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Real Steel (2011)
Real Steel (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Shame on this movie for having awesome arena robot boxing take place in 2020 meanwhile in the real world all we got was a global pandemic, massive forest fires, and WWIII threats smfh. In seriousness, it's no 𝘈𝘭π˜ͺ𝘡𝘒: π˜‰π˜’π˜΅π˜΅π˜­π˜¦ 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 but it gets the job done. I have my grievances: the cinematography is too sterile for something like this, the design of the main robot also happens to be the lamest one, so on and so forth. But the biggest one of them all is how blissfully content this is with being a totally kickass mech boxing movie with some of the greatest effects you'll ever see, lovingly nerdy designs/energy, and spectacularly rousing fights... that gets *smothered* by another schmaltz-filled, threadbare, dull-as-a-doorstop 'washed-up underdog rekindles relationship with estranged urchin son/daughter' familial 'drama' which almost entirely overtakes the whole thing. And then it has the gall to not even resolve that main plot point it tried to get us so invested in to begin with. Also ends with total bullshit, but when this is in the zone it's as cool as can be - does *exactly* what it should. Whoever put Shawn Levy on this job needs to be fired, but if someone would be so gracious as to give this a re-edit with all of the intolerable syrup taken out then tbh I'd watch the hell out of it again πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Camino Winds in Books

Aug 20, 2020  
Camino Winds
Camino Winds
John Grisham | 2020 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a typical Grisham quick read. It builds on the first book, but focuses mainly on Bruce. We see little of Mercer, a main character in book one, which was unfortunate. But Bruce is a blustery star, who can easily dominate both in his life and a novel. He has a huge group of friends, literary and "normal" alike. One is Nelson Kerr, a former lawyer with a big firm in San Francisco. He ratted out a client, a defense contractor who was illegally selling high-tech military stuff to the "bad guys." Nelson settled his case and fled to the island after a divorce. He's been working on another book and we learn quickly that his work may have gotten him killed.

It's easy to feel the storm and its tension through Grisham's picturesque writing. Leo hits quickly and the devastation that follows is bad. The post-hurricane feeling on a nearly abandoned Camino Island seems oddly aligned to the pandemic--at least when I read this in May--or it's easy to read that sense into everything I read.

Still, despite the hurricane and the murder and other various killings, this is actually a fun read. Grisham gives us an engaging mystery, and I love his "good versus evil" formula. It always works so well for him and this is one of his breezier presentations. While there isn't much depth, it's a fast read with interesting characters and a snappy mystery. 3.5 stars.
End of Faith
End of Faith
Rena Willemin | 2012 | Dystopia, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review taken from my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>

You know when you read a book and you don't want it to end because it feels as if it's become a part of you? End of Faith:A Novel by Rena Willemin was definitely one of those books! From page one, I was hooked!

This book is a apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic thriller. We mostly hear the story from Valentina's perspective although every now and then, we get to hear what the Prophet is thinking. Valentina is one of the few people to survive a major pandemic. One day she sees a pregnant woman in trouble, so she does what most people do. She helps her. Little does she know how important the woman was and how that action will change her life for the worse. We follow Valentina as she struggles to survive in a fight for her life.

The character of Valentina was amazing! She really felt like someone I (and probably a lot of women) could relate to. She's a very strong character, but not too strong that she doesn't seem real. Val goes from being just a normal loving wife to a hard core woman determined to fight to stay alive. I definitely felt what she was feeling at all stages throughout the book. It didn't take me long to love Val.

I loved the world building in this book. This is another element which made the book seem more real. The description of an post-apocalyptic world seemed to be bang on, well, I've never been in an post-apocalyptic world or even an apocalyptic world for that matter, but the setting in the book is what I'd imagine it to be.

The pacing of the book was done really well as well. It read brilliantly! It definitely held my attention throughout the whole book.

There wasn't one chapter where the pacing was off.

The cover definitely suits the book. A woman (I assume to be Valentina) running through a tunnel of some sort, looking behind her shoulder like she's really afraid. The colouring of the cover also has a post-apocalyptic feel to it as it gives a feeling of despair.

The title definitely suits this book especially as there is a prophet involved and what feels like a religious cult.

End of Faith:A Novel definitely made me realise just how something like this could happen especially after the scare with Bird Flu. It paints a very realistic portrait of what life could possibly be like if a pandemic of epic proportions were to happen. In fact, this book probably will have me thinking about "what if" long after this review. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone regardless of if their a fan of post-apocalyptic fiction or not.

I was so happy to see that this book is part of a series. This means that I'll be able to feed my addiction of Valentina again!!!
Groundhog Day (1993)
Groundhog Day (1993)
1993 | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
the legend that holds up
Contains spoilers, click to show
I feel like this movie is one of those legends in a lot of ways. So many people love it, I've heard so many great things over the years and I've just never watched it. Not because I haven't been interested, but because I've never actively looked. Who knew it took a worldwide pandemic for me to watch.

I really enjoyed this film. I love Bill Murray - I think he is a phenomenal actor and so funny. I love his character in the movie. At first, he is so easy to hate, it's so clear he's just a bad guy. He's the guy that everyone knows in real life and you're just like, "really? you again?" and you end up feeling exhausted after talking to them because they're just the worst. But as you go through the film, you go through all the emotions and events and frustrations that he's feeling. You see the pain and the devastation, the breaking points, the good things, the bad things, the really crazy things (running into that huge groundhog after that car chase), and you feel it all with him. I don't think there are movies that often that make you feel that and I always love when they do.

I think, overall, the cast is great. I don't have any particular complaints about anyone, but nobody stands out to me as much as Bill because he just nailed it. I definitely think this is a film I'll come back to over and over again.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Mar 16, 2020

This is a genuine classic, it's often imitated never duplicated.

So many movies & shows have pinched the idea to create another success.