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The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1)
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1)
Michelle Hodkin | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I'd been wanting to read this book for awhile. It was high up on my TBR pile. I finally couldn't wait any longer and bought it. Luckily, it was money well spent!

Mara Dyer is a 16 year old girl who survived a building collapse although her other friends didn't. She doesn't know why she was the only one to survive. She begins to hear her dead friends voices and seeing them in mirrors and in her waking life. She's convinced she had something to do with their deaths and resolves to stay away from people. However, all that changes when she meets the womanizing Noah Shaw. Will Noah and Mara be able to fall in love or will something or someone prevent that from happening?

I love the title of this book! It sounds so ominous and sad at the same time. The title definitely drew me in. It made me want to know more about this book.

I kind of like the cover, but I don't really get why these two people, who I presume are Noah and Mara, are in water. When I first saw the cover, I presumed that this was going to be one of those books that deal with underwater themes like mermaids and what not, but it's not. Then I thought that maybe it was symbolic about Mara feeling like she was drowning, and Noah is supposed to save her although it looks more like Noah is trying to drown her.

The world building felt very believable throughout most of the book. All my questions were answered in this book which I was super happy about! However, towards the end of the book, the story kind of took a left turn, and I was just like "what". I felt that it got a bit crazy here, and I really can't explain why which I know is bad since this is a review. I know this is a fiction book so of course things won't really happen that happen in books, but without some spoilers, I can't really explain why. Maybe it's just a personal thing.

I enjoyed the pacing and thought it was done quite well. I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next. I was immersed in the writing, and I didn't want to leave Mara's world.

I loved the whole plot. Mara can make things happen just by visualizing them. (Don't worry, that wasn't a spoiler). I've always wished I could do that, so I enjoyed reading about it. Plus, there's the subplot of the romance with Noah. I'm not a big romance fan since I believe it tends to get in the way of the actual plot (unless, of course, it's a romance book), but the romance was done in an enjoyable way.

I liked Mara a lot. She felt like a real teenage girl. She's under a lot of stress, and I liked seeing how she was able to deal with it. Mara felt like a girl I could be friends with. With Noah, there were times I liked him and times where I thought he was being a bit too mean and bossy. There's a few times (and only a few) where he tells Mara what to do. He does get violent when it comes to defending Mara's honor. I also didn't like how Noah would use Daddy's money to get whatever he wanted. I know he was only doing it for Mara, but still, it rubbed me wrong. I loved the character of Jamie. I loved his wit, and I wished that there was more of him in the book.

The dialogue was well written although there were a few times where the characters would talk like they were in a Dawson's Creek episode or for those that don't get that reference, like Sheldon does in Big Bang Theory. Personally, I've never been in any situation where a whole conversation used such a rich vocabulary, especially when it involve teenagers. This could just be a me thing though. I enjoyed reading about what Mara did in certain situations. As for language, there is a lot of swearing in this book although I don't feel like it's over the top.

Overall, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin is a super enjoyable read. The plot is great, the romance is enjoyable, and the characters are very down to Earth. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ due to language used. Those who appreciate paranormal elements in their books will love this one!
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3)
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3)
Erin Kellison | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3) by Erin Kellison
Seduced by Fire is the third book in the Dragons of Bloodfire series. In this book our two main characters are both dragons, and both have secrets to keep. Ryder, also known as Professor Ted, has managed to live amongst the humans, working as a professor. Everything he has worked for, and lived with, becomes a moot point when he crosses paths with a Tempus during one of his lectures. He is exposed to the human world, and has decisions to make. Aura is a Sun Dragon, and you don't really know much about her to begin with, except that her and Ryder have a history. As the story progresses you find out more about both our main characters, and the story itself. We reunite with Warrick and Samantha from book 2, whilst Thane from book 1 is only spoken about.

Something was missing from this book for me, and I'll be damned if I can figure out what it was. I love Erin Kellison's work, and this, by technical standards, is the same high quality as you would expect, with no editing or grammatical errors that I could see. However, I just didn't feel like I connected with the characters or the story as much as the others, especially book 1. I am sure that this will only be my opinion in amongst the rest, as it is more than usual to get lost in the worlds that Erin Kellison produces.

So, for me, this book was good and I did enjoy it. It just didn't wow me like others have in the past. I would still recommend both this book, and others by this author, to anyone who loves paranormal romance.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>4.5 stars</b>

<b>The Seance</b> was one of those books that I just could not put down! Addictive, fast-paced, thrilling, and thoroughly fun, it had everything I wanted to read - mystery/suspense, romance, paranormal - and reminded me of R.L. Stine for adults. Of course it's not 'serious' fiction, who wants that when picking up a book that looks like this? It's fun brain candy, plain and simple, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I haven't had an easy time finding books to read because my concentration level has taken a nosedive, but this book had me hooked from the back synopsis - and kept me hooked throughout. Yes, there are some editing issues, coincidences, red-heads seem to be the main populace, redundancies (e.g. victims are attractive red-heads, beautiful red-heads, gorgeous red-heads, and did I mention Christina's a beautiful, attractive, gorgeous red-head also? Argh, it was annoying! I got it the first time; I don't need it repeated ten million times.), and I figured out who was behind everything in the first-seventh of the book, which could have used more of an explanation for the why at the end, but my problems are eclipsed by the engaging plot.

After Christina called Gen, I wondered if there was a previous book with her, Thor, and Adam, and there is called [b:The Vision|731809|The Vision (Harrison Investigation, #3)|Heather Graham||717999], and I've already ordered it from the library - I can't wait to read it! I'm thinking Heather Graham's romantic suspense novels might just be the key that'll keep me reading all the way to the end of a book. :) So, overall, I liked the characters, the story was great, and even though it isn't even close to Hallowe'en, I would still recommend it for a thrilling good read.
Dark Protector introduces an interesting new concept in the paranormal romance field. If there are other books that deal with something like a paladin and this sort of plot, I don't know about them and haven't ever come across anything similar.

Laurel and Devlin were nice characters but that was about it; there wasn't much depth to them or back story. I would have liked to know more about Devlin and how he came to be a paladin exactly (at least I don't think it was mentioned). I mean he was about three times Laurel's age, so he had to have lived some outside the paladin world. You don't just start fighting in diapers. What is the whole history of the paladins and how do they come back? Also, I'd love to know more about the Others, which I suspect is to come, but they sound so intriguing! Why do they cause chaos to the human world? Why are they on the other side? What are they like? Were they really humans long ago but were sent/punished/whatever to be on the other side?(My hypothesis) I hope Ms. Morgan answers these questions in the future!

I still can't help but feel that there was something missing (besides my before mentioned questions :P) - I'm not sure what it was, maybe because the whole book was an introduction to the paladins and the rest of the series, but I don't know. Or it could be the relationship itself, which wasn't quite believable - nice but not something I'll remember. Still, I will read more in the series, especially Trahern's and Cullen's books, and hope they progress nicely in the future.
3.5 stars

Excuse me if I've missed things mentioned in the actual book but I had started it a couple months ago, couldn't concentrate on reading at all, and just picked it back up yesterday.
Vampire Close
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really hate to give negative reviews, but I'm sorry, this book needed a lot of work before it was published. Descriptions were over-the-top, the characters weren't fleshed out, and overall, the story should have been more filled out.

When I started this book, I felt like I missed the first fifteen minutes of a movie and I'm right in the middle of a scene, a bit lost; it was quite discombobulating. The main love interests, Fiona and Rory, are both Scottish and that's how it's written, so there's dinna, och, cannae, ken, etc., which really distracted from the story. Maybe if only one character spoke like that, it might have been bearable, but with two of them, it was just too much. Fiona herself was unlikeable, prejudiced, oblivious to her "sexpot" looks, and way to innocent to be believable for her age, while Rory's forceful, generally undesirable, and doesn't even seem like a vampire other than his fangs. What's really missing from the book is emotion. I felt nothing, other than mild dislike, for anyone or anything -- I just didn't care about these people. Joan, an American demon hunter and Euan, a Highland-born Brit (or "Sassenach" as Fiona disdainfully calls him) deacon, were slightly better at first, but there still was not enough shown for me to have a personal interest in them. The plot was vaguely described, and frankly, not very interesting. Nothing was shown, it was just told, mainly through an abundance of gabbing, so I never got the sense of urgency and the book just meandered into its finale.

I had a few other problems, but nothing that wouldn't give certain events away. Maybe die-hard paranormal romance fans will like this, but it became a chore to complete and I ended up disliking it the more I read, so it just wasn't for me.

Received for review through the Goodreads First Reads program.
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3) by Bellora Quinn & Sadie Rose Bermingham
Surfacing Secrets is the third book in the Elemental Evidence series, and I looked forward to reuniting with Jake and Mari to see how things have moved on for them. Mari is surfing online to try and find an answer to his 'problem'. Instead, he finds a video of someone being murdered. He shows it to Jake, who passes it on to the police, but it looks like Mari is finding it hard to stop connecting online. It is becoming an addiction, one he denies having.

I thoroughly enjoy these books! It isn't just romance, there is plenty here for everyone to enjoy. I do have to say though that Mari once again pings on my radar for acting like a jerk. The addiction part I tried to ignore, as he couldn't exactly control what he was saying or thinking at the time. But he does insist on knocking Jake down all the time, even in his thoughts. Poor Jake! I love his character, and although I can see the love he has for Mari, I just want it reciprocated. I am longing for the book where Mari doesn't act like an ass and becomes the man Jake deserves.

A story with a dark twist, told amazingly well by these two authors. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, it was simply Mari who jolted me. The flow was smooth, and the pacing perfect. I love the interaction between all of the characters, yes - even Mari and Jake. Absolutely recommended for those who love a bit of mystery mixed in with their paranormal.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so if you follow my reviews you will know I am an avid Maya Daniels stalker... ahem, I mean fan! She hasn't written a bad book yet in my opinion, and she remains the Queen of Sass. She's covered many different themes with her books, and then there is this one...

Franky is a hybrid, half vampire-half fae. The life expectancy of hybrids isn't very long, but Franky works for The Agency so hers is a little more 'fraught'. The trouble is, Franky's powers are on the fritz and she has no idea what's going on. She is saved by a stranger and ends up going to the one place in the world where she faces danger like no other.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!! I loved this book so much. I'm also begging for a Zoltan!!! I want one of my own. I'm not even joking. There is drama, kick-ass action, snark by the bucket-load, and plenty of attraction. To put it simply, I NEED ALL THE BOOKS NOW!!! Yes, I know I'm being greedy, but there is a reason for this. Ms. Daniels is also a pain in the ass 😉 with her cliffhanger endings. So I know that even if I get book two tomorrow, I will still be in the same position as I am now.

Investigated is the first book in the Daywalker Academy series, and I really can't recommend it highly enough. We are talking high class, quality writing and editing with nary an error to disrupt me! I read this book in one sitting. I simply couldn't put it down. Who needs food anyway? (Answer - my girls apparently!)

So there you go. If you are looking for an adult paranormal romance, with a Maya Daniels quirk, sass galore, and steaming attraction that is off the charts, then look no further.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Rain (A Stranger in the Woods, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rain is the first book in the A Stranger in the Woods series, and it starts off with a bang. Rose is looking after her younger siblings as her mother struggles to live. There is a plague that has decimated her village, it has already claimed her father, and numerous friends. The person who has been there for Rose throughout is Gunner. They have been best friends for years, but Gunner thinks that he wants to take it further. Everyone else is expecting it, but when it does happen, it's not as Rose imagined. Whilst this is going on, we meet Ryder, a Guardian, who is instantly attracted to Rose for reasons he doesn't really comprehend. Only time will tell how these three will work things out.

Now, where do I start? This story is fresh and original, it is compelling, it is heartbreaking, it is hopeful. India R. Adams has a way of writing that draws you in, that makes you want to read more, even at stupid o'clock! I will admit to be slightly worried at the start as love triangles aren't really my thing, but how this story was told... well, it all just makes sense! I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. Of course, I mean that generally as there are parts that had me sobbing. With feisty families, fabulous friends, gorgeous Guardians, and more 'bad guys' than you can shake a stick at, there is something here for everyone.

This book was extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. I really can't recommend it highly enough, if you are looking for a fresh paranormal/fantasy romance. Absolutely brilliant! Also, have you SEEN that cover? Simply stunning, I love it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Angel: Book 1
Angel: Book 1
L.A. Weatherly | 2013 | Children
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog <a href="">A Romance Reader's Reviews</a>

1.5 stars

I finally finished it!

This begins with Alex out on an angel kill, introducing us to what he does in life and the danger angels pose to the public. Then we meet Willow as she fixes a car in the school parking lot before a popular girl from school asks her to do a psychic reading on her and Willow reluctantly agrees. What she sees freaks her out and starts a train of events that cause her to be hunted down by every angel and member of the Church of Angels in America. Luckily she runs into Alex and together they go on a journey across the country to try and find out more about Willow's past and how to stop the angels forever.

I didn't buy this that long ago and got it cheap off a second hand site. I thought with it being a YA Paranormal book that I'd get sucked right into it but I didn't (I started it last November). It took over 100 pages for something exciting to happen and a little longer before it really got going and then I was sucked in enough to read about 50 pages at a time. It did turn into a quick read after that and I'd finished the book within three days but I wasn't really interested in the story, I just wanted to finish it.

I liked how the angels were bad in this, that is definitely new to me. They're normally the good guys come to save the world and the people who live on it, not the bad guys who are feeding off humans to survive.

I can't say I was fond of either main character and I felt their love for each other came out of nowhere. This book just didn't gel with me at all and I won't be continuing the series.
Run with the Moon (Valen&#039;s Pack #1)
Run with the Moon (Valen's Pack #1)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have put this book in the dystopian genre because there is a hint of it within these pages. Humans have basically tried to kill each other off using biochemical warfare which has decimated their numbers. The shifters, which were a minority, were immune to most of the chemicals and have since thrived, being able to live off the land and generally in peace.

However, they have their own set of rules regarding alphas, such as when they're old enough, they have to leave their birth pack and start their own, or they have to fight their father for the right to rule. Now Valen loves and honours his father so even though he doesn't want to leave, he abides by their rules. Through circumstance, he meets Aaren who has never seen a shifter before. Aaren lives in a village, guided by his father, where sex is for recreation and gay is something that just isn't mentioned.

There is an instantaneous attraction and reaction between these two when they meet and it just continues to get hotter as we progress through the story. Valen, although having doubts about how to act as an alpha, certainly has no issues in the bedroom... or next to a river or by a tree. Aaren is very happy to learn whatever Valen wants to teach him and learns about himself along the way.

The story is fast-paced and well-written. There are characters to enjoy and those that annoy slightly (sorry goofball!) but it all makes it more 'real'. I loved how the story evolved and became more than just about Aaren and Valen, although they do make a fantastic pair.

Definitely recommended for all fans of MM Paranormal Romance.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 6, 2016