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Serenade (The Dark Nocturne #1)
Serenade (The Dark Nocturne #1)
Morgan Shamy | 2022 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't normally read young adult books anymore, but when I read the synopsis for Serenade by Morgan Shamy, I was intrigued. I decided to get the eBook, and I am happy I did because I ended up loving Serenade!

I felt as if the plot of Serenade by Morgan Shamy was very original. Yes, it does have some of the other elements of paranormal fantasy that others of the same genre have such as the evil supernatural and paranormal creatures, but Shamy uses all of that and changes it all around to form a very different narrative. Her background in music and dance really shines through throughout Serenade. Whilst reading this novel, I was kept on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next to November and her school. I also enjoyed how Morgan Shamy is not afraid of killing off any character whether they are minor or major. It made the book that much more suspenseful. There was one major plot twist that I didn't see coming. Although Serenade is a series, there's no major cliff hanger which was a plus.

I loved each and every character in Serenade. Each was well fleshed out, and I felt as if I was reading about actual people instead of characters in a book. November was an awesome main character! While there were a few times, I felt as if she made the wrong decision, I could easily see why she chose to do/act the way she did. It was interesting to see her hatch her plan to take on the baddies of the book as well as how she would stand up for her cousin. There was something very endearing about April, and I think she was my favorite character. There was something so innocent and sweet about her. I wanted a friend like April. In fact, I think I kind of was like April in high school - low self-esteem and never quite fitting in. I never liked Cam, not because he wasn't written well, but I hated how assured of himself he was. I was always drawn to Vincent even if he was moody and broody a lot of the time. My favorite creatures in Serenade were definitely the sylphs. I loved how they could go from being beautiful and alluring to deadly quite suddenly.

Trigger warnings for Serenade include violence, death, and murder.

Overall, Serenade is an original take on the whole paranormal fantasy genre that's full of relatable characters and a plot that sucks you in from the very first page. Once you start reading this novel, you will struggle to put it down. It will have that affect on you. I would definitely recommend Serenade by Morgan Shamy to those aged 14+ who are after a book with a fresh new plot full of action, adventure, and some really cool monsters. I have already started reading Etude, the next book in The Dark Nocturne series by Morgan Shamy!
Three Heart Echo
Three Heart Echo
Keary Taylor | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three Heart Echo by Keary Taylor ended up on my reading list by yet another mislabeling on NetGalley, I must admit. As seen in the title image above, the book is a paranormal suspense. If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you’ll no doubt guess that I grabbed it from the horror genre titles. Fortunately, after revisiting its cover I can at least say that its actual genre is the right one. While Three Heart Echo does have some elements of horror, it reads more like a paranormal-themed Lifetime movie.

Taking place soon after the death of Jack Caraway, Three Heart Echo tells the story of two vastly different people meeting and, you guessed it, falling in love. It’s not that simple though, and several of the more twisted things that one might expect from a horror novel surface throughout the plot. Iona Faye, a frail woman mourning the death of her fiance, seeks out Sully Whitmore, a man rumored to be able to speak to the dead. Together, the two unravel the darkness of Jack’s past while racing against time to unravel not one, but two curses.

The plot is fairly linear, with only one unexpected twist at the end. That twist defines much of the book though, and I have to admit that I actually felt anger flare up within me. I’ve gotta give Taylor kudos for that one. What I don’t like, besides the heavily romantic subplot, is the fact that, as readers see in many romance books, we’re dealing with two Mary Sue characters. Iona is described as a beautiful fawn whilst Sully is a giant Viking of a man. Catch my drift? Oh, and poor dead Jack? Apparently, he’s a stunner too.

While the plot is straightforward, Taylor also alternates between perspectives on chapters. Now, as a reader, you may think I mean she goes back and forth between past and present. It’s common enough when we read books, after all. Unfortunately, what I mean is that Taylor switches between perspectives of Sully and Iona. For the most part, the switches follow a pattern. There is some story overlap/repetition within those shifts, but it isn’t terrible. What perturbs me about these perspectives is that every now and then, there’s a break to the pattern where it may take some readers a moment to realize that the book has suddenly shifted to the past without warning.

Back to the romance side of things, there are far too many cliches. Poor, helpless main character gets an indescribable pain in their chest and they can’t fathom why it feels like their heart races when they look upon their love interest. As if that’s not bad enough, you know from the get-go that there’s going to be a love story involved. It’s not well enough to leave it a paranormal suspense, we might as well make it a romance too. Because y’know, two attractive people can’t simply be friends!

Speaking of chest pain, there’s another thing about this book that absolutely irked me. I could understand if one character had an odd need to count things. It happens and OCD is a real thing; but, what I’m referring to, is the need by both characters to take exactly five steps, to blink four times, to wait for three heartbeats before they do something so much as take a breath.

Finally, what the hell is a grand opus? The actual term is magnum opus. I’lll hope it was just a typo that was fixed in the final, published copy of the Three Heart Echo. Overall, the story itself is engaging to a degree, but it definitely wasn’t my style. I think it belongs more in the paranormal romance genre than it does horror.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free copy for the purpose of review.
Ghost Slayer
Ghost Slayer
Majanka Verstraete | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s not very often that I encounter a book that perfectly fits the mould for young adult fiction, but Majanka Verstraete’s Ghost Slayer does just that. The book is a pleasant, quick read that kept me just interested enough for me to devour it in a few days. Also, I find that it would appropriate for teens, even though its main character is a twenty-one year old college student.

Kaelyn isn’t your average college ghost hunter. She’s a bit more of a Winchester sort, with less flash and more stab. Fortunately for her, she’s got a ghost to deal with in an old haunted house and the an old flame on her mind. As if that’s not enough, something’s wrong with her powers! It’s a pretty standard paranormal plot, largely feeding off cliché haunted house movie tropes – which I feel is a great beginning place for teenagers.

Character-wise, we see much of the same themes. I don’t want to go into spoilers, but we do encounter a damsel, or rather several, damsels in distress as well as a strong female lead character. So I guess there’s that. I feel that main character’s love interest could have been a little less stereotyped and a bit more fleshed out, too. He was a tad too generic.

Overall, I liked several elements of this book. I think it finished more strongly than it began and had a few excellent concepts at its closing. I look forward to possibly checking out the second book. A special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy for the purpose of an unbiased review.
The Goddess and the Thief
The Goddess and the Thief
Essie Fox | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Goddess and the Thief is a work of fiction based in Victorian England and briefly at the beginning in Lahore, India. It tells the story of Alice Willoughby, who after living all her life in India with Her father Charles, is moved to England to live in the care of her Aunt Mercy whilst her father returns to Lahore were is works for the English residency as a surgeon. Her Aunt Mercy works as a spiritual medium and after events including the death of Alice’s father and the introduction of the enigmatic Lucian Tillsbury, Alice’s aunt endeavours for her to join the clairvoyant profession. All events lead to dramatic and catastrophic events for Alice.

Considering all the elements such as; gothic Victorian era, Hindu mythology, intrigue, drama and the paranormal I feel I should have liked this book more than I did. There is nothing particular wrong with the book, it works well and is written fine with no obvious errors that I have observed in other books. I just wasn’t my style of book. I have read other reviews that have liken Essie Fox’s writing style as similar to Sarah Waters, who I have read previously and also not found to my taste. Perhaps if books written in the style of Sarah Waters is your cup of tea you may appreciate this tale more. Having said this the inclusion of the Hindu mythology was really interesting and differently added a lot to the story development. There are twists and turns along the way and this is by no means a ‘bad book’ as said just not to my taste.
Healing Kiss
Healing Kiss
Amanda Uhl | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HEALING KISS is a contemporary romance with paranormal elements. Lilian is able to store energy and use it to heal others, especially those who are quite literally on the same wavelength as her. It is not a finite source though and does have an impact. She returns to Cleveland to save her sister from dying. She has been on the run for the past two years from a dodgy company that wants to use her talents against her will. Tristan is a billionaire with trust issues and a mother who is dying. When these two bump into each other, it sets off events that neither of them could have foreseen.

This was a slow starter for me but once I got into the groove, the rest of the book flew by. There is quite a bit of angst, both in general and between our two main characters. Angelina was made into too big a deal for my liking and I found myself skipping over the scenes with her in them, which is a shame as they help to move the story forwards, but I just found I couldn't help myself!

The build-up to the end and the epilogue were fantastic and I really hope to read Hannah's story. This was a thoroughly enjoyable story with a fresh look at talents and how they work. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 5, 2023
Through His Eyes (Mind's Eye #1)
Through His Eyes (Mind's Eye #1)
Deborah Camp | 2014 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quite simply, this book completely blew me away!

That being said, let me give you some more details. This is a story with strong paranormal elements, Trudy is a medium who can see through the killer's eyes and Levi is a medium who can speak to the dead. So when these two pair up, they approach the same "problem" from a different angle but to the same end. Some of the details given in this story are not for the faint of heart and I found myself going "ewww" a couple of times out loud - much to the delight of my husband who finds it incredibly amusing when I get that carried away with a book! The mystery and suspense continue to build throughout the book and I got half of the killer correct but the other half took me by surprise. I won't say anymore because of spoilers.

On the romance side, nothing really happens for the first 25% so you really get a chance to find out about the characters - who they are, and what makes them tick. Quintara is a wonderful character to read about and, to be honest, a bit of light relief. She is flighty and bubbly but with an amazing insight into each of her friends. Trudy is someone who has struggled with who she is even with the support of her family and will fight her attraction to Levi to the nth degree. Levi is an arrogant so-and-so who you will want to punch one moment and hug the next. He is vulnerable and hides behind his arrogance. You only find out snippets about him through the story - as Trudy calls him "a mystery man".

You know Levi and Trudy will get together - it is simply too explosive not to happen. The attraction sizzles between them but they do have their obstacles. I loved Trudy's attitude - she wasn't prepared to accept Levi's attitude and certainly knew what she wanted. Whilst he didn't appreciate having the tables turned on him, I think he needed it.

So, all in all, this is an exceptional, mind-blowing book that will burn your fingers with the heat contained within.

One thing I will add - the last paragraph completely got me!!! Nothing more to be said except - buy this, read it for yourself and see if you agree.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all fans of romantic suspense and paranormal romance.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 3, 2016

Erika Kehlet (21 KP) rated Ashley Bell in Books

Feb 19, 2018  
Ashley Bell
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was the best Dean Koontz novel I've read since the first Odd Thomas. I loved Bibi, and there was a great cast of supporting characters, including her parents, her best pal Pogo, and her fiance, a Navy Seal named Pax. Not everyone was on Bibi's side, however, and once again Mr. Koontz proves that sometimes the scariest monsters are those who wear human faces.

This is one of those stories that is very hard to talk about without giving too much away, and I would not want to ruin the surprises for anyone who might choose to read the book. With that said, here's what I can tell you without spoiling anything.... The novel starts out with Bibi, a novelist, discovering that she has brain cancer. After hearing that she has less then a year to live, she surprises everyone (except maybe herself) by waking completely cancer free the next morning. As a celebratory gift, her parents send a psychic to Bibi, and during her reading, she discovers that her life was spared so that she could save someone named Ashley Bell. The journey that Bibi has to make in her quest to locate Ashley forces her to revisit places and experiences from her own past that she has long since forgotten.

The buildup in this novel started out slow but constant, and once it got moving I couldn't put it down. Any Dean Koontz fan, or any thriller fan for that matter, will love this one. While Dean Koontz may be thought of as a horror writer, and there are some paranormal elements to this story, non-horror fans should enjoy this one also.

<i>Note: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest </i>review.

Merissa (11768 KP) rated She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series) in Books

Jan 20, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
David Fitz-Gerald | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHE SEES GHOSTS is part of the Adirondack Spirit series that tells you about living in times gone past when life was both easier and a whole lot harder.

Mehitable has the ability to see and talk to ghosts. For a long time, she viewed this as a curse due to how it impacted her life. It is only as the story progresses, and she grows, that she can view it as something special. Mehitable is a strong character, determined to live her life the way she wants, rather than how society expects it. She is fully supported by her best friend, Polly, and her husband, Reuben. Other characters show up for their part, but the main story involves Mehitable, Polly, Reuben, and then Destiny. Although Destiny wasn't in it for long, he certainly had an impact. I would have liked to have had more of him, but he still managed to stake his claim in the book anyway.

This was a fascinating read that also gave insight into some of the living conditions that they contented within the here and now, as well as in their history.

I did feel the ending left me hanging. I am presuming the next book in the series will be about Moses, but I'm not completely sure. I would love to know more about Mehitable and her life though.

A wonderful story with lots of research shining through, making this a fantastic historical novel with paranormal elements. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 20, 2021

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Black Ice in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Black Ice
Black Ice
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The author of the <i>Hush, Hush</i> saga, Becca Fitzpatrick, steps away from the paranormal genre with this brand new contemporary thriller, <i>Black Ice</i>. Britt Pfeiffer has persuaded her best friend, Korbie, to go on an adventurous backpacking trip in the Tenton mountains for their senior spring break. It immediately gets off to a bad start when the girls get caught in a freak snowstorm and stranded a long way from their lodge. Luckily they come across a cabin owned by a guy named Shaun who is there with his friend Mason. But it may not be the safe haven they hoped it to be. With her best friend’s life in danger as well as her own, Britt has to remain strong in order to save themselves; either that or hope that her ex-boyfriend will realize they are missing and rescue them.

Initially it was difficult to connect with Britt who narrates the entire story. She, as well as Korbie, is a rather annoying, spoilt daddy’s girl and equally annoying to read about. This did not set the novel up well as it appeared it was going to be about two whining teenagers, both used to getting their own ways, fending for themselves in the mountains. Once the girls were faced with a life or death situation, Britt’s character developed rapidly. She became more independent, clever and likable, which made the story a lot easier to read and enjoy.

<i>Black Ice</i> is a thriller containing a murder mystery, which links all the characters together but in ways that you would not originally expect. It is also a romance novel. Although Mason is perceived as a bad guy, Britt ends up falling for him, and he her, sparking a risky relationship.

Despite the shaky start, Fitzpatrick’s latest novel is full of exciting twists and turns. There is the high risk of death, either from murder or exposure to the elements. Also, with a breathtaking conclusion, it is exhilarating to try and work out who is good, who is bad and who has been murdering girls in the mountains.

Fans of Fitzpatrick’s previous works may be disappointed with the lack of the paranormal and fantasy creatures that she has become known for, however this is still an enjoyable book. Personally I preferred it to <i>Hush, Hush</i> which I admittedly did not care for. I confess that I did not expect to like this book, especially as the main character began as a very irritating person, but it does get so much better.
Cynthia Hand | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters, the writing, the plot (0 more)
Couldn't wait for the next installment (0 more)
Ethereal and Intelligent
Contains spoilers, click to show
Clara Gardener has a vision, and a purpose. Her realizing that purpose is the main focus of the tale Unearthly. Clara has been blessed: she is genetically one quarter angel. And being part angel is more common than one might think. Clara has a brother, also an angel-blood. She also has a life in California before fate and the story take us to Wyoming.

The focus of Clara’s vision is a young lad named Christian Prescott, who is the McDreamy of Jackson Hole High School. In the vision, they meet and she flies him away from a raging forest fire. Part of the book is devoted to the mystery surrounding this seemingly simple supernatural event. The other parts have Clara honing her holier skills, such as flying.

Clara definitely has feelings for Christian. These feelings are complex because of his place in her alleged destiny. Yet there’s another boy threatening to capture her attention, potentially putting her purpose in jeopardy.

I found this book to be very insightful. Elements of the plot hearken back to a time when I was young and thought love could change everything. Hand easily incorporates elements of teenage angst and high school life without ever being cliché. The book touches on the aspect of religion without going overboard and drowning the reader in dogma. The idea of God is discussed, but not dissected. I applaud the author’s decision not to be so heavy-handed in this regard.

Hand evokes beautiful imagery, especially in her descriptions of the angels’ wings. The descriptions of the Wyoming scenery are also beautiful. The narrative informs us of the basics of angelology without getting too terribly geeky. The plot thickens with every chapter, and Hand’s descriptive writing style helps keep the reader engaged. There is a bit of a plot twist at the end. That, and the artfully crafted love triangle, will leave you anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy.

This book is a must-read for anyone who’s ever considered liking Twilight. The plot is in a bit of the same vein, as this book falls into the paranormal romance genre. But the descriptions of Clara’s experiences are far more intense and thought-provoking. The vision of Clara’s purpose mystifies and overwhelms her at times, and also makes her infinitely more interesting a heroine than Bella Swan.

In the end, it seems even those with vision do not have all of the answers. I am elated to see the author’s success and look forward to passing these books down to my daughter.