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Accasias Bite (Sisters of Hex #3)
Accasias Bite (Sisters of Hex #3)
Bea Paige | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
20 of 250
Accasias Bite ( sisters of Hex book 3)
By Bea Paige

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Accacia remains cursed, just like the vampires she's grown to love, just like the people of Ever Vale and just like the four fated clan daughters of the prophecy.Alongside her Dark Knights, Accacia must play her part in breaking the curse or remain under the Queen's rule forevermore. Yet, how can she do that when Devin is losing his soul to the darkness, to a fate far worse than death? If Accacia cannot save his soul, then the battle is over before it's even truly begun.The stakes are high in this final installment of Accacia's journey as she heads into the danger of the queen's castle. Sacrifices will be made, friendships forged, and alliances sought. Accacia's Bite will conclude Accacia's journey, but not the Sisters of Hex series.

It was again a touch disappointing and felt a bit rushed. Still despite this a good read. Getting Devin back seemed a bit to easy! I like the set up for the next lot of books so fingers crossed.
The Silent Suspect (Paige Northwood #3)
The Silent Suspect (Paige Northwood #3)
Nell Pattison | 2021 | Crime, Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read the two previous books in this series and whilst they were good, I wasn't able to be overly enthusiastic. Unfortunately, this is the same.

The story starts well but quickly becomes tedious and I found myself skimming large sections which is never a good sign. The characters are not particularly likeable and I found Paige became increasingly annoying and don't even get me started on the so-called Social Worker who I found to be unprofessional and not like any Social Worker I have ever met.

I couldn't connect with the characters or the story at all, I didn't feel any tension or thrills and the final reveal was disappointing and, for me, predictable. The only saving grace is the insight into the deaf community and the difficulties and barriers they face every day.

This book wasn't for me and I'm really sorry to say that I won't be reading more in this series but plenty of others have enjoyed it so give it a go if it sounds like your type of book.

I would like to thank Avon Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Shifting and Shenanigans (Magical Mystery Book Club #1)
Shifting and Shenanigans (Magical Mystery Book Club #1)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Paige is a recent divorcee who's great grandma has gone to a better place and left her business the snapdragon Inn to her and her aunt glo. They take the bull by the horns and pack up what they own move across the country to where the Inn is. They discover a few different things about the Inn including the cosy murder mystery book club and how adventurous it can get reading.

Well, what can I say? I think Elizabeth is a Fantastic write and cannot praise her high enough. I thought very highly of her destiny falls series (I recommend that a read as well) and although this is book number 1 in this series I'm already waiting for the next one!

The way her writing just flows I never actually find myself questioning what is and isn't real as it seems like it could be even though I know it's impossible, I never seem to stutter or stop and think hold on a minute I'm just excited to read the next part of the story.

Well done Elizabeth you've got me hooked again!
Twist ma and turns (1 more)
Paige Turner
Predict ability (0 more)
Tory and Darcy just turned eighteen, freeing them from the foster system they have been on since their parents death when they were infants. However, being free isn’t always easy. Though the system was not easy or even allowed them to find real homes or families, the twins had each other. Now that we are being told they are from another secret world, the Fae World, and are royalty, they must learn about the parents, their world they never knew and a magic they never knew to gain their inheritance they only could have dreamt for. The only problem? Four Celestial Heirs who don’t want them to have their throne back.

This book as a page turned and left me wanting more. It the first in the series and I and already se to devoid book two. The writing style is interesting and can keep you on your toes but I feel the characters are easy to predict as times. But they are you log adults so that might by why in this case. It is still an excellent read.
Love Potions
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Since I don't seem to be having much luck with books that I have actively bought to read and then struggled to get into, I've gone back to the Random Number Generator and it chose #32, which is this one: a chick-lit romance. We will see how I get on with it...


2.5 stars.

I'm really picky with my chick-lit. I like authors like [a:Paige Toon|515155|Paige Toon|] and [a:Belinda Jones|42220|Belinda Jones|] who focus a good 80-90% of the story on the main characters and their romance.

This was probably 30%, which was a big disappointment. I wanted more of Derry. He appeared in the book probably about 5 times total, which was rubbish.

The only good thing in my opinion was the Joss thing. I'm so glad she got rid of Marvin, the insensitive, manipulative old sod. Admittedly I was doing a little happy dance when they met in London and she told him how it was now. Go Joss!

Other than that though, I was disappointed. I read books for the romance and for me, there wasn't much between our main characters.

Not a book I'm likely to keep.
One Perfect Summer (One Perfect #1)
One Perfect Summer (One Perfect #1)
Paige Toon | 2012
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first 2 star rating for a Paige Toon book. I'm a big fan but I struggled to get into this one, it was only about the 75% mark that it started to really grab my attention and then it was full steam ahead.

Joe was great--I've noticed that she likes to write books about first loves and meeting them again years later. This must be the 3rd/4th I've read with that sort of storyline--and I liked the beginning where they spent a lot of time together. It was a little dark in places--Joe's brother--but also sweet at times.

I have to say that I think this book dragged a lot in the middle. There was a lot of bits that were irrelevant as far as I'm concerned, and that was probably why it's taken me so long to read.

Then we meet Lukas. He seems pretty normal to start with but the more of him we see the more controlling and demanding he became and I just wanted to scream at Alice. What was she doing?!

The ending was a little vague of names but it had to be Joe that she met. It had to be!
American Homemaker
American Homemaker
John Kaine | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Desperate Housewives meets American Horror Story!
Kim Loomis: American homemaker, social media star, and mortician (alongside her husband, Norman). Unfortunately for Kim, people in her small town just aren't dying quickly enough, so she needs to get...creative.

Melody Morgan: Contract killer on the brink of retirement, or so she thinks. She mistakenly kills a cartel's money man (oops) and is dealing with the fallout.

These are very broad strokes, so as not to spoil anything. There's SO much more going on throughout the story. The other members of the Homemakers Association of Vermont (Brooke, Paige, and Megan) all have their own...issues, let's call them. Are any of these women particularly likable? No, not at all, but for me at least, that didn't take away from the story.
I got an absolute kick out of this book!
(Side note: This may be because I've been watching Why Women Kill (CBS All Access) - although there is WAY more killing happening in this book than on that show. Also, if you're not watching it, why not?)

Fun, smart, and sharply written, American Homemaker has definitely earned its place among my favorite books of the year.

Thank you to the author and BookishFirst for the free copy!
Family ( Academy of Misfits book 3)
Bea Paige | 2022
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
201 of 230
Family ( Academy of Misfits)
By Bea Paige

You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family...

But that’s crap.
I can choose my family.
I choose Eastern. I choose Ford. I choose Sonny. I choose Camden.
Four boys.
Four boys with broken, jagged edges.
Four fierce boys who have chosen me.
And now together we face my flesh and blood.
My brother, the biggest bully at Oceanside. My father, the most notorious criminal in the country. Both intent on hurting the people I love.
But they’ve underestimated me.
I’m Asia. I’m a fighter.
I carry the storm within me.
And with my boys by my side, we’ll face them head on.
Because we are the delinquents, we are the rejects, but most of all we are family, and family sticks together.

So it’s all finally come to an end for Asia and her boys! She’s finally going to face up to her father and hopefully save her brothers and friends! With Pink being kidnapped tempers are running high. This was a very good ending to a solid series. I really enjoyed it and I love Bea Paige’s writing style. Highly recommend.
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
A biopic that’s not just for wrestling fans
Let me make something clear before I dive into my review: I don’t like wrestling. Actually, I hate wrestling. I could barely name another wrestler aside from The Rock and John Cena, so at a glance this film really isn’t marketed towards me. But when we go a little deeper, it becomes clear that this is an incredibly accessible film with a powerful message.

Fighting With My Family tells the story of Norwich-born Saraya “Paige” Bevis. Brought up in a family of wrestlers, Bevis spent her life wrestling alongside her parents, brother and the local community, drawing in small crowds on a regular basis. The family has dreams of making WWE and becoming professional wrestlers, even going as far as sending audition tapes to the company. When Saraya and her brother Zak “Zodiac” are called for an official audition, the family’s lives change for better and for worse.

With an all-star cast including The Rock (obviously), Vince Vaughn, Nick Frost, Lena Headey and Florence Pugh, it’s an incredibly appealing film. Everyone involved takes to their roles effortlessly, bringing all the charm and quirks of the characters to life. It’s so easy to like the Knight family, as they come across as a strange yet passionate family who’d do everything in their power to support the community around them. It’s refreshing to see a depiction of working-class life that doesn’t make the audience sneer or judge. I found myself rooting for the Knights all the way, and wishing them all the best. Pugh embodies Paige so well, to the point where it was easy to believe you were watching the woman herself. She’s so awkward, British and hugely likeable throughout.

I was also surprised to learn that Stephen Merchant (yes, that Stephen Merchant) was at the helm of this film. I adored his direction style and hilarious cameo, making this an unlikely project that worked like a charm. Based off the documentary of the same name, Merchant brings his own unique vision to the project, with the legendary Dwayne Johnson helping out as an an executive producer. It feels like an unlikely duo, but it seriously works.

Fighting With My Family has classic British humour and a familiar grittiness to it, reminding me why I adore British cinema so much. There are clear tonal shifts between the UK and US, emphasising the cultural differences and how out of her depth Bevis felt at first. This is where a lot of the humour comes into play too, as a pale, pierced Norwich girl sticks out like a sore thumb amongst blonde, bronzed models. As Saraya steps into the world of WWE with the ring name “Paige”, she has to face numerous obstacles that are both mentally and physically challenging. As it happens, her identity is one of them, and she soon becomes an outcast.

Yes, this film is about one girl’s rise to the top of the WWE ranks, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s about family, class divide, jealousy, among others. I particularly enjoyed the dynamic between Saraya and Zak, as there’s a clear case of sibling rivalry here. Whilst Saraya succeeds, Zak is dealing with a whole host of personal issues whilst wallowing in his own sadness. This is jealousy on a massive scale, causing a rift between the siblings, and in turn, the rest of the family.

I loved the overall message that the film delivers: that it’s important to always be true to yourself, and do what makes you great. Whether that’s big or small, you can make an impact. This is something that Zak eventually learns whilst he’s feeling jealous of his sister’s success. The familial bond is so strong in this film, and it’s a truly beautiful thing to witness. They might be slightly bonkers, dysfunctional and off the wall, but they’d do anything to support each other. Isn’t that wonderful?
The Sleepwalker
The Sleepwalker
Chris Bohjalian | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lianna Ahlberg has always known that her mother, Annalee, is a sleepwalker. So when Annalee goes missing, her family immediately assumes she has vanished while sleepwalking. After all, Lianna once pulled her naked mother off a bridge near the river by their home. A scrap of her nightshirt is found near that same river, and everyone assumes the worst. College-aged Lianna, her twelve-year-old sister, Paige, and their father, Warren, must grapple with a life without this loving mother and wife. Still, the police, including detective Gavin Rikert, continue to probe into Annalee's disappearance. And so does her family. Lianna finds herself learning more about her mother, her parents' marriage, and her family's history of sleepwalking. She also finds herself drawn to Gavin, who knew her mother before she disappeared. Where is Annalee, or her body? And what really happened that night?

This story is almost a treatise in the facts of sleepwalking, or parasomnia. It is told from Lianna's point of view, but interspersed with odd snippets from a journal (or something, we aren't sure) with facts, thoughts, and ruminations about sleepwalking. It's also a very (very) slow-building mystery as we discover what happened to Annalee Ahlberg (as Lianna calls her repeatedly throughout the novel - something that bothered me. Just call her mom!). The novel certainly has some intrigue, but man, it's a slow buildup, and while I liked Lianna and Paige, I wasn't fully part of their world, and I didn't find myself rushing to read this book; it took me five or so days to finish it, which is a lot for me. Now I read it over the holidays, and I wasn't feeling well (not its fault), but still.

Furthermore, the book details a lot of odd plot threads that never seem to fully connect. I often found myself wondering if it was interesting, or just dragging on. Having Lianna tell the story as she's looking back in time was also an odd storytelling device, as it just allowed for weird, pointless inserts (e.g., ruminating about how she never used condoms).

By the time we get to the ending, it is somewhat surprising, but almost a little frustrating. So much buildup for very little resolution, and then the novel is over. In a way, I feel as if Bohjalian suffered (for me) from his greatness; I've loved so many of his other novels and characters that this one just fell a bit flat. It was interesting premise, and not a bad read, but certainly not my favorite of his.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 1/10/2017.