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    Max & Ruby Bunny Bake Off

    Max & Ruby Bunny Bake Off

    Entertainment and Games

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    It’s time to create yummy dishes or spectacular messes with the most lovable and mischievous...

His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and while this can be read as a stand alone, I really think you SHOULD read book one, His Lordship's Secret before this one. Lots happened in that book that is referenced here, but not fully explained. You could probably piece things together, but I think to get the full effect of Alfie and Dominick, you need to read that book first.

Still recovering from what happened in London, Alfie and Dominick retreat to his family house in Scotland. And find themselves in the middle of an age-old mystery. What with ghosts and missing people and now a dead butler, Alfie and Dominick jump headlong into another caper!

I really was enjoying this a bit more than book one, but something triggered with me, and I found myself thinking about another book. With another ago-old mystery, with another painting, in another castle. And I'm stumped as to which book it was, but after that point, I found I didn't enjoy it quite so much.

Oh don't get me wrong, please. It's really well written, from both Alfie and Dominick's point of view. There are more things revealed about both Alfie and Dom's lives in the time they were apart. There is much love here, even if they sometimes forget that.

I again quote my review for Secret:

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

Because I really did not see that one coming at me. But the whole Wicked Master thing? I could see that coming at me, even before the point I mentioned before. I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.

There are almost two stories going on here. The missing woman and the dead butler, then the Wicked Master thing. I liked that, along with the growing deepening connection between Alfie and Dom, which evokes some mighty powerful feelings here!

So, even though things were a little blurry, I did enjoy it and I'll still give it. . .

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Ross (3284 KP) rated Resistance in Books

Sep 20, 2018  
Mikhaeyla Kopievsky | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
A dystopian sci-fi tale in which people ("elementals") are split into 4 classes (air - artistic types, water - scientific types, fire - law-enforcing types, and earth - working class grunts) with a strict set of rules and beliefs to be followed. Any attempt to betray these rules would result in swift punishment by the peacekeepers.
Anaiya, one such peacekeeper, is tasked with finding and infiltrating a group of rebels who have started painting the word "resistance" on walls. In order to infiltrate them, she has to undergo a new untested treatment that tries to change her class from fire to air. Thereafter the tale is a pretty standard one of intrigue, plotting and red herrings.
For me the ideas behind the world were interesting, but not very well explained or explored early on. I realise with a book like this any attempt to do so would jar with the atmosphere it is trying to get at, but there are ways to deliver the information needed.
The storyline was pretty much paper-thin and sacrificed in order to have some lengthy, overly descriptive poetic narrative (for example at least 6 pages of the book is devoted to blow by blow accounts of pool matches). The supposed revelation at the end was such an obvious anti-climax as to be ridiculous. I took it to be a symbol of how Anaiya's treatment warped her judgement of who the main suspect is, but it was delivered as a big revelation.
The use of technology in sci-fi always annoys me - new tech that is not described and overly used, with a ridiculous name (a wristplate that can immediately tell you what substances are in your blood as well as heart rate etc, and also be used to download music, play music, communicate, pay for things etc etc).
Similarly, the plot to reveal the head of the resistance hinged on the use of some new technology invented by a member of the resistance itself. This was so flimsy as to be laughable. Also, the fact that a heavy-handed police force like the peacekeepers would look for such tenuous proof of the leadership of the resistance before acting is just plain wrong. The first few chapters, and some of the conversations Anaiya has after her change, serve to show how heavy-handed they are, and any hint of someone's involvement in such treasonous activity would result in swift action.
Overall, the book is atmospheric and interesting but quite badly executed.
And the word "trajectory" is massively overused and at times wrongly used.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Ghosteen by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds in Music

Mar 3, 2020 (Updated Aug 6, 2020)  
Ghosteen by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Ghosteen by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
2019 | Alternative, Indie
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
My intention was to listen to this twice through and then tell you what I thought about it. In the past, I have always admired Nick Cave more in theory than in practice. Finding his heavier touches a little too “noisy”. Typified by the 2004 release Abbatoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus, where I listened to the latter, gentler side over and over, and largely left the more raucous tracks on the former alone.

Because of this personal preference, I have ended up virtually listening to Ghosteen on loop for a full week, as it leans very definitely towards the softer side of his soul – at times almost ambient dreamscape, washing over you like tired thoughts just before sleep. And, often, that is what it became for me: a night album to drift away to.

It is an album about grief, regret, spirituality and humanism. There is a misconception that it is wholly inspired by the death of Cave’s son Arthur, but, in his own words, it was more the death of band member Conway Savage that allowed the themes and lyrics to become the work.

As always, it is Cave’s poetry that emerges as the backbone and soul of every song. The melodies wash over you, at times indistinguishable as separate tracks, and you begin to feel invited into a man’s heart and mind as he explores mortality, shifting between anger, acceptance, fear and hope, in a segue of sound that feels ultimately like a mood painting, defying criticism.

At times listening feels like an intrusion; like these thoughts are too personal to eavesdrop on. At other times, you feel taken by the hand and invited to look at something beautiful. If you allow yourself to be taken on this journey willingly, your empathy will be coaxed and encouraged, and it will be safe. Sadness is only one part of grief, seems to be the message, and it’s a message I relate to and adore.

Labels such as “art-rock” and “post-punk” get thrown at Cave, in futile efforts to pin him down. I think it best not to try. For me, he is truly one of a handful of musicians alive who can be called an artist without hyperbole. His work has texture and emotion that goes beyond how we normally judge music. Making it ok to not “like” a song, as long as it tells part of the story.

For sure his best work for quite a while. At times, so perfect it seems churlish to judge it at all.

JT (287 KP) rated Metro Manila (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Metro Manila (2013)
Metro Manila (2013)
2013 | Action, Crime, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
British directors getting behind the camera and undertaking foreign film seems to be paying off in multitude. Just take a look at what Gareth Evans did with The Raid and its sequel. He took his central character and put him through hell while at the same time painting a graphic picture of the film’s surroundings.

Sean Ellis does very similar with Oscar Ramirez (Jake Macapagal), a farmer looking for a better way of life for himself and his family. Their journey takes them from the quiet and panoramic rice fields of northern Philippines, where Oscar struggles to make ends meet, and moves them to the impoverished surroundings of Manila.

Entering the slums and criminal back streets Oscar learns the hard way that his friendly personality will be taken advantage of. With everyone desperate to survive he has to stand on his own two feet for the sake of himself and his family.

The film paints a desperate picture of a big city bathed in crime and poverty and desperate people will do desperate things, especially when they are pushed into a corner as Oscar explains to his friend Ong after taking a job as a security guard driving an armoured truck.

As Ong and Oscar become close Ong explains the job and then his ulterior motives. With the second half of the film playing out as a tense well organised heist, encompassing a twist that is shocking yet wholly satisfying. It can be hard to watch at times and it is emotionally sapping, particularly when Oscar’s wife Mai has to take matters into her own hands by getting a job working in a hostess bar in order to earn enough to feed her children.

The film screams out that having faith is a clear necessity when you’re down. All around them there are signs that God is with them willing them to succeed. Oscar’s story about how he lost his job in the silk mill is a running subplot that connects with the story on almost every level.

The scenes are well shot and Ellis captures the trauma and euphoria that the family experience at different times. One cross over scene sees Mai being degraded while at the same time Oscar drinks with his new buddies, only to break down in the toilet in tears.

It’s a slow churning thriller that is expertly pieced together, building strong characters and story all the way through to the pulsating climax.