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Once Upon a Dream (Mystic Beach #1) by Aislinn Archer
Once Upon a Dream (Mystic Beach #1) by Aislinn Archer
Aislinn Archer | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ONCE UPON A DREAM is the first full-length story in the Mystic Beach series. I first met Ellie and Hunter in their short story - Here Comes the Sun - which takes place when they are six years old. This one takes place over a longer amount of time, and they both grow and change in a number of ways.

Both of them lose their mothers and neither of their fathers will ever win a 'Father of the Year' award! Ellie - who changes her name to Brighid - is hands down my favourite. She deals with what life throws at her, loves her best friend, and does the best she can. Hunter - I love him and hate him at the same time. He's got a long way to go before I'll forgive him for how he treated both Ellie and himself. And those pathetic excuses he makes to himself just aren't going to cut it. Too many excuses and not enough thought. Being completely honest here, the longer the book went on, the more I disliked him!!!

There is enough mysticism here to keep me happy whilst definitely leaving me wanting more. In fact, that's the feeling I've got now that I've finished this story. I want - no, I NEED - more! I want to see how the paranormal becomes normal for Brighid. I want to know more about Mystic Beach. I want to know more about the guys in the band, especially Kieran! And not forgetting Mace.

The world-building - whether in Virginia, Delaware, or New York - is first class. The characters are all different and don't blend into each other. The pacing is perfect. And the part near the end in New York? Had me in tears! Good on Brighid for showing backbone though and doing what was best for her. Still had me in tears though.

A fantastic book that I thoroughly enjoyed and can't wait for the next one. Highly recommended by me.

PS - LOVED the Robin of Sherwood references!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
A group of four armed with special proton packs come together to protect Manhattan from crazy supernatural forces that have taken hold of the city.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
In the opening scene, Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) is doing an ESP exercise with a couple. He's having them use their brain power to identify something from a card they can't see. He's clearly sweet on the girlfriend because he keeps giving her soft-lob answers while taking the boyfriend through hell. The scene is one of the best openers I've seen in a movie and is a clever, hilarious way to kick things off. It doesn't take long for you to fall in love with Murray's character.

Characters: 10
Without Venkman, the film doesn't exist period. He carries a lax, dry attitude while everyone else around him is freaking out and for good reason. He's not even close to being a scientist like his counterparts, but that's a strong reason for what makes the film so great. All four of the characters are unique and bring something different to the table. The supporting roles are also awesome, each providing their own quirky, unique flare.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Considering the film was made in 1984 (and special effects have greatly increased since then), I was pretty happy with the visuals throughout Ghostbusters. The ghosts are creative and original providing enough variety without being overly repetitive. This film put Slimer on the map, a disgusting green blob of a ghost that tries to devour everything in his path. Watching food pass from his mouth and through his body before exiting out the other end was a hilarious touch.

Oh, and can't forget about Stay Puft. Fun times watching that scene unfold.

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Consistent blending of comedy and the paranormal helps maintain a healthy pace. The dialogue is so crisp and on point, it's hard to get bored as there is always something happening or something hilarious being said. Director Ivan Reitman even managed to take advantage of moments that would have otherwise been bland. The best example that comes to mind is the scene where they are riding up an elevator. Instead of just sitting around aimlessly, the group takes turns firing up their proton packs for the first time. One memorable scene among many.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
Ghostbusters is an unforgettable ride from start to finish. It's one of those films you can watch over and over and it never gets old. A definite classic.
Mary Rose
Mary Rose
Geoffrey Girard | 2018 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I wasn’t sure what to think about this book when I first saw the synopsis, I couldn’t tell whether it was going to be a horror or something else. It turned out to be something else.

Going into this book I was impressed with the writing and the building of characters. Both elements really helped set the mysterious, brooding tone that this book portrays.

I began the book enjoying Simon’s character but eventually, like a lot of over-bearing husband characters, he got on my nerves. I understand the books whole thing was about protecting Mary Rose but the way he crawled around on all fours for her got really irritating. I understand this was done to add a layer to the story, however, I didn’t enjoy that aspect of it. I much prefer books that aren’t all loved up and mushy. I think my annoyance with the characters in this ruined a certain aspect of the book and made it less enjoyable for me overall.

I really liked the story for this one, however. A twenty year old mystery of how a young girl when missing on a mysterious and creepy Scottish island is definitely the sort of book I like. The tension and paranoia built throughout the story is superb and you’re really stuck wondering is Mary Rose dead? Is Mary Rose a portal to some sort of dark magic? Is the island really filled with paranormal things? It’s a great book that keeps you guessing all the way through.

This book does give all it secrets up at once, which normally isn’t my kind of mystery book, but it worked in this one. I know many people are disappointed by the ending but I thought it was equally shocking as it was poignant. Reading the afterthought bit about the original story of Mary Rose and Hitchcock’s ideas for a movie of it really helped me understand and appreciate how the novel ended.

I would recommend this novel for readers who have a slightly different taste in mysteries than me. If you like themes such as love and loss, then you will really get on with this one. I personally thought it was going to be more spooky and less emotional, but I still enjoyed the bulk of it.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley, Adaptive Books and Sunshine Sachs for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

Jordan Elizabeth combines contemporary and historical fiction in this mystical young adult novel.<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> begins in October 2001 with teenage Honoria who has recently moved to the countryside in New York. Not only is it a huge contrast from the life she knew in the city, there is also a local legend that she becomes fascinated with: if you go into the woods a witch will capture you and never let you leave.

This story, however, is not only about Honoria. Back in 1850, Albertine moves from England to New York to be with her father. Ignoring the rumours about Witchwood Hollow, she ventures into the woods hoping that it will be a shortcut to her father’s farm. When she becomes hopelessly lost she begins to question the actuality of the tale of the witch.

As the two stories go on they begin to merge together as Honoria investigates deeper into the legend and Albertine begins to learn the truth. It also appears that the two girls are in some way connected.

Although <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is primarily focused on the paranormal aspect of the story, it also deals with the way in which a teenage girl deals with drastic change. Albertine is motherless and living as a maid, however that is nothing compared to the grief Honoria is dealing with. Her parents were two of the victims in the collapse of the World Trade Centers. Not only has she got to come to terms with the loss, she has to cope with moving house, changing schools and making new friends.

The concept of <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> sounds exciting yet, at least for me, it was not as interesting to read. I far more enjoyed the chapters focused on Albertine rather than Honoria. Perhaps that is because it is easier to admire Albertine’s sense independence and determination, whereas Honoria appears to have a more depressed view of the world (although that is not surprising judging what she has been through).

Overall,<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is a decent book to read when you are looking for something quick that will pass the time. It is fast paced and becomes gripping towards the end - particularly when you realize there are not many pages left and nothing has yet been resolved – before coming to a shocking conclusion.
Inner Demons (Peachville High Demons, #2)
Inner Demons (Peachville High Demons, #2)
Sarra Cannon | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Inner Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #2) - Sarra Cannon [BOOK REVIEW]
The review of the first book and this one can also be found on my blog -
I greatly enjoyed Inner Demons - the second book from the Shadow Demons series. My sister seems to have a good taste in books - I am very glad I started the Tea's Wishlist Challenge.

Inner Demons continues right where Beautiful Demons end. Harper has been chosen to join the cheerleading team, which means instant popularity and people noticing here. But that’s not all - when you are a member of the cheerleading squad, you not only learn routines, dances and cheers. You also learn how to do magic!

The cheerleading team is the training squad for the magic learners that belong to the group of witches who are called the Order of Shadows. All these witches are powerful, and Harper has a special place in this team.

We get to see Harper discover a whole new world - a world that she didn’t really ask for. We are following her adventure in discovering how powerful she can be, but also how much pressure this role brings. Harper is awesome, by the way! And sometimes stupid.

The battle between the What-Is-Expected-Of-Me and Who-I-Really-Am is constantly there, and even though Harper is initially a brave girl - sometimes she loses herself into this whole new world. She is such a real character, because she is brave and wants justice, she wants to find out all the secrets, but then she becomes a coward for little things and the next thing we know - she goes into a very dangerous adventure.

I loved all the characters, especially Harper and Jackson ( I am #TeamJackson). In this book, you will also get to know Jackson better and find out a little bit about his spooky past. The flow of the story is so well written and even though it didn’t have major plot twists like the first book - it managed to answer a lot of questions I had, while still managing to bring up even more unanswered questions.

In this book Harper will witness a ceremony of her friend that will change the track of the whole book. When she realises that there are so many secrets that everyone is hiding from her - she will decide it’s time for her to seek them herself.

A lovely paranormal fantasy - filled in with a lot of magic, a wonderful plot behind it, and a fearless female character, I would definitely recommend this book and series. And don’t thank me - thank my sister!

Alice (12 KP) rated Blood Bank in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Blood Bank
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Blood Bank is the first book by Zoe Markham that I’ve read and it was one of those “swallow you whole” books. It was only a short little novella but it was packed full of action and kept your interest from the get go.

From the very first page we’re drawn into a story about the paranormal like no other; it begins with a carnival and quickly transfers into the town of Swindon and vampires. Not just any vampires – we’re talking brutal business men – not the romantic kind we all know – but vampires you DO NOT FUCK with.

There’s a club in Swindon where only the down-on-their-luck can get an invitation into its depths, where, if you can’t pay in money, you pay in the next best commodity – blood. The characters we see in this book are Zack, Ben and Lucy – all three of whom eventually have a link.

Zack and Lucy are in a relationship and this is basically where the story begins, they’re out on a date and as usual Lucy ends up paying for it, Zach has got himself into some big time debt and the only way to get out of it is to donate his blood.

Ben is a vampire – 10 years converted and hating it more each day – he comes to Lucy’s rescue when something bad happens to her and they develop a relationship that seems to be healthier than Lucy and Zack’s one. Zack has got the ugliest bracelet on which was supplied to him by his new employer, the creepiest priest agoing y’all. When they call, he has to come, if he doesn’t then the debt goes to his nearest and dearest.

The writing style of this book was one that I really liked, the correct terminology was used for the enemy of the vampires which was great and there was a suitable amount of freak out on Zack’s part and it was written with that in mind. Lucy was surprisingly mature given her age and I liked that about her.

There also wasn’t a lot of unnecessary filler dialogue or descriptions which I sometimes find with novellas – as if they struggled to fill the small amount of pages novellas take up – I didn’t find this with Zoe’s Blood Bank which has kind of given me an insight into her other writing which I’d love to read.