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Malala Yousafzai recommended Parvana's Journey in Books (curated)

Parvana's Journey
Parvana's Journey
Deborah Ellis | 2004 | Children
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I was gripped by this series and couldn’t drag myself away from it. Ellis beautifully captures childhood in war-torn Afghanistan and Pakistan. The stories are very moving"


Sonofdel (6264 KP) rated Traffik in TV

Jan 6, 2019  
1989 | Crime, Thriller
7.3 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
great cast, good plot, believable story (0 more)
Dark, gritty, realistic
A great mini series centred around the opium trafficking that originated from Pakistan. Various characters including business men and politicians become embroiled in a very complicated and convoluted plot that seeks to stop to stem the flow of opium being trafficked.
Unmarriageable: A Novel
Unmarriageable: A Novel
Soniah Kamal | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of these days I really need to read Austen. I enjoy so many retellings - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Bridget Jones' Diary, and I know I have a copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre around here somewhere! (And now that I pulled up The Lizzie Bennet Diaries to link it here, I'm sorely tempted to sit down and watch the whole thing again but I have books to read!)

Anyway. Austen. I've read a bunch of retellings but believe it or not, I haven't read the original. I really need to get on that, but instead, I read Unmarriageable, which is Pride and Prejudice set in modern-day Pakistan! It's SO GOOD. The themes of family honor, class structure, and rumors damaging reputations translates incredibly easily into Pakistani society, which is why Soniah Kamal wrote it. In her Afterword, she writes:

"Was there any worry more Pakistani than the concern about what might bring a family honor or dishonor? .... Was there anything more Pakistani than [Charlotte's] calculated, 'arranged' marriage? ... Was there anything more apropos to Pakistan than class issues, snootiness, and double standards?"

She goes on to say she was already reading the book as if it was set in Pakistan, so why not write it that way for other Pakistanis? Kamal explains that Pakistan is very much a mix of Pakistan and English culture, and that the emphasis on learning English and English culture comes at the expense of their own indigenous culture, something forced upon them by colonizers. Unmarriageable is her way of melding the two cultures.

I really enjoyed this version of the classic, and it has me even more interested in other versions, such as Ibi Zoboi's Pride and Sonali Dev's Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors. Book Riot actually ran a short list recently on diverse Austen retellings, and I've added every one of them to my To-Read list!

You can find all my reviews (and links to the things mentioned above) on my blog,

Deepak Chopra recommended Midnight's Children in Books (curated)

Midnight's Children
Midnight's Children
Salman Rushdie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A sensation—nothing less. This novel not only won the Booker Prize in 1981 but was honored as the Booker of Bookers in 1993. I identify with Rushdie’s imaginary echelon of children born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, when India was liberated. In its rich tapestry of storytelling, magical realism, and history, the book revealed Rushdie’s staggering talent. He turns the turmoil of India and Pakistan into a Tolstoyan panorama that is much funnier than War and Peace."

In a Kingdom by the Sea
In a Kingdom by the Sea
Sara Macdonald | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Imagine how it must feel to live in a country that is nearly always depicted negatively? How does it feel to have your country's natural beauty and landscape usurped by the violence of a small percentage of people? This is what Gabriella discovers the majority of the population of Pakistan face when she accompanies her husband Mike to Karachi where he works for Pakistan Atlantic Airways.

Gabriella and her sons have been used to Mike disappearing for months at a time on various jobs abroad, however, she is beginning to feel she and her husband are drifting apart. When Mike suggests she come and stay with him in Pakistan, she jumps at the chance, however, instead of strengthing the relationship, Gabriella feels further away than ever. Constantly left behind in a hotel while Mike attends numerous conferences, Gabriella is virtually housebound; it being too dangerous to venture outside. Not only that, she suspects Mike is having an affair and to top it all off, her half-sister Dominique reveals a devastating secret about their childhood in Cornwall.

In a Kingdom by the Sea by Sara MacDonald is essentially a contemporary love story, exploring the woes of a nearly fifty-year-old coming to the end of a long relationship. With underlying elements of mystery, for instance, what happened to Dominique in the early 1970s and what exactly is Mike up to, the novel also explores the hidden truths of a country stereotyped by violence and terrorism.

Gabriella meets dozens of kind and caring people in Pakistan who have her best interests at heart. These people are not dangerous or violent as the media often leads the western world to believe. Whilst some groups of people are content to cause death and destruction, leaving the cities a minefield to navigate, there are plenty more who wish to live peaceful lives. Gabriella is captivated by the beautiful, enchanting landscapes, unlike anything back home in England.

As the story progresses, Gabriella learns more about the lives of women in Pakistan. They are unable to live as they please, having to bow to the commands of their husbands, parents and brothers instead. The more Gabriella speaks to these women, the more she realises that cooped up in the hotel most of the day, she is in a similar situation, under the thumb of her own husband. So, she stops. Thinks. Is this the life she wants?

In a Kingdom by the Sea is a slightly long-winded but eye-opening story. Not everyone will be able to relate to the lives of Pakistani women, however, their plight will resonate with those who relish freedom. Whilst it is difficult to compare Gabriella's life with the women she meets in Karachi, readers will also be rooting for Gabriella's happy-ever-after.
A multitude of wonderful voices
From Lebanon to Pakistan, there is a whole host of female Muslim voices in this wonderful pioneering collection.

Some of the stand out stories, essays and poems include a man reconnecting with art through a woman's eyes, to political stories about the apartheid state of Palestine, so-called "honour crimes", and the illegal war in Iraq. The writers involved are award-winning authors such as Kamila Shamsie, actors, and even a young 15 year old poet - all based in the UK.

It avoids stereotypes and instead advocates quite a humanist outlook on femininity - that a person is complex, with a full range of emotions rather than just the standard media portrayal. A wonderful plethora of diversity.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Best of Friends in Books

Jan 12, 2023  
Best of Friends
Best of Friends
Kamila Shamsie | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this novel about two friends from Karachi, both from wealthy families. It’s 1988, and a time of great change in Pakistan. The dictatorship is over, and Benazir Bhutto is set to become Prime Minister.

Maryam and Zahra make a poor decision after a party that has consequences for many years.

Thirty years later both women live in London. They both have the best educations that money can buy, and a Oxbridge degree each. They’re both hugely successful in their chosen professions, and regularly see the seedier side of their professions (mainly corrupt politicians).

But when someone from their past reappears, questionable decisions are made once again. I was mentally shouting at the character involved for her utter stupidity, and I was really surprised that Maryam and Zehra’s friendship survived this at all - I don’t know as I would be as forgiving. There was a point where I wasn’t so sure that the friendship would survive though.

I liked this, and I’m aware from reading other reviews that it’s very much a marmite book. Love it or hate it: I loved it.
Out of the Silence
Out of the Silence
Owen Mullen | 2019 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book tackles a difficult subject without compromise but still manages to be a gripping and powerful read. In rural Pakistan a woman is found badly injured after a horrific attack. Sure she is about to die she tells the nurse tending her the story of her life.

She is called Afra and was courted by a boy called Jameel in her village. But her family only see profit in Afra and sell her to a rich businessman from a distant city to be his wife. Jameel leaves the village in shame. Their lives take very different paths from there.

Ralph Buchanan used to be the toast of the journalistic world, exposing corruption and scandal, his work earning him awards and fame. However too many corners cut and too many regrets have left him washed up in Lahore, a has-been drinking his life away. He is told the story of Afra and realises he could make a difference, but before that he needs to drag himself up from rock bottom.

The first part of the book, telling the story of Afra and Jameel is relatively slow paced. It is also a pretty grim read as Mullen describes the reality of life for many women who are still treated as property in Pakistan. There is much that is hard to read, but sometimes the truth can be very ugly. This is nothing like anything Mullen has written before. But he is a writer of considerable talent and weaves the tale expertly. Naturally there is a murder mystery woven into the story, so it is not a complete departure from his normal subject matter.

Once Buchanen enters, the pace picks up and something of the style of his other books returns, with Ralph being very much in the mould of a 'noir journalist'. The story from this point forward is not only his ongoing investigation into Afra's story and the murderer, but also his own personal journey. Mullen has a fabulously light touch with both characters and language that mean the reader is drawn into the events, even more so for having read the shocking story that kicks this book into life.

Owen Mullen has tried something different here, and has sought to expose a deep injustice in the world. He has succeeded on both counts. An author that deserves a wider audience
A State of Freedom
A State of Freedom
Neel Mukherjee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A series of interconnecting stories.
I very much like books set in Asia, and in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in particular. The stories they tell are far from the world that I live in, and I like to think that I'm going to learn something about those worlds and peoples.
This novel follows the lives of multiple people who are all connected in some way (even the first person we meet is connected, albeit in a very tenuous way). The stories are fascinating: from the privileged son of a couple who live in Calcutta who is visiting from London for a month, to the young girl (a child) who is sent to work in other people's houses and is treated like a slave in one of the houses she works in. I won't say any more about the stories of these people, but I loved where their stories led them, no matter how uncomfortable it was for me to read.
The writing is beautifully descriptive: it gave a feel for the sights, sounds and smells of where these people lived. It described the caste/ class system of India, the slums and the places where the better off lived. I really enjoyed this book, it really is well worth reading.
10 Routes That Crossed the World
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
10 Routs that Crossed the World by Gillian Richardson is a book that discusses the history behind 10 important routes in the world. Each chapter begins with a short story based on the specific route and then proceeds to facts about the place. Extremely interesting for kids who enjoy history. 

Pretty much every important road and trail in history are described and discussed. From Route 66 back to the Bering Strait. The Camino de Santiago trail in Spain and its importance to pilgrims for centuries as well as the Appalachian Trail and why people hike it. I had never even heard of the war-torn Khyber Pass connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan. I'm already scheming how we can add this to our World History study next year. This one does not read like a textbook at all. We especially enjoyed reading about the Serengeti and the migration of millions of animals. There is an extended bibliography and a list of further reading if you'd like to explore any of these topics more in depth.

This book is written for middle grade students. They will enjoy the historical background to the trails and the stories. 

I received this book from Annick press via NetGalley in response for an honest review.