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Bad, Dad, And Dangerous Anthology
Bad, Dad, And Dangerous Anthology
Rhys Ford, TA Moore, Bru Baker, Jenn Moffatt | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this box set.

These are four unrelated stories save for the common thread that one of the main characters is a single dad and a paranormal being.

I read all four, but I only really enjoyed 3.


I haven't read anything by Ms Moffatt before, but I hope I get to soon! I LOVED this! Thomas and KJ met years ago, and Thomas felt that connection. His daughter moving up from KJ's class at school gives him the perfect chance. But things are getting in the way, and a dark magic has to be dealt with.

I loved the cat in this, I really did. You don't get many undead cats playing a huge part in stories and he made me laugh, how he is with Thomas. And that he likes KJ.

It's funny, and sexy and this was my favourite, along with the next one!


This is a novella from the Wayward Wolves series (currently only one book!) but you don't need to have read that book to follow this.

Joesph's Nana frequents the pub he is watching. The owner is rather easy on the eye, but Levi isn't the only one keeping secrets from Joesph.

Joseph and Levi have immediate attraction and it takes them time to act on that. I loved that most of the people in the pub are not what they seem and the solution to Levi's Peacekeeping problem wasn't what I saw coming.

And it was sweet, dammit!


Vampires with a twist!

Hugh is a vampire who feeds on energy, NEGATIVE energy gives the biggest boost. So once a year, when his daughter is at camp, he goes off to help his police friends deal with their more dangerous criminals. Meeting a Fae who can smell Hugh's daughter and then goes off on one at him, wasn't really in the plan this summer. When Rykoff reveals the truth about Hugh's daughter, he knows he needs help.

Cute, really cute. I enjoyed this one, not quite as much as the first two mentioned but I did enjoy it. I'd read more of these sorts of vampires, I really would!


I didn't like this one as much as the other three, I got a bit lost along the way with this. But still, a good read, just not a great one (Sorry!)

A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a few hours with new to me, as well as not-so-new authors. Ms Baker and Moffatt are now sat on my wish list!

4 good solid stars across the whole set, But 5 for Kismet and Cadavers and for Wolf at First Sight.

~same worded review will appear elsewhere~
The Professional (The Game Maker, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

As a huge fan of Kresley Cole and her Immortals After Dark series, I was interested to see what this new book would be about since it was a contemporary romance.

From the first chapter I was fascinated by Natalie and her “manalyzer”, managing to figure out every guy in the bar just by watching them for a few seconds. That is, apart from Sevastyan who she can’t read and instantly catches her attention. Things quickly move along after this and she get’s spirited away to Russia to meet her family, but not without a few hot–and I do mean HOT–scenes between her and Sevastyan.

One thing I did like about the book was that the author didn’t do the typical Mafiya man as Natalie’s dad. In fact, I quite liked the man that was described; he seemed like a nice guy who had a love of clocks and family.

For the first half of the book it was kind of serene, everything was going well. Okay, that’s not quite true. There’s a sexual tension between Natalie and Sevastyan that despite the distance they’ve put between them is only growing and I have to tell you I couldn’t wait for it to blow.

I feel about now that I should mention that I’m not the hugest fan of erotica; I tend to get bored of the continuous sex. Depending on what’s going on and how much I like the characters is how I judge the scenes between them. I happened to like both Sevastyan and Natalie and the sex between them but the dirty talk while in bed always had my eyes rolling. That, I’m not a fan of.

After the half way point it seemed to concentrate more on the sex and the BDSM lifestyle, which I found a little boring after a while. BDSM is not one of my favourite things to read about and in small doses I don’t mind but it took up a fair bit of the book.

With about 15% to go, I got a little excited as some information came out that had me wondering what Natalie would do with it. Relationship difficulties coming to a head I wanted to know how it would all play out. And after another round of sex, we found out some things about Sevastyan’s past.

I’m glad I read this, simply because Kresley Cole is a great author and I was interested in reading something of hers that wasn’t paranormal. I read books for the romance and like to see it happening on paper/screen. The first half was great, it just wasn’t quite for me with all the sex and BDSM themes running through. If you’re a fan of it, then I’d check this out.
Ignite (Midnight Fire, #1)
Ignite (Midnight Fire, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kira Dawson has the power to burn vampires to a crisp. The problem is, she doesn't know it yet. The even bigger problem is, she's dating one.

When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they're keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan's lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heart-breaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.

Ignite was another book from Tea's Wishlist challenge. I did enjoy this book, even though I found it slow at first. We have a familiar setting of a girl that moves to a new place, makes friends and enemies right away, and discovers secrets. And, it turns out the boy she loves is a vampire.

The first though I have in the first chapters, and I believe you did too, was - Twilight much? But, no. Once you get to read further into the book, you realise that Kira is nothing like Bella. And Tristan is nothing like Edward either...

This book is so different, and somewhat refreshing from all vampire books I have read so far. It isn't even a book about vampires. It's a book about this girl that can mirror the sun's light and heat from her hands, and is able to hurt only vampires. With her friend, Luke, Kira will discover that she has this ability, and so much more, she will discover secrets about her past that will change her life forever, and she will have to choose between her best friend or the love of her life.

I thought that this book might have used more action, as I felt a bit bored, especially at the beginning, and sometimes during some parts of the book.

I loved Kira's character - she is the typical girl that moves and tries her best to fit in.
I loved Tristan - he proves that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and sometimes people aren't what everyone thinks they are, and your environment doesn't define you as a person.
I didn't like Luke - I know he was there with a mission to tell Kira her secrets and protect her - but what friend would make you feel guilty about every single choice you have to make in your life. He is like, the very attached and overprotective boyfriend, that isn't her boyfriend.

Overall, it was a great refreshing read, and I look forward to reading the rest of the series. If you love vampire high-school stories, women that discover they have powers, a lot of forbidden love and paranormal fantasy - you will really enjoy this book. Solid 4 stars from me!
The Moment Collector
The Moment Collector
Jodi Lynn Anderson | 2014 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
That ending ...
Originally posted on NetGalley.

Jodi Lynn Anderson’s latest novel The Moment Collector has been described as a haunting, mystery romance. There is certainly romance involved between the characters, however the mystery storyline is not so strong.

Sixteen year old, Maggie Larsen has just moved from Chicago with her parents to their new home in County Door on the edge of Lake Michigan. Being homeschooled means she does not have to deal with settling into a new school but she does need to get used to the quietness of the area. She quickly becomes friends with two other teenagers, Pauline Boden and Liam Witte, and spends plenty of time with them in the woods and by the lake.

Things, however, are not as idyllic as they may seem. Starting from the day of Maggie’s arrival, reports keep coming in of girls being found dead, floating in the water. It appears that there is a serial killer on the loose and many girls, including Maggie and Pauline, may be in danger.

As well as all this there is another part of the story told through paragraphs in italics. The ghost of a girl is living in Maggie’s basement. She is not sure who she is or whether she has a purpose. All she can do is watch.

It is difficult at first to get into the story. It is a while before anything of note begins to happen. The murders feel a pointless part of the novel especially as they do not appear to connect to Maggie in any way. The reader may expect Maggie to be kidnapped or hurt but after nothing happens during the first two thirds it seems doubtful that anything ever will.

Up until the final chapters, the ghost also feels meaningless. She does not connect with Maggie nor affects the outcome of the story. Maggie is not ever aware of her existence.

The third person writing style makes it difficult for the reader to relate to Maggie. She is a girl who rarely complains and keeps her emotions to herself; therefore it is not easy to truly get a sense of the way she feels. Due to this it is hard to feel any emotion about her love interest and eventual betrayal. Despite this, the ending is moving especially once it is realized who the ghost actually is.

‘The Moment Collector' does not really fit the story as a title. If there was more input from the ghost then it may possibly be more adequate, but overall the story mostly focuses on the relationships between Maggie, Pauline and Liam. The blurb is also a little deceptive when mentioning: “There’s a ghost haunting 208 Water Street.” The ghost is not doing any haunting in the paranormal novel-type sense. There were hints in the narrative that things may become more supernatural with mentions of Pesta, the Scandinavian version of the Grim Reaper. However these references amounted to nothing.

For those looking for a young adult romance novel complete with heartbreaking ending then this is the book to read. But for anything else there may not be enough substance to maintain a strong interest.
Haunted (Harrison Investigation, #1)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked up Haunted after I had finished [b:The Seance|959245|The Seance (Harrison Investigation, #5)|Heather Graham||944150], and I was unaware that they both feature Adam and Harrison Investigations. I'm all set to read [b:The Vision|731809|The Vision (Harrison Investigation, #3)|Heather Graham||717999] that I just picked up from the library. Even though I've completely juggled around the order of when they were written, it's lucky for me that they are standalones. In the prologue it gave background information about Adam's son, Josh, who was mentioned just briefly in The Seance, and he plays a big part in this book, so I was happy to find out all that information before I get to next book that features Harrison Investigations.

Now to get to the main story in Haunted...
Even though with the way Darcy was written you would think she was a Mary-Sue, she wasn't and I liked her just fine. Now Matt on the other hand, well he was a jerk, plain and simple. I never could like him much and that detracted a lot from the book. It seems that Heather Graham must make the male lead a hard-core skeptic that just will not believe (until the end of course) in anything paranormal and thinks the female lead is crazy or delusional or something. It would be nice if it was reversed or if maybe, just maybe, the hero is open-minded enough to say, well maybe there is 'something' out there that cannot be proven. *gasp* Is that even possible? Can a hero ever truly be open-minded? Not in these books. He has to be so narrow-minded that his thought-blocks must fit neatly into their right-shaped holes (e.g. triangle block into triangle hole, etc.).

I really enjoyed the whole Darcy/Josh/Adam/Ghost hunting thing. I thought the author did a good job describing how Darcy went about finding out about the ghosts and that's what made this book good. I really did like Darcy a lot and she was a sympathetic character who stood up for herself and acted like an adult with poise and class (unlike some other character I could mention). The mystery did keep me guessing because I was never quite sure who the ghost was or what had happened, although I had narrowed down who was behind everything to two people, leaning more on the actual culprit (yay me!), for lack of suspects. So overall, the mystery was very good, though I wish Ms. Graham would bring in more people so it isn't as easy to figure out. All in all, not as good as The Seance, but a good and entertaining read.

3.5 stars

I forgot to mention that there were tons of editing problems, which seem to be a mainstay in H.G.'s books. Once Clint's name is changed to Cliff and Josh was referred to as Matt, plus numerous other things that cropped up everywhere.
Ruby Hill
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

After reading the blurb, I thought this book sounded really interesting. However, it was a bit disappointing. While it is listed as being in the horror genre, I felt that there wasn't much horror in it except for one quick scene. Luckily, it was just a short read.

The title is a little bit intriguing although it sounds more like a woman's name than a paranormal book. I think it would've sounded better if it had the word asylum in it.

The cover looks a bit spooky, but the romantic couple on the cover make it feel like it's going to be an erotica (which it's not). I should've judged this book by its cover, and not bothered with reading it as it's painfully obvious there will be romance in it.

The world building seemed okay although I was wondering what kind of police department would waste their time trying to prove or disprove supernatural theories. The romance between Ashley and Corbin did seem a bit forced. Although it is explained a little bit how Corbin's brother died, I never really did get Corbin's reasoning for blaming Ashley. At first, I though Ashley was Corbin's brother's girlfriend. Then, I thought Ashley and Corbin's brother were having an affair, but both were wrong. Apparently, Corbin blames Ashley because she encouraged him to explore the asylum. Perhaps I'm just being dense, but it seemed like a crazy reason to end a relationship.

The pacing started out slow, but then it went the opposite way. It became too fast, and I was left wondering what had happened. There's not really a decent pace in this book.

The plot line was a good idea, but I just felt like it was poorly executed. The awkward romance overshadows what is supposed to be the spooky factor. Everything just felt rushed and predictable. I believe if this book was a little bit longer, it could've been a better read. There's not any plot twists either.

I couldn't really connect with either Corbin or Ashley. I think this was because the book just felt rushed. A little bit more back story on the characters (as well as the asylum) would've been much appreciated.

I thought the dialogue was actually alright. Although the book felt rushed, the dialogue actually flowed smoothly.

Overall, Ruby Hill sounds like an interesting book but just falls flat. I felt, after reading the book, like the author just rushed to put a story together quickly. While it wasn't a horrible read, it's not a great read either. I probably won't be recommending this book to anyone. However, if the author decides to add more detail to the book, I'd consider reading it again.

(I received a free ecopy of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review. This review is being posted after the tour due to being under 3 stars).
The Screaming Staircase: Lockwood &amp; Co. #1
The Screaming Staircase: Lockwood & Co. #1
Jonathan Stroud | 2013 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest</i>

Fantasy author Jonathan Stroud is widely known for the <i>Bartimaeus</i> trilogy, a children’s series about magicians, however none of his other works seem to be much talked about. This includes his latest paranormal series <i>Lockwood & Co</i>. It is about time that the world became aware of this clever, exciting adventure.

<i>The Screaming Staircase</i> is the first of four books set in a version of London that has suddenly become plagued by ghosts of the past. It is unclear why the dead have come back to haunt the living, but something must be done about them. Unfortunately adults are unable to see these ghastly phantoms and rely on trained psychic investigators, i.e. children, to dispatch the dead.

<i>Lockwood & Co</i> is comprised of three young teenagers with the ability to hunt and destroy these eerie Visitors: Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle and their friend George. Unfortunately, despite having the right skills, something always seems to go wrong on their jobs. So, when a prestigious gentleman offers them a very dangerous task, they jump at the chance to prove themselves a competent agency, if not one of the best. Conversely, they find themselves in a lot more trouble than they bargained for.

Although there is a central plot, <i>The Screaming Staircase</i> is made up of several events that combine to create a mind-blowing conclusion. But it is not solely the ghost fighting, heart stopping scenes that make this story a success. Even without the sinister setting this series would be enjoyable due to the hilarious three main characters. Not once are the ages of Lockwood, Lucy and George mentioned, however it can be presumed that are around thirteen years old. Their relationship takes on a form similar to a brotherly, sisterly bond complete with bickering, threats and sharp, witty comebacks. Despite the dangerous atmosphere there is always the opportunity for at least one of the characters to get in a quick insult that is bound to make the reader laugh out loud.

<i>Lockwood & Co</i> is primarily targeted at readers between the ages of ten and fifteen, although there is nothing to prevent anyone else from enjoying it too. Thankfully no romantic relationships are formed, leaving Lucy to become as independent and strong as the boys, thus making this a suitable series for both genders. While there is a lot of humour, there is mild horror too, so perhaps young children should wait until they are a bit older to join in with the entertainment this series provides.

When I was younger I attempted to read the <i>Bartemaeus</i> trilogy and found it rather dull, so I was not expecting all that much with this series. However, <i>The Screaming Staircase</i> was fantastic in comparison. It is fast paced, amusing, thrilling, and never a boring moment. I guarantee once you’ve read this book you will immediately want to read the sequel. <i>Lockwood & Co</i> is a series that definitely needs more attention that it is getting.
The Moment Collector
The Moment Collector
Jodi Lynn Anderson | 2014 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Originally posted on NetGalley.</i>

Jodi Lynn Anderson’s latest novel <i>The Moment Collector</i> has been described as a haunting, mystery romance. There is certainly romance involved between the characters, however the mystery storyline is not so strong.

Sixteen year old, Maggie Larsen has just moved from Chicago with her parents to their new home in County Door on the edge of Lake Michigan. Being homeschooled means she does not have to deal with settling into a new school but she does need to get used to the quietness of the area. She quickly becomes friends with two other teenagers, Pauline Boden and Liam Witte, and spends plenty of time with them in the woods and by the lake.

Things, however, are not as idyllic as they may seem. Starting from the day of Maggie’s arrival, reports keep coming in of girls being found dead, floating in the water. It appears that there is a serial killer on the loose and many girls, including Maggie and Pauline, may be in danger.

As well as all this there is another part of the story told through paragraphs in italics. The ghost of a girl is living in Maggie’s basement. She is not sure who she is or whether she has a purpose. All she can do is watch.

It is difficult at first to get into the story. It is a while before anything of note begins to happen. The murders feel a pointless part of the novel especially as they do not appear to connect to Maggie in any way. The reader may expect Maggie to be kidnapped or hurt but after nothing happens during the first two thirds it seems doubtful that anything ever will.

Up until the final chapters, the ghost also feels meaningless. She does not connect with Maggie nor affects the outcome of the story. Maggie is not ever aware of her existence.

The third person writing style makes it difficult for the reader to relate to Maggie. She is a girl who rarely complains and keeps her emotions to herself; therefore it is not easy to truly get a sense of the way she feels. Due to this it is hard to feel any emotion about her love interest and eventual betrayal. Despite this, the ending is moving especially once it is realized who the ghost actually is.

<i>‘The Moment Collector’</i> does not really fit the story as a title. If there was more input from the ghost then it may possibly be more adequate, but overall the story mostly focuses on the relationships between Maggie, Pauline and Liam. The blurb is also a little deceptive when mentioning: “There’s a ghost haunting 208 Water Street.” The ghost is not doing any haunting in the paranormal novel-type sense. There were hints in the narrative that things may become more supernatural with mentions of <i>Pesta</i>, the Scandinavian version of the Grim Reaper. However these references amounted to nothing.

For those looking for a young adult romance novel complete with heartbreaking ending then this is the book to read. But for anything else there may not be enough substance to maintain a strong interest.