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Robert Englund recommended Funny Face (1957) in Movies (curated)

Funny Face (1957)
Funny Face (1957)
1957 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My fourth favorite movie — I think every top five list has to have an Audrey Hepburn movie in it. Probably the greatest face of the 20th century, if not Sophia Loren and perhaps Monroe. Maybe Ingrid Bergman. But certainly she changed everything for the waif look, and the modern woman, and the non-buxom bosomy girl; and also always played smart. But this movie — I know I sound like a chorus boy here but, Funny Face is just… the choreography, the split-screen work, Kay Thompson, my God. Just try to stare at Audrey Hepburn dancing in her wedding attire and stepping onto a raft into an idyllic French stream with swans floating around. And perfect choreography and synchronization with the camera. And the swooping crane shots and the music. It’s just a wonderful, wonderful film. And smart and funny — and beatniks in Paris, and fashion, and color, and, yeah, I just really love the film. Ahead of it’s time."

Frenched (Frenched, #1)
Frenched (Frenched, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a freebie this was good! I'm always a little wary when I download them no matter how good they sound but I have to admit I was quickly drawn into this one, maybe not straight away but as soon as she stumbled into the sports bar and met Lukas.

The spark of interest from both of them was great and I loved reading them falling for each other. I didn't even mind the abundance of sex because I'd become invested in them as a couple and was just waiting for them to get their HEA.

I enjoyed the journey through Paris and learning some of its history as well, such as the scene in the graveyard with the shared grave of the lovers.

I'd like to read more of this series at some point, including the follow on to this to see hoe Lukas and Mia manage the long distance relationship.
Anna and the French Kiss
Anna and the French Kiss
Stephanie Perkins | 2010 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna is a typical girl,awkward.worried and just normal which is the most refreshing thing to read. I absolutely adore her and St Clair's whole bond, its just heart warming. I found them so real, St Clair is portrayed as someone with feelings rather than something to look at and admire which I love. I think the situations they ended up in felt like something believable not just an "ideal romance"
     Paris is described so beautifully and I love how Stephaine Perkins sets the scene I think she describes it in such a way you can visualize.
                Anna's friends she meets while at school are the kind of friends you would want for yourself, they are down to earth and so real. I love how she has a separate bond with all of them.

        Overall I loved this book, it was a fast and easy read perfect for a weekend read. I enjoyed it from start to finish.
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