Pathology: A Modern Case Study
A unique case-based molecular approach to understanding pathology Pathology: A Modern Case Study is...

The Marketing Pathfinder: Key Concepts and Cases for Marketing Strategy and Decision Making
David Stewart and Michael Saren
Dozens of lively international case studies that help readers put core marketing principles in a...

A Casebook of Psychotherapy Practice with Challenging Patients: A Modern Kleinian Approach
Most contemporary psychoanalysts and psychotherapists see each patient once or twice a week at most....

Transition Pathways Towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe
Lee-Ann Sutherland, Ika Darnhofer, Geoff A. Wilson and Lukas Zagata
Based on the research of an interdisciplinary team of sociologists, geographers and economists, this...

Pathways into Information Literacy and Communities of Practice: Teaching Approaches and Case Studies
Pathways into Information Literacy and Communities of Practice: Teaching Approaches and Case Studies...