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Second Verse
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I first saw this book on Goodreads, and I knew I had to have it when I read the word "haunted" in the book synopsis. I'm so happy I had a chance to read this book because it was awesome!

I think the blurb is fantastically written! It definitely made me want to read the book, and I like how it doesn't even mention the tiniest spoiler which I love.

I'm not a big fan of the title simply because it make me think of a book about someone's struggle with music. It doesn't really give off the whole ghostly mystery book vibe.

I also don't really care for the cover simply because based on just the cover, it never made me want to pick up the book to read it. I would've liked to have had a creepier looking cover for this book even if the cover photo is, what I think, supposed to be the picture Lange drew.

I did enjoy the world building very much. I felt that the world of Second Verse definitely had solid building. I was experiencing everything that Lange was, or at least, it felt that way. As for the setting, I was a bit confused at the very beginning about the type of school they were in. It was mentioned they had a creative period and there was talk about music, but it never really talked about them being in a music school. Perhaps it was implied, and I just couldn't work it out at the beginning or maybe I just read about it and forgot.

The pacing was only slow for about the first 5 or so pages. After that, the pacing picks up and holds your attention for the rest of the book only letting you go once the book comes to an end. I was super enthralled throughout the entire book (with the exception of the first few pages).

I really enjoyed the plot! There is a major element in this plot that I won't talk about due to spoilers, but it wasn't mentioned in the book's blurb. I would've never guessed it was a book on that theme. Trust me, I'd elaborate if I could, but I don't want to spoil it for those that may wish to read this book. There is a plot twist that I never saw coming, and the ending was just wow! I will say that the ending does leave this book open for a sequel.

The characters felt very real. I enjoyed the character of Lange. It was interesting to see how she reacted to everything around her. I felt as if I probably would've made the same choices if I was in her shoes. Vaughn is also a likable character, and I loved how he was always trying to make Lange feel safe. They were such a cute couple! Even though Ginny wasn't an actual character, it was still interesting to read about her and her love for her beau.

The dialogue flowed very smoothly, and the character interactions felt real. The language used works for this book and its genre.

Overall, Second Verse is a fantastic read that incorporates a bit of mystery, paranormal, and romance. It definitely held my attention, and I was sad when I had come to the end of the book because I didn't want it to end.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who enjoy paranormal, mystery, and romance books and those who love great plot twists.

<b>I'd give Second Verse by Jennifer Walkup a 4.5 out of 5.</b>

(I received a free paperback copy of this book from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Dark Summer (The Witchling, #1)
Lizzy Ford | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.

I won this book off of a blog paperback giveaway. I was so happy as I loved the description!

Summer is a sixteen year old girl who is used to being kicked out of schools over and over again because she can't control her magick. She knows not to get attached to anyone or anything because it's only a matter of time until she's shipped off to some new school. That all changes when she gets sent to a new boarding school, one for children and teens who have magickal powers. It isn't long before Summer is crushing on the dark Decker. Why is he so moody? What secrets is he hiding? Will Summer be able to figure out Decker or will she be sent away before she has the chance?

The title of this book definitely suits what it's about. I won't go into too much detail because of spoilers, but the title is a big clue to the story.

The cover is nice although I thought it could've had a bit more going on instead of just a picture of Summer with her amulet. Maybe the boarding house in the background and/or Decker on the front of the cover would've made it a bit better. However, it's not a bad cover.

I love the setting of this story, in the Rockies. The description of the forest is fantastic, and I could almost imagine myself being surrounded by a nice lush forest such as the one Summer is surrounded by.

The pacing of the story did start out rather slow, and I found myself not really enjoying it or caring what happened to the characters. However, that all changed a little before halfway through the book. I found myself engrossed in the story and caring very much about the whole Decker and Summer storyline. So the pacing does eventually quicken up which I was more than thankful for.

The dialogue is very easy to understand. I didn't find myself struggling with what certain words were. There is talk of sex and at one point, the mention of an erection, so just keep that in mind. However, there's not too much sex talk in it which I found to be very good as I hate when books go on and on about sex.

My favourite character was definitely Summer. She came across as being naive (in a good way), loving, protected, and shy which is understandable considering she'd been passed from pillar to post in her past. However, she does start opening up in the story. She's just a great character!! And Decker, wow! Decker is definitely my type of guy...the dark, brooding type. I instantly liked him more than his brother Beck even at the beginning of the story. There's just something about Decker that I find sexy.

One thing that kind of bugged me was the fact that Summer was made fun of for being overweight, and she even considered herself overweight. She's only a US size 4!!! Someone tell me how that is fat or overweight!?! I could understand the size 0 girl, Dawn, in the story trying to tease her as she wasn't as small as she was, but when Summer admits to being overweight, really!?! Okay, rant over.

I definitely fell in love with this book halfway through. This is one of those books where I'll probably buy the next in the series on the day it comes out, and I usually don't do that!

This book made me feel alive. It also made me feel frustrated when I reached the gigantic cliffhanger at the end of this book, lol. So yeah, I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.

Overall, I'd recommend this to everyone aged 17+. It's an amazing book!!
Eleanor &amp; Park
Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

The feels with this book, seriously! I even had a book hangover after reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. That's how good it was!

15 year old Eleanor is starting a new school. What's even worse is she gets bullied for being overweight and for dressing differently then everyone else. On the first day of school, Eleanor sits beside Park on the bus. At first, they ignore each other, but eventually, Park and Eleanor become closer and closer. Eleanor's family is less than perfect. Her step-dad hates Eleanor. Eleanor thinks Park's family is perfect. Will their love survive?

The title of this book is quite simple, but it works. It's very straightforward. It's a book about Eleanor and Park plus their relationship.

When I first picked up this book, the cover reminded me of a book from the 1980's or 1990's which is perfect considering this book takes place in 1986. Like the time, it is also simplistic, but it works.

I loved the world building! It was quite easy to imagine something like this happening. While the story takes place in 1986, it feels like it could happen in almost any decade. There's talk of cassette tapes and walkmans which were very 80's and 90's. There's talk of bands that were popular around 1986, but when I read it, I felt like it could even take place now.

The pacing was fantastic! From the first page, I was hooked. Every page just kept getting better and better, and by the end of the story, I was sad that it was over. I felt as if I had lost two really good friends.

I enjoyed the plot. A girl from a broken and abused household falls in love with a boy from a "normal" household. She gets her first boyfriend and is overjoyed. The boy swears he has never felt that way before. Yes, it's been done, but I assure you, Rowell makes this story original and unique. I felt that the ending of the book leaves you to form your own opinion of what happens next though. I do wish it was written in black and white because I hate speculating.

I was in love with Eleanor and Park! I can relate to Eleanor though because I was that overweight kid in high school that was sometimes made fun of. I didn't dress like her, but I get how she feels. I hated that Richie, her step-dad, was so mean to her. I kept wanting Richie to just leave. He was such a horrid person! Park was a sweetheart, and I love how he was willing to endure the teasing just to be with Eleanor. Park had a very big heart when it came to Eleanor.

The dialogue was absolutely perfect! I loved the interactions between Park and Eleanor. I also enjoyed how the story would switch between Park and Eleanor so we'd get more of an insight as to what each character was thinking and feeling. There is some swearing in this book and some mild violence.

Overall, Eleanor & Park is such a sweet and emotional read. The characters are easy to love, the pacing is fantastic, and the world building is brilliantly done!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who would like to get lost in a great book!

(I won an ARC paperback of this title in a competition. I was not required to write a review)
The Secret Diary of Sarah Chamberlain
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the blurb, I knew this was a book I wanted to read and review. I thought it'd be a YA (young adult) book since the main character is 15, but it read more like a MG (middle grade) book. Because it reminded me more of a MG read, I will be reviewing it as such. However, this was still a great read!

The title didn't catch my attention, but I think to a middle grade student, the title would be very catchy.

The cover is alright. It's nothing special, but I do feel it would appeal to a younger age group.

The world building was fantastic! Sarah Norkus does an awesome job at making the world building very believable. I'm no history buff, but Miss Norkus brings the Civil War era come alive. I enjoyed reading about life during the Civil War. It's obvious that Miss Norkus has done some research on this time period.

The pacing was slow at the very beginning. I really wanted to like this book, so I hung in there, and I was greatly rewarded. The pacing picks up when Em gets transported to Sarah Chamberlain's time, and after that, I was hooked on this book!

I loved the plot! Em finds a diary belonging to Sarah Chamberlain in an old house. When Em starts blaming God for everything, she is transported to the Civil War era. However, she ends up losing her memory and can't remember where she came from or anything from her modern life. Being Christian, I loved how the plot of this book had Christian themes.

I thought the characters were written fairly well. Em is supposed to be 15 years old, but I felt she acted and spoke like she was around 12 years old. I had to constantly remind myself that she was a 15 year old girl. Eventually, I just stopped reminding myself of her age and just thought of her as being 12. Em is a very likable girl even if she does act young. Sarah Chamberlain and Abby were both likable characters as well. I found them to both be very sweet natured. I loved how Moses was so protective of Sarah and her family and friends. My favorite character was Rachael. I loved how caring she was and how she would do anything for Sarah or for anyone for that matter. I constantly wanted to just hug her.

As I've said before, the dialogue suits a middle grade book more than it does a young adult book. I did find the way Em speaks, as in the words she uses, sometimes to be a little on the strange side. Other then that, the dialogue is good, and it does flow smoothly. It's just written a little young. There's no swearing and only some violence.

Overall, The Secret Diary of Sarah Chamberlain is a very enjoyable read. It could've been a bit better had the main character's age been lowered or if the writing had been more young adultish. It's a great story with a good message and interesting characters. Plus, there's a history lesson in it!

I'd recommend this book those aged between 10 - 14 although any age would enjoy it. Those who are interested in history and mysteries would enjoy this book the most.

I'd give The Secret Diary of Sarah Chamberlain by Sarah Norkus a 4.25 out of 5.

(I was provided with a free paperback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Nine in Books

Sep 13, 2020  
Rachelle Dekker | 2020 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been a fan of Rachelle Dekker ever since I read The Girl Behind the Red Rope. When I saw that Rachelle Dekker had released a new book entitled Nine, I knew it was a book that I needed to read. I was so glad I picked this book up!

I felt that the plot to Nine was solid. Zoe Johnson is busy working at her mundane job as a waitress when a young 17 year old girl shows up. From the get go, Zoe is protective of this young girl named Lucy who appears naive, scared, confused, and willing to trust anyone. However, trying to protect Lucy will have a high cost as Lucy is much more than she appears to be.

I read Nine in about a day. The pacing was so spot on that I didn't want to put this book down. The action starts out right in the first chapter and just carries on throughout the book. From the very first page, I was sucked into this suspenseful world Rachelle Dekker had masterfully created. Though it does have some similarities with the video game/movie Resident Evil (sans zombies), Dekker did a fantastic job at making the plot line feel original although it's been done many times before. There are a few plot twists including one that links back to The Girl Behind the Red Rope which I was very excited to read about! Yes, some of the plot twists are a bit predictable, but Nine is a very interesting story nonetheless.

I have to gush about the characters in Nine now. Dekker did an amazing job making her characters feel fleshed out. I felt as if the characters in Nine were people I actually knew in real life; that's how realistic these characters were written. I loved Zoe's character. Even though she had a sad story and baggage of her own, it was refreshing to see her actually put her trust and care about someone else. I will say I would have liked to know more about her brother Stephen and read more in detail about what happened to him. Perhaps Dekker will write a story about Stephen another time. Anyway, Zoe was an amazing character, and I could always feel what she felt from elation to deep sadness and more. Although Olivia isn't in the book very much, I also loved Olivia and how much she sacrificed for a certain experiment. Lucy was my favorite character, and it was interesting to be able to see her thought process starting in part two of Nine. Reading about her internal struggle with how she was raised versus who she wanted to be felt very emotional to me. We have all had that struggle with ourselves to become a better version of ourself. Seeley was a bit of a wild card. Sometimes I loved him, and other times I hated him although I could understand why he was doing what he did (not that it was justified for most of it). I would have hated to have the same ultimatum given to me as Hammon gave Seeley. Even all the minor characters (especially McCoy) I really enjoyed. Every character added to the story and fleshed it out even more.

Trigger warnings for Nine include violence (including gun violence), torture, and murder.

Overall, Nine is an emotional story with a positive message that really makes you think about how you can change no matter your given circumstances. Nine would make a fantastic movie or tv series, and I know I would watch it should anyone ever do that. I would definitely recommend Nine by Rachelle Dekker to those aged 16+ that love highly suspenseful stories that include a positive message.
(A special thank you to Revell for providing me with a paperback of Nine by Rachelle Dekker in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
No Place To Hide
No Place To Hide
Opa Hysea Wise | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing journey of personal growth and self-acceptance of the main character (0 more)
The self-help parts did not blend in well with the rest of the book. (0 more)
Interesting Mulit-genre book
No Place to Hide by Opa Hysea Wise is a unique combination of a self-help book with a mystery or crime drama. It doesn't read as a typical self-help book dose but instead lets readers follow the main character on her journey of growth and read her discoveries as far as herself goes.

 Smythe Daniels lives alone and is desperately trying to find some meaning in her life. She has even made the decision to quit her job in an effort to start her own business. On top of that she is taking a year long class in an attempt to find her happiness. Yet even with these large changes it would appear that Smythe is destined for even more hardship and change.

 One night while she is unable to sleep Smythe makes the simple decision to sit in her car in a parking lot to smoke a cigarette. Nothing life changing about that, right? Well as it happens Smythe is witness to a murder tied to a crime syndicate and her life is now in danger. Not wanting to give up everything she is working towards Smythe refuses the FBI’s offer (that is actually more of a request) to go into witness protection. Thankfully some anonymous person pays for a privet security detail for Smythe or else she might not make it to the trial date. As it is even with the security she might not make it.

 I enjoyed Smythe’s journey of personal growth and self-acceptance. Sometimes it dose take a major upheaval in our lives to be the pushing factor that we need for change. Hopefully most won’t have to go through such a traumatic time as Smythe. Unfortunately the attempt to hide a self-help book within the pages of a thriller missed its mark for me. At times the more ‘in depth’ conversations become repetitive, dry, and boring. The self-help parts did not seem to blend in with the story very well and actually interrupted the flow of the thriller for me, yet it wasn’t that bad.

 Crime drama lovers will be extremely interested in this book along with those who enjoy mild romance. Readers should also be comfortable (whether they believe or not) with discussions of a God or Source of some sort. Those who enjoy self-help will like this book and those that have at least a mild interest in self-help might want to give this one a try as well. I do recommend only adults read this as although there really isn’t anything inappropriate in this book younger readers might not understand some of the concepts. In fact it will probably take most adults multiple times reading this book to get the full benefit and enjoyment of it.

 I rate this book 3 out of 4. The story is engaging and draws readers in. It is easy to feel Smythe’s frustration at the restrictions and turns her life has taken as well as the disrepair it causes. Readers can even feel Artie’s emotions as well in her desire to protect Smythe and her growing feelings towards her. The self-help sections are entertaining at times as well (better blending would have helped) and offer some good insights.


    • Book Title: No Place to Hide
    • Author: Opa Hysea Wise
    • Release Date: November 3, 2020
    • Publisher: Made for Success Publishing
    • ISBN 10: 1641464771
    • ISBN 13: 978-1641464772
    • Price: $14.99
    • Paperback: 300 Pages
    • Genres: Mystery, Fiction, Suspense Thriller, Crime, Self-Help, LGBTQ Fiction, African American Women’s Fiction


 "No Place to Hide" is available for pre-order on Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble.

Review by Melissa Espenschied of Night Reader Reviews
Captain Clive&#039;s Dreamworld
Captain Clive's Dreamworld
Jon Bassoff | 2020 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love books that deal with a mysterious town that seems to be perfect yet strange things happen, so when I heard about Captain Clive's Dreamworld by Jon Bassoff, I knew this would be my kind of book. I can not tell you enough about how great of a book this was!

Deputy Sam Hardy is fed up with his life. Everything looks bleak for Hardy. When a prostitute is found dead in a seedy motel room and Hardy looks like he may be the culprit, he is banished to take over the role of deputy in the seemingly perfect town of Angels and Hope. Everyone seems to love this town, and everything is so cookie cutter, but the people never seem to sleep. Young girls are going missing yet the town says the girls never existed. When Hardy begins to pry into this town's history, he puts his own wellbeing in jeopardy.

I will say the plot of Captain Clive's Dreamworld drew me in right away. The pacing is done perfectly, and I kept on finding myself reading as fast as possible so I could learn what would happen next. I was instantly transported to the town of Angels and Hope with Deputy Sam Hardy. I never lost interest at all. In my head, I was trying to work out what was wrong with the town. Everything seemed to be perfect there, but we all know that nothing is ever perfect. While Angels and Hope was created to be a utopia, it was much more dystopian. There were many sinister goings on happening. While I was able to predict some of the plot, it was still interesting to read on to see if I was correct. There are a few plot twists too. Jon Bassoff did a fantastic job making this story come together brilliantly enough to keep it interesting. While the book didn't end the way I wanted, it was definitely an interesting ending for sure. All loose ends were tied up and the story came together very well.

I enjoyed each and every character in Captain Clive's Dreamworld. Each character felt realistic and fleshed out. Sam Hardy was quite the interesting character. I liked reading about his thought process. I felt like I was going through everything he was. Although I thought he would be uncaring, he was quite the opposite. His plight to get answers was quite the journey to read about. The three witches were fabulous antagonists. I could picture each of the three women easily in my mind. They were easy to hate. I loved trying to figure out Mayor Sampson's character. I kept on trying to guess how much he knew and what he'd be willing to do to keep secrets hidden. I enjoyed reading about all the townspeople of Angels and Hope and trying to guess what their guilty secrets were and what their end game was.

Trigger warnings for Captain Clive's Dreamworld include death, murder, suicide, violence, prostitution, sex, child rape, incest, blackmail, gaslighting, threats, drugs, alcohol, and swearing. This is not a book for the faint of heart as it deals with some very dark subjects.

All in all, Captain Clive's Dreamworld is a highly entertaining read with a great cast of characters as well as a great plot. It is definitely not for the faint of heart though as it is quite dark but enjoyable nonetheless. I would definitely recommend Captain Clive's Dreamworld by Jon Bassoff to those aged 18+ who love a dark horror novel with great depth.
(A special thank you to Pump Up Your Book for providing me with a paperback of Captain Clive's Dreamworld by Jon Bassoff in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water
The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water
Erin Bartels | 2022 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
I will admit that I've been in a reading slump for awhile. However, when I read the synopsis for The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water by Erin Bartels, it sounded just like the book I need to get me out of my slump. Luckily I was right!

I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water by Erin Bartels. It was definitely interesting to see how and why writers put a little bit of truth in their books. I was very interested in trying to find out what was truth and what was fiction in Kendra's life. I wanted to know if the bad thing was really as Kendra remembered it or if it was just something she had stretched the truth about. This book does have a few plot twists, and while I did predict one, I found myself guessing incorrectly at the other twists. The author does a fantastic job at typing up any and all loose ends by the end of the book. I must say that I also very much enjoyed the writing and language Erin Bartels used. Her descriptive prose put me right into the heart of the story. I was drawn in with every word, and once I started reading, it was hard for me to stop. Even though this book does deal with some heavy subjects, Bartels did an excellent job at writing about them with much care and sensitivity. (Be sure to read the author's note at the end of the book for a bit more insight into the novel. You won't regret it.)

The characters in The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water were written very well. I found myself really loving the character of Kendra. She seemed like the type of girl I could relate to and that I'd love to be friends with. I enjoyed getting to see a glimpse into her memories (even the horrible ones). Her back story was interesting with what she had been through. I wish we could have read more about Andreas' back story. He was a strong character, don't get me wrong, but I felt like I didn't really know him all too well. He was always shrouded in a bit of mystery. Tyler's back story was the most interesting (and a little heartbreaking). Even though I never really cared for Tyler as a person, he was still a very well written character. I wish he would have gotten in trouble for what he did, but just as in real life, not everything happens as it should. I also loved the character of Cami. Although she seems a bit selfish, what she had been through makes it a bit easier to see why she was the way she was. I'm not excusing her actions by no means, but I can see the reasoning behind it. I also loved Robert as Kendra's mentor. He was such a laid back and loving character.

Trigger warnings for The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water include some slight bullying, sexual harassment, molestation, rape (though not graphic), child prostitution, alcohol, mentions of drug use, death, and suicide.

All in all, The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water is a beautifully written book showing that even in the fact of tragedy and trauma, we can still rise above our circumstances. I would definitely recommend The Girl Who Could Breath Under Water by Erin Bartels to those ages 16+ who are after a book with great emotional depth.
(A special thank you to Revell for providing me with a paperback of The Girl Who Could Breathe Under Water by Erin Bartels in exchange for a fair and honest review.)
The Last Song
The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Summary: Ronnie does not want to spend the summer with her dad. Her dad left them three years ago, and she hasn’t really forgiven him for it. She hated him for it so much, that she refused to take his calls, quit playing the piano, and never read the letters he sent her. What is she going to do all summer stuck with a dad she hates in a small town with nothing but sand on every side of her, no clubs, no friends…

When she finds Will, the cutest volley-ball players slash aquarium volunteer in her back yard helping her protect un-hatched sea turtles from being eaten by raccoons, she judged him as not-her-type. She doesn’t expect to find a friend in a jock-rich-perfect-family boy, nor does she expect that this will be the best—most exciting, most scary, most fun, most painful—summer of her lifetime.

My Review: I’m not really sure where to start here, other than I am so utterly pleased with The Last Song, I cannot begin to find words to describe it.

Ronnie, Jonah (her brother), Her dad Steve, Will… all the characters really, were such real characters. I felt everything they felt, I laughed when they laughed, and I (nearly) cried when they cried.

I hate it when books suffer from "happy-land syndrome—" where everything works out just too perfectly that it seems silly. The Last Song seemed to work perfectly, but it didn’t have that plot-manipulated feel to it. It didn’t feel like Sparks was just trying to move the story along and causing things to line up too perfectly to be realistic—it felt like the story was writing itself, and it was perfect. The pacing didn’t feel rushed or slow. It was not a thriller, but I did find myself sitting on the edge of my seat dying to find out what happens. I read it through in two or three days (which is fast for me right now, what with school the way it is!). There are twists, there are surprises—some beautiful, some painful, but all wonderful.

The writing was contemporary. It was easy reading and it wasn’t Dostoevsky, but it wasn’t bad either. The humor was light and witty and sarcastic, sometimes laugh out loud, and more times than I can count my sister would look up from her homework and say “Haley. What is so funny?” The perspective alternated between several different characters, but it wasn’t disorientating. It was all from third person perspective, but I still felt like I could get inside the character’s head.

The end was perfect. That’s all I can really say about it because any information would totally ruin the story. All the loose ends were tied, all the questions were answered, and the ending was open to the future but closed in a wonderful conclusion. Suffice to say I grinned so wide I couldn’t see, and my cheeks are still sore.
Audio Review: Let’s just say that I almost gave up reading The Last Song when I started listening to the audio. Pepper Binkley read Ronnie’s perspective and had a high pitched voice, she read a little too fast (which is rare. Most of the time readers are way too slow), there was no differentiating between voices of characters so you couldn’t tell who was talking, and she seemed up tight and nervous. Scott Sowers read the various men’s perspectives, and he read alright. He was a little slow and his voice took some getting used to but he was otherwise ok. I did get too frustrated to get far in the audio book though. I ended up quitting and reading the paperback. I recommend reading The Last Song over listening to it.

Content: blissfully clean. There was romance between Will and Ronnie, but no sex. It wasn’t needed, either. I feel like the fact that they didn’t sleep together added to the book rather than took away from it. It was also clean of foul language. There was some mention of God and the Bible, but never did it feel like Sparks was preaching.

Recommendation: Ages 14+
A Nearly Normal Family
A Nearly Normal Family
M.T. Edvardsson | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Legal thrillers usually aren't my thing. In fact, I find them to be more a snooze fest than anything else. However, when I read the synopsis for A Nearly Normal Family by M.T. Edvardsson, I was intrigued. I just want to say that this book blew me away! It was that good!

The plot for A Nearly Normal Family is very intriguing indeed. Eighteen year old Stella becomes involved with an older man named Christopher. She's having the time of her life. When she learns more about her romantic interest, she's having a hard time believing the bad stuff is true. It's not long before Christopher is found murdered, and Stella is the main suspect. Told from the point of view from Stella's father, Stella, and Stella's mother, we learn what really happened that night, what led to all of this drama, and what happens afterwards. We also learn how far people will go to protect the ones they love. I found myself not wanting to guess what happened with this book. I wanted everything to be a complete surprise which it was. There are a few twists and turns throughout this novel which I did enjoy. I loved that this book tied up any loose ends by the end of the book, and nothing was left to speculation. I hate having to guess what happened after the main mystery has been solved, so I was thrilled when I had all my answers. I'm a stickler for closure!

The characters were all very well developed and fleshed out enough that they felt real. We are introduced to Adam, Stella's father, first. We see his relationship with his daughter, his wife, and with God since he's a pastor. He relies heavily on his faith to get him through things. He's an upstanding member of the community and very trustworthy. I found Adam to be the most interesting to read about. It was interesting to read about his response to his daughter being accused of murder. Next, we are introduced to Stella's point of view. Stella is accused of murdering her boyfriend, Christopher. She's eighteen and has a devil may care attitude when it comes to everything. Some points throughout the book, I felt she was innocent of the crime, but there were other times she seemed very guilty. I couldn't figure her out. It was interesting to read about what had happened throughout her young life to get to the predicament she was in. Finally, we learn the perspective from Ulrika, Stella's mother. I didn't think I would be able to connect with Ulrika right at first, but I found myself understanding her quickly. Ulrika is a criminal defense attorney, so it was interesting reading about her perspective on everything. I was happy that Ulrika didn't use legal jargon too often. Although we don't get to read things from her perspective, the character of Amina, Stella's best friend, was also intriguing. I loved reading about the girls' friendship throughout the years and how loyal they were to one another.

The pacing was spot on! Every time the story would change perspectives, I thought I'd get bored with the change of character, but I was sucked in right away same as before. I devoured page after page of A Nearly Normal Family. I couldn't wait to find out more and learn about motives and what would happen.

Trigger warnings include profanity, alcohol use, drug use, violence (not very graphic), rape (not very graphic, mentions of sex (not graphic), and murder.

Overall, A Nearly Normal Family is a very intriguing read that pulls you in from the very first page and doesn't let you go even after it ends. I would definitely recommend A Nearly Normal Family by M.T. Edvardsson to those aged 18+ who like to get lost in well written thrillers!
(A special thank you to the publisher for providing me with an ARC paperback of A Nearly Normal Family by M.T. Edvardsson in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)