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Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated The Last Piece of My Heart in Books

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
The Last Piece of My Heart
The Last Piece of My Heart
Paige Toon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Paige Toon has always been an author I'll buy. I've pretty much read all of her books apart from her last two or three--which I own but haven't gotten around to reading yet. I always tend to find Toon's books easy to get through and once I start, it's a case of full steam ahead.

So Bridget is a travel journalist who is also writing a blog about reclaiming the pieces of her heart that she lost to past boyfriends who she fell in love with, flying all over the world to meet up with them and asking for the pieces back. At the same time, she's been tasked with finishing writing a sequel to a bestselling novel after the author died suddenly half way through writing it.

It was interesting to read the authors journals and to see that a lot of her story was based on her own experiences when she was younger. I enjoyed Bridget's time getting to know Nicki--the author who had sadly passed away--through the stories told in notebooks and from her husband, Charlie.

Then there's Nicki and Charlie's baby daughter, April. I've got a serious weakness for cute babies/children in stories. She's used as a pretty focal character in the book and I think, like Bridget, that we start to fall in love with her from early on.

I think Toon did a good job of writing a grieving husband (and other family members) and the tenderness of finding new love after such a big loss.

I'm looking forward to reading those other books I mentioned above.
Reject ( Academy of Misfits book 2)
Reject ( Academy of Misfits book 2)
Bea Paige | 2021 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
209 of 250
Reject (Academy of Misfits book 2)
By Bea Paige

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

What's the saying: keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

Guess I'm about to find out just how difficult that really is. I might have my best friend back but his safety and that of my chosen family depends on me doing something I vowed never to do.
Join Camden's crew.
Thing is, you don't turn down the leader of Hackney's Hackers and then get a second chance without forfeiting something in return. The relationships I was just starting to build, is that too high of a price?
Sonny with his joking nature and dimples.
Ford with his mysterious dominance and protective instinct.
Eastern with his unyielding loyalty and feeling of home.
This term at Oceanside Academy, my sanity will be pushed to the limit as I walk the fine line between friend and foe. All I know is this better be worth it because I'm about to learn something important about myself. I was happy being a delinquent, but a reject... ? Not so much.

Loved it!! Better than the first one and I enjoyed that! The story is developing and becoming more thrilling although I had the cliffhanger pegged from the start. I’d have tho by now that some of the characters would start grating on me but they aren’t the one you want to see dealt with is Monk that dude has it coming! Really good reverse harem too as it’s built nicely to this point. Definitely recommend.
Bring Her Home
David Bell | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bring Her Home is...fine. It's a perfectly serviceable summer read that moves briskly. The plot is interesting and I did want to know how everything turned out. There are plenty of twists, some more easily guessed than others, although the last(-ish) one starting around page 355 and continuing until near the end was a bit much. While I don't expect the story to be realistic, it still stretched my plausibility meter for the book. <spoiler>I just find that two major events concurred one the same day at basically the same time is extremely unlikely.</spoiler> I would have liked a tighter, less convoluted answer to everything, plus another character's viewpoint besides Bill, Summer's dad, maybe Paige or Detective Hawkins. The book is told through Bill the whole time, all 425 or so pages, and it could be tiring as he has next to no impulse-control. I understand some of what he did, but at the same time, I found him irritating and felt like the police should just lock him up until they solved the case. Also, characters who should be keeping facts confidential (a guidance counselor and a pastor), just spout off for what they think is the greater good or something. I'd be pissed if something I had said or done in confidence was told without my say-so, I don't care what the case should be, I'd never trust those people again. There are a few other things that raised my eyebrows and made me think "as-if!," but nothing I can divulge without spoiling so I'll keep my trap shut. Anyway, overall, the book is entertaining and diverting, just don't expect it to blow your mind.

Received through Goodreads Firstreads giveaway.
The Poet (The Poet Series)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The only way out is through the blood.
When Rebecca Paige decides to vacation alone at an isolated resort in the woods, it's a welcome break from her position as the administrator of a psychiatric hospital. Little does she know, the poet is also visiting this peaceful hideaway, and his motivation is far more sinister in nature. On the last day of her trip, Rebecca has an unusual encounter with Jack Shelley, the man in the cabin next door. After he leaves, men with guns suddenly descend on the resort and take Rebecca and the other guests hostage. Rebecca is accustomed to dangerous situations at work, but can that help her escape multiple armed assailants? Who are these men? What do they want? How are they connected to the man next door? Who is the poet? Slightly twisted with a literary flair,
The Poet is the first installment in the new and captivating The Poet Series that will have readers thinking about the dark and wondering if love, redemption, and forgiveness really do apply to everyone.

The Poet is the first installment in the new and captivating The Poet Series that will have readers thinking about the dark and wondering if love, redemption, and forgiveness really do apply to everyone.
Decent start of a series with characters that have growth potential. Some surprises and a decent wrap up until the next installment.
I liked the character of the Poet but would have liked a bit more of some background on him. The flashbacks provided were chilling!
This is a fast action, hang on tight thriller.
Recommend reading!

Thank you to NetGalley, Gatekeeper Press and the author, Stephanie John Harris, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of The Poet in exchange for an honest review.
Disclaimer: I received an unedited ARC copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked this story from the beginning. It's a new spin on vampire lore, and there are other supernatural beings, as well. We find out about Anna's past throughout the book, as she goes into a trance to "relive" part of her life from the night she was turned, to determine how Jaxson knows her (after having a pretty steamy interaction with him). Her best friend Paige and Paige's boyfriend Ozzie, a hunter, come to protect her while in her trance, and the twists just keep coming throughout the story.

I also greatly enjoyed the use of music throughout the book. I knew pretty much all of the songs mentioned, and they were each relevant and used perfectly to describe certain situations, especially the ending. And speaking of the ending, it's definitely a cliffhanger, so I can't wait to see what happens next! An entertaining read, and one I would recommend to those who like the supernatural and supernatural romances.

My only issue (other than wishing it was longer and/or I had the second book already) was with some of the dialogue. I thought it was stilted at times, as characters would switch back and forth between using and not using contractions within the same sentence or paragraph, which didn't seem natural to me. Also, some of the inner dialogue within Anna's or Paige's head felt a little too descriptive. I know it was used to explain things and further the story, but it struck a small chord with me, as I just didn't think it was natural. (However, I was reading an unedited ARC, so this may be changed in the final version.)

4 stars, and I really want to read the next one =)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, Armstrong definitely closed the series with a bang. I enjoyed this volume so much that I'm tempted to go back and re-read the entire series just to have more right now.

All the characters we've gotten to know are back: Clay, Elena, Jaime and Jeremy, Hope and Karl, Paige and Lucas, Eve and Kristof, Adam, Sean, Bryce, and Benicio. Savannah, however, is the center of this novel while the others weave in and out of the action.

Savannah Levine was a child when she was introduced in one of the earliest books of the series, [b:Stolen|11922|Stolen (Women of the Otherworld, #2)|Kelley Armstrong||14289]. She is definitely a full adult now, capable of holding her own with or without spells. She is also an incredible nexus of influence &mdash; and those who want to use or influence her just don't take "no" for an answer no matter how forcefully she says it.

The Supernatural Liberation Movement (SLM) wants to use Savannah in their quest to bring supernaturals into the open, but she isn't interested. She's been fighting their agents since [b:Waking the Witch|6725785|Waking the Witch (Women of the Otherworld, #11)|Kelley Armstrong||6921947], but some of the plots their primary members are associated in go all the way back to [b:Stolen|11922|Stolen (Women of the Otherworld, #2)|Kelley Armstrong||14289]. These are the people who killed Eve, so why would Savannah help them?

Armstrong has done a masterful job of weaving little threads together from all the different books so that they wind up in one neat package. I was enthralled from the first word through the last, but satisfied with where she left the characters. I look forward to reading any new stories she chooses to tell in the Otherworld, but I can see that this round is finished. Kudos to her for a job well done.
Never Saw You Coming
Never Saw You Coming
Hayley Doyle | 2020 | Contemporary
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
slow beginning (0 more)
So Zara, who's a bit of a go getter, flies halfway across the world from Dubai to London (and then buys a third/fourth hand car so she can drive to Liverpool!) all so she can meet the guy she's been chatting with for months believing he could be "the one". But things don't turn out so well.
Then there's Jim, he's working a dead end job and can't seem to catch a break. Until he wins a car via a radio station giveaway and it changes his life.

The first half of this book was probably only 2 stars for me. It was rather slow and a bit of an info dump of flashbacks and now as we got to know our characters and figure out where their heads were at. I kept putting it down and doing other things because it just wasn't grabbing my attention that much.
The second half got a little more exciting as Jim and Zara travelled the country together, getting to know each other as they spent hours in vehicles. I was willing them on, both to get where they were going and at one point - to possibly get together. It was still a little slow going, though.

I did like Jim's cast of friends. They were resourceful and quite a good laugh.

I like how this is set in the UK. Most of the books I usually read tend to be set in the USA so this was a nice change. The way it was written was exactly how some of us talk here. It was a nice change.

I do like a good bit of chick-lit but I prefer them more along the lines of Paige Toon and Jo Watson where the characters are more obviously into each other and the romance blossoms quickly but this is still a good read if you really like the genre.
The Longest Holiday
The Longest Holiday
Paige Toon | 2013 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Paige Toon is an author I am diligently working my way through. I think I'm about 80% done with her catalogue now, though she has got a new release out which I haven't got my hands on yet.

So this one starts with Laura flying off to Miami for two weeks with her friend Marty and one of Marty's close friends, Bridget, as she tries to escape her life in London after finding out her new husband, Matthew, got another woman pregnant on his stag night. The girls head down to Key West to enjoy the sunshine and beaches and sign up for a SCUBA diving course where Laura meets Leo, an attractive man she caught sight of a few days earlier. There's an instant attraction between them but when Leo finds out she's married he keeps her at arms length and since Laura is pretty determined her marriage is over, she finally gets him to give in. What follows is a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions as Laura stays in Key West for longer than the two weeks in what becomes the Longest Holiday.

I was really into this until near the end when we started to see things from Leo's POV. The end bit got a little hard to read when Leo goes to London to see Laura and I didn't think that bit was drawn out enough, though I was crying like a baby at times. It hit me in the feels big time.

And then we got the epilogue and we see Laura happy for the first time in months.

I grew to like a lot of the characters in this: Laura, Leo, Bridget, Jorge and even Mike. Pretty much everyone else seemed to be pro-Matthew which annoyed (me and) Laura, which I totally understood.

I'll be reading more of this author's books soon I'm sure.
Office Grump
Office Grump
Nicole Snow | 2020 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a bit too long (0 more)
This one starts with Sabrina late for work after missing her bus only to be told they're letting her go from her position due to "right-sizing" - her bosses term for down sizing - and she heads to her favourite coffee shop for a commiseration bear claw and cinnamon coffee that she consumes on her favourite park bench. Only she gets interrupted by the attractive but grumpy Magnus Heron who wants the bench for his work. Neither leaves the best impression on the other but it does linger and Magnus decides the feisty girl may just be the perfect person for his EA position. Sabrina grudgingly takes the job but as they get to know each other feelings begin to emerge between them.

This was a long book but I didn't mind that most of the time because I was enjoying reading Brina and Mag's romance slowly blossom. It did take a while for anything to happen - somewhere around the 35% mark - and then it was kicked to the background again for quite a while and i honestly do not blame Brina for telling him where to go several times for the way he treats her sometimes.

I did like this. It took a long time to get to that HEA but it was good reading - if i little too long in my opinion. It did make me cry towards the end, though, because i had come to care for these people and i wanted them to work out. I even grew to like teenage Jordan, whose emotions were up in the air like nobodies business after his mums mugging - which was understandable. He didn't know Magnus so to suddenly find yourself living with a billionaire you've never really met had to be hard.

I'm also intrigued by Brina's best friend and roommate - Paige, I think it was. Is she going to be getting her own book? She had about as much spark in her as Brina so it would be fun to see what guy ends up taming her.
Ma Rainey&#039;s Black Bottom (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
2020 | Drama, Music
“1, 2, You know what to do”.
I’ve put off watching this movie, since the subject matter didn’t immediately grab me. But I’m glad I caught it, since I really enjoyed it. All in all, it feels a little surprising in retrospect that “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” didn’t make the Oscar “Best Picture” list.

I really wanted to put down all of the ‘Oscar buzz’ about the late Chadwick Boseman to a mawkish sentimentality about the actor’s tragic passing (which sounds disrespectful, but is not intended to). But having seen the performance as Levee, I take it all back. He’s stunning in the role and thoroughly deserves not only the Oscar nomination, but potentially also the win. A monologue about a traumatic childhood experience is Oscar-clip gold. What a way to ‘go out on a high’.
Viola Davis has a miraculous transformation as the historical singer in the twilight of her career. When you see her doing interviews (there is a very good 30 minute “Making of” documentary on Netflix), it’s almost impossible to believe that she is the same actress.
There are some great supporting performances as well: Glynn Turman as Toledo is great; and Taylour Paige is memorably sexy as the love interest (surprisingly) of two of the leads.
Both the production design and the costume/hair design are exquisite: no more so than in the gorgeous opening scene of the performance in the tent. Again, very deserving of their Oscar nominations.
There are some great directorial flourishes by Wolfe. One of my favourite scenes has Boseman finally breaking down a mystery door to find…. well, no spoilers, but it is a metaphor for Levee’s own struggles against life.

Just as in another August Wilson adaptation, “Fences” (and indeed in the recent “One Night in Miami”), the production feels like a filmed stage play. The forward motion of the movie keeps stopping for monologues by some of the characters (albeit brilliant ones in many cases).