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On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
Nancy Holder | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Favorite TV show (1 more)
Great side story
A lot of typos (0 more)
Nancy Holder is known in the literary world for her novel adaptations of TV shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Smallville, which has made her the go-to author for popular teen shows. With her ability to mesh together a story with what is going on within the TV show, I'm not surprised that she was picked to adapt MTV's 'Teen Wolf' into a novel. Having only read this book by her, On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel, is definitely a successful must-read for fans of the show.

Do you need to have watched the show to understand what is going on in the novel? Yes, because the book does backtrack, but unless you've watched at least season one, you will have no idea what is going on. But if you have watched the first season, On Fire will fill in the small gaps that was left out of the TV show's story without losing the characteristics of our favorite cast members.

This is a 'young adult' book, so you can expect the usual tropes like teen drama and romance - - - if you can get past that, the story can be enjoyable. The main characters are different enough to keep interest going, there are werewolves, and some men with guns. But I do have to say that I felt Allison's character was flat and boring in 'On Fire.'

The story gets underway when the main character, Scott, finds out that his girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend, Jackson, has gone missing. Scott and his girlfriend, Allison, decide to go look for him at the last place his phone's GPS blinked at, but Scott is using this just as an excuse to hang out with his girlfriend because Jackson is a sworn enemy of his. As I have said, if you haven't at least watched season one of MTV's Teen Wolf, you'll be pretty lost in the beginning of the story because there are no introductions to these characters, since it seems Holder was writing this specifically for fans of the TV show (I am a huge fan of the series, and highly recommend it to people who love mythical creatures, such as werewolves and banshees).

On the other side of the story, viewers of the show get to see Derek Hale and Kate Argent's backstory, which Derek is a werewolf and Kate is a werewolf hunter, the two had a quick romance, but it turned out to be a lie on Kate's side. This side of the story will make fans of the show happy because the series only gave hints towards the fake romance between the two characters, while Holder shows us exactly what happened. From Derek meeting Kate when he is only 17-years-old, and she older, to her burning the Hale household to the ground with most of Derek's family inside of it--- because she hunts werewolves, of course.

Meanwhile, both Derek and Scott have been having nightmares about an Alpha wolf, that seems to either want both of them dead or to join his pack. Worse of all, Scott and Derek both end up at the forest preserve that the dreams took place in, which both feel another wolf presence while being there. Since they both sense this, they start to wonder if Jackson's disappearance is a trap set by the Alpha.

During all of this, Jackson's girlfriend, Lydia, and his best friend Danny, are also searching for Jackson or any clue as to why he suddenly disappeared, which this has nothing to do with what actually happens to Jackson in the TV series. I think the best parts of this book are the scenes without Scott and Allison, who spend the majority of the time trying to make-out while doing a half-ass job searching for the lost friend. As I said before, if you can get past the teen romance, the story is actually really good. Especially my favorite character, Stiles, who had the best description in the entire book: "Life in his[Stiles] head was accompanied by the soundtrack of a small, eternal, dull ache, but word was that would go away after a few decades."

If you have watched the show, you'll be glad to know that this book isn't just an adaptation of season two--- this one has a different story in it that wasn't in the show. Without giving too much away, we get a different glimpse of Jackson's personality and problems he has dealt with much of his life. The book isn't a necessary read for fans, but it gives us a little bit more of the Teen Wolf world to read about, such as introductions of new characters (like a high school girl named Cassie), who never made it to the TV series. While reading this book, it can tempt readers to go back or even start watching the MTV series. I warn you, though, once you start watching, you won't be able to stop. Binge fest anyone?

There were a few inconsistencies, and a whole lot of typos--- whoever the editor was, was apparently not paying attention, but the story is good and the characters are unique. I recommend this to people who have watched the series, and to those who love mythical creatures. But I do wholeheartedly recommend you watch season one before attempting to read this novel, otherwise, you will be lost!

For more paranormal and fantasy book reviews, check out my blog at
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I read the blurb to this book, and I was instantly hooked! A spooky ghost story involving ghost hunters? Yes, please! Luckily, I wasn't disappointed by this book.

Kaylyn and her sister Cole both work for a company called Aicil as paranormal investigators. When Kaylyn gets the opportunity to investigate the creepy and old Teague Hotel, she jumps at the chance. However, bad things start happening to Kaylyn. She's being attacked by an unseen force, having blackouts as well as very strange dreams. Kaylyn can't understand whys he's being trageted specifically, but with her job, as well as her life on the line, she'd better figure it out...and quickly.

I love the cover of Fractured Legacy! It has a really creepy look to go with the rest of the book. I think the cover suits the book well, and with a cover like that, you know the contents will be creepy as well.

The world building was definitely believable. I felt like I was Kaylyn, and it was a book about me. That's how great of a job the author did. I was feeling scared right along Kaylyn and feeling frustrated when she did. I also loved the setting. A creepy hotel is one of my top places for spookiness.

The pacing did start out a bit slow, and I was wondering if I had made a mistake in agreeing to review this. Then, I felt as if the pacing just zoomed, and I was left wondering what had happened. Thankfully, after the first few chapters, the pacing settles down, and I couldn't read this story fast enough. It's definitely a page turner!

The plot was fantastic! Creepy stories with bad entities in them have been done a lot, but Skye Callahan turns that classic plot into her own. There are also a few plot twists which I didn't predict until a few chapters before they are revealed. As for the ending, it's not a big cliff hanger, but since this is going to be a series, it is left open for another book (which I can't wait to read). Oh, and there isn't much romance in this book. In fact, I can't think of any, but I'm not a big romance fan so I enjoyed that this story focused solely on what was going on with Kaylyn.

I loved Kaylyn. There were times I just wanted to hug her because I liked her that much. She endures a lot and often times feels like she is going insane. However, she's a very strong character and bounces back. I also like Jonah. At first, I found him to be a bit arrogant, but my heart melted towards him, and I found myself thinking what a kind and caring man he was. I was hoping he and Kaylyn would get together throughout the book because they seemed so great together. I did like Cole, but there's not a lot of her after the first few chapters. She does seem like a very caring sister though.

I enjoyed the dialogue and found that it flowed smoothly. It goes back and forth between Kaylyn's point of view and Jonah's. There are a few grammatical mistakes but nothing major. There are a few swear words, but nothing over the top.

Overall, Fractured Legacy is a creepy read that will leave you wanting more...and wanting to leave the lights on! It has a fantastic plot, a creepy setting, and well rounded characters.

I'd recommend this book to those age 17+ who truly want to read something spooky!

(I received a free ecopy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
How to Date Dead Guys (The Witch`s Handbook #1)
How to Date Dead Guys (The Witch`s Handbook #1)
Ann M. Noser | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

How To Date Dead Guys </i>is the first novel in the paranormal series <i>The Witches Handbook </i>by the author Ann. M Noser. The protagonist, Emma, is introduced to the reader as a shy, introverted student whose negative experience with bullying during high school still greatly affects her despite now being a sophomore at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Against her wishes, Emma is forced to attend a party by her roommate Chrissy, a girl who is the complete opposite in personality. Whilst trying to keep out of the way of the partying students, Emma starts talking to Mike, a boy she has a crush on. From this point onwards Emma’s life changes dramatically, although in ways she had never previously imagined.

After a devastating accident leaving Mike dead and Emma feeling guilty, Emma decides to take drastic action with the help of a book she finds called <i>Book of Shadows</i>. Using instructions from the book Emma recites a spell believing she can raise Mike from the dead. However this has disastrous consequences. Instead of being reunited with Mike, Emma finds herself face to face with a different guy, one who died a few months previously. Feeling responsible, Emma tries to help this resurrected body but she soon learns she got more than she bargained for.

<i>How To Date Dead Guys</i> is both hilarious and moving. The shock of Mike’s death makes the reader feel sorry for Emma, a lovely girl who does not deserve this heartache. Initially there is a sense of foreboding when she begins to dabble in witchcraft however the outcome results in some amusing situations.

Initially the storyline was not completely clear, which made understanding the purpose of the various scenarios a little confusing. However, Emma was also confused during this time, thus it makes sense for the reader to be also. It soon becomes clear why a different person was brought back to life rather than Mike, causing the story to take a more heart-warming direction.

Emma is a character that many introverts will relate to. Growing up being bullied has left her feeling that she is not good enough at anything. She has barely any friends, rarely goes out and is scared to talk to anyone new. Ironically raising the dead changes Emma for the better. Being in a situation where she has no choice but to deal with the consequences, Emma becomes more confident in herself. Although she believes she is still the same shy girl she was to begin with, hanging around with the dead forces her to see that she has changed and that she is no longer the weak person she always thought herself to be.

Emma’s character development is one of the best parts of the entire novel. Many young adult or new adult stories use romance and reliance on a male “hero” to save the girl from her introverted life style. Although romance was somewhat involved, this was not the case with Emma. Emma changed because she had to, because of circumstances she accidently created and felt she needed to put right. Emma’s confidence is not a result of influence from anyone else and proves that people can survive by themselves and become the person they wish to be.

Overall I enjoyed reading <i>How To Date Dead Guys</i>. Admittedly the beginning of the book felt like a few different stories crammed together, but once the plot was established it became exciting to discover what would happen next. Although listed as a New Adult book, the content is suitable for readers in their teens as well.
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
First off, I would like to thank the author for giving me a copy of the book! (That doesn't bias my review by all means.) I really enjoyed it. I also loved the cover. Hopefully, she appears in future covers. :)

I've always admired authors who are able to bounce from one character's POV to another one. I find that hard to do myself and I guess I myself fail at that in a way when I was on MissLiterati writing Supernaturals and other stories of randomisimo, which I now stopped writing about. :p

I wonder what my life would be like if I were only a foot tall (or less). Tiny notebooks and tiny pens... tiny everything! Actually, that reminds me of a crafting book I was so immersed in when I was in elementary school. The tiny cupcakes were adorable. Too bad I fail to be a cook (I broke the stove and was never trusted to cook again. Major oops). It was also disappointing that I never had enough materials to make them. It was fun reading/browsing through that crafting book. Connection being made (Old habits haunt later apparently), I'm going back to the right trail (kinda).

The book reminds me of a series I enjoy reading: The Iron Fey. Cailin reminds me of a certain ice dude of which I shall keep anonymous that is distant and doesn't give off much info until later. Or is that a bit of Teague as well? Anyhoo, Teague reminds me of a certain prankster and summer chick with personalities mixed together. Minus being blind and an alcoholic (and possibly MANY others). It also reminded me of The Iron Fey because of the unnatural relationship between 2 different types of fey species, or in this case, a pixi and a human. (Curiosity spikes up the question: What will happen if the Portune finds out about their relationship?)

I especially loved Cailin's and Teague's wits when they're around each other. Their conversations had a mix of humor and seriousness rolled with awesomous. I also enjoyed the drama within the pixi clans outside of Cailin's bubble of punishment. The Portune reminds me of another book with a faction, in this case clan, that are "greedy" for power, although I would like them better if you compare the two. Though they're a bit greedy for power and have a zillion threats if you break a rule, all they want is to keep the pixi's in line and not expose their existence to humans. It's all about safety for the pixi's. ^_^ It does makes sense though. I wouldn't want to be exposed to giant-like beings if I were them.

What really kept me from giving it full a perfect score were the grammatical and spelling errors, but there were none that really distracted me from the smooth and steady flow of the words throughout the story. I also felt there was a bit of a rush in the romance between Teague and Cailin. :/ Though not your typical YA Paranormal Romance story, I recommend the book to those who enjoy reading about faeries and looking for something that's not typical.

And as I may sometimes say about the endings of stories....

Ohhhh, the AGONY of the Cliff-Hanger(s)!

(I'm not kidding. I wonder how cliffs I'm really hanging on to now in total of all books. No doubt: MANY)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Cynthia Hand | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters, the writing, the plot (0 more)
Couldn't wait for the next installment (0 more)
Ethereal and Intelligent
Contains spoilers, click to show
Clara Gardener has a vision, and a purpose. Her realizing that purpose is the main focus of the tale Unearthly. Clara has been blessed: she is genetically one quarter angel. And being part angel is more common than one might think. Clara has a brother, also an angel-blood. She also has a life in California before fate and the story take us to Wyoming.

The focus of Clara’s vision is a young lad named Christian Prescott, who is the McDreamy of Jackson Hole High School. In the vision, they meet and she flies him away from a raging forest fire. Part of the book is devoted to the mystery surrounding this seemingly simple supernatural event. The other parts have Clara honing her holier skills, such as flying.

Clara definitely has feelings for Christian. These feelings are complex because of his place in her alleged destiny. Yet there’s another boy threatening to capture her attention, potentially putting her purpose in jeopardy.

I found this book to be very insightful. Elements of the plot hearken back to a time when I was young and thought love could change everything. Hand easily incorporates elements of teenage angst and high school life without ever being cliché. The book touches on the aspect of religion without going overboard and drowning the reader in dogma. The idea of God is discussed, but not dissected. I applaud the author’s decision not to be so heavy-handed in this regard.

Hand evokes beautiful imagery, especially in her descriptions of the angels’ wings. The descriptions of the Wyoming scenery are also beautiful. The narrative informs us of the basics of angelology without getting too terribly geeky. The plot thickens with every chapter, and Hand’s descriptive writing style helps keep the reader engaged. There is a bit of a plot twist at the end. That, and the artfully crafted love triangle, will leave you anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy.

This book is a must-read for anyone who’s ever considered liking Twilight. The plot is in a bit of the same vein, as this book falls into the paranormal romance genre. But the descriptions of Clara’s experiences are far more intense and thought-provoking. The vision of Clara’s purpose mystifies and overwhelms her at times, and also makes her infinitely more interesting a heroine than Bella Swan.

In the end, it seems even those with vision do not have all of the answers. I am elated to see the author’s success and look forward to passing these books down to my daughter.
Redemption (The Revelation, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

"Oh. My. God. Randi, you are awesome!" Okay, so I may have just stolen that from her books but the truth still stands. This series is one I found by accident but I have never been happier! The books are simply outstanding and everything about them is just perfect for me - from the covers down to the nitty-gritty of editing and grammar. I am a long-term fan of both Randi and The Revelation Series so I warn you now that I will be squealing like a fangirl. But anyway, onto Redemption itself.

If you want a book that you can pick up and put down again without any problems then you need to WALK AWAY!! These books will get under your skin, the characters within the pages you will love, then hate, then love again as Randi plays with your emotions. She is a wicked author ;)

Redemption will take you on a rollercoaster of a ride. You start with major, almost catatonic depression, then anger, then hope, then love, happiness, friendship - need I go on? There is a gamut of emotional highs and lows in this book and it's not just from the main characters. Smaller characters that have just had a supporting role up to now get their chance to shine. We learn more about everyone and meet new allies too. We meet old allies and feel our heart break all over again. Did I mention this book is emotional?

I love the way that Randi writes - she draws you into the story and it enfolds you. The characters get under your skin until they feel like friends/enemies or even frenemies. Whichever, you know them! They are not just words on a page.

This is a series of five books and as such they are not standalones. Randi has got the art of the ending down to a 'T' and she kills me every time! So far, I have issued a kleenex warning with both her previous books and this one is no different. The ending took me by surprise and left me reeling. I can honestly say that I finished the book, shook my head and went back to re-read the last chapter because I just couldn't bear for the book to be finished.

I am now impatiently waiting for books 4 and 5 and once I have my grubby paws on them, I will be re-reading this whole series back to back. A fantastic, hot, witty, smexy Paranormal Romance that will draw you in and not let you go. I can't recommend this highly enough!
Scorched (Sapphire City, #1)
Scorched (Sapphire City, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The cover drew me in. Isn’t it a thing of beauty?

When I requested this I assumed it would be more paranormal than it was. In fact it was more fantasy than anything. People who go around using their powers–known as the Augmented–to stop evil, dressed up in disguise. Superheroes?

I was quickly drawn into the story within the first chapter when we see Verity struggle to remember who she is and that she isn’t a bad person after being tortured by her arch nemesis’ minions in a mental asylum and her escape from there. She runs to a safe house and bumps into her brother who tells her she’s been MIA for nine months.

Can I just stop there for a minute and mention the Fortune siblings’ names? The eldest is Equity, then Adonis, then there is Verity and baby brother Chance. I love their names! If they don’t scream Superhero, I don’t know what does :D

Anyway, back to the story. On Verity’s return to her family, things don’t go smoothly and she realises things don’t add up. Is there a conspiracy in the works?

Throughout the story we see flashbacks of the night that Verity was captured and it is all very intriguing. At just over half way through I had my suspicions of what they would end up showing and I was right in my assumption about what some of it would show. I’m not going into detail as it would totally ruin in for you.

We meet a lot of other Augmented people: Iceclaw, Weasel, Glimmer. Some are good and some not so much. I liked the description of each and how they earned their names. They were thought out and I could picture them easily.

I grew to really like Glimmer, he seemed like a really nice guy. Verity, on the other hand, I couldn’t decide about. She seemed to like pushing people away and was full of self-loathing a lot of the time, unable to justify some of the things she’d done.

To start with I didn’t mind the lack of romance, as I was so caught up in the drama surrounding Verity, but the more I read the book the more I missed it. There was a bit; some kisses exchanged and nice words but nothing like the amount I like to read in books and that’s reflected in my rating.

It was full of action and intrigue. I liked the superhero vs. bad guys aspect. If you like the sound of it, then I’d suggest you go grab a copy.
The Monstrous Child
The Monstrous Child
Francesca Simon | 2016 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finished this on Tuesday but have had some technical problems, which is why I'm posting it now. (Sorry.)

Apparently this is book #3 in the Mortal Gods series - but I read it believing it to be a standalone novel and really enjoyed it like that. It's another short, new YA book, which a pretty large font to fill up more space. I never used to like short books, but I've found some I've really enjoyed recently, including this one.

One of Loki's (monstrous) children is Hel, a girl with a perfectly normal human body... except her legs are dead. Like, full-on decaying dead. Still, she's a goddess, even if she's never treated as one.

Hel has learned to just deal with what she's got in life and carry on. But when she's kidnapped and taken to Asgard - the home of the gods - she finds an unexpected light of hope. His name is Baldr, and he's the only one who's ever treated her like she's normal. The only problem is that he's married.

And then, just to make matters worse, Hel is literally thrown into the underworld, sentenced to be the queen of Nifelheim for all of eternity. It's cold, smelly, and soon enough, full of dead people. She's alone, plotting her revenge on the gods, with no chance of escape - but at least it's hers. She can build her own fortress without anyone guiding her; she can order the dead around however she pleases. And she can have a high seat ready, beside hers, for when Baldr inevitably comes for her.

What she wasn't planning was a third seat...

Anyway, Hel has created Hel for the dead, the End of Days is drawing nearer, and dear old Dad has dropped by for a favour. All very... fun. 

I thought this was a really different kind of book. The narrative voice is really sarcastic and youthful, pretty funny too, as well as still sounding like a Norse goddess. She also sounded somewhat modern, too - which I suppose would be the case if you were immortal. Sometimes I found her to find a little too sarcastic and bitter, a little too chatty and "different". I don't know, it just didn't sound all that natural sometimes.

The whole Norse theme was refreshing - not some paranormal YA romance that you see everywhere - and really well told. Hel was a really interesting character, too; modern enough to relate to yet still believably a Norse goddess.

As I said, I read this without realising there were other books before it in the series. I didn't realise that at all while reading - I didn't feel like I was missing anything and still enjoyed it plenty. I'm going to say 3.5 to 4 stars for The Monstrous Child. I'll have to look out for the other books.
The Vampire went to Georgia
The Vampire went to Georgia
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really have to say that as much as I loved this book and this series, that I found the final battle a little anticlimactic. I was really hoping for more, and even though I did hope for more, I wasn't entirely disappointed. In this 216 page book, I think I cried for a third of it. I have to say that even with a few things I would have loved to see differently, that the overall book was amazing.

First, to see everything that we only got glimpses at before to unfold, was amazing. To learn how some of the characters who seemed to just be filler to hold such an important role in saving the world was truly inspiring. I think my favorite part was learning how Death himself had changed because of Pandora and her lover, as well as how Scarlett and Tenebris were stronger in this world together than Tenebris had been in other worlds by herself. I have to say that the love that Death had for his daughters Scarlett and Tenebris. had been touching and surprisingly difficult to understand when he was asking so much from them. But it wasn't just his love that made you smile and feel all warm and fuzzy, it was the love of all those around them as well. To willingly sacrifice yourself for someone is a huge deal and there were plenty of sacrificing in this book that kept your heart bleeding. However, I have to say, it was what definitely made me not want to stop reading.

This kind of thing reminds me of a saying that states if you love someone truly, then you have to be willing to let go of them. Everyone in this book had loved Scarlett so much, they were willing to do whatever it took, even if it broke her down to nothing. I hated seeing her hurt that way but the strength while dealing with it all and how she was determined to be strong and prove what everyone was saying in times to be false, was just truly amazing. Even though I felt like my own heart was being ripped out, I could see how all the betrayals and pains of the previous books helped her cope and deal with the impending battle, whether or not that I felt she deserved any of it.

Even though love and romance was spread through the series, the romance was heavily lacked in this book. Which made is extremely serious. Though you knew who loved who and it was stated in their appropriate times, the book just didn't have all the romantic drama the others had. It seemed to be too serious at times and I would have loved some comedy or that romantic air to it to help break up all the seriousness that the book seemed to drag on about. Not saying the seriousness ruined the book. It just seemed to end slightly anticlimactic compared to what you were being led to believe would happen. Which would have to be the biggest complaint I had. This next part WILL have spoilers and I apologize for that, but it may save you from feeling let down. If you don't wish to read the spoilers, you can skip to the final paragraph.

When you first learn of how War and Scarlett and Tenebris are connected and how there will be a battle between War nd Scarlett, who is the shell that holds Tenebris and ground the chaotic being, you find yourself excited for the battle. However, at the end, during the face off, Death grants the girls one last gift and suddenly War just pretty much gives up. Don't get me wrong, if I had to fight the dragon Scarlett and Tenebris transformed into, I would be ready to throw in the towel, but still, Tenebris was supposed to be War's right hand woman and to see her standing by Death should have been the rage enough to lead that woman into battle. This is War after all. But no the Horseman pretty much just gives up and allows herself to die. To me, not having the battle and making it end in such a way was disheartening and I am quite upset over it. I was moved to tears all the way up until this point and now I can't even get the action I felt I needed to be okay with the prior actions of characters. Needless to say, the fight scene wasn't all that it could have been.

I would rate this book 3 stars out of 5 stars because as much as I loved crying at certain parts and we were able to learn more about a few of the beloved characters and so on, the ending wasn't all that it was chalked up to be. It was a huge let down, in my opinion. The series overall was amazing and besides the ending I would just make a few changes, like maybe adding the novellas into the books that they belong before or after, instead of leaving a note before a book about a novella being needed for that book. And maybe making the ending have slightly more action. I would rate the series overall, 4 stars out of 5 stars and recommend it to anyone into the paranormal romance and adventure scene with a bit of mystery in it.