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Doctor Who: The Web of Fear
Doctor Who: The Web of Fear
1968 | Sci-Fi
7.6 (20 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick troughton (1 more)
Still missing episode 3 (0 more)
Probably my favourite of the second doctor era at one point I never thought I would see it as was lost from the archives till it was discovered in Nigeria it has all the ingredients for a classic base under siege alien threat namely the yeti and Patrick troughton at his best this story Introduces Lethbridge Stewart who would be part of the show in the 70s with unit overall good story
Doctor Who: Three Doctors
Doctor Who: Three Doctors
1972 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.4 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Jon Pertwee (5 more)
Patrick troughton
William Hartnell
Katy manning
Not enough William Hartnell (0 more)
So you're my replacements a dandy and a clown
Made to celebrate the first ten years of doctor who and to bring back the first two doctors William Hartnell and Patrick troughton in my opinion it's brilliant it's a shame William Hartnells role was reduced due to illness but still manages to give one last performance. which gives Patrick troughton one of best performances as the doctor showing us he's still got it and his banter with the thrid doctor at first frosty but over time mellowed. Stephen Thornes performence as omega is perfect showing a calm side then madness at a drop of a hat. Also watched in hd which makes it just as good as when it was shown 1973

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Doctor Who: Fury From the Deep in TV

Jan 15, 2022 (Updated Jan 15, 2022)  
Doctor Who: Fury From the Deep
Doctor Who: Fury From the Deep
1968 | Sci-Fi
7.1 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick Troughton (0 more)
Lost from the archives (0 more)
Without a doubt one of the best Patrick Troughton story's all time excellent script good round performances from the cast especially Deborah watling in her last story as Victoria but then u realise my only gripe with the this is it was scrapped junked by the BBC in the 70s all of the story remained were sound recordings fan's recorded and few clips but thank goodness 2 years they animated the story so fans can finally see it and I'm glad they did

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Doctor Who: Evil of The Daleks in TV

Sep 28, 2021 (Updated Sep 28, 2021)  
Doctor Who: Evil of The Daleks
Doctor Who: Evil of The Daleks
1967 | Sci-Fi
6.7 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick Troughton (1 more)
Been wanting to this one for along missing from the archives for fifty years now reanimated and I've just finished watching in my opinion one of the best daleks story's of the 60s which at the time was gonna be there last story as there was an attempt to create a spin off show to be shown on us tv but wasn't made which was a shame. It has every thing daleks at there most evil an emperor dalek civil war between the daleks plus patrick Troughton at his best it ticks all the boxes just a shame the orignal version was wiped leaving episode 2 and this animated version as its legacy
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks
1966 | Sci-Fi
7.8 (27 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick troughton (1 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
First of a new era for doctor who first appearance of Patrick troughton as the doctor and his first against the daleks unfortunately was wiped from the archives back in the 70s but for doctor who fans this is the animated version which makes up for the loss. Good story the doctor discovers that the daleks are pretnding to be servants to a human colony on the planet vulcan so they can get power to to take over the colony but no one believes him the daleks show devious side manipulating the colony into trusting them which is a side them we don't see that often . U can also watch this in colour but I prefer it black and White highly recommend
Doctor who: The Macra Terror
Doctor who: The Macra Terror
1967 | Sci-Fi
7.1 (17 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick troughton (1 more)
Watched last night it's not bad not one of the best doctor who's from the sixties due to the budget but we will get to that but first the story. For years this and many other who's had been missing from the BBC archive due to alot of episodes being junked destroyed especially the macra terror where it's been totally destroyed till now. Now a new audience can watch it for the first as an animated feature and it looks good the acting from Patrick troughton is getting into his stride finally after five adventures with support from his companions. Now to the macra they look so much more now scary than they did originally due to budget hope some day they will animate more lost who's we can dream
Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones
Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones
1967 | Sci-Fi
6.1 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick troughton (4 more)
Fraser Hines
Pauline Colin's
Donald Pickering
Just watched the first three episodes of this lost classic doctor who that was first shown in the 1960s but was junked by the BBC in the 70s but all that remains of the story is episodes one and three untill now we can watch it in full animated release is it any good so far yes the plot which takes place in and around Gatwick airport in which aliens are kindapping young people thru chameleon tours and replacing them with dupaites. The plot is very invasion of the body snatchers but on a BBC budget. Acting wise Patrick troughton is in his element as the doctor with support from the rest of the cast. Looking forward to the animated release later in the year fury from the deep that once a true classic
Doctor Who - Season 10
Doctor Who - Season 10
1972 | Sci-Fi
John pertwee (4 more)
Patrick troughton
Roger Delgado
William Hartnell
As today would have Jon pertwees birthday today his 100th birthday thought I would review his forth season which was also the tenth season of doctor who a season of highs and lows bringing back both Hartnell and troughton as the doctor plus daleks the master in Roger Delgado last story before his tragic car accident robbed of the best master and then we come to green death probably the stand story of the season the one with the maggots In away it was end of kind of era Joe grant leaves in one of the saddest moments in the shows history as the last shot is of the doctor driving off in Bessie it's so sad.. but anyway waiting for season 10 blu ray to arrive in the post sometime today overall good season

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) Jul 7, 2019

I meant Jon

Doctor who abominable snowmen
Doctor who abominable snowmen
1968 | Sci-Fi
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Patrick Troughton (1 more)
Watched today before today I had only seen episode 2 of this story due to the fact that in the 70s this story was erased by the BBC except episode 2 which wasn't erased but 50 years later liktrying e other lost who's the story's been animated and it looks brilliant from the acting the monsters the yeti looking abit cute thsn scary but that changes with the next story as with most 2 doctor story's this a base under siege story which means group of characters in danger from outside force trying to get in. As the story is set in Tibet but the budget wouldn't so they filmed it snowdonia Wales instead which is good enough overall good story shame its the last animated lost story

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Viking Queen (1967) in Movies

Mar 1, 2018 (Updated Mar 2, 2018)  
The Viking Queen (1967)
The Viking Queen (1967)
1967 | Action, Drama, International
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wildly historically inaccurate, wholly absurd Hammer exploitation movie based on the events of the Iceni revolt led by Boudicca in 1st-century Britain. Roman governor (American) falls unconvincingly for Briton queen (Finnish); their imminent marriage promises to be bad for the business of the local merchants and their corrupt ally, a Roman general (Scottish), so a conflict is provoked, leading to rebellion...

Problems are mostly with the script, which appears to be only vaguely familiar with the concept of historical research, although a lot of the acting and staging is also pretty poor. Some usually reliable actors (Andrew Keir, Patrick Troughton) do the best they can with the material they're given. Probably best viewed as a high-camp piece of unintentional comedy. The widely-circulated story that one of the Roman actors can be seen wearing a wristwatch appears to be apocryphal.