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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Wakenhyrst in Books

Apr 5, 2021  
Michelle Paver | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wakenhyrst had me gripped from the first page - well, technically I listened to it, so lets say in the first five minutes.
There’s an underlying feeling of menace and claustrophobia running through this. Partly because of the restraints on Maud because of the fact that she’s female, young and upper class in the Edwardian period; partly because of the ever-present Fen and the mysterious atmosphere surrounding it; partly because we know from the first chapter what is going to happen - and we are heading to that end.
Themes of obsession, superstition and madness run throughout, and it’s not just the uneducated working class fenland men and women who are preoccupied with witchcraft and demonic possession.
Maud’s father Edmund, is translating and researching the book of Alice Pyett, a woman who lived four hundred years before the book is set. She was supposed to have heard the voice of God, but if you ask me, she longed for chastity because she had had a ridiculous amount of children and needed a break.
The deeper Edmund gets in to the translation, the stranger his diary entries become. ANd when he stumbles across a painting in the graveyard of his church, his behaviour becomes even more unhinged. To be honest, the descriptions were such that I thought I was seeing the demons along with him!
This book has been sat on my kindle for quite a while now, and I decided to use my Audible credit and listen to it - which was a cracking idea. The narrator, Juanita McMahon, really brings this story to life - and makes it all the more haunting.
This isn’t a ghost story, at least it didn’t seem like one all the way through, but it certainly gave me the chills! I loved it. If you like a chilling, gothic tale, this will suit you down to the ground.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Bloodlines in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Richelle Mead | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a huge fan of the Vampire Academy series, I anxiously awaited this book. What little I knew of the Alchemists fascinated me, and I felt like Adrian got the short stick in the final book of the series, Last Sacrifice. Richelle Mead does not disappoint in this book, and she keeps just enough mystery in the plot to keep me engrossed to the last page. Rose and Dimitri even make a few appearances, which was neat to see how other characters viewed them.
Sydney is the central character, and at first glance she seems to be the antithesis of Rose's personality. She wants to be obedient and cooperative with her bosses, and she had no interest in rebelling against the system. Unfortunately, her innate desire to do good and root out evil forces her into some rough situations. Her extreme phobia of magic also creates some interesting conflicts and a very promising revelation that I can't wait to see play out in further books.
Adrian's role is at first a secret, but with a few clues from the previous series allowed me to figure it out before Mead revealed it. Gone is the Adrian that Rose brought out -- instead he is back to as much smoking and drinking as at the beginning of the previous series, back when I did not like his character. BUT, this all seems to be a facade after awhile, when Adrian shows an avid interest in painting.
Jill is the one that Sydney is protecting, along with a collection of other new and old characters. As a fifteen-year-old girl also striving to have some semblance of normal life, Jill gets mixed up in problems of her own as she strives to define who she is. While her character could have had more development, as the first book in the series, there is plenty of room for growth.
I could not get through this book fast enough, and I can't wait for the second book, Golden Lily.
The Masterpiece
The Masterpiece
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In her latest novel, Francine Rivers brings us Roman Velasco a well to do artist who could have anything money can buy, except peace and contentment. Using graffiti to deal with his hurt and emotions, running from foster home to foster home as a child, Roman aka Bobby Ray Dean (the bird) is haunted by his past as a graffiti tagger.

Roman hires Grace as his personal assistant to help free up his time so he can concentrate on painting, but little does she know about Romans alter ego Bobby Ray Dean. Grace s dealing with her own secrets. Recovering from a bad marriage, Grace vows never to let a man hurt her again, but as they get to know one another the pieces begin to come together that alter the course of their lives.

Francine Rivers has done a superb job writing this novel. She has created intriguing characters that every reader can relate to. The author has run with an idea of how a childhood trauma can impact adult life; how two broken individuals can find completeness together. The author also brings out the issues of how we as persons can fall into traps and be thrown into the worldly ways, only to suffer the consequences of our actions.

She also points out that we are saved by Grace and that God loves us, and sometimes some of us have to realize there is a hell in order to hear and understand the truth.

A wonderful novel that the reader will not be able to put down. Well written and keeps the reader wanting more.
 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Cheerleaders
The Cheerleaders
Kara Thomas | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones
There are no longer cheerleaders allowed at Sunnybrook High School. It's been that way for five years, ever since five members of the team died within a short span of each other. One of those girls was Monica's sister, Jen. Jen committed suicide after four of her fellow cheerleaders died--two in a car accident and two in a brutal murder at the hands of a fellow Sunnybrook resident. That man is dead, killed by the police. Still, Monica doesn't understand why her confident, beautiful sister killed herself. And now she's finding strange things about Jen's death that don't add up: her phone, left behind in her stepfather's desk, weird letters in his drawer, and more. What really happened five years ago? And are people done dying?

This was my first book from Kara Thomas, but it won't be my last. While this is billed as a YA novel--and there are definitely some aspects--it's also dark and twisted. I found it to be a compelling mystery that kept me guessing the entire time. Thomas does a wonderful job of painting suspense and unease as Monica slowly unravels more and more details surrounding the cheerleaders' deaths. It's impossible to trust anyone in this novel, which makes it all the more delightful. From one page to the next, I was convinced someone else was the culprit.

There's a varied set of characters in this one, but Monica is definitely the star. She's a strong narrator, even she doesn't always make the best decisions. Again, this isn't a sweet, touchy feely YA novel and neither is our narrator. She's made some bad choices (and been through a lot), but she's also feisty and determined.

Overall, this has a Pretty Little Liars vibe at times, but it's also a captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones. It will keep you guessing and engaged. Plus, there's that wonderful, twisty ending. 4 stars.
From the Auction Block to Glory examines the lives and stories of African Americans during the civil war years. Where transplanted and enslaved African Americans were bought and sold as property to the battlefield where two dozen black soldiers won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Beginning with a history of slavery from its European origins to its establishment in the New World. With the succession phases of African American involvement in the World effort. When the North faced a potentially disastrous manpower crisis at the end of 1862, more than 200,000 African Americans rose to the occasion and joined the forces supplementing the Union's dissipating army, salvaging the North's hope of reuniting the nation. The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the repeals of the 1792 militia law transformed the military and political climate in the North. African American's were now free to fight on the side of the North but stereotypes were as such that black soldiers were under pressure to prove their combat capabilities. From the early battles and victories at Milliken's Bend and Port Hudson to the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantries famous attack on Fort Wagner, African American's demonstrated their fighting.

From the Auction Block to Glory by Phillip Thomas Tucker Ph.D. is 128 pages long and looks at the African American experience from slavery to emancipation. I found the book very insightful as it looked at the side of slavery not just from the slave's point of view but from the perspective of the Southern owners and the North's needs end the slavery. The painting, photographs, and stretches bring the past to life and allow additional visual confirmation of what the words were saying and gives you a rare and unique view of the world that they lived in. I found the book very informative and an enjoyable read. Dr. Tucker writing style is in a communicative style similar to a conversation from him to you which makes you want to finish the book in one sitting.
The Master and the Muses
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After first reading <i> Tortured</i>, I was then taken in by <i>The Master and the Muse</i>. I was immediately interested in <i>The Master and the Muse</i> because it was a historical novel about an artist back when painting was still profitable career (for some). It goes through three different women he uses for models and his relationship with them. While <i> Tortured</i> was more about the plot line than the erotica, there was no want for erotic scenes in this book. McIntyre threw me for a loop with how detailed they were, too. Here, I wasn't expecting any heat and instead, I received full on fire.

Once more, I found myself ensnared by McIntyre's expert story telling. The world and characters she created were so vivid and realistic that I found myself falling in love with the novel. With each new muse, I found myself caught up in their stories, their lives, and their emotions. I felt my heart breaking with theirs and smiling with each success. My heart was always with Grace, who I felt for the most. I would have felt more sympathetic for Helen if she wasn't so pathetic, and I couldn't even begin to like Sara who just a brat. I would feel sorry for Edward, but he was so in love with Sara, he couldn't see what a snot she was.

But Grace. How could Thomas see how perfect she was? I literally wanted to punch him for being such a chauvinistic snob that he was. In all honestly, he didn’t deserve her love for how he abandoned her the way he did. And yet, I wanted them to succeed so much that I felt his love for her was apology enough. This novel brought out the romantic in me despite how dark and depressing it really was. Every happily ever after was worth the suffering of getting there.

Definitely a must read in my opinion.
When Lana Davis, an insurance adjuster from LA, heads to Santa Fe to find a missing heir, she gets more than she bargained for. Her investigation takes her deep into Santa Fe’s art scene, where she finds forgery, murder, and temporary employment.

The story starts off slow, but once Lana makes it to Santa Fe the action, and the pace of the story, pick up. The search for Antonio “Lefty“ Sanchez, a client’s beneficiary, takes Lana to several galleries where Lefty was employed doing odd jobs. One of the gallery owners decides that an insurance investigator isn’t that far from private detective, and asks Lana to track down a missing painting and in so doing, save her gallery. While Lana’s main focus in Santa Fe should have been to track down Lefty Sanchez for the employer who is paying her expenses, she devotes most of her time and attention to her investigation of the missing artwork. The two mysteries eventually start to intertwine though, and there are enough suspects and red herrings to keep you guessing as to who has done what.

While they mystery itself is well plotted and enjoyable, the characters fell flat for me. I didn’t feel any emotional connection with the main character, or see any real conflict in her decision making process. Lana displays the same lack of commitment to her new part time job as she did to her original job, and I found her indifference off-putting. I prefer a heroine that I care about and can root for, or a main character that I can despise, but Lana was neither of these. With a little more character development this could turn into a good series though, so I’d be willing to give Lana one more try.

<i>NOTE: While I received a copy of the book and was compensated for my review, this in no way influenced my opinion or rating of the book.</i>
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
Liane Moriarty | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
So much more than I expected
This was my first read by Liane Moriarty and I'm fairly blown away by this book. BIG LITTLE LIES takes the ridiculousness of a bunch of mainly elitist mums surrounding their kids' kindergarten class. Oh and there's husbands too. It was a witty painting of cliques, bitchiness, friendships strong and true and tragedy.

"Jane, nice to meet you! I'm Amabella's mum, and I have Jackson in Year 2. That's Amabella by the way, not Annabella. It's French. We didn't make it up."

"We're a bit too white bread here in the peninsula. We like to think we're terribly diverse but it's only our bank accounts that vary."

There are three friends in this book, each carrying secrets but these three really did care for one another. I liked each flawed woman in this threesome, Madeline, Celeste and Jane. There were characters to love, like, hate and those that redeemed themselves.

Bullying and more is a thread in this book and I felt sick, heart-sick, at times in terms of the nature of these issues. There is also some gut wrenching heart ache and I felt each emotion in full technicolor.

"She'd always known that her reaction to this night had been too big, or perhaps too small. She hadn't ever cried. She hadn't told anyone. She'd swallowed it while and pretended it meant nothing, and therefore it had come to mean everything."

At the heart of BIG LITTLE LIES is a tale of suspense. The seeds are placed right at the beginning and I spent the whole book guessing, re-guessing and second-guessing all my suspicions. Liane Moriarty is a truly talented writer, I enjoyed the light, the witty quips and dialogue, alongside the dark and sad. I'm definitely eager to read more by her.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through netgalley in return for a honest review.
Back Cover Copy: William Caverly can't seem to understand the unsettling feeling that has been nagging him for far too long. Memories of a baby sister are forever haunting his waking hours, and as he sleeps at night, he is repeatedly awakened by nightmares, confusing ones that he'd rather forget. His baby sister died. He saw her little body laid to rest beside their mother. But that doesn’t explain the dim remembrance he has of an event that happened not too long after that.

Charlotte Porter's days are full and busy as she diligently teaches her young art students at her mother's boarding school, and tries desperately to stay away from an annoying suitor. Painting has been her passion and dream ever since she could hold a brush, but lately, she has begun to question her mission and calling in life. What is her real purpose? And why does she know so little about her father, who supposedly died before she was born?

William thinks he's discovered the hidden link that has kept him from his sister for over fifteen years. But then she's kidnapped, leaving William no choice except to find her and get her back. Once and for all.

My Thoughts: This is an exciting series of books, and although this is book 2 in the series, I was able to jump in and follow the story easily. I do recommend that the reader reads book 1 in the series " A Higher Ransom", only because this is such a wonderful and exciting series. This novel is full of adventure and mystery.

The characters are enjoyable, and the readers will have their favorites. The storyline keeps the readers' attention and flows at a good quick pace. There isn't any lagging in the storyline, and the plot is interesting to follow. I believe that the readers', like myself, will enjoy the fact that the author uses plenty of scripture that compliments the plot of the novel.

I will be looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.
Find My Brother (John McBride #3)
Find My Brother (John McBride #3)
David Chilcott | 2015 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third novel Chilcott has written featuring SAS soldier turned watercolour artist John McBride. In this he sees a woman looking distressed in a pub when he is out painting. She tells him that her brother, an investigative journalist, has gone missing after infiltrating the local anti-fracking protesters. Fancying a bit of adventure, McBride agrees to find her brother. He does this by taking the same route - join the protesters and as too many questions. He discovers that the protesters are being secretly financed by Russia, and that anyone suspicious is quietly made to disappear and shipped across the Baltic never to be seen again. McBride needs to find the journalist, escape from captivity and then make it all the way back to England with Russians trying to stop them.

This novel is a throwback to the cold war thrillers of the sixties and seventies, the spy hero having to work against the odds and use his cunning, wits and physical endurance to survive. With McBride being ex-SAS it is not a great leap of the imagination to see how he manages to survive in hostile territory with Russian solders and undercover agents trying to stop him at every turn. There are some nailbiting scenes and not all goes to plan for the two escapees.

This definitely had the 'just one more page' factor for me and I just wanted to get to the end to see what happened. The story moves at a good pace - Chilcott writes like an author on a mission with spare and clean writing that still conveys everything it needs to. The plot is fairly realistic without too much that is coincidental or far fetched and everything proceeded in a logical manner.

I wasn't a huge fan of the previous book, Cruise the Storm but could see that Chilcott was able to write a good story. This book has proved it and I will look forward to reading more.