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At Eternity's Gate (2018)
At Eternity's Gate (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
A slow meditation of the last days of a tortured artist
he artist as a tortured soul.

How many films have been made on this subject? Too many to count. Add AT ETERNITY'S GATE to this list as it tells the tale of the tortured final days of Vincent Van Gogh - including cutting his own ear off - so perhaps no one deserves the title of "tortured artist" more than he.

Directed by Julian Schnabel (THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY) and starring Willem DaFoe (AQUAMAN) in an Oscar nominated turn as Van Gogh, AT ETERNITY'S GATE follows Van Gogh in the final weeks of his life. Since it is a film by Schnabel, you get an introspective, languid, haunting, beautifully shot meditation on life, art, madness and misunderstanding. Which, of course, is both the blessing and the curse of the film. Schnabel trains his camera - sometimes for long stretches - on the mundane...Van Gogh walking through a field, Van Gogh looking out at a landscape, Van Gogh thinking and, most importantly. Van Gogh painting...and painting...and painting...

Do you know how exciting it is to WATCH someone paint? About as exciting as watching paint dry.

Thank goodness DaFoe is mesmerizing as Van Gogh, for he really holds the film - and attention - throughout. His Academy Award nomination is justified for he brings a haunted, world weariness quality to his portrayal. - check this film out just for this performance. Rupert Friend, Oscar Isaac, Mads Mikkelson and Mathieu Amalric all show up in glorified cameos to punch a little dialogue and forward momentum into this narrative. But, mostly, we watch DaFoe - as Van Gogh - walk and think and look and paint and paint and paint...

I know I am repeating myself, but I felt the film repeated itself over and over again as well. I think there is about 1/2 of interesting film in this 1 hour 54 minute movie. The rest is just "art" and "artistic expression" of images on the screen by Schnabel. If that sort of thing is up your alley, you'll enjoy this. For the rest , it will just become repetitive and boring.

I will say, however, that after seeing this film, I have a greater appreciation for Van Gogh's work, how he made them and how his style differs from ANYBODY else. I am now going to make it a point to find a museum that shows some of his works and check it out.

So, I guess, that's a good thing.

Letter Grade: B- (it is a well made and acted film)

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Goldfinch (2019)
The Goldfinch (2019)
2019 | Drama
The life of Theodore Decker (Ansel Elgort and Oakes Fegley) is for every changed when his mother is killed in an explosion at an art museum. In the same tragic moments when his mother is killed he also makes a decision that will help shape the rest of his life, he takes a rare and valuable painting in the chaos of surrounding. This painting, The Goldfinch, wasn’t something he planned on taking, but having it will be the only thing that brings him comfort in the days ahead. After the tragedy he is temporarily placed with a family he really enjoys. He has a best friend, Andy Barbour (Ryan Foust), and a mother figure in Mrs. Barbour (Nicole Kidman). Theodore also makes a connection to a girl Pippa (Aimee Laurence and later by Ashleigh Cummings) and her caretaker Hobie (Jeffrey Wright). Pippa and her uncle Welty (Robert Joy) were standing right next to Theodore when the explosion that killed his mother happened. Welty also passes away during the explosion but not before he would influence Theodore to take the painting. Thus changing the trajectory of the rest of his life.
This film is based on the Pulitzer Prize winning book by Donna Tartt of the same name. I have not read the book so I cannot make a comparison between the two. The director, John Crowley (Brooklyn and Closed Circuit) makes a visually beautiful film. You can tell that care was taken to make the film have a certain feel and texture. The cast is very good, including those mentioned above and Finn Wolfhard, Sarah Paulson, Aneurin Barnard and more. I particularly thought the casting of Oakes Fegley as the Young Theodore and Ansel Elgort as the adult Theodore was particularly good. The story skipped in sequence and you could see the similarity in the two actors as on character. The overall story is original and fascinating. But the film jumped around and made it feel choppy. Also the run time of two hours and twenty nine minutes somehow felt longer than that. The story moved at a snail’s pace and really seemed like it had no direction. Then in the final 10 minutes it wrapped up in a flash.
I thought overall the performances were good and the story was interesting but how it was presented really lacked. It was slow and developed in a non-compelling way. I could definitely see potential but it fell a little short for me. It did make me want to read the book and see how the author meant for the story to be told. I would recommend seeing this in a theater for the cinematography because it was beautifully shot.
By Magic Beguiled
By Magic Beguiled
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Many a man has died of longing for one such as her. For her skin has the flavor of honey which contains a magic all its own. Once a man’s lips taste her nectar, he is bound to her for all his days. Be forewarned, then, for her spell cannot be broken. Look for the sign of the cradle moon above the mound of Venus. Be it pale, you might yet escape with our heart and mind intact. But be it crimson, she is of royal blood, and too strong for a mortal man’s resistance.

Brigit Malone can paint anything she sees, and uses that skill to get herself and her best friend, Razor Face Malone, off the streets. Living the straight life is good until an old enemy kidnaps Raze and demands Brigit forge a privately owned painting, switch the fake for the original, and deliver it. But that painting is the prize possession of Adam Reid, a good man betrayed one too many times. Not only that, but Brigit has seen him before in her dreams. Hurting him is unbearable, but so is leaving Raze in danger.

Neither of them realize the images in the painting are actually a message from the twin sister Brigit doesn’t know she has, a message calling her back to the enchanted kingdom of Rush, where the two half fay twins are destined to put down the usurping Dark Prince Tristan and restore peace to their home, the distant land of Rush.

This book was just what I needed. It’s an epic adventure with romance, deception, and magic. Adam Reid is breath-takingly sexy, and Brigit is wonderfully strong and graceful, like a fairy should be.

However, Adam isn’t inclined to believe in love, let alone fairies. After his terrible childhood with an abusive father, his money was stolen by his ex wife, leaving him a jaded and cynical man about the world and very distrustful of humans. His sadness translates really well on the page and it’s really easy to feel for him, even when he’s complaining about only being able to afford a once-a-week cleaning service instead of a live-in maid. Despite his crankiness and need to be a cynic, you can’t help but want him to find true love and happiness.

Brigit is similarly disillusioned about life. After living homeless on the streets for several years, she succumbed to be an art forger to care for Raze, an old man who had saved her from a fire, and acted like a father to her. Now she was struggling to put the past behind her by running a florist shop. Unfortunately she will have no choice but to go being an art forger to save Raze from one of her old enemies. And this means she needs to rob Adam Reid of the painting.

Adam’s first impression of Brigit is well illustrated and on point with the magic ability of fairies, especially those of royal blood.

She was incredible, and because her eyes sucked him in like quicksand, and because he had the oddest feeling that he knew her. Or should know her.

I love that this story isn’t insta-love, despite the Lure that Brigit gives off, magic that makes men fall in love with her. Yes, Adam does obsess with her a bit at first, but there is so much distrust in him that he doesn’t fall to her charms too quickly. And the plot is fantastic, right up to the heart-wrenching climax. Even though there’s very little magic and supernatural elements in the first book of this duo, it’s still there. Adult fantasy and fairytale lovers will enjoy this book as much as I did.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
The Kubrick (2 more)
The music
The unforgettable
It's not 5 hours long (0 more)
Greatest sci-fi film of all time.
Not too often you can say a film is perfect in every way, but you can with 2001: A Space Odyssey. Screw movies of today which have to explain everything away or the movie itself is just a set up for the never-ending series of films to follow.

You have to appreciate the visuals, music, and unforgettable vagueness of this film and just soak it all in like looking at a beautiful painting by your favorite artist or listening to your favorite song and repeat it over and over again.

After seeing this movie 20+ times, I see new subtleties in it every time and enjoy it completely every time. Probably an acquired taste for today's generation of MCU fans, but certainly worth your time.


Akward (448 KP) rated My Little Scythe in Tabletop Games

Dec 31, 2018 (Updated Jan 3, 2019)  
My Little Scythe
My Little Scythe
2017 | Fantasy, Fighting, Kids Game
Easy to learn (2 more)
Excellent introduction to scythe
Artwork is great
Do you want to play Scythe, but are constantly with people who can't quite pick up the mechanics of it? My Little Scythe does an excellent job of scratching that itch, while still being really easy to teach. It can easily be taught in less than 10 minutes, and still has most of the mechanics of full Scythe.

The artwork is great, if you don't mind it being cartoony. The game will instantly draw children in, while stilling being pleasant to look at for adults.

Honestly, you will not find a more complete package for the price. Stonemaier managed to include an organizer, single player game mode, leaderboard (an addition that makes our games so much more competitive), and painting guide.

I highly recommend this game to anyone who is interested in a light euro or has kids.
Mutiny/The Bad Seed by The Birthday Party
Mutiny/The Bad Seed by The Birthday Party
1989 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I guess anyone who's read any sort of Nick Cave book will tell you this story, but when they finished this record his girlfriend at the time, Anita Lane, did the painting for the sleeve and he thought it was really, really shit but he let it be the cover anyway. But I like it. I'm a sucker for painted roses for some reason. When I was first in The Horrors, The Birthday Party were definitely one band that we all collectively liked, other than 60s garage bands. They are a fantastic band. In terms of Birthday Party-related things though, I think one of my favourites is Rowland Howard's first solo album called Teenage Snuff Film, but that isn't an illustrated cover so I didn't include it. But Rowland Howard is one of my favourite guitarists and that's probably what I liked most about The Birthday Party."


JT (287 KP) rated Headhunters (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Headhunters (2012)
Headhunters (2012)
2012 | Action, International, Mystery
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Roger Brown (Hennie) has it all, a gorgeous wife a beautiful house and lots of money. As a headhunter for a recruitment company he supplements this lifestyle by stealing rare and expensive paintings and replacing them with perfect copies.

At his wife Diana’s art gallery he is introduced to Clas (Coster-Waldau) who he lines up for a potential job with a big client. When Roger discovers that Clas is in possession of a rare painting he takes the opportunity to steal it, not realizing however that his actions will be traced back to him.

It’s clear that Roger’s flamboyant lifestyle and trophy wife is compensation for his own inferiority complex, as he explains in the opening monologue of the film. Filled with paranoia he soon believes that Clas is out to kill him, either for stealing the painting or to get rid of him so Clas can have Diana for his own.

It’s a simple game of cat and mouse between Roger and Clas that escalates into epic proportions as Roger goes on the run. Clas is extremely cool and calculated in his approach and toys with Roger, it’s a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat, tension that foreign film is seemingly well known for.

It’s adapted from the Jo Nesbø novel of the same name, and to be honest once Roger goes on the run it turns from thriller to black comedy and back again in an instant. Some scenes have shock value, others will turn your head away from the screen no sooner look at it but it’s all good fun.

Roger is put through the wringer as he’s slowly hunted down, avoiding capture by hiding in human faeces, trying to escape on the slowest form of transport imaginable and driven off the end of a cliff. At the end of all this the sympathy for Roger is overwhelming.

It’s a comically engaging film with twists and turns, gruesome in parts which you won’t expect.
Phantom Pleasures (Phantom #1)
Phantom Pleasures (Phantom #1)
Julie Leto | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Phantom Pleasures (Phantom #1) by Julie Leto
This book has some quirks with the main characters, but on the whole, I really enjoyed the story and the background given and am looking forward to reading Book 2 in the series.

It was nice to read a paranormal story that had nary a vampire or shifter in sight but instead followed the story of a phantom and how he came to be stuck inside a painting by gypsy magic.

The supporting characters of Cat and Ben steal the show in places, but the winner for me all round is Paschal. He is just wonderful! The part when Alexa and Damon meet for the first time has been covered in other reviews so I won't say too much, but I will agree that things happen very quickly, with no moment of disbelief or questions.

Recommended if you want paranormal with a twist.

* Verified Purchase ~ March 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Tour: David Travels to the Past David travels to the past is a graphic novel. I would say that the book is better to understand other than the e-book format. It was hard to understand who was speaking and the words were not in the bubble when you are reading the book in the kindle or e book format.

When I received the book in the mail. It was much better read in the print book that I got. I could understand who was talking and who was doing the speaking. I enjoy the story much that way. The author does a good job with images and storytelling. I would say that the book comes decent.

The pictures are colorful and are done wonderfully. You can tell the story though the pictures. My favorite was the Cave painting story. I enjoyed see some life of Cavemen. It as just refreshing, As they were called prehistoric times.
Death al Fresco
Death al Fresco
Leslie Karst | 2018 | Mystery
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Corpse in the Kelp
Sally and her friend Eric are taking an outdoor painting class around Santa Cruz. During class one Saturday, Sally’s dog finds a dead body in the kelp. The man was a regular at Sally’s family’s restaurant, and his last few days seem to be connected to his time there. Can Sally figure out what happened before the restaurant’s reputation is ruined?

This book has a good mystery with viable suspects and a couple of good twists to it. It also has some strong sub-plot, which are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they take the focus off the mystery a bit too much at times. On the other hand, they are the perfect showcases for some of the recurring characters, and I enjoyed seeing them again and how they are growing. Overall, I found this a satisfying read.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.