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Remaking Black Power: How Black Women Transformed an Era
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The Commons and Lords: A Short Anthropology of Parliament
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Development and Gender Capital in India: Change, Continuity and Conflict in Kerala
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Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1964
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Gender, Poverty and Livelihood in the Eastern Himalayas
Sanjoy Hazarika and Reshmi Banerjee
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Awix (3310 KP) rated Enola Holmes (2020) in Movies
Sep 24, 2020
Doesn't really bear much resemblance to the original canon, nor to the realities of Victorian London or much else, really: there isn't a great deal of detecting going on, but there is a lot of earnest messaging about finding your own path and giving the patriarchy a good kicking. Has clearly had some money spent on it; Brown has a certain presence and Cavill, while arguably miscast, is less problematic than you might expect. For a film which appears to be aimed at a fairly young audience there are some moments of surprisingly nasty violence, but on the whole it's fairly inoffensive. I imagine members of the target audience will probably enjoy it a lot more than me; I think I'll be sticking with Young Sherlock Holmes when I'm in the mood for this sort of thing.