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The New Husband
The New Husband
D.J. Palmer | 2020 | Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a good thriller, so when I found out about The New Husband by D.J. Palmer, I was all over it! This was a book that I knew I had to read. Luckily, I was not disappointed at all.

Nina's husband Glen disappeared after going out on his boat. No one was ever able to locate Glen's body although Nina presumes him to be dead. About two years later, Nina finds love with Simon Fitch, a teacher at her daughter's middle school. Simon is absolutely perfect for Nina, but Maggie, Nina's daughter, knows something is very wrong with Simon. Is Simon actually who he says he is or is Nina over her head?

I found the plot for The New Husband to be entertaining even though I also found it fairly predictable. While the plot is similar to other books, Palmer does a fantastic job at adding his own voice to the story. There were a couple of little plot twist I didn't predict to be fair, and the pacing was done brilliantly. I felt like every loose end was tied up by the end of the book and was explained very well. The descriptive use of text has me transported right into the middle of the setting for every scene in The New Husband.

The characters in The New Husband all had plenty of depth and were very fleshed out. I loved Nina, but so many times I wanted her to really pry more into Simon's background instead of taking him at face value. It was easy to see why she wanted to trust him since she was in love with him though. I loved how Nina's curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she did start digging up info on Simon. Simon seemed like a complete psychopath to me. I loved how well he was written, but I was constantly second guessing everything Simon said. I wanted to be wrong about him. I loved how Maggie was willing to investigate Simon from the get go. Something about him didn't sit right with her, and she acted on it. Whenever everyone else was jaded when it came to Simon, Maggie saw right through him. I did feel that Maggie sometimes acted younger than her actual age though based on how her thoughts were written.

Trigger warnings include profanity, gas-lighting, mentions of sex (although not graphic), gun use, alcohol use, violence, attempted murder, and murder.

The New Husband will definitely leave you on your toes as well as turning the page wanting to know more. Although the plot is fairly predictable, it has a great cast of characters who hold their own. I would definitely recommend The New Husband by D.J. Palmer to those who love a story that sucks them right in!
(A special thank you to the publisher for sending me a paperback ARC of The New Husband by D.J. Palmer. I was not required to write a review.)
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Liane Carter | 2021 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After loving the first book in The Snuggle Series, I was really looking forward to reading Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter. Just like with the first book in the series, I was not left disappointed.

I found Snuggle with the Shadows to be a little different than Snuggle with the Strange (the first book in the series). In this book, there were a couple of feel good stories unlike the first book in the series. Even though there were some supernatural/paranormal stories, those elements weren't as present in Snuggle with the Shadows. That wasn't a bad thing though! Although the pacing was slower for some stories in this book, I still found myself not wanting to put this book down. The world building was still done fantastically, and I found myself instantly transported to the setting of each story. There were even some plot twists in many of the stories. Even though there are no real cliff hangers with each story, some are open to speculation such as Raisha's Reason. I loved that The Tragedy of the Tides and I was Bought at a Garage Sale were feel good stories which changed up the tone of the series a little. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Shadows were I was Bought at a Garage Sale and A Bump in the Night. Both of these stories really held my attention, and I was enthralled throughout trying to figure out what would happen. Just like with the first book in the series, Snuggle with the Shadows has a mixture of realistic stories as well as paranormal/supernatural stories.

Liane Carter kills it again with how great her characters are! They are all well written and feel like they could actually be real life people instead of a character in a book. I had no problems picturing each and every character in my mind. I actually found myself wanting to be friends with some of the characters in Snuggle with the Shadows.

Snuggle with the Shadows is a dark adult horror book, so there are quite a few heavy triggers. These include mentions of drug use, profanity, sexual comments, sexual situations, human (child) trafficking, implied child rape and molestation, death, murder, mentions of suicide, and gun violence.

All in all, Snuggle with the Shadows is an interesting read full of entertaining characters and plots. I really believe all horror lovers (and even non-horror lovers) will enjoy all the stories in this book. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter to those aged 16+ who like all sub-genres of horror. This book will not disappoint!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Secrets of the Snow Globe (Science Makes It Work)
Secrets of the Snow Globe (Science Makes It Work)
Catherine Stier | 2022 | Children, Science & Mathematics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My 7 year old has been obsessed with snow globes for the past few years. When I saw Catherine Stier's new book entitled Secrets of the Snow Globe, I couldn't wait to read it with my son. (As we were reading, my son had to go grab his own snow globe to hold onto the whole time.) We ended up both loving it!

Secrets of the Snow Globe is a great read for those youngsters who are into science and learning. Reading this book, it felt like we were getting a science lesson but in a very fun way. My son and I enjoyed the fact that the language wasn't in "baby talk" as my son put it. The author doesn't talk down to the children throughout the book which I appreciated. The language is appropriate for the age group of this book. I enjoyed how it would have the actual science word for something, and then it would explain what the word meant. However, it didn't explain what the world "soluble" meant, so my son and I looked that word up online. Other than than, everything was explained very well.

My son and I very much enjoyed the story of Secrets of the Snow Globe. We loved learning the background on where snow globes were invented. We loved reading about how Lily makes her own snow globe and watching her collection of snow globes grow. I really enjoyed Lily's inquisitive nature and her initiative to find out information. She reminded me very much of my son who is very curious and thirsty for knowledge.

My 7 year old said his overall favorite thing about Secrets of the Snow Globe was the illustrations. Floss Pottage, the illustrator, did an amazing job at making this book come alive. Floss' illustrations are spot on at keeping a child's attention, and they were very well done and very realistic looking. Many times throughout the book, we would have to pause for a few minutes while my son took in everything the illustrations conveyed. The illustrations are colorful and very vibrant for sure!

All in all, Secrets of the Snow Globe is a fantastic children's book full of learning adventures. You and your child will be instantly transported to Lily's world of snow globes. With colorful illustrations and a well written educational story, this is a book that children and adults will enjoy over and over again. I would definitely recommend Secrets of the Snow Globe by Catherine Stier to those aged 5+ who constantly love learning and like finding out the why's of things. This is a book though children and adults can very much enjoy together. Just be ready to make a snow globe together afterwards!
(A special thank you to the publisher and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback copy of Secrets of the Snow Globe by Catherine Stier in exchange for a fair and honest review.)
Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration
Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration
Julie Barker | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love children's books. I love reading them to my 4 year old son to help instill the love of reading I had as a child and still have now. When I heard about Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration by Julie Barker, it was a book that I wanted to read with my son. We both ended up loving this book!

The plot is pretty straightforward although there are subplots like a bull destroying a fence and everyone coming together to fix the fence and Hitch's smaller brother trying to ride a bull for 8 seconds. The lessons are all the same and teach the lesson of coming together to solve a problem as well as no matter how big, small, or different you are, if you persevere, the end result will be worthwhile. Both are fantastic lessons for children and adults alike! Even though this book is part of a series, there are no cliffhangers, and it could be read as a standalone. There's also a happily ever after. My 4 year old was enthralled the entire time with this story and couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next!

The dialogue and writing in Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration is easy enough for children to understand for the most part. I love how each problem is solved and the next problem is presented, yet everything still flows smoothly. I did notice a couple of grammar mistakes, but they were only minor and easily overlooked. I wouldn't say they took away from the story though.

I thought the characters were lovable for children. For those that have never read a Hitchin' Post story, Hitch is a jackrabbit who talks and acts just like a human. He's very adorable and such a fun loving character! We get to meet all of Hitch's brothers in this book. Mitch was mine and my son's favorite character perhaps because he is the smallest.

My son and I loved the illustrations. They were beautifully drawn as well as being drawn in a fun way to hold a child's attention (which we all know is no easy feat). The illustrations are so lively and very colorful. I loved all the country and western pictures especially. My favorite being the barn after it's patched up. My son loved the jackrabbits and the 4-wheeler the best.

Overall, Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration is such an adorable book that's sure to bring a smile to anyone, young or old alike! With fantastic illustrations and an unforgettable main character, children will be begging their parents to buy them the rest of the books in the series. (I already know what my son will be getting for his birthday - more Hitchin' Post books!) I would definitely recommend Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration by Julie Barker to everyone aged 3+.
(A special thank you to Julie Barker for providing me with a paperback copy of Hitchin' Post and the Tornado Twistin' 4th of July Celebration in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
A Clockwork Orange
A Clockwork Orange
Anthony Burgess, Andrew Bissell | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grab a moloko or hot chai and peet it with your rot while you viddy my malenky review with your glazzies, real horrorshow.

Welcome to the world of Alex, a 15 year old boy living in some unspecified country in an unspecified future time. What Alex enjoys is classical music and ultraviolence. Every night he and his gang terrorise the streets looking for any kind of criminal activity, the more violent the better. They steal, burgle, assault and rape, all for fun.

When Alex is caught he is put in prison and then rehabilitated using an experimental procedure. But what effect will this have on Alex? And will it produce the desired results of preventing the youth turning every night into a time of danger for all.

The first thing any reader notices about the book is that, told from Alex's point of view, he uses street slang throughout. This makes it clear that the young have their own culture and are quite separate from the adults in terms of outlook and thinking. It also makes the reading quite immersive, like learning a foreign language particularly as only a very few of the words are ever explained and must be learned from context. This makes for a steep learning curve at the start of the book but it is worth the effort. The use of slang terms for the violent acts also helps to soften them a little - clearly what Alex does is horrendous but as it is described using these terms it is perhaps not so graphic as it would be otherwise.

Like critics of the film, it would be unfair to focus purely on the violence. The book is divided neatly into three parts. In the first we follow Alex as he perpetrates a number of terrible crimes. The second part describes his experiences in prison and is rehabilitation. The third what happens when he returns to society.

Burgess is clearly trying to make a number of points about individuality and state control of its citizens, and a fairly heavy handed job he makes of it too. But this is a slight volume - the paperback I read ran to a mere 140 pages - so there is little time for subtlety.

I would say the first two sections of the book were the best. The third section suffers a little from being rushed - it would have been better to have more insight into the world of the 'new' Alex - and also of the story being driven by coincidence after coincidence. This really did make the book seem like a sort of dream sequence where previous characters appeared and suddenly took on new meanings. In fact what it reminded me most of was the interrogation sequence in Alfred Bester's The Demolished Man. This did detract from the story for me but not enough to do much damage to the tale. The ending is particularly strong and positive, in a book full of desperation it strikes the perfect counternote.

For anyone interested in the social side of 'science fiction' this is definitely worth reading. A morality tale for the future.

Rated: Frequent and extreme violence
The Lost Girls of Paris
The Lost Girls of Paris
Pam Jenoff | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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In the 1940’s, with the world at war, Eleanor Trigg leads a mysterious ring of secret female agents in London. Twelve of these women are sent to Paris to aid the resistance.

<b>They never return home!</b>

Shortly after the war ends, passing through New York’s Grand Central Station, Grace Healey finds an abandoned suitcase beneath a bench. The case is filled with a dozen photographs, each of a different woman.

Setting out to find the women in the pictures, Grace is drawn into the mystery of the lost girls of Paris, their fierce friendship, unthinkable bravery – and, ultimately, the worst kind of betrayal.

Eleanor is a woman that men fear and women hate. Wherever she goes, fear follows. However, in a world of men who lead and men who are in war, she starts a programme in London where she recruits women, prepares them and deploys them to help in the war. The women have to aid the man, transmit radio messages and blend in with the french people. Eleanor makes sure they are prepared for every possible scenario, and she would’ve joined them, if they let her. As much as she seems cruel, she loves her girls like her daughters, and when things go horribly wrong, she blames herself.

Marie never imagined she would be recruited by Eleanor. Leaving her daughter behind and going into the unknown, she is deployed in Paris for a very dangerous mission. But can friendships so easily made survive the dark days of war? And what happens when Marie is one of those twelve women that disappear without a trace, never to be seen again…

And then Grace finds the suitcase full of photos of women and she can’t help but wonder what happened to them. The paths of these three women will indirectly cross over, leaving us, readers, with an amazing story to follow.

The writing is incredible and it transports you right in the 1940’s. Feelings and emotions are overflowing. I am not completely sure how I felt with the ending, as it ended too predictable for my taste, with a lot of unrealistic scenes and no character development, really.

But even despite all that, it warmed my heart and made me rethink my life decisions. The Lost Girls of Paris is a book about women who are brave and loyal. Women who are not afraid to stand up and fight. Women who have everything to lose and nothing to regret. A tale of pure emotion.

Thank you to the team at HarperCollins – HQ, for sending me a paperback ARC copy of this book, in exchange for my honest review.

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Mom&#039;s Perfect Boyfriend
Mom's Perfect Boyfriend
Crystal Hemmingway | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is a funny and beautiful story that focuses on the loving mother-daughter relationship and presents issues in a comedic, but loving way.</i></b>

Crystal planned an amazing holiday with her boyfriend, but her mother decides to join them last minute. Crystal is having great difficulties to say no to her mother and this causes her to become single, homeless and unemployed. And now, living with her mother is the only option she has left.

When bearing her mum seems, well, unbearable, Crystal decides to sign up for a robot research and fills a form asking for the robot to have all the qualities that Crystal’s mum likes in a person. Crystal does this with the intention to find company for her mother, a best friend, in the hope that then she would be left alone, and doesn’t tell her mum about this robot-companion. This all happens, of course, without the mother knowing.

But what no one expected to happen was for the robot to be so human that it’s unrecognizable. He looks exactly like a human, and a very handsome one as well. He also has no flaws and is perfect in everything he does. Crystal’s mum hasn’t been happier in years and she really enjoys all the attention and caring she is getting – but when she starts to develop feelings for the robot, Crystal has to make a decision: does she hide everything and make the robot disappear, or should she tell her mum the truth?

I loved the style this book was written in: emails, diary entries and letters. A unique style with a fast-paced tempo that made me read it in a day and I enjoyed every moment of it.
The mother-daughter relationship was accurate and at times very comparable, however, I did not agree with Crystal in some of her choices. She was mean to her mum sometimes and didn’t know how to express her feelings. Who has ever forbid their mum’s from calling them? Have you ever said to your mum – look mum, from now on, you will only call me for one hour in a week? Sorry, but ridiculous…

Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is not a book I would usually pick up and it is way out of my comfort zone, but I did enjoy it. It was everything I expected it to be; cute, dynamic, funny and meaningful. I need more books like this one in my life.

Thank you to the team from LoveReading UK, for proving me with a paperback copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Close to Home
Close to Home
Cara Hunter | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Close To Home is, I believe, the first mystery/thriller book I have given one star to. I had very high hopes for this one. And it crashed my hopes quite hard.

Close To Home is the first book in a series called DI Adam Fawley. The books are not related to themselves and can be read as standalones. They all feature the detective Fawley, therefore the series solution. Something similar to Dan Brown's series. I listened to the audio book, and I think that the format might have a little blame on my rating.

In this book, the 8-year-old girl Daisy Mason disappears from her parents's summer party. No one in the neighbourhood saw anything, not even the parents, and the detective is trying to keep an open mind in this whole situation, as someone is clearly lying.

The story begins with an interesting premise, and I loved the initial interviews that are happening, right after the disappearance. And after this initial moment, everything goes downhill.

There are many twists in this book, and they all are happening based on dumn luck or weird circumstances.

I would understand if this happened once or twice, but they have solved the whole mystery with coincidences happening one after another as well as random plot lines being added in the middle of nowhere, just to keep the story going.

Oh - we're running out of clues. Let's add a secret random second family the dad has. Oh - we're running out of clues again. Let's add a suspicious background for the mother. And now, let's make both these events come up at them at the same time, right when we're trying to solve an investigation. And now, let's add a mental issue with the brother. (Despite receiving all doctor's reports at the beginning)...

Too many events that came up afterwards and that I still have trouble to believe could make sense.

And on top of all this, I need to mention that the book doesn't have chapters as such. The parts are split with excerpts from social media. Something which I truly believe I would have enjoyed if I read the book. But instead, I was listening to it. And it is so annoying.

The below excerpt is not a quote, as I don't have the paperback copy. However, it does represent the true format of how this sounded in the audiobook:

Twenty-ninth of October, nine twenty five.

Angela G Bettaton at angela dot g bettaton. I hope they find the person that took Daisy. Hashtag Daisy Mason. Hashtag Find Daisy.

Mike eighty seven at mike dot eight seven The person that did this should take responsibility. Hashtag Find Daisy. Hashtag Missing Girl.

The ending - it just wasn't worth the wait, and it was the most unsatisfying ending I have ever encountered in mystery novels.

I regret picking this book up and I regret reading it. I really wish I love it, as I was looking forward to Cara Hunter's new novel, but now, I am not so sure anymore.

If you think you might enjoy it, please pick it up! Perhaps you might love it, who knows!