a reputation. What's a girl to do, eh?

Bar one thing, and I will come back to that, I loved this!

It's a really easy read, and I mean that in a very VERY good way.

There were some plot lines I did not see coming, so well played there, but the penny did drop really fast! And some coming at ya like a freaking freight train, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. But I loved that! Sometimes, it really is lovely to see it all laid out for you.

It's not overly explicit, and I loved that here, for these two. I was expecting it to be, for some reason, and I loved being proven wrong about what I needed to read at this point in time.

Fairly low on the angst scale, but high on the cute scale and scorching on the warm and fuzzy scale!

I loved that we got to hear from both Sloane and Oscar, but also from Paige (Sloane's daughter) Alex (Oscar's brother) and the mother hen in the apartment complex, Auntie Ernie.

So, what didn't I like? Simple. First person, present tense AND multi point of view. In fact, I very VERY nearly dumped this, once I saw how it was written. So very VERY glad I didn't!

I haven't read anything by this author before, and I think I'd like to read something with a bit more bite.

But still, a very VERY good, 4 star read.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Characters are full and detailed. (1 more)
Story is heartfelt and relatable.
Though a true story, a lot of details are quickly glossed over. (0 more)
Great wrestling movie.
Been looking forward to this one and I wasn't disappointed. Granted, I have to say I'm a bit biased as a wrestling diehard. But, this movie is great. Paige and her family are full, detailed characters. You can relate from the onset. Sure, the story is a bit corny and many details and events are glossed over, but it's a story about family and the dream of being a professional wrestler. It fits perfectly with the subject matter. Like wrestling, we don't need all the deep details. You just tell a great story and get the audience to feel something. Which is what this movie does. Is it the next Best Picture Oscar winner? No. But it truly is a glorious tale of the importance of family and never giving up on your dreams.
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
I quite liked this film. It was a little predictable at times, but it was also really heartwarming and based on a true story, which I love. I also love that they showed home videos and things during the credits, that’s my favorite part of watching any film that’s based on a true story. I think it just makes it feel more real and it connects the story a bit more in a way that just doesn’t happen if they don’t show pictures and videos.

I liked that the film was about Paige. There are some pretty big names in this film, Vince Vaughn and Dwayne Johnson being two, and it didn’t feel like they were taking away from her or her story. It felt like they were there to lift her up, which I appreciated.

I think this movie is a good watch if you want something lighthearted but still a nice feel good.
Accacias Blood (Sisters of Hex #2)
Accacias Blood (Sisters of Hex #2)
Bea Paige | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
9 of 250
Accacias Blood ( Sisters of Hex book 2)
By Bea Paige

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

After saving Rhain from an agonising death, Accacia is determined to find her missing friend Clover and rescue her from the mysterious Fae. With the assistance of her vampire knights, the group head into the forbidden forest of Ever Vale and into a world of mystery and magic.Drawn deeper into the depths of the wood, Accacia learns what it is to have courage, to fight for the ones you love and to know when to let them go.

It’s an easy read and an easy to follow story. I did prefer the 1st book to this one I’m hoping they pick up a little. I’m glad we finally get Ezra to stop being all moody and self involved. Devin had to be my favourite and he’s just gone dark so the next book should be better for me.
Vampires and Villains (Magical Mystery Book Club #2)
Vampires and Villains (Magical Mystery Book Club #2)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

The book club has decided it's time for their second adventure. They have the addition of a new member to get to know as well. When and where will the snapdragon inns magical mystery book club take them this time?

This is the second book of the magical mystery book club series and yet again it's another series by Elizabeth that I absolutely am obsessed with. She has a way of involving you in the story so that you feel you are there and solve the mystery with them. She is so talented I think its great that she makes a reference to the destiny falls series (the book that Paige is reading) it's a real personal touch and I found myself grinning as I read that bit.

Elizabeth has produced another gripping series and yet again I cannot wait for the next instalment. Thank you, Elizabeth.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
Tessa Ever After (Reluctant Hearts, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts with Tessa late to pick up her daughter from day care as she struggles to adjust to life since her older brother, Cade, moved away and left her alone with everything. Cade used to be babysitter, chef, chauffeur, DIY-er and many other things that made Tessa's life much easier and she's struggling to get herself in gear. She's also online dating, trying to find the older guy who'll be there and treat her right...when maybe the guy she really wants is a little closer to home.
In walks her brothers best friend, Jason, who Cade has tasked with keeping an eye on her. Jason's view of Tessa has slowly been changing from "best friends little sister" to gorgeous woman and mum and after some warnings from Cade and encouragement from their joint friend Adam, he decides to pursue Tessa.

First things first, I feel like I need to let you know that I have a big weakness for super cute children in my romances and Haley is certainly that. There were some really cute scenes with her and Tessa and Jason. She was super cuteness personified.

I did like their relationship. It was cute how it progressed and I'm glad they stuck with each other despite the obstacles that popped up here and there. And of course there was a misunderstanding that caused a slight rift but luckily they got around it and became a very cute little family unit.

Some of the secondary characters like Adam and Paige grew on me in this. We got to know Paige more than Adam but she seems to need to find that special someone and I think sparks may be flying between her and Adam in the next one. I'm not sure if I'll read it though.

I think I missed some of the angst that can happen in the romances I like with this. It was a little too nice. I like the bad boy type to be full of tattoos and dirty mouthed so they can rile their love interest up enough for her to answer back and sparks to fly.
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)
Susan Ee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got really into this but I have to say that for me that last 10% was the best bit.

That Raffe finally showed some emotion about how he felt about Penryn after telling her quite a few pages before that he didn't even like her, which hurt both her and me. Iunderstand why he said it but it was just cruel.

I feel I have to mention Penryn's mum. She's CRAZY! Quite literally crazy, but she made me laugh with some of the things she did, like with the cattle prod at the Aerie.

As for Paige...well I'm torn about the poor kid now. I initially felt sorry for her, with her being taken and then when we, as readers, and Penryn finally find her again and we learn what they've been doing to the missing children, I felt even worse. But at the same time, she's no longer the little girl she was and in a way, she scares me.

I cant wait to read the next one now, to see how everything works out! Hopefully all will be well.
The Last House on the Left (2009)
The Last House on the Left (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In 1972, horror icon Wes Craven made a name for himself by writing and directing a film called “The Last House on the Left.” The film was very controversial and helped launch a new genre of terror and suspense films that pushed the limits of the times. The film was notorious for its content which included rape, torture, humiliation, and violence and contains to this day some of the most disturbing images ever captured on film. In this age of remakes, prequels, and sequels, Wes Craven has stepped aside to produce a new version of his classic and this remake is sure to be as controversial and disturbing as the original was.

The film centers around 17 year old Mari Collingwood (Sara Paxton), who is taking time off from her competitive swimming and school to spend the summer with her parents Emma and John (Monica Potter and Tony Goldwyn), at their remote cabin in the woods. The family is coming to grips with the loss of their son, and Mari is anxious to spend some time with her friend Paige (Martha MacIssac), whom she has not seen in a while.

Despite concerns from her mother, Mari is given the keys to the car by her father and travels into town to see Paige. The two girls meet a boy named Justin (Spencer Treat Clark), and proceed to go back to his room to party. The three of them are having a great time until Justin’s father Krug (Garrett Dillahunt), as well as his uncle and father’s girlfriend return unexpectedly. Krug and the group are wanted convicts after a bloody escape that has left two officers dead and Krug and his family the subject of an intense manhunt. The presence of Paige and Mari is an unwanted complication and the two girls are kidnapped and taken deep into the woods. After a failed escape attempt, the unstable group set upon the girls in a series of violent physical and psychological torture and acts before brutally finishing with them and leaving them for dead.

When an unexpected storm arrives, the fugitives take refuge at the only house in the area which happens to be Mari’s home. The Collingwood’s take the stranded group in and render medical assistance thanks to John’s background as a doctor. Unaware of the evil they have let into their home, the Collingwood’s life is turned upside down when their nearly dead daughter appears on their doorstep and forces the family to do whatever it takes to survive.

What follows is a dark, violent, and intense finale that goes to extreme measures to underscore the brutality and desperation the family has been driven to in order to survive. This may lead to some using the popular phrase “torture porn” to describe the film, but that would imply a film that existed in no other context but to titillate an audience with pain and suffering. The film is thin on plot and character development, making it simply a film about revenge and the depths people will go to in order to survive and protect their loved ones. The film is a bit slow at parts but few people will forget some of the more intense moments of the film include the finale. As with “The Hills Have Eyes”, Craven created settings where ideal families were driven to extreme measures when confronted with life outside of the safe suburbs in which they dwelled. The film will shock and dismay some, but few will forget the disturbing images anytime soon.