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The Ninth Life of Louis Drax
The Ninth Life of Louis Drax
Liz Jensen | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poignant and heart breaking reveals about flawed and disturbed characters (0 more)
Mind warping and brilliantly twisted
Given that the main character in this novel is a boy in a coma it is surprisingly fast paced. The characters are complex and the mystery around Louis condition deepens as each page us turned.
Liz Jensen really explores the limits life, family and indeed our own thoughts put on us and our families, explores the human capacity for warmth and destruction whole painting a very clear grey picture - not everything is good or bad, life is often somewhere in between.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
2015 | Fantasy, Medieval, Miniatures, Wargame
Easy to play (0 more)
Expensive (0 more)
I have been playing AOS for a year now and i love it. The rules are simple and easy to follow and there's an element in the hobby for everyone from minature building, terrain creating, minature painting and then the actual war gaming that comes in many different forms suited to how you would like to play.
The company is great a bringing new things out regularly, listening to and engaging with their customers.
The only downside is that it's quite addictive and you end up sinking a lot of money in it. I have four armies already...oops!
El Cielo Del Centauro (The Sky of The Centaur) (2015)
El Cielo Del Centauro (The Sky of The Centaur) (2015)
2015 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Hugo Santiago was obsessed with the flowers of the jacaranda trees that he remembered from the streets of his dear Buenos Aires. Hugo had shown me an Edward Hopper painting I had seen before without ever noticing its compositional mystery: a monochromatic tendency disrupted by a hint of a new color. There’s a curious red square that makes the chimney on top of the house stand as a key to unlock a private mystery. For the mise-en-scène of what ended up being his last film, Hugo chose the jacaranda’s hue: purple. For my new film, Isabella, I chose purple in his honor."


JT (287 KP) rated Trance (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Trance (2013)
Trance (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Documentary
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
"Amnesia is bollocks.” That’s the thought of one of four crooks tasked with trying to discover the whereabouts of a Goya painting worth £25,000,000 from the memory of James McAvoy‘s character Simon.

Simon, an art auctioneer has a problem, well he has a few in Danny Boyle’s latest mind bending heist thriller, Trance. He’s addicted to gambling and in return for wiping his debts clear he agrees to help steel the Goya painting from an auction house for Franck (Vincent Cassel) and his criminal entourage.

In an aggressive and highly charged opening sequence, which sees Simon describe various methods in which paintings have been stolen before from the smash and grab of the old school era to the more high tech, the heist is well under way.

Simon is in the thick of the action as Franck and his accomplices take charge, and as Franck is making off with the painting he’s challenged by Simon who receives a knock to the head rendering his memory practically useless.

After staggering about through all the chaos he ends up in hospital having his brain drilled and drained and any short term memory with it.

With methods of torture clearly not working the gang turn their attention to another, hypnotherapy, and seek help from Elizabeth (Rosario Dawson) who attempts to guide Simon through hypnosis in an attempt to find out exactly where he left the painting.

And so begins a journey of discovery, deceit, greed and lust as everything is not what it seems and loyalties will be tested to the fullest.

Simon’s hypnotic journey takes him through the idyllic French countryside, to a church filled with stolen paintings to the slick London underworld as he tries in vein to piece together his broken memory, but what unfolds is not what he or any of us are probably expecting.

Simon, Franck and Elizabeth are all pretty interwoven as characters, it’s almost hard to work out who is playing each other off against the other, whose dream we’re in and at what level. You’ll find that you care about all three of them in a different way when something more is revealed about them.

The remaining trio of Franck’s gang are probably around for far too long than they need to be, but are removed for the final heart pounding third act, which accompanied by a brilliant soundtrack really intensifies the finale.

Trance is written by John Hodge and he’s reunited with Danny Boyle again having previously worked together on such films as Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, where at the crux of it all they too are heist films in a different guise.

Trance is well shot, Danny Boyle is in his element directing a dark, disturbing and at times a head scratching film, I’ve not had this much fun from a Boyle film since Shallow Grave.

Keegan McHargue recommended Lola (2001) in Movies (curated)

Lola (2001)
Lola (2001)
2001 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In the recent documentary Gerhard Richter Painting, the painter speaks at length about being a young artist emerging in post–World War II Germany. He says that he always considered painting to be nothing more than a trade that one dedicates oneself to day after day. Working is, above all, very respectable. Perhaps this attitude can be attributed to the fact that postwar Germans were faced with the arduous (but perhaps liberating) task of writing a new history for themselves—trying to come to terms with the past while simultaneously looking toward the future and the endless possibilities therein. With such daunting business at hand, a workhorse spirit would be a must for all German artists. Fassbinder most definitely had that spirit, leaving behind forty feature-length films and playing countless other roles over the course of his short career. Lola alludes to some of these particular pressures and concerns. Lola herself is a woman with a troubled past pressing forward with her life. It is a great, classic story, and a lot can be read into it. But on a purely aesthetic level, Lola is a sumptuous visual journey. So many textures and colors . . . if Zéro de conduite is a Dadaist masterpiece and The Scarlet Empress is expressionism on film, Lola is pure Technicolor pop art, and one of the best late Fassbinder films. Coincidentally, Rainer Werner Fassbinder died the day before I was born."

Fatal Forgeries
Fatal Forgeries
Ritter Ames | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Laurel Beacham Recovers a Painting, But at What Cost?
Laurel Beacham has taken on one of her side projects, stealing a stolen piece of artwork so it can be returned to the rightful owner. However, when she returns to London, she discovers that two forgeries of this particular painting had been confiscated in England recently. Did she just stop a new lead they could have used to trace forgers back to the art heist itself?

This is a series that is absolutely critical to read in order. While this book does have a complete story, it is part of a larger story being told over the series, and you will be lost if you jump in here. Furthermore, you will be spoiled for some twists that happen in earlier books. If you’ve read the previous books, you’ll know what to expect here, and you won’t be disappointed. While the pacing was more uneven, there was still plenty of action and some good twists as Laurel, Jack, and the rest attempted to figure out what exacting is being planned. We learn more about the characters along the way, and I enjoy how they are developing. I feel like some of the familiar conflicts between them are beginning to be resolved – and I hope that is true. We also get to do some welcome armchair traveling to locations that come alive for us. Once you’ve read the first three, you’ll enjoy this chapter in Laurel’s story.
Hellespont by Simon Herron
Hellespont by Simon Herron
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Yes, this is in some ways the soul of Damien Rice, but there is something plaintive about the entire song that strikes a note Rice never hit. Sure, I'm a sucker for the one note piano melody; we have a lot of that, and some extra intervals, but the mark of this song for me is the pony-slow walk of the timpani, the subtle sway of the violins, and the perfectly precise acoustic strums.

If this song were a painting, it would be a piece by Gauguin with those swirling fields of yellow flowers, in his own Hellespont of Arles - which some say is the only place he ever felt at home.
2020 | Abstract Strategy, Puzzle
I do not have any natural talent for art. That doesn’t stop me from enjoying it, though! Whether it’s coloring, painting, or crafting, I like to let my artistic side run free. So imagine my surprise as I was perusing Kickstarter one day and happened upon Canvas. A game about ‘painting’ and creating unique, brilliant, and one-of-a-kind pieces of artwork, all without having to worry about my lack of actual artistic talent?? I was immediately sold! Now that I have the game in hand and have gotten the opportunity to play it, will it withstand the test of time, like a classic masterpiece?

Canvas is a game of card drafting and set collection in which players are trying to layer their cards to create unique pieces of artwork that will earn them Ribbons (VP) at the local art festival. To begin, set up the canvas mat, 4 random Scoring Cards, Ribbon tokens, and Art cards in their corresponding locations in the play area. Each player receives 3 sleeved Background cards and 4 Inspiration tokens. Select a starting player, and the game is ready to begin!

Playing over a series of rounds, players will take turns either Taking an Art Card or Completing a Painting. If you choose to Take an Art Card, you select an Art Card from the canvas mat and take it into your hand. The card furthest from the draw deck is free, but subsequent cards must be ‘purchased’ by spending Inspiration. Place 1 Inspiration token on every card preceding the one you take into hand. If you select an Art Card that has an Inspiration token on it, you collect that token for future use!

If you have at least 3 Art Cards, or a maximum of 5 Art Cards in hand, you must Complete a Painting. You will select 3 of your Art Cards to be sleeved with one of your starting Background cards. You may layer the Art Cards in any order you choose – but remember, only visible icons are used for scoring! Once you have Completed a Painting, you immediately score that piece. Compare the visible icons on your final painting to the Scoring Cards, taking any corresponding Ribbon tokens for successfully meeting their requirements. Play continues in this manner until all players have completed their 3 paintings. Players count up their cumulative scores from all paintings, and the player with the most points is the winner!
The gameplay seems simple enough, right? Yes! It is very straightforward since you only have 2 options for each turn. Either draft a card, or complete a painting. Teaching time is minimal and the gameplay can move quickly. But THAT is where the simplicity ends, my friends. The heart of Canvas is in its strategy. Each game has 4 random Scoring Cards, which define how you will earn points. And each transparent Art Card has a number of icons at the bottom that will affect how you resolve each Scoring Card. By layering your Art Cards, you will cover some icons, while letting others remain visible. The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to how to layer your cards, but are you clever enough to layer them for maximum points? Admittedly, the various layering possibilities coupled with 4 different Scoring Cards can lead to some analysis paralysis, as players try to figure out every combination they have to see what could earn the most points. But all in all, I have found the that the gameplay is never really at a standstill, because as one player is taking their turn, all others can be strategizing with their own cards.

Let’s talk about components. First off, I love the canvas mat – it really brings the theme to life and is good quality! The Art Cards are colorful and sturdy, and they really are clear enough to see even when layered upon each other. (I should say that I did remove the plastic film from the manufacturing process.) The Scoring and Background cards are nice, big, and easy to read and understand. My deluxe copy of Canvas has Wooden Ribbons and Inspiration tokens instead of the standard cardboard, and they are nice, chunky, and fun to play with. There are even 5 small wooden easels on which players can display their masterpieces! All in all, the deluxe components are great quality and really elevate the gameplay. AND the game box literally has a hole in the back so it can be hung on the wall, like a real piece of art! Such a creative and immersive approach to the game, that just puts a smile on my face.
If you’ve read this far in my review, I think you can tell that I really love Canvas. The theme is creative, the gameplay is simple, but extremely strategic, and the high quality components really make it feel deluxe. Is there anything I don’t like about it? Maybe that it makes my brain hurt sometimes when trying to figure out the best layering combo of my Art Cards. But seriously, this game is a new and unique twist on some of my favorite mechanics. Canvas is quickly making its way towards my Top 10 list, and this is one I will definitely be pulling out at game nights pretty often. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an eccentric 11 / 12. Give it a shot, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Guillermo Del Toro recommended Vampyr (1932) in Movies (curated)

Vampyr (1932)
Vampyr (1932)
1932 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Sheer terror and sheer poetry, but both stem from distinctive medieval traditions. Häxan is the filmic equivalent of a hellish engraving by Bruegel or a painting by Bosch. It’s a strangely titillating record of sin and perversity that is as full of dread as it is of desire and atheistic conviction, and a condemnation of superstition that is morbidly in love with its subject. Vampyr is, strictly speaking, a memento mori, a stern reminder of death as the threshold of spiritual liberation. Like any memento mori, the film enthrones the right morbid imagery (skull, scythe, white limbo) in order to maximize the impact of the beautiful, almost intangible images that conclude it. If only Criterion had acquired my commentary track—sigh—from the UK edition."


Guillermo Del Toro recommended Häxan (1922) in Movies (curated)

Häxan (1922)
Häxan (1922)
1922 | Documentary, Fantasy, Horror

"Sheer terror and sheer poetry, but both stem from distinctive medieval traditions. Häxan is the filmic equivalent of a hellish engraving by Bruegel or a painting by Bosch. It’s a strangely titillating record of sin and perversity that is as full of dread as it is of desire and atheistic conviction, and a condemnation of superstition that is morbidly in love with its subject. Vampyr is, strictly speaking, a memento mori, a stern reminder of death as the threshold of spiritual liberation. Like any memento mori, the film enthrones the right morbid imagery (skull, scythe, white limbo) in order to maximize the impact of the beautiful, almost intangible images that conclude it. If only Criterion had acquired my commentary track—sigh—from the UK edition."
