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Nicholas Sparks recommended Ghost (1990) in Movies (curated)

Ghost (1990)
Ghost (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery

"Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. [This movie] came out the same year as Pretty Woman, but this was a film that worked on so many levels — it wonderfully incorporated humor and the supernatural, and was a love story in which, even though the lead character dies, he just can’t leave the woman that he loves. And they put in the mystery, too. It’s such a unique package, I don’t think that it’s ever been done before."

Ghost (1990)
Ghost (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
young couple sam & molly are in the middle of starting their lives together in their new home, when they are attacked one night resulting in Sam's death.
After sam refuses to move on, now having unfinished business, he begins Looking for answers. In need of help, sam meets a spiritualist fraud who terrifyingly (yet hilariously) discovers she has the gift.

This romantic/comedy/thriller manages to perfectly mix the dark and light tones of the movie, with edge of your seat, heart pounding moments.

Starring Patrick swayze, Demi Moore and Woopi Goldberg and Tony Goldwyn.