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The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
A fun "who-will-survive" flick
During the Super Bowl, a "surprise" trailer dropped for a new entry in the Cloverfield family of films. The good news is that the film was dropping on Netflix the next day, so fanboys immediately jumped on-line and then started hating on it (again, on-line) because it wasn't exactly what they thought it would be.

Which is too bad, for THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX is a very fun, very well made, very well acted "10 Little Indians" style Sci-Fi film (you know, the type of film where a finite group of folks are marooned someplace - like and island or an isolated, creepy mansion and are picked off one by one). This time, they are on a space station, and when an experiment goes awry, bad things start to happen.

I stated that this film is another entry in the "Cloverfield family of films", so let me explain that. The overseer of these films is none other than JJ Abrams and he has stated that there will be a series of films - very different in style, type and substance - that will (somehow) be related in the Cloverfield Universe. And, so far, he has fulfilled his promise (at least to me) - for those that just want "more of the same", he has alienated.

The first film, CLOVERFIELD, is a "found footage" film about a giant monster (think Godzilla) rampaging through modern day New York City. Of the 3 films,thus far, in the Cloverfield family, this one (for me) was the least effective (especially because I am not a big fan of "found footage" films). The 2nd film was 2016's 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE and was a very effective psychological horror/drama starring John Goodman as a fellow who has rescued/captured (kidnapped?) Mary Elizabeth Winstead and has locked her in his survival bunker in order to - he says - save her from the monster above. The film effectively goes back and forth with wondering what is scarier - the monster above or the monster (Goodman) below. If you haven't seen 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE, I highly recommend it.

The third installment, then, is THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, a prequel of sorts about a group of scientists aboard a space station conducting a desperate, highly dangerous power experiments to solve the world's energy crisis. When something goes wrong, bad things happen. And since this is in the Cloverfield family, you gotta know it has some connection with how the Cloverfield monster got on Earth.

But this film doesn't really concern itself with the Cloverfield monster - which is what I think is angering the "fanboys" - this film is about the survival of the charismatic, international scientists that are stranded on this space station after the accident. Almost every one of the actors in this film are "oh...that guy" type actors - all very good. From German actor Daniel Bruhl (RUSH) to Chinese actress Ziyi Zhang (CROUCHING TIGER...) to Englishman David Oyelowo (SELMA) to good ol' John Ortiz (a million different things) - the cast is strong, fun to watch and easy to root for. They all are in service to the plot devices (and predicaments they are in) and they serve the plot (and the film) well.

Special notice should be made for Chris O'Dowd (BRIDESMAIDS) who brings some much needed levity via his deadpan humor approach to everything as the ship's handyman and, especially, Gugu Mbatha-Raw (BELLE) as the heroine of the adventure from through who's eyes we encounter the events of the film.

I have stated before that I am a sucker for these types of "10 Little Indians who-will-survive" films and this one is no exception. Go in with no preconceived notions, roll with what the film throws at you and you'll have a good time time, too.

THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX is now streaming on Netflix.

Letter Grade: B (it is the very definition of a "B" movie).

7 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Awix (3310 KP) rated War of the Worlds (2005) in Movies

Mar 25, 2018 (Updated Mar 25, 2018)  
War of the Worlds (2005)
War of the Worlds (2005)
2005 | Action, Sci-Fi
Here's the paradox: H.G. Wells' original novel is an absolute classic. The 1953 film version is not particularly faithful to the book, but still really a classic. Spielberg's film kind of tries to split the difference between the two and ends up not being a classic. (Maybe he should have kept the definite article in the title.) Belligerent aliens whose technological mastery is oddly lacking when it comes to getting their vaccinations embark upon slightly eccentric invasion scheme; Tom Cruise spends most of the film running away, bravely.

Still, it's not all bad: looking back on it, this is yet another of those films which attempts to use SF as a device to try and process the September 11th attacks and ends up not being nearly as profound as it thinks it is, and the way it's structured so that, hey, cities are smashed and thousands slaughtered by the Martians (look, they could be Martians, it doesn't say they're not), but at least Cruise gets to become a better dad, so it's not all bad news, is quite fatuous. But it does get closer to Wells' original intent, just about, it looks very good, and there's always Spielberg's casual mastery of the genre to enjoy. A decent stab at a book which probably isn't as easy to adapt as it first appears.
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Riptide (Boys of Summer) by Jordan Ford
Jace - or Bass as he is known throughout most of this book - is a thrill-seeker. He is the ultimate paradox - a bad boy who doesn't actually try to be bad, and has a heart. He makes stupid decisions based on hurt feelings. His story is completely understandable and heartbreaking with how he feels. Ms. Ford has done a magnificent job of bringing him to life, to make his quandary completely relate-able.

And that's the thing with this book. As a reader, I got it. I could see where Bass was coming from, and why he behaved the way he did. Would I make the same decisions? No, but then I'm not a sixteen-year-old boy with the same experiences as him.

With no editing or grammatical errors that jolted me, I thoroughly enjoyed this novella, and can't wait to see what happens when he goes to Ryder Bay and meets up with SnapDragon.

As a standalone, this is a great read. As a prequel to the next Ryder Bay story, it's fantastic! Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!