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The Burning Girls
The Burning Girls
C. J. Tudor | 2021 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Jack, a female vicar, that has been sent to a little village to take over the church that has been vacant. Her daughter Flo is a teenager that had to change her life from Nottingham to Chapel Croft. I really loved the brilliant selection of characters. They are all mysterious, intriguing and different. I thoroughly enjoyed Jacks thoughts about being a priest, the church’s role and religion in general. It was very modern and stigma defining. I really liked Flo as well, she seems like a very smart young lady, full of curiosity and teenage rebellion. 🙂

Like always, the narrative is creepy, mysterious and very well planned out. There are multiple stories running through this book. This book is told from multiple perspectives, and I absolutely adored that. Jack’s perspective investigates a story of two young ladies that disappeared thirty years ago and a mysterious suicide of the previous vicar. And Flo’s perspective shares very creepy encounters with local youth. The whole book is covered in a mysterious shroud, suspense is seeping through the pages, and the story simply had me absorbed. The topics discussed in this book are religion, evil youth, parenting issues, over the top religiousness, church work, vicar’s life, tight community nuances, murder and many more.

The writing style of this book is impeccable. C.J. Tudor’s writing is evolving with every single book. The setting and the mood of this book is perfect for horror, and the mystery just drives suspense through this novel. The chapters are pretty short, so it is a fast and gripping book. The culmination and the ending are brilliant, and I loved how the book was rounded up. I have to warn the reader, that this book has murders, pretty gross stories, burning people and psychopaths.

So, to conclude, this was my first book of 2021 and is going straight to my top 10 of this year. I loved everything about this novel, it has very unique and complex characters as well as an amazingly delivered plot full of twists, intriguing stories and mystery. I strongly recommend to anyone who loves Stephen King or a good mystery.
    Peekaboo Babybook

    Peekaboo Babybook

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    Used by millions of parents around the world, Peekaboo Babybook has always been devoted to being the...

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
To put it simply, if you're not too keen on anything related to Jay & Silent Bob or Kevin Smith, then this entry is not going to change your mind!

The first film from way back in 2001 was already loveably dumb enough. It's collision of immature humour, social commentary, slapstick silliness and plentiful references to past Kevin Smith projects leant it an awkward charm, and things are no different this time around, with exception of everyone involved looking older.

The plot revolves around the titular duo traveling to Hollywood to stop the reboot of a comic book film featuring characters based on their likenesses (literally the same plot as the first). Cue plenty of remarks about the state of cinema and the unstoppable geyser of reboots/remakes/re-imaginings, followed by an absurd road trip, and everything feels familiar and homely.

Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith are just as likable as they every have been as Jay & SB, and the supporting characters, lead by Smith's daughter Harley Quinn, are much the same (although they took a bit longer to grow on me).
There is a veritable plethora of cameos and Clerks call backs peppered throughout, including the likes of Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Hemsworth, Joey Lauren Adams, Melissa Benoist, Val Kilmer, Jason Biggs, Robert Kirkman....the list goes on and on. None of these inclusions feel particularly forced, and everyone seems pretty willing to be a part of the silliness.

The script is a mixed bag of decent gags, meta lines (sometimes a bit too over the top, to the point of almost insulting the audience!), Kevin Smith talking a whole bunch of shit about himself and some genuinely touching moments. Seriously - towards the films climax, I genuinely fretted that i might let out a little sob...
The truth is, I grew up watching films like Clerks, Dogma, Mallrats etc, and whenever a new entry is put out, I remember just how much these niche comedies mean to me. Jay & Silent Bob Reboot fits right in there with the rest of them.

It's not perfect by any means, but this is a film that can pull off Chris Jericho playing a KKK leader, Redman and Method Man giving parenting, whilst still including a lip wobbling tribute to the late Stan Lee (a we'll know fan of Kevin Smith and his work). How can anyone not appreciate that!?
Before This is Over
Before This is Over
Amanda Hickie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The blurb of this book, sounds a little bit like the one for the dystopian book, where everybody dies and you survive, but it was far away from it. This was really dark and emotional journey, where wrong decisions could kill your family.

The main character in this book was Hannah, a wife and mother of two boys. Normally I really enjoy reading books, told from different perspectives, but in this case, the whole story was told from Hannah’s perspective only, and it didn’t leave me disappointed. I really liked the relationship which this family was sharing: the support and understanding between Hannah and her husband were very strong, and I also enjoyed reading about their parenting techniques, there is something new to learn. 🙂 The characters who really annoyed me were the children. I am not a very big fan of kids, and they got on my nerves really bad in this book (children will remain, children, I get it…) I really liked Hannah as a character, she was doing everything she could to survive those horrible weeks in isolation, and I really respected her decisions, even though sometimes they used to be really harsh.

The plot of this book was concentrated around Hannah’s house, sometimes including some news about next door neighbours. This book was quite long, and sometimes the chapters used to drag a little, but one thing I liked, that when you think everything is going to be ok, Hickie throws in a challenge for the family to face. That’s what kept me going and interested in this book. I was curious whats next, how and when this all epidemic is going to finish.

The writing style was very creative and pleasant to read. The chapters were too long for my liking and it really dragged sometimes. I really liked the idea of using a calendar symbol to mark the new chapters, I think it was creative and something new. The ending of this book rounded the whole story quite good. However, it left me wondering, what happened to the other characters, who came along the way. So, to conclude, this is a really emotionally challenging novel about survival and choosing whats best for your family. I do strongly recommend to give it a try, I really enjoyed this adventure.
The Mother-in-Law
The Mother-in-Law
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lucy was so excited to meet Diana, the mother of her boyfriend, Ollie. Lucy's mother died when she was a teen and she hoped for a good relationship with her hopeful mother-in-law. But Lucy and Diana don't get off to an easy start--Diana has a rigid set of views formed by her own life experiences. From simply co-existing to arguing about parenting to eventual fisticuffs, their relationship is volatile. Then, one night, Lucy and Ollie hear a knock on their door. The police arrive and tell them that Diana is dead in an apparent suicide. But as the investigation progresses, it looks as if there is more to the story. Everyone in the family has history with Diana; but did someone actually kill her?

"'Then I'm very sorry to inform you,' the policewoman starts, and I close my eyes because I already know what she is going to say. My mother-in-law is dead."

This was my first Sally Hepworth novel, and I have heard good things, so I was excited to read some of her work. I found it to be a fast read, with a set of engaging characters. The book alternates between Lucy and Diana's point of view, with much of the story being told in the past. I found the format to be very effective; it worked very well at drawing you into the story and keeping you guessing at what was going on. Many parts of the story were told twice, in some ways, as both women told their side of the story, yet it never felt repetitive.

The main characters in this one are Lucy and Diana, but we have strong appearances from Ollie, his sister Antoinette "Nettie, " and Tom, Diana's husband. I can see why people enjoy Hepworth's novels--I felt very much a part of the story, and I was certainly stumped along the way. Sometimes there was a little too much rumination about mother-in-laws and the meaning of families for my taste, but oh well. I was too eager to find out what had happened to Diana.

"More importantly, you don't choose your mother-in-law. The cackling mercenaries of fate determine it all."

Overall, I really enjoyed my first Hepworth book. It was a quick, engaging, and interesting read that kept my interest.

I received a copy of this novel from St. Martin's Press and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Beauty and the Greek Billionaire
Beauty and the Greek Billionaire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marianna is crossing things off her bucket list and one of those things is to lose her virginity finally. While in Greece with her brother she thinks now is the perfect time to explore the possibility. She makes up a fake name and goes in search of a one night stand. Never would she imagine her ideal man would be a purse snatcher (of sorts).

Nico has his eye on the beautiful sister of the man trying to lure him into investing in his company. She was leaving the café with her brother when a purse thief grabbed at her bag. Nico leaned in to help and got a nose full of her fist, in the scuffle she realized she had struck the wrong man and invited him for drinks. Introducing herself in a different name than he’d known her by he wondered what her game was. Did her brother send her in to spy on him?

Marianna has no idea Nico knows exactly who she is but she sleeps with him all the same. When he kicks her out of his house at the end of a beautiful day she is more confused than ever. She goes back to Australia broken but not beaten until about 2 months later when she fails a test.

Nico doesnÂ’t let anyone in, not into his life, heart or house and yet somehow Marianna got into all 3 quickly. He feels bad for sending her away and when she returns he thinks it is a sign to try and make it work for the sake of parenting anyway. He is a jerk, cold, stubborn and rude but he takes care of what he feels he should without question.

Marianna and Nico struggle through getting to know one another while trying to make their brief relationship look lengthy. Nico does not bend to the give and take relationships take however and fights every step forward Marianna tries to take. In the end she leaves him because he doesnÂ’t trust her. Nico has to make the ultimate choice of what means more to him, Marianna and his future or the past and their mistakes.

I enjoyed the traveling porcelain cat and what it symbolized. I received a copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. While this didn't grab me fully, I still enjoyed the bones of the story. 3 3/4 stars for this read.

Ali A (78 KP) rated Such a Fun Age in Books

Mar 6, 2020  
Such a Fun Age
Such a Fun Age
Kiley Reid | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
While most of her friends have started making big steps in their career paths, Emira works as a part time babysitter for a wealthy (and white) family. She knows she needs a better job, especially since she'll be 26 soon and kicked off her parents' health insurance, but she really enjoys taking care of the Chamberlain's daughter, Briar.

After leaving a night out with her friends to take Briar away from an incident that happened at the Chamberlain's house, Emira is stopped and questioned by security at the high-end grocery store she went to for possibly kidnapping Briar. While someone films, the incident escalates until Emira is able to get Mr. Chamberlain to come to the grocery store to validate who she is. The man who filmed the incident, Kelley, wants to share the video, but Emira doesn't want any part of it.

Preceding the incident, Alix Chamberlain becomes almost obsessed with making sure Emira feels comfortable and welcomed at her job. She wants to have a friendly relationship with her like the rest of the women in her friends group do with their nannies. Then, when a strange connection between Alix and Emira's new boyfriend is discovered, it starts a ball rolling in a chain of events that will change everyone's lives.

All right, I honestly don't know how I feel about this book. Did I like it? - yes... mostly... There is so much that goes on in the book and I read it in less than 24 hours that I'm sure I missed a few things, but the way Kiley Reid writes makes it an easily digestible read. With the simplicity of the writing though, it did take awhile to appreciate the depths Reid took you to. It has issues ranging from race, class, privilege, parenting (a lot of motherhood), and relationships.

The novel is written in third person but jumps between Emira's and Alix's inner voices, and each inner voice is worth really looking into. There were times in the novel that I wanted to reach into the pages and scorn Alix for what she was doing or shake Emira's shoulders and tell her to get it together. It goes back to the depths that Reid is able to write in that this book kind of opens your eyes to finger-pointing and the harm it ends up doing, even years down the line. The novel asks us to look at the actions of the characters, compare ourselves, and try to better our future.
Little Wonders
Little Wonders
Kate Rorick | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quinn Barrett's mantra is about being perfect. But that all crumbles when she's caught on camera at the Little Wonders Preschool Halloween parade screaming at her young son, Hamilton, and destroying his (you guessed it) perfectly-created spaceship costume. As president of the Little Wonders board, a perfect mom, and a designer, Quinn supposedly has it all together. But when fellow Little Wonders mom Daisy McGulch captures her meltdown on her phone and it goes viral, Quinn's perfect life is over. As for Daisy, she's terrified that Quinn (and the other Little Wonders parents) will find out she's responsible for the video. She's having a hard enough time fitting in the posh New England town and Little Wonders world. Daisy, with her tattoos, blue hair, and love of cosplay, isn't exactly like the other moms. But then Daisy and Quinn find themselves thrust together--and soon--maybe even friends. What will happen if Quinn finds out what Daisy did?

"In dark moments, when Quinn Barrett looked back and analyzed what caused the destruction of her entire life, she should have known it would happen at the Little Wonders Preschool Happy Halloween Costume Parade (and Dance Party)"

This book started off incredibly slow for me. Though, in its defense, I was reading it while sick with the flu and not exactly in the reading mood (or in the mood for anything, really). It took me a long time to warm to Quinn and Daisy--they just weren't the type of characters you (well, me) immediately take to. And, really, I'm a tough sell on these "mom" type books. I know these horrible type of parents exist--and these snotty schools--but some of these people and their actions just seemed so over-the-top.

I'm glad I kept reading, though, because eventually Daisy and Quinn grew into full-fledged characters, even if some of the other parents remained crazy caricatures and stereotypes. Daisy is sweet and funny, with her love of pop culture, and Quinn is relatable, with her flaws and desire for perfection. The book captures a lot of the difficult elements of parenting; what parent hasn't felt alone and out of their depth at points?

There are some really humorous moments, and I liked Daisy and Quinn's friendship a lot. Some of the events seemed a bit transparent, but Daisy and Quinn's eventual growth and my need to root for them turned this into a 3.5-star read.