Girls Will be Girls: Dressing Up, Playing Parts and Daring to Act Differently
Being a woman is, largely, about performance - how we dress and modify our bodies, what we say, the...

The Origin of Mass: Elementary Particles and Fundamental Symmetries
The discovery of a new elementary particle at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in 2012 made...

The Particle at the End of the Universe: The Hunt for the Higgs and the Discovery of a New World
Winner of the 2013 Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books It was the universe's most elusive...

The World Made Meme: Public Conversations and Participatory Media
Internet memes -- digital snippets that can make a joke, make a point, or make a connection -- are...
Literature, Gender and the Trauma of Partition: The Paradox of Independence
Partition occurring simultaneously with British decolonization of the Indian subcontinent led to the...

Shake. Stir. Sip.: More Than 50 Effortless Cocktails Made in Equal Parts
Some of the best cocktails are the easiest to make, and author Kara Newman figured out the...