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Background Music by American Nightmare/Give Up The Ghost
Background Music by American Nightmare/Give Up The Ghost
2001 | Punk
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This record is incredibly passionate, and it's got incredible lyrics. I've since become friends with Wes [Eisold, frontman] and he's a great guy, a great writer and musician, but this record just holds so much weight in my youth, at a time when I was quite lost and hardcore really picked me up. They were emerging at that time and they're from Boston, which just seemed violent to me, and I needed that violence in my life. I stage dove to American Nightmare in Camden Underworld in 2003 and dislocated my arm, and when I saw them play it was something hard to ignore. They looked like mods, like they should have lived in Brighton in the 70s. It was so weird to see a dude in skinny jeans, DMs, and a Fred Perry shirt but screaming his guts out in North London, surrounded by kids in black hoodies, it was bizarre. I still have it in my workout playlist now and that's a good 15 years on. When I hear the song 'AM/PM' it makes me want to stage dive again, and I love that it can make me feel like that so late in the day."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 4, 2021  
Come read an excerpt from CLAIMED, a paranormal romance, by J.R. Ward on my blog, and enter the #giveaway to #win a print copy of the book!

Lydia Susi is passionate about protecting wolves in their natural habitat. When a hotel chain develops a tract of land next to the preserve, Lydia is one of the most vocal opponents of the project—and becomes a target.

One night, a shadowy figure threatens Lydia’s life in the forest, and a new hire at the Wolf Study Project comes from out of nowhere to save her. Daniel Joseph is both mysterious, and someone she intrinsically wants to trust. But is he hiding something?

As the stakes get higher, and one of Lydia’s colleagues is murdered, she must decide how far she will go to protect the wolves. Then a shocking revelation about Daniel challenges Lydia’s reality in ways she could never have predicted. Some fates demand courage, while others require even more, with no guarantees. Is she destined to have true love...or will a soul-shattering loss ruin her forever?

Colin Hanks recommended Funky Monks (1991) in Movies (curated)

Funky Monks (1991)
Funky Monks (1991)
1991 | Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The last film I’m going to list is a documentary about Red Hot Chili Peppers recording Blood Sugar Sex Magik that was called Funky Monks. It’s about an hour long, it’s shot in black and white, and it’s about them recording Blood Sugar Sex Magik in this house in Beverly Hills. Blood Sugar Sex Magik was arguably the most important album of my young adult life. It sort of put me on my musical path. I guess now, looking back on it, it’s not at all ironic that Funky Monks was the first documentary that I ever watched. It sort of set me on a documentary path, where it wasn’t just narrative movies that interested me, but also real-life stories told in documentary form were now available to me. It greatly influenced me, not only in the Tower Records documentary, but also in all the documentary work that I’ve done. It is, I find, an incredibly engaging film about a subject that I am very passionate about, which is that particular record, and that particular time, not only for that band, but for music in general."

Seeking Justice (Justice book 1)
Rivi Jacks | 2022
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

81 of 230
Seeking Justice ( Justice book 1)
By Rivi Jacks

Young investigative reporter, Cait Shaw, is not happy about her new assignment; investigating what she deems to be a “seedy” part of Chicago’s more questionable businesses. But her editor seems to have a personal vendetta against the elusive Mr. Justice, leaving Cait with little say in the matter.
Cait is especially shocked and conflicted by her attraction to the irresistible charms of Liam Justice. Liam is like no man she has ever known and she is totally captivated and unprepared for the sinfully erotic, passionate affair they enter into.
As her world is turned upside down, Cait must cope with her growing affection for Liam and his shadowed past.

It’s exactly as you expect it to be! Young inexperienced woman meets a rich dominate man and there lots of spice! It was ok left on a bit of a cliffhanger which is annoy but it’s good enough to want to read the rest! Also Liam is a bit of an ass!
Amidst the flames of the Reformation, the bonds of love become an overpowering force.

The year is 1523, Martin Luther's teaching have slipped into the abbey were Sister Katharina von Bora resides. His words are powerful and awakens the desire for marriage and a family in Katharina. She leads a handful of nuns in an escape from the abbey, to forsake their vows and follow Doctor Luther. Danger follows the sisters and Abbott Baltazar will stop at nothing to see the nuns returned and punished for their sinful ways. Doctor Luther protects the sisters and finds them husbands and homes to begin a new life. All the while steadfast in his vow to remain single. Katharina and Martin are as opposite as can be, yet they are drawn together despite the never ending tension. Little does he know that the fiery sister who led these brave nuns to freedom would steal his heart. Katharina is of noble birth however, and longs to return to her social class and regal way of life. Will she be able to put aside her stubborn desires for true love? Will Doctor Luther be able to forsake his vow of isolation? When life is at its darkest, love triumphs through it all.

I will begin by saying that I can not believe the historical accuracy of this book. I was eager to read the author's note and was surprised to find that most of the events highlighted actually happened! I was shocked to learn about the workings of the church of the time. And understand a little better why Martin Luther was so passionate about the Reformation. Luther and Katharina is a story of true and passionate love (details are heated but remain tasteful as in all of Jody's books). My interest has been piqued to learn more about this time period. Doctor Luther and Katharina are two people to be admired and honored. In the face of adversity they lived by their convictions and I believe the world is a better place because of them. This is a work of fiction and creative liberties were taken, but the overall story remains true to history. Jody Hedlund earned my complete admiration a long time ago, and she continues to deliver incredible books! Order pizza for the family and take a break from the housework, this one will have you reading late into the night.

I received a free Advanced Reading Copy of Luther and Katharina from Blogging for Books in exchange form my honest review. Published by Waterbrook Press.
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Monique X | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, fast and interesting read. (2 more)
Fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries.
Intense and emotional
Nothing. (0 more)
Very Steamy!
Sugar was beckoning at me to be read, initially by the eye-catching and attractive cover and that it looked like it would be a very steamy read, as indeed it was. I was definitely not disappointed! I was smitten from the very first, right until the last page.

Monique is a loving single mother, who is trying to create a happy home for her two daughters and she's also a Sugar Babe, dating wealthy men, a practice known as Sugar Daddy dating. She mostly meets her Sugar Daddies during the day, when the children are at school or when they are with their father. Monique finds a thousand pounds in her purse after one night of passionate and very hot sex, and she realises that Sugar Daddy dating could be her way to survive as a single mother.

A heady life of wealthy men, luxury hotels and glamorous experiences ensue. One of my favourites was Iranian engineer Farshad, who liked to lavish Monique with gifts such as expensive jewellery and leather boots and wine and dine her in exotic restaurants.

Dates with Sugar Daddies see her flying to Paris, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong and skydiving in Dubai. Thanks to her Sugar Daddies, Monique can provide for her children, she has some independence, and experiences a whole new range of sexual fantasies.
She deactivates her account with her agency, Seeking Arrangement, and her ex-husband stops paying for the children's' upkeep. She is then prepared to do anything for the sake of her children. Money becomes her top priority and she starts living in the dangerous waters of the escort world. Now she realises that she must find a way out before this hollow existence becomes a habit.
I absolutely loved reading Sugar. Maybe it was the novelty of reading a book told as memoirs and based on true events. It was fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries and about the different nationalities, cultures and personalities of the gentlemen she dated. However, she ends up working as an escort rather than a Sugar Babe, as it's all about basic survival instincts, money and very spicy sex.
Sugar is steamy and hot, passionate and caring, intense and emotional and there are definitely moments where you will laugh. It is such a fun, fast and interesting read.

Monique X is a brilliant storyteller and really draws you in with her descriptiveness.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thistle Publishing for my ARC.

Tammy (5 KP) rated The Husband's Secret in Books

Aug 16, 2018 (Updated Aug 16, 2018)  
The Husband's Secret
The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female characters that are easily relatable in one way or another. I couldn't put this book down and when I did, I found myself thinking about it and unable to concentrate on anything else. (0 more)
Gritty, gripping with a perfect plot
I've read big little lies and knew how Liane Moriarty liked to base the plot around a number of strong female characters that captivate and draw you fully into the story. 'My husband's secret' was no different! This book kept me hooked from start to finish, I literally couldn't put it down at times and spent a couple of nights without much sleep as I kept saying 'one more chapter'. It took me three days to read this spell bounding novel. When I had to function in the real world, I found that I was thinking about what could possibly happen next in the book. I'm not going to give anything Away with 'spoilers' but let's just say that if you like a dark and gritty book full of twists and turns, strong relatable characters with passionate backgrounds, then this is the book for you. I've just started 'truly, madly, guilty' written by Liane Moriarty and I'm hoping it's going to be just as good. I have found a new great author!
The Get Down  - Season 1
The Get Down - Season 1
2015 | Drama
The Get Down is ill, straight dope to the max,
It's on point like a needle to the wax.
It's as if Shakspeare grew up in the Bronx,
And was spittin' rhymes deeper than ancient monks.
Mylene's looks would make the Devil sigh,
And her voice would make an angel cry.
Not since Romeo and Juliet have I seen a more passionate fling,
Ezekial loves Mylene like Mylene loves to sing.
Flash, he's the Grand Master,
When it comes to spinning vinyl no one does it faster.
Kung Fu Master Chu met his defeat,
At the hand of Shaolin Fantastic's killer beats.
While the Fantastic Four Plus One be makin' the heat,
Big Annie is the one running the streets.
Tearin' up the dance floors is a man they call Cadillac,
Bustin' moves and bustin' caps, so ya better watch your back.
Like a Bruce Lee karate chop this show is a hit,
Hip to the hop don't want it to stop, for this here is the good good shit.
Turntables spinning circles like piegons in the sky,
It's my new religion and I'm praising it on high.
Like a purple crayon that is full of possibilities,
The Get Down is my new favorite show that you just gotta see.
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
1988 | Classics, Documentary, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As someone who’s really passionate about what he does, I have a lot of opinions about documentary films. A lot of documentary filmmakers don’t really think about their films cinematically, and some documentaries almost seem like they were just copy-and-pasted like Microsoft Word documents. I’ve always loved how Errol Morris takes a wrecking ball to those conventions. His films are constantly exploring the idea of what a documentary is. His films tweak and twist reality, and they don’t just try to serve the audience digested ideas on a platter. If I had to pick a favorite, it’s his transcendent 1988 classic The Thin Blue Line, which recounts a murder case and then riffs and re-riffs on it like a Bach fugue. It was the first film to really use re-creation and reeneactment scenes in a new and highly cinematic way, both to explore a case and to challenge a viewer’s own bias and subjectivity. Nowadays, its approach and editing style loom over every one of these multipart true crime series and podcasts. The Thin Blue Line is almost like the influential band that’s been ripped off so often that new converts may not realize just how significant it is."


Steve Vai recommended Alien by Strapping Young Lad in Music (curated)

Alien by Strapping Young Lad
Alien by Strapping Young Lad
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I found Devin when he was around seventeen years old and I needed a singer for my band. So when I heard tapes of him singing I thought there was really something there but the music he was playing was bizarre; it was really heavy and industrial and I thought, “It’s really good but I’m not supposed to like this because I like this…” But when he was working with me the poor guy was stuck under my thumb because my music is not a democracy, it’s a dictatorship. I want things a certain way. Devin wasn’t writing at that time but when he went off and did his own thing and when he did… I’m going to use the ‘G’ word here… I think he’s a genius, I really do. He’s so passionate, so intense and – at times – so tormented, but there’s this redeeming quality of deep, deep beauty about everything he does. I think that in the future when people evolve, if they go back and actually listen to musicians of the past, when it comes to metal, he should be number one. There’s stuff in his catalogue that nobody else would have the balls to venture into."
