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Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac Arrest
Lisa Q. Mathews | 2015 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Arresting Series Debut
When Milano, Florida, cardiologist Dr. Anthony Amoretto, aka Dr. A, dies in his office one morning, it brings Summer Smythe and Dorothy Westin together. Summer is a twenty-something working her first day for Dr. A, and she becomes the prime suspect since she handed him his morning shake. Meanwhile, Dorothy is a woman of a certain age who was Dr. A’s first appointment. The unlikely friends set out to find out what happened to Dr. A to clear Summer’s name. What will they uncover?

This book was a delight from start to finish. Dorothy and Summer are true partners, even acting as our third person point of view characters at various times, and both uncovering key pieces of the puzzle. Dr. A had plenty of secrets, and I had no clue where things were going until we reached the logical end. A few of the characters are a bit over the top, but they work for the comedic tone of the book. Summer would annoy me at times, but then she’s show a hidden depth that would make me rethink her. I hope she matures as the series progresses. Dorothy, on the other hand, was a pure delight. I can’t wait to visit this duo again.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"My first memory was being in the movie theater — the strongest one up to this date, 60 or 48 years later. I still remember the shock of being transported into another dimension. Also, going through the gate of light like if I’d taken a huge dose of acid, like discovering other dimensions. But when you discover dimensions in a safe context as a movie theater, it looks even better. When I came out from that movie, I felt someone had injected me with something in the brain. I was obsessed with going to see the end of 2001. I liked the ape scenes, I like the beginning, but I just wanted to go again and again to see the movie, to go through the Stargate. And I’m happy, I met lately Douglas Trumbull [who did the visual effects on 2001], and we discussed Love, and he’s seen Enter the Void. For me, Douglas Trumbull was one of the very best partners in crime in this masterpiece, and just meeting him for me was just like discovering what was happening behind the curtain of the movie. This is the guy who like opened my mind when I was six years old."

Kiss and ’Telle?
Kiss and ’Telle?
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has so many uplifting and funny moments!

I enjoyed this short story about Chantelle and Dennis, the characters were described quickly but enough that you felt engaged with the characters. I enjoyed their banter back and forth with each other, and I liked what Chantelle said:

 “I figure, if folks could spend less time just waiting for love and more time finding ways to give love, it would help”- Chapter 3.

That is one of the underlying themes in this book that I think needs to be broadcasted far and wide. Others include the younger generation needing to step up and show the world what they do and leaning on God for our ups, and downs in life. Chantelle and Dennis have so much laughter together and they learn about each other over time the way good friends and life-long partners do.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the creativity in creating a great story in a short story, for the inspirational quotes throughout this book (I had a hard time choosing just one to include!), and for the message of speaking up and not being afraid.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Lamplighters
The Lamplighters
Emma Stonex | 2021 | Contemporary, Horror, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lamplighters is a locked room (lighthouse!) mystery, which had me gripped up to the last page. How could three men go missing from a tower lighthouse, with no way off back to land. There’s no boat, no-one visited them - and what’s more, the lighthouse is locked from the inside when the investigation team arrive.

This is a mystery that affects their wives and partners even 20 years later. A writer contacts the three women and asks them to cooperate with him as he writes a book about the mystery. It seems that all three women held back secrets during the original investigation - but will the uncovering of these secrets make any difference?

The Lamplighters is told in flashbacks, alternating between the present day with the women, and the lead up to the disappearance with the men in the lighthouse. The lighthouse chapters in particular are seriously atmospheric, threatening, even. I had so many ideas as to what could have happened, my opinion changing constantly as more information was revealed. I didn’t guess the actual ending though, even after I’d described the basic storyline of the book to my husband, and he got it in one (note to self: do not discuss mystery books with the husband, AKA “Dr” Poirot…)

Highly recommended.
End of Watch (2012)
End of Watch (2012)
2012 | Drama
8.7 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director/Writer David Ayer (Street Kings, Training day) once again takes us into the world of the Los Angeles police department in the new movie End of Watch. Only this time rather than go in the corrupt police officer direction he has gone before, Ayer instead takes audiences on a honest and somewhat realistic emotionally charged ride along with two young and confident LAPD patrolmen.

While the story in this film is as simple as two cops over reaching their pay grades causing them to get on a drug cartels hit list. The film is more like an unrated extended episode of the TV series Cops, focusing on the everyday encounters of our heroes as they patrol south central LA. These encounters range from calls for lost children, domestic disturbance, and noise violations, albeit a bit exaggerated in these and several other incidents. Still the various types of encounters cause the film to feel like a true ride along into the lives of these LAPD cops. Additionally the use of the handheld “found footage” film style works surprisingly well at giving the movie that TV episodic style that makes the overall experience feel realistic. That being said, there are a few scenes where it is not clear who is holding the camera or where the shot is coming from, however these scenes are barely noticeable because of the excellent performances by our protagonists that keeps our interest on what they are saying and doing on screen rather than who is holding the camera.

Officer Bryan Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal, Source Code) is our main protagonist of this movie. The ex-marine turned cop has to take an art elective in his pre-law studies and decides to take a documentary film class and take us on the inside of the LAPD. Gyllenhaal ‘s performance embodies Taylor as the good natured ambitious officer wanting more in his life of relationships and career. It would be easy for this character to be the traditional good cop in movies like this however given the found footage film style we instead find that Taylor, while good, can also be a complete “jerk” cop who is quick to anger and use brutish force when he deems necessary. This only helps solidify the rawness and reality of this film which pays a nod to the difficult nature of this job for real life police officers. Gyllenhaal gives yet another outstanding performance in his career causing us to grow attached to his character and respect him.

In addition Michel Pena (Crash) delivers a fantastic performance as Taylor’s partner and best friend Officer Mike Zavala. Pena embodies the other side to Gyllenhaal’s “jerk” cop by with his own good natured, simple man who is quick to become a bull when pushed. No more is this better shown in a scene where Zavala and a gang member get into a war of words and caused Zavala to drop his gun and badge and fight man to man to settle their dispute in the “street” way. Thus earning respect from that particular gang member.

Together Gyllenhaal and Pena share the screen wonderfully. Their relationship seems effortless and natural as if they were actually partners and best friends. You can tell they are having fun on set working together and it shows in their performance together as they really get a sense that they are more than partners and friends but are in fact, brothers. Their relationship and characters are only developed further as we watch Taylor pursue a deeper intellectual relationship with scientist Janet (Anna Kendrick, Up In The Air) and Zavala through the birth of his first born from wife Gabby (Natalie Martinez, Death Race). Kendrick and Martinez give believable performances as love interests to our heroes that show us a more human and softer side of these testosterone filled officers who will do whatever it takes to uphold the law. Throw in a strong supporting cast of other police officers led by Frank Grillo (Warrior) who plays the LAPD’s sergeant and you have a performance where we not only care about our heroes but we see the brotherhood of the police force in general.

One thing that I was not expecting from the film is the amount of moments where the audience literally laughed out loud. That is not to say that this is a comedy, in fact it is far from it. But the quick witted jokes and verbal jabs by our onscreen partners help alleviate some of the heavy emotional scenes of the movie. I felt that these characters used that good natured humor to keep themselves from going off of the deep end in handling all of the gruesome encounters they witness. These well placed laughs helped the audience deal with these gruesome scenes as well and helped strengthen our bond with these brothers.

All in all, this movie is a buddy cop film on steroids. While there is not much of a traditional story arch, this helps develop the realistic feel more like an unrated extended episode of Cops. That being said Gyllenhaal and Pena deliver a fantastic performance together. They have a real connection that makes you believe they have been partners for years and consider each other brothers. Add in a solid ensemble cast and the overall experience is worth the price of admission. However those who grow motion sick from found footage films may want to stay clear as there is a definite lack of steady cam
The Rental (2020)
The Rental (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Business startup partners Charlie (Dan Stevens) and Mina (Sheila Vand) are celebrating the success of their company by looking at Airbnb rentals for a weekend getaway. As Mina casually rests on Charlie, looking over his shoulder at the amazing, but expensive house they’re thinking of renting, you get the impression they are a couple. That is, until Charlie’s brother Josh (Jeremy Allen White) walks in, and we learn that it is Josh and Mina who are together. And that the weekend trip is to include Charlie’s wife Michelle (Alison Brie).

Some obstacles to a perfect weekend arise before the foursome even make it to their rented house. Josh has decided to bring along his dog, Reggie, a violation of the homeowners no-pets rule, and Mina is concerned that the homeowner may be racist. She had tried to book the exact same house just an hour before Charlie did but was turned down, and she believes her Middle-Eastern name (her surname is Mohammadi) was the reason.

They arrive at the idyllic house, set out in the woods and right by the ocean, where they are greeted by the caretaker, and brother of the homeowner, Taylor (Toby Huss). He’s not exactly a welcoming barrel of laughs though – unhappy at the group for arriving an hour late and definitely giving off some racist vibes towards Mina which only add fuel to the concerns she’d raised in the car earlier.

With Taylor gone, the couples begin to settle into their weekend break with some music, drink and drugs. When Josh and Michelle decide to get an early night in preparation for a planned hike the next day, business partners Charlie and Mina decide to go and try out the hottub. And, well, I’m sure you can figure out how much of a mistake that turns out to be. To top it all off, somebody seems to be watching the group from afar…

The Rental is the directorial debut of actor Dave Franco. It’s a horror movie, but spends half of its 88 minute runtime with very little happening at all. If it wasn’t for the foreboding music, and the occasional hint at some sort of stalker, you’d think this was just a drama about two couples getting themselves into a whole heap of trouble in a strangers house.

When things do begin to shift, some potentially interesting twists and plot setups quickly fall by the wayside, as The Rental slips into being just a very generic slasher movie with nothing we haven’t seen before. I suddenly realised just how interesting that first half was in comparison and what a waste of a great cast it was.
Chalice (Planetary Submissives #1)
Chalice (Planetary Submissives #1)
Amber Kell | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a perfect coffee break book that dabbles with BDSM but doesn't go into too much detail, whilst it is put in a science fiction backdrop.

Chalice is a four-elemental mage but his magic is out of control. In a world where magic users are paired off into dominant and submissive roles, it is usually the strong magic user who is dominant, except in this case. Chalice is a submissive and isn't getting the support he needs at home. This means that he is increasing the risk of his magic being completely out of control, followed by disaster. He decides to strike out on his own and find himself a Master. He finds Terrin - a Master that goes through submissives like water through a sieve. He is intrigued by Chalice though, and is determined to make him his own. These two are more like Partners than D/s, but still, it is a quick, fun and steamy read.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novella, complete with the quick world and character-building. I am hoping for more from this series. Smoothly paced and with a hint of things to come, definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 5, 2015

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated Murder in an English Glade in Books

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Oct 29, 2021)  
Murder in an English Glade
Murder in an English Glade
Jessica Ellicott | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fake Investigation Leads to Real Murder
Edwina Davenport and Beryl Helliwell don’t know quite what to make of it when they are hired to conduct a fake investigation. Constance Maitland wants them to pretend to investigate her sister-in-law so her cousin will shut up about the affair she is sure the sister-in-law is having. The Maitlands are hosting an artist colony, providing the perfect cover for Edwina and Beryl to slip in and observe. But they’ve only been there a few hours when a dead body turns up. Is their fake investigation involved?

It is always a pleasure to revisit these friends and business partners during the early 1920’s. Edwina and Beryl are very different and come from different backgrounds, but they complement each other so well, and I love seeing the growth in their characters. The suspects are just as strong. We don’t quite see as much of the other series regulars, but I did enjoy the scenes they got. The plot is strong with plenty to keep us engaged. I did feel the ending was a bit rushed, and one aspect wasn’t completely resolved. As always, there’s gentle humor throughout the book that makes it just that much more delightful. This book will please fans of the series. If that isn’t you yet, you should fix that today.
Legends & Lattes (book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
100 of 235
Legends & Lattes ( Book 1)
By Travis Baldree

The much-beloved BookTok sensation, Travis Baldree's novel of high fantasy and low stakes.

*This new edition includes a very special, never-before-seen bonus story, 'Pages to Fill.'*

After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her sword for the last time.

The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals stand in the way of success — not to mention the fact that no one has the faintest idea what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she won't be able to go it alone.

But the true rewards of the uncharted path are the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancient magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed.

I was nervous starting this as I’d seen so much hype about it. It really didn’t disappoint I loved it!! Lighthearted, sweet and just what you need to make you smile. Definitely worth it even if your not a fantasy fan I can see it still being an entertaining read. Loved it!
Our Dark Duet
Our Dark Duet
V.E. Schwab | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Sequel !
***Possible spoilers below. You’ve been warned***

The plot was off to a pretty slow start in this one. Before I start, I’d have to recommend you read This Savage Song before going to this book. You would need the foundation that was set up in This Savage Song to really benefit and enjoy reading Our Dark Duet.

As mentioned before, the plot was off to a slow start. Kate and August are on both different ends of the spectrum but have changed drastically. They’ve definitely ‘grown up’ so to speak. Kate becomes monster hunter extraordinaire. August leads his own squad in the FTF. Kate’s part of the story was definitely more interesting. Despite trying hard not to warm up to people she manages to have her small group of friends (but of course, shuns them anyway despite one of them trying to reach out to her numerous times). I love this quality in Kate. It makes her so much more realistic and puts her way from the group of those ‘stone cold butt kickers that apparently have no soul’.

That being said about Kate. Oh. Lord. That ending. Kate dying with August nearby got my stomach into knots and twists. I can’t believe it. It was beautifully written though and a suitable ending for her. Kate was pretty much a pariah and a lone wolf. August was one of the few that was able to get to know Kate at a more deeper level. It was only fitting that she meets her end with that one person by her side. Beautifully done.

I didn’t really think the romance scene between Kate and August was necessary. It was a minor filler that didn’t need to be added. I never saw August and Kate that way. They were too different and didn’t have that nice ongoing chemistry together. Fighting partners, yes. Partners in love? No I don’t think so.

So more about characters dying. Am I the only one that felt a punch to the gut when Ilsa died? Ilsa was a character I really loved in these two books. She went down in a blaze of glory though (albeit, a shocked blaze of glory.)

You have to admit, Sloan is one of the better villains I have read in a long while. I like him teaming up with Alice even though villains they are, they are looking out for themselves. He’s creepy, malicious, calculating, and cunning. He’s a perfect villain.

The last half of the book, which was filled with action, blood, explosions and all the good stuff set the pace for the great ending to a wonderfully written duology. I know fans out there are asking for more, as it’s not the end of the adventures for August and Soro. For me, it’s just enough and it’s a perfect ending. Well done Ms Schwab! Now I’m off to read your other works!