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The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Children
8.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Three in the Heroes of Olympus series did not disappoint! I have to admit that out of all Rick Riordan's series this has been my least favorite, but I really enjoyed this installment. It is literally a cliffhanger...if that cliff is hanging over Tartarus & is under a parking lot in Rome that is!
All the characters have matured nicely and I have to say that was a pleasant surprise. Percy & Annabeth's relationship has followed the same line. But despite all the characters in the book, I have to say my favorite is Leo Valdez; the brainiac of the demigods. He was very funny in this book & easy to like. His personality was developed a lot more throughout this story so the reader gets to know him on another level.
As for the plot, a war breaks out between the Greek & Roman camps thanks to some nasty spirits taking over Leo. Despite this, the 7 demigods & Coach Hedge, the satyr, must embark on a mission to unite the 2 camps & prevent Gaea & her giants from destroying the world. Needless to say, it isn't easy & they run amok of quite a few gods & monsters on the way.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Riordan wraps up this series!! I have a sinking feeling that it may be the end of Percy Jackson though...
Teacher’s Threat
Teacher’s Threat
Diane Vallere | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Going Back to School is Murder
Madison Night needs cash to buy inventory to relaunch her decorating business. After the banks keep turning her down, she hopes that getting an MBA will change their minds. The only class she is finding helpful in the program is Radical Business Theory, even after the professor uses her as an example on her first day. However, when the professor is killed in the parking lot, Madison wonders what is going on at her new school. Can she figure out how to relaunch her business while also solving the murder?

This book really is focused on both parts of that question, and new comers to the series will definitely find the mystery slow as a result. As a fan of the series who is invested in Madison’s life, I found the dual focus enjoyable. It certainly helps that we have an ingenious murder method and a surprising yet logical climax. The characters, both new and returning, are great as always. Fans of Doris Day will laugh at the massive Easter Egg in this book, but if you haven’t watched the movies, you’ll be fine since the author uses the scene to advance the plot. If you are a fan of this mystery series, you’ll be happy with this book. If the series sounds fun to you, I recommend you start at the beginning.
Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
285. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. The Cage unleashed!! It starts with two cops, The Cage, and The Iceman inside a flooding prison staring down into a cell with a prisoner inside begging to be let out before he drowns, the cops are taking bets on what time the cell will totally flood and the dude drowns, but The Cage decides to go ahead and save him anyway, screws up his back in the process, becomes a hero, and is promoted to Bad Lieutenant!! Ok, its just lieutenant, but you get the point. Now Lt Cage, is hooked on pain pills, and just about anything else the evidence room may hold, and with Michael Shannon guarding the door, Lt Cage gets what he needs... Now don't get me wrong, Lt Cage has a job to do, and after the brutal murder of an African family, Lt Cage is on the case, and oh yes he will solve the case, even if that involves cutting of the airways of a wheelchair bound senior citizen for info, actually joining in the gang of suspects pulling off jobs, working both sides, and parking in a handicap spot!! An instant Nic Cage classic!! The ending is so, beautiful. A must see for the Cagist. Some greatly genuine Cage moments and Eva Mendes playing the hottest drug addicted prostitute in recent years. And the rest of the cast, wow, they dug deep!! Watch now!! 😍 Filmbufftim on FB
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Charlaine Harris | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
More action (0 more)
Sookie (0 more)
Better than the last!
Contains spoilers, click to show
The vamps have been out for years, and now the weres and shifters have decided to follow the lead of the undead and reveal their existence to the ordinary world. Sookie Stackhouse already knows about them, of course - her brother turns into a panther at the full moon, she's friend to the local were pack, and Sam, her boss at Merlotte's bar, is a shapeshifter.

The great revelation goes well at first - then the horribly mutilated body of a were-panther is found in the parking lot of Merlotte's, and Sookie agrees to use her telepathic talent to track down the murderer. But there is a far greater danger than this killer threatening Bon Temps: a race of unhuman beings, older, more powerful, and far more secretive than the vampires or the werewolves, is preparing for war. And Sookie is an all-too-human pawn in their ages-old battle...

I have struggled with this series lately! Actually I have struggled with Charlaine Harris for a while! But I actually didn't mind this book. It was easier to read than the last few sookie didn't completely annoy the hell out of me. I think her being with Eric makes her less whinny maybe I don't know. I actually shouted out loud poor Sam a few times when will she wake up to him !

I actually got into the story line in this one too poor Jason and poor Crystal even a bitch like her didn't deserve that! Looking forward to hearing more the fairies too!!



Joe Elliott recommended Obsessions by UFO in Music (curated)

Obsessions by UFO
Obsessions by UFO
2008 | Metal, Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I wanted to pick the Pistols or the first Clash record, because they did mean a lot to me, but I’ve had to go with Obsession by UFO, because they were such a huge influence. Def Leppard were on a boating holiday on the Norfolk Broads, and we happened to read a local paper which said that UFO were playing the Ipswich Gaumont, which was a taxi and a bus ride away from where we were parking the boat. We’d yet to play a gig when we saw UFO, and they opened up with three brand new songs, which was very brave: Hot And Ready, Cherry, and (I think) Only You Can Rock Me. And then they went on to do more familiar material, and we were just gobsmacked. The dynamic on stage between Pete Way’s lunacy and Phil Mogg’s attention-grabbing stance in the middle, and then the mad German on the right with his bucket boots and Flying V. It was insanely brilliant. Steve Clarke turned around to me and said, “Right. That’s it. I’m leaving if we don’t start playing shows.” Because all we’d done was rehearse for nine months to try and become relatively good at what we did. That show — and that album — were a massive influence on us, because we were listening to the album all the way through the boating holiday. UFO were and still remain a major influence on us for all sorts of reasons. They were very British, and they had a sense of humour So with the greatest of respect to Never Mind The Bollocks and the first Clash album, I’m going with that one."

Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Beautiful visuals (1 more)
Good acting
If this happened for real, you'd never make it. (1 more)
More questions than answers in the end
If you take off your blindfold you will die.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Welcome to the apocalypse bitches! Whatever this asshole is it takes over your brain and makes you off yourself. I love the idea, I love the concept. There's no way you'd achieve half the stuff they manage but lets just suspend belief for a minute because it was a good film. I like how they told the story by starting at the trip and going back to the beginning until they catch you up, it keeps the story interesting and appropriately paced. Though I enjoyed it, it does leave more questions than answers. Here's just a few that bothered me;

Why don't they come inside? Do the age old vampire rules apply, I wonder.

There is no way they could have driven blind from the house to the supermarket using just GPS and parking sensors. (Not really a question, it just annoyed me)

How were the birds in the supermarket still alive? (It's clearly been weeks since someone was there) And also on this note, Why were they there? Supermarkets don't sell birds...

Where did the girl and the blond guy go? They stole the car but you never see them again - wth happened there? Are they alive, dead? What?

How did she not run into the side of the river every five minutes? She's blindfolded and has never been there before. Have you ever tried to walk from your bedroom to the bathroom in the middle of the night? It ain't easy even when you know the place.

Why is there a blind school in the middle of nowhere? It feels end of the world cultish...

A good movie, but there are many questions that never get answers that left it a little confusing. Probably would watch it again just to see if I missed anything.

Lesley (60 KP) rated Lies in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
T.M. Logan | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This thriller had my heart racing, and surprised me at every turn!
I received an ARC of this novel in the mail, I was so excited! As much as I love a digital ARC, holding a real book in my hands pre-publication was next level. I was delighted. Anyhow...SOFT spoilers ahead. Not worth marking as spoilers but just a warning if you'd like to go in completely blind.

What a fun read! I was hooked within the first few pages. The premise seems so simple - Joe is driving in London traffic when his son, in the backseat, spots mommy's car across the road. They decide to surprise her and Joe sees her with another man...her best friends husband, Ben. Sounds so predictable, right? Joe decides to confront the man, since he already knows him after all, and he doesn't want to believe his wife would be unfaithful. We all want to hear the simple explanation that clears up what we genuinely hope is a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this particular conversation becomes a physical altercation when Ben becomes aggressive, and he ends up unconscious and bleeding on the ground in the parking structure. Joe's son begins to have an asthma attack, so he leaves him there. From there - the book gets really good. What happened to Ben? Wherever he ended up, he decides that the battle against Joe has begun. As Joe slowly finds himself the main suspect in a murder investigation, even without a body, the lies of his life begin to unravel all around him. You're so busy engrossed in figuring out the mystery that you miss the obvious truth right in front of you - much like Joe. The twist blindsided me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the clever way it was written and the way it tricks and leads your mind as you read. Thank you MacMillan Publishers and St. Martins Press! I am loaning it to friends and family next to spread the word!

AyL (16 KP) rated Evil Genius in TV

Jan 7, 2019  
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
2018 | Documentary
7.5 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
An explosive documentary and must-watch for true crime lovers
A man casually walks into a bank, with a bomb strapped to his neck and demands money. He gets caught on the parking lot after leaving the bank but he never makes it into a police car. 44 minutes after the first 911 call about the robbery and the bomb, the device around the mans neck detonates and kills him, all documented by CCTV and the Police. The man is Brian Wells, a pizza delivery man from this area. The documentary investigates the events around the murder of Brian Wells in Pennsylvania in 2003, which also became known as the „Pizza-Bomber“ Case.

If you are looking for a casual show to watch while playing candy crush on your phone, this is not the documentary for you, because things become complicated quick, with loads of suspects, different crime scenes and a lot of different stories that are told.
To really enjoy this documentary, you have to give it your full focus so you catch all the minute details. It’s like working the crime scene yourself. The documentary is not for the faint hearted. It shows the original CCTV footage of Brian Wells death!

The documentary includes interviews with people that worked on the cases, suspects and the family and friend of Brian Wells, which gives it a personal touch and makes it very attractive and fascinating to watch. It creates new questions in the viewers mind: Was Brian victim or perpetrator? Was the detonation an accident, murder or even suicide? And who is Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and what does this woman have to do with all of this?

Trey Borzillieri, director and narrator of the documentary, shows his quite intense research for this documentary which ended in a deeper relationship with one of the suspects.

Evil genius is fascinating to watch, it grabs you and takes you through all Episodes, leaving you wanting more. A must watch for true crime lovers!
Angel (Angel, #1)
Angel (Angel, #1)
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow start (0 more)
I finally finished it!

This begins with Alex out on an angel kill, introducing us to what he does in life and the danger angels pose to the public. Then we meet Willow as she fixes a car in the school parking lot before a popular girl from school asks her to do a psychic reading on her and Willow reluctantly agrees. What she sees freaks her out and starts a train of events that cause her to be hunted down by every angel and member of the Church of Angels in America. Luckily she runs into Alex and together they go on a journey across the country to try and find out more about Willow's past and how to stop the angels forever.

I didn't buy this that long ago and got it cheap off a second hand site. I thought with it being a YA Paranormal book that I'd get sucked right into it but I didn't (I started it last November). It took over 100 pages for something exciting to happen and a little longer before it really got going and then I was sucked in enough to read about 50 pages at a time. It did turn into a quick read after that and I'd finished the book within three days but I wasn't really interested in the story, I just wanted to finish it.

I liked how the angels were bad in this, that is definitely new to me. They're normally the good guys come to save the world and the people who live on it, not the bad guys who are feeding off humans to survive.

I can't say I was fond of either main character and I felt their love for each other came out of nowhere. This book just didn't gel with me at all and I won't be continuing the series.

Kenneth Lonergan recommended Dark Waters (2019) in Movies (curated)

Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama

"A lot of Todd Haynes’ “Dark Waters” is shot from a distance. Lots of squared-off rectangular compositions, lots of corners and windows, lots of flat tracking shots. The colors are muted, greenish-gray and black. In contrast to the imagery of other films in the good old American David vs. Goliath tradition, Todd sets his hero’s very human struggle with the giant corporation DuPont in a visual framework that always looks a lot more corporate than human. It’s a really interesting choice. The handheld camera-work and bleached deserts of “Erin Brockovich” are as far away as the lighted ceiling squares and shadowy parking garages of “All The President’s Men” — the two most-famous exemplars of this genre. Instead, “Dark Waters” looks expensive, angular, and soft-edged. Even the interpolated closeups of Mark Ruffalo as he uncovers one terrible secret after another never break or mottle the movie’s palette. If it’s not stretching the point, “Dark Waters” looks a bit like it was shot on, well, Teflon. It’s a chilly, chilling approach to a drawn-out, turbulent, often soul-crushing struggle. But it makes perfect sense, considering the size and character of the corporate culture Mark’s Robert Bilott both works in and pits himself again. He’s not building a lawsuit house by house from behind the wheel of a pickup truck; he’s a corporate lawyer pursuing a huge corporation from expensive corporate offices. And whenever the movie does linger over the human costs he’s trying to redress, the effect is as gruesome as a mutilated body on a slab in a very clean morgue. These choices are a stark reminder that ultimately, even Bilott’s spectacular, hard-won legal victory is a drop in DuPont’s bucket. And it speaks to the pervasive character of the problem (not to mention the chemicals in our drinking water) that even when the good guys gain some ground, the world Todd captures in this movie is one of cold grays, smooth edges and gleaming surfaces to which nothing ever sticks. Not yet, anyway."
