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Soul Catcher (The Outsider #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Catcher by Leigh Bridger
Genre: Sci-fi, Romance
ISBN: 9780982175682
Rating: 4

Livia hasn't had a perfect life—in fact she hasn't even had a good life. It all started when her father died when she was young, then got worse when her mother and baby brother died in a fire that she may or may not have started. She also starts painting pictures of evil horrible demons in her sleep, and is forced to burn the pictures and ban them… but one demon escapes, and comes for her.

She finds out that he had been pursuing her in every life—she's been reincarnated? what?—and has killed her every time for the past 200+ years. She also finds out that she has a soul mate, (who jumped into the body that the demon had used to hurt her, and now she can't look at him without getting sick) but has hidden herself from him in almost every life, subconsciously, because of something that happened in the past. She and Ian set off to find answers and to kill the pig-faced demon… for good this time. But this time ends up being the most dangerous life she's ever lived.

Soul Catcher was an addicting read. I would have read it in one sitting if I'd been allowed. It actually stuck with me all night and I'm pretty sure I dreamed about it.

I liked the philosophy of the world that Livia lived in. There were soul jumpers, like Ian and Dante, who could jump into any body he needed to be in at the time. There were soul catchers like her, who could banish dark spirits and talk to the light ones. The plot itself was very complex, and every chapter added something new to the story. One thing that made Soul Catcher stand out was how Livia and Ian's love grew. It wasn't immediate you're-my-soul-mate-you're-perfect-for-me kind of love. It was a lot more real than that. Livia starts by trying to avoid him at all costs, but ends up having to go on a trip with him to find out about their pasts. You could say they "bonded," or you could say that Ian finally got to her—even while he was in the body she hated passionately—either way, their love was real enough to be believable.

I really liked Livia, even though she had her downfalls and her insecurities. She was definitely the bad-ass heroine we know and love: slightly sarcastic, very obnoxious, stubborn as an ox, and head over heels in love but unwilling to admit it because she sees it as a weakness. Ian was a great character: he'd have to be to put up with Livia. He'd do anything for her, is dying for her to love him, thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world—and even bends so low as to trick her into kissing him (she didn't appreciate that.). But he's all light-hearted, fun to be around, with a sexy Irish accent.

I really liked the ending. The whole story had good humor and good comic relief, but the ending was sweet, cute, and funny. It pulled everything together nicely, and left you with a smirk on your face. I say take it to the beach with an umbrella and lemonade. Or whatever other drink you like best.

Content/recommendation: some sex and sexual references, heavy language, ages 18+
~ Haleyknitz
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War
2018 | Action, Card Game, Dice Game
Thanos is on the warpath. He can’t wait to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet in preparation for The Snap. He has enemy minions to help fight off heroes in three different sectors. But we have The Avengers. And their friends. We can do this, heroes! We can defeat 10 minions before the Gauntlet is assembled and really hurt Thanos. It’s on!

This is a dice-rolling, card drafting game that is light on rules, heavy on teamwork, and a little longer playtime than what’s on the box if you’re doing well (from my experience). Without going too much into the rulebook, on your turn you are going to choose a sector in which you will work. Roll the two Thanos dice. They determine what he does, if he or his minions hit you and your team, and whether he gets closer to obtaining the six Infinity Stones. Then you roll your team dice to activate powers on your team’s cards, recruit more heroes to your team, or wound the minions in your sector. Thanos has three ways he can beat you and you only have one way to beat him – defeat 10 minions/bad guys. The odds are definitely stacked against you, but with the right team combos and with the willingness of your fellow players to play cooperatively, you can squeak out a win.

What I mean by this is using the bonus tokens effectively. On these bonus tokens are extra icons, extra dice to be used, healing capabilities, etc. You can hoard them all for yourself if you like, but the best way to truly beat the game is to be completely open with the bonus tokens. In fact, in the spirit of complete cooperation, I suggest everyone agree to keep bonus tokens in a shared pool so that anyone can access them. But maybe that’s just me.

I have played this game several times now and have not *technically* won a game yet. We would have won the last time we played it, but we had to cut the game short because our playmates’ kids came home with the babysitters. The other times we were completely decimated. The game is actually really hard to win. I like that. The dice are good quality, but I have my issues with the Thanos dice icon choices. It’s not enough to turn me off, but it could be way better. The cards are OK quality – nothing to write home about. I don’t feel the need to sleeve them because they aren’t really handled that much and they mostly stay on the table the whole game. The translucent cubes are fine, the Infinity Stones are really nice, and that completely unnecessary Thanos “mini” is very very cool. I have zero painting skills, or I would improve the paint job on mine for that extra level of coolness.

So I like the game a lot, but don’t LOVE the game. Maybe with even more playthroughs it will grow on me more. I have assembled all the promo cards and just need to play with them more. In all, Purple Phoenix Games finds this one really enjoyable, and we award it a superhuman score of 19 / 24.

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated The Girls in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Girls
The Girls
Emma Cline | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I can honestly say that I haven't read this much flowery waffle since I trudged through a page and a half of descriptive text about a meadow in Eliot's Silas Marner. (0 more)
To begin with I should point out that I listened to this rather than read it, and I have to say that I found (not for the first time with American audiobooks) that the narrator detracted from the story. They chose a woman with a very slow, drawling delivery which in some ways, I imagine, was intended to emphasise the sunny, laid-back easy-going stereotype of the late 60's hippy movement. Unfortunately the actual effect was to make the book drag.

Beyond that the content of the book itself was a mixed bag of the pleasurable and the pointless.

Where Cline excelles in this book is in her portrayal of a normal adolescent female trying to fit the role society has dictated for her. It's important to note that Evie is normal - she's not in the small group of incredibly popular, socially adept, fashionably en point and appropriately presented girls of the moment, nor is she so far away from the 'norm' that she is considered especially weird. She falls firmly within the parameters of 'normal' girls who are just struggling with the 'project of their girlhood'. Nor is it just girls that Cline succeeds in painting an accurate picture of - the tribulations of Evie's mother (newley divorced and struggling to realise the relevance and attraction that society expects from her again) speak to the ongoing and endless demands of a civilisation that puts endless pressure on it's female members to adhere to a very narrow and sharply defined criteria in order to be 'acceptable'. This pressure is something I imagine most female readers of this book will relate to, regardless of age, because, of course, it is still very much a daily aspect of most girls' and womens' lives; some possibly even recognising individual situations in which they have been at some stage in their life.

Understanding and empathising with Evie then, it is disconcerting to follow her absorption into the cult; her fascination with the older girls, the ones she later reflects upon as barely more than children themselves; the ease with which she is manipulated through her desire to please her new friends and to defy her mother; the lies sher emotional side is sold and accepts, even as her more rational mind recognises that they are lies...

These are the things Cline excelles in. I can honestly say I have never read an more accurate depiction of clumsy, normal female adolescence.
Unfortunately interspersed through these parts are large tracts of pointless and incredibly, horribly flowery waffle that don't really add anything else to the story other than to repeat, endlessly the message that 'the girl who was part of the cult' had a sad and unfulfilling life afterwards.The message that she screwed up could have been delivered successfully at the beginning and reinforced at the end - it didn't need that kind of repetition.

Overall I would say that for fans of general fiction (which I'm not), and teen readers (which I am also not), this is probably a good read, just expect it to drag at times. It's not one I shall be revisiting.
Picasso: The Colouring Book
Picasso: The Colouring Book
Frederique Cassegrain, Dominique Foufelle, Christopher Evans | 2016 | Art, Photography & Fashion
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a full review, including visual examples, please follow this link:


<i>Pablo Picasso: To Colour In</i> was published in April 2016 with the intention of using the popular fad to educate readers/colouring book enthusiasts about the techniques and secrets of the great master. Each work included in the book has a brief paragraph explaining what it is (in case you cannot tell) and a few details about Picasso’s intentions or the events happening in his life at the time.


Naturally, it would be impossible to produce a book of all Picasso’s recorded works, but the editors of this particular colouring book have carefully selected examples that span the majority of his life, thus encompassing the different styles he experimented with.

The author of the text – presumably Frédérique Cassegrain, who also wrote the biography and information for each included artwork – gives helpful advice about how to colour in the outlined versions of Picasso’s paintings. The paper is thick enough to be suitable for paints, particular Gouache, which is water soluble and easily blended. Alternatively, coloured pencils may be used, preferably of artistic quality, which may be more suitable for those less confident in art and design. Another option, although not mentioned by the author, are felt-tip pens. Usually, these should be avoided due to ink bleeding through the page, however, the paper is single sided, so there is no chance of damaging the following colouring page in the book.

Purchasing Pablo Picasso: To Colour In and completing the book, provides not only hours of fun and relaxation, but an opportunity to discover and understand the artist. Unlike at a gallery where the brain may switch off, being able to go away and return to the book gives us time to absorb the information and concentrate more clearly on the details of each painting.

Opposite each colouring page is a copy of the original in full colour, meaning that, if one desired, one could replicate Picasso’s work as closely as possible. By doing, rather than just looking, we begin to understand the colour choices, piece together the geometric shapes to form an image and begin to understand the thought processes of the artist.

Interestingly, there are two paintings that stand out amongst all the others. These were produced during and after the First World War, a time when Picasso returned to a more classical style of artwork. These are The Pipes of Pan (1923) and The Bathers (1918). Both show a completely different side to Picasso and would not immediately be recognised as his own work. Despite not being entirely life-like, there are no elements of Cubism or Surrealism and the colour palette is altogether natural. Picasso has focused on shading and tone to create a realistic appearance, a contrast to the flattened portraits he is known for.


Pablo Picasso: To Colour In will appeal to artists, art historians and other creatives with its contrast of light relief and in-depth knowledge. The book is available online at retailers such as Amazon and The Book Depository from approximately £6. If Picasso is not your thing, there are other artists available in the series of colouring books, including Klimt, Hokusai (Japanese Art), Monet, Van Gogh, Caillebotte and Manet (Impressionists), and Paul Klee. Whatever your preference, prepare to learn whilst you are relaxing and having fun.

Darren (1599 KP) rated 2:HRS (2018) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
2:HRS (2018)
2:HRS (2018)
2018 |
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Fun Family Film


Story: 2: Hrs starts as we meet teenage slacker Tim (Jarvis) who spends his time painting London with graffiti with his best friends Vic (Smith) and Alf (Fofana). While on the school trip to a museum, the three sneak off and interrupt a science conference being hosted by conman Groad (Allen) who has created a machine that can tell when the living object inside will die.

Tim goes in the machine only to learn that he only has 2 hours left to live, left shocked, Tim sets out a small bucket list of achievable targets and while the friends target these goals, they are being chased down by the people behind the experiment who want to research and make sure Tim dies on time.


Thoughts on 2: Hrs


Characters – Tim is a school slacker with a talent for graffiti, he has been acting out because of the death of his father, which has changed him, his friends see this and his rebellious ways puts his life in danger when he learns he only has 2 hours to leave from spending time in a machine which can perform a prediction of when someone will die. He must go through a life lesson as this film unfolds. Vic and Alf are the two supportive friends, that join him on the adventure, we don’t learn too much about them without giving away spoilers. Groad is the businessman/conman that is running the operation, he hides in his apartment with fake backdrops as he conducts meetings. He is always looking to create a good face story for any PR situation. We also have the younger sister Shona to Tim that wants to look up to him only to be left disappointed most of the time and the two bumbling idiots trying to catch the teenagers.

Performances – Harry Jarvis in the leading role does a very good job, we see how his character must change over the course of the film ad he shows us this in his performance. Ella-Rae Smith and Alhaji Fofana are both good in their supporting roles while Keith Allen gives us a good performance as the shady character we see behind the curtain about.

Story – The story follows three friends that decide to ditch a school trip and end up on there on adventure after being caught in the middle of an adventure when one of them learns they only have two hours to live. This does sound like a simple fun adventure family film, which it is, though it does have deeper meaning for Tim who must learn to life lessons in this time while dealing with his own personal tragedy after not doing so when it happened.

Family – This film keeps the films moments all around the family problems Tim is facing, it keeps everything PG even with jokes adults will understand.

Settings – The film is set around London, which is good because it shows how difficult losing a parent can be in the busy city and how easy it is to rebel.

Scene of the Movie – Poetry competition.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – That pet, what was that?

Final Thoughts – This is a family film that can be enjoyed by everyone, it has good laughs, a smart character development story and a nice adventure.


Overall: Family film for all to enjoy.
Fever Pitch (2005)
Fever Pitch (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Spring is the time of year when past failures of the fall are forgotten by most baseball fans. While hope springs eternal every spring for most fans, Boston Red Sox fans have long had a love/hate relationship with their team. This is due in large part to the Red Sox’s ongoing and often bizarre ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for year after year, decade after decade, causing fans to claim that the team has been cursed ever since they traded Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees back in 1918. They have failed to win a championship since.

That is, until the magical season of 2005 where lifetimes of tears and frustrations were cleansed by an improbable and historic comeback from a three games to none series deficit to the Yankees, and a four game sweep of the St Louis Cardinals in the World Series.

In the new romantic comedy Fever Pitch two worlds are about to collide in a fury of romance and humor when workaholic Lindsey Meeks (Drew Barrymore), meets and starts to date a school teacher named Ben (Jimmy Fallon). Though their first date is hampered by a bad virus, Lindsey is taken by Ben’s gentle and compassionate nature, finding him very kind, loving and attentive.

As the two become closer over the winter, Ben asks Lindsey to attend opening day at Fenway with him as a sign of his love and commitment to her. Knowing Ben’s passion for the game, Lindsey accepts but soon finds out, that Ben is fanatical about his love of the Sox and that every aspect of his life has to be scheduled around their

games. While this is at first a minor issue, as time goes on it becomes a bigger problem when Ben refuses to take trips or attend parties and functions that interfere with games.

Naturally this soon wears very thin for Lindsey as she begins to question how committed Ben is to her and their future. The humor in the film arises from watching the very kind and lovable Ben become a different person when he is watching his beloved Sox. Rather then painting Ben as an oddball, the story does show why he has such an extreme devotion to the team, as well as how the people around him react to his devotion. His male friends simply accept it as they are rabid fans themselves, while we learn that every woman in his past has had an issue with his love of the Sox.

What really makes the film shine is the solid work by the two leads. Barrymore has a charm and grace to her that lets Lindsey come off as a very lovable and compassionate lady, rather than a selfish shrew who craves attention. Fallon meanwhile is solid, showing the duality of his life, as well as the dilemma he has between wanting to be with Lindsey and his lifelong devotion to the Sox.

The film moves at a steady pace and has more than enough humor to make you leave the theater with a smile, even if you are not a baseball fan. While some may say the plot is a bit shallow and formulistic, the film wisely puts the attention on the two leads and not on the sports action which results in a very winning combo.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated 3 From Hell (2019) in Movies

Oct 18, 2019 (Updated Oct 18, 2019)  
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
Very disappointing
It seems 3 From Hell was doomed before it began for several reasons.

First, why did Zombie wait so long between sequels? The time between House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects was only 2 years. Zombie was a hot director at the time. Maybe he felt his career as a prominent horror director would continue to blossom after he was handed the reigns of rebooting the Halloween franchise.

Second, talk about painting yourself into a corner thematically having your three main characters go up against a police roadblock at the end of the last film getting sprayed with an onslaught of law enforcement ammunition. These are not immortal characters here, so explaining that circumstance would be difficult one indeed.

Third, and probably most importantly for fans, one of your leads has become deathly ill, lost a lot of weight, and probably cannot handle the strain of a large acting role at this time. Sid Haig dies only a few days after this film's release and his role was reduced to basically a cameo within the first few minutes of the movie disappointing fans of his unique personality as Captain Spaulding to minimal screen time. This eventuality made Rob Zombie have to do extensive rewrites to reinvent his third 3 From Hell baddie, and it was definitely a step down.

Explaining the plot of the film would almost mirror exactly that of the previous film. Somehow, the 3 survive their being riddled with 20 bullets each and get incarcerated for their convictions of the years of murder , torture and other bad deeds they have inflicted on their victims. Otis breaks free and escapes one day on his prison work detail and goes after the family and friends of the warden. A plan is put in place to execute the release of his beautiful, but deadly sister, Baby, by smuggling her out in a prison guard uniform.

After she returns to the warden's home full of kidnap victims (carbon copy of the motel scenes from Rejects) the two baddies along with their badass stepbrother decide to make their way to Mexico to evade capture and indulge in the good life of excess.

After they arrive, they have fun with the locals while secretly are betrayed to a band of south of the border hooligans looking to get revenge themselves on the 3 who had murdered a relative (again the same as the sheriff in Rejects).

I really couldn't believe the plot points being so very similar to Rejects. Zombie clearly ran out of good ideas and felt like the audience would just be happy to see more random bloody violence perpetrated by characters they knew and loved. Not true for me as I became bored quite quickly hoping for something interesting to happen which never really did.

The look of the film was also quite different. It seems Zombie's popularity is not what it once was and his budget this time must have been much smaller. The cinematography was weak and not very creative and the visual effects were just north of Sharknado level I thought with poor quality with the bullet wounds and stabbing injuring looking amateur.

Overall, very disappointed for a long wait with a poor 3rd film payoff. This is one of those times they should've quit with two movies and quit while they were ahead.

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Oct 18, 2019

I was so disappointed in this! I really wanted it to be better.


Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 18, 2019


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