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Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
With each passing film in this franchise, I find myself asking more and more "how did it get to this point?" We're certainly a long way from this franchise's humble (?) beginnings. There were multiple points during Furious 7 where I was audibly laughing at how ridiculous some of the action scenes are. Do you like films about street racing? Well fuck you, this film is about sky diving cars out of cargo planes, and then through multiple sky scrapers. Do you like films that accurately portray the mechanics of how vehicles work? Well fuck off, here's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson flexing his muscles to crack open an arm cast he has on before shooting down a helicopter with a massive gatling gun he wrenched off a military drone. Do you like happy-go-lucky underdog characters that work their way to the top by showing off their drifting skills? Well shut the fuck up, here's Vin Diesel and Jason Statham smacking the shit out of eachother with metal sticks on top of a collapsing building. This series has gone completely off the rails, and I love it.

On a serious note, this film deals with the death of Paul Walker, and pays tribute to him in a very well done and tasteful manner. Massive props for that. Did I she's a tear during a Fast & Furious movie? Yes, yes I did.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Jun 12, 2021 (Updated Jun 16, 2021)

I agree, the Fast franchise has gone completely off the rails, although extremely over the top and nothing like the good old days, it's still full of fast cars, great characters and storytelling (although the story is like having plot points attached to a buckaroo).

As fun as they are, the last one I took seriously was fast4

Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
Back on track
The best way to describe Fast & Furious would be as a guilty pleasure. There's nothing to lend weight to this film as a great work, an Oscar contender or a movie worthy of critical acclaim, but there something about this, as there was with the first, The Fast And The Furious, back in 2001.

Rob Cohen has never been known for subtlety and his 2001 film was far from it, but even even though he had nothing to do with this, his stamp is well and truly on it. Fast & Furious is the fourth in this surprising successful franchise, and besides the fact that I liked the original in spite of the fact that I'm NOT a motor-head, I've avoided the intervening sequels, 2 fast, 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift, for one simple reason, besides the fact that just didn't fancy them.

No Vin Diesel. I'm not suggesting that Vin is the greatest actor in the Hollywood, nor should be treading the boards of the Royal Shakespeare Company anytime soon, but his blockhead with a heart of gold persona works for me. He's likable and suits this role down to a tee, as does his dimwitted surfer dude sidekick, Paul Walker.

Walker offers nothing significant to the film except for his relationship with Diesel. The pairing is enjoyable but little more, but isn't that the point of adrenalin films like this? This is about cars, women, cops and robbers, and great fun to boot. The tone of this movie is on par with Cohen's original and though I can't justifiably compare this to the sequels which I have never seen, I don't want too either. This is the sequel that 2 Fast should have been and I only hope that now they're back on track, that Fast & Furious 5 could be another romp worthy of a watch.

It's nice to see a franchise go off track and find its feet again after so many years and it is a testament to the original cast who, though only have a limited range, have clearly breathed life back into the franchise.
Into the Blue (2005)
Into the Blue (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the thriller Into the Blue Sam (Jessica Alba), and Jared (Paul Walker), spend a lot of time scantily clad and swimming in the clear waters in some of the most lavish locales known.

Sam is an Oceanographer and Jared spends his time trying to restore his boat in hopes of searching for lost treasure and artifacts at various spots where ships were reported to have been lost over the years. They have a simple yet happy life, and although Jared feels that the time has come for him to make something of his life.

An arrival of Bryce (Scott Caan), and his new girlfriend Amanda (Ashley Scott), who seek to have some fun and party the days away provides a distraction to Sam and Jared and before long, they are taking in the luxury of the house Bryce is using, and its lavish boat.

A series of dives eventually leads the group to a sunken plane filled with cocaine and into more danger than they can realize. Convinced they have found the fabled lost ship Jared has long sought, he fears that turning the plane in will result in the loss of his claim. The group makes a pact to keep the plane, cargo and location a secret until they can finalize their claim on the shipwreck. Before long, the need for money leads to thoughts of selling the drugs to finance a salvage operation.

A bad situation becomes even worse when the owners of the drugs become aware of what the group is up to, and seek to reclaim their lost fortune letting nothing stand in their way.

While the film is mostly Alba, Walker, and the cast lounging semi clothed in the sun, with numerous close ups of Alba swimming slowly by the camera, there are some good moments in the film. Despite the plot holes, gaps in logic, and some bad acting, the film does have some entertaining moments. The buzz on the film was largely negative prior to my screener, yet I found myself enjoying it. The final segment of the film lost much of the earlier progress as the formulaic and stale ending, complete with the stiff and drawn out action, sink what could have been a good film.

That being said, the film does make for a nice diversion, just keep your expectations low.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Fast & Furious 9 (2021) in Movies

Jul 9, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2021)  
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
'We'll be fine as long as we obey the laws of physics,' says Chris Bridges' character at one point in F&F 9. Well, obviously they should all end up dead, then; but perhaps this is an example of a knowing self-awareness which doesn't quite sit well in this most earnest of empty-headed popcorn movie franchises.

Anyway: Dom and Letty are raising their child off the grid in some rustic idyll or other, when their friends appear asking for help with a problem; not having seen Avengers: Endgame and how things turned out for all involved on that occasion, they agree to pitch in for another exercise in hunt-the-coupons plotting, with overblown stunt sequences linked by a (at this point) mind-bogglingly byzantine backstory.

The sizeable gap left by Dwayne Johnson is filled by cameos and return appearances by virtually everyone who's ever appeared in an F&F ensemble (no idea what young Eastwood did to get left out); virtually everyone comes back, even a couple of the dead ones. Of course, this just makes the film's gymnastics in dealing with the absence of Paul Walker all the more obvious (and a bit uncomfortable by this point).

Decent stunts and action, but all a bit slick and ridiculous even by F&F standards, and showing real signs of sliding into lazy self-parody; this series was effortlessly breezy entertainment for a long time, but it's definitely starting to look like it's running out of steam.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Loud, dumb, eye pleasing action (2 more)
Jason Statham and a baby
The Rock coaching girls' soccer
RIP Paul Walker (2 more)
We want Han Seoul-Oh back
10-year-old autonomous cars?
Over the Top and a Little Too Far
Contains spoilers, click to show
I put up with the endless runway (was it a Möbius strip?) in Fast 6. That alone should prove I have a very high tolerance for movies that really put the concept of "suspension of disbelief" to the test. The Fate of the Furious, however, had more than a few moments that left me unable to suspend my disbelief. A movie about cars should not have a whole scene showing 10-year-old cars being controlled autonomously (I specifically remember seeing 2005-ish Volkswagen Jetta in a World War Z zombie swarm of driverless cars). Even most cars being produced in 2017 would not have this capability. Also, why would Jeep/Chrysler want their cars prominently featured in a scene involving a hacker taking control of cars in order to create mass destruction and chaos? Just a thought, and I digress. There are more unbelievable moments in the movie, nothing out of the ordinary for a Fast and Furious movie though (winning a race in reverse, anyone?). It's great dumb fun, as always, and if you don't care about all the physics and reality breaking nonsense it's a wild ride. For me though, it feels as if the Fast and the Furious franchise has finally jumped the shark, or should I say submarine? I will say this though, this one scene near the end of the movie involving Jason Statham and a baby was worth the price of admission alone.
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Faster Than the Newer Films...But Also Much Worse
Brian O’Connor (Paul Walker) tries to redeem himself from the first film by taking out a gang of car enthusiasts.

Acting: 4

Beginning: 6

Characters: 0
These characters are about as interesting as an empty takeout box. Not only is there no kind of depth whatsoever, I never really liked the characters to begin with. I can usually deal with characters not growing if they’re at least interesting, but 2 Fast 2 Furious gives us neither. The cars have more characters than the characters themselves. Might has well let them do the talking instead.

Cinematography/Visuals: 4
Speaking from the future, the car chases/race don’t nearly have the same impact as the latter films. In comparison, they are boring and stale and aren’t enough to carry the movie. Overall it’s shot in gimmicky fashion with lots of slowmo and near-misses. It is painful to watch at times.

Conflict: 7

Entertainment Value: 5
Sometimes a movie can be so bad that it keeps your interest solely for the fact that you want to see what crappity crap crap is going to happen next. I fell asleep on more than one occasion which is a horrible thing to say about a movie that revolves around car chases. There was little in the way of redemption here.

Memorability: 5
One line made me give this score above a zero, a line I will always remember for the rest of my days. At one point, Walker almost put me in a casket by saying, “I said forget about it, cuh.” This line has since become the source of a number of memes and Youtube clips and I can still burst into laughter if I were to watch it right now. Regarding everything else about the movie? Forget about it, cuh.

Pace: 9
If I’m holding it to the standard of the latter movies, I do have to acknowledge that the movie gets through its plot at a fairly quick pace. It is easily one of the shortest in the franchise as almost all of the others top two hours. Yes, it still put me to sleep, but only because the content sucked.

Plot: 4
Sports a story that my six-year-old nephew could have come up with. Barely believable, it has holes inside of holes. I almost wish they had just said, “Screw it. Just look at the cool cars.”

Resolution: 5

Overall: 49
Dumpster fire. Burning poop. A fly walking on a windowsill with only one wing. These are all things that are more interesting than 2 Fast 2 Furious. Talk about a nightmare.
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
5 years after Fast and Furious 6 and following on from Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift (F&F 3), Hobbs, Dom and his family find themselves under attack from a new enemy. Deckard Shaw, brother of Owen Shaw (from Fast and Furious 6) is out for revenge and Dom and co need to find him before he finds them, unfortunately the only way to do this is to is to rescue the inventor of a of top spy device.

Fast and Furious 7 takes the team into the realms of James Bond as they team up with a shadow ops team and, to match the ramped up story line the action is bigger with more guns, missiles and fist fights but less street racing.

Unlike most of the other films there is no set up for a sequel, due to the fact that Paul Walker, the actor who plays Brian O'Conner died during the making of it so the film end on a high note , giving Brian a good, Happy ending.

Even though we are now on the 7th film about car racing I can say that the franchise is still entertaining. Even though the same characters are in most of the films they manage to keep entertaining and don't feel like the same thing being done over and over, part of this is due to the increasingly over the top action and storylines and the fact that, at least some of the characters have growth through out the franchise.

Furious 7 is bigger and louder than the previous films, not only with the fights and chases but also with the stunts and still delivers what you would expect so if you liked the others then you can't go wrong with this.
Something in the Water
Something in the Water
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Erin and Mark are about to get married. Before their wedding day, they have a few things to deal with. Erin has to prepare everything for the documentary she is working on, about how inmates re-enter the real world. And Mark, loses his job as an investment banker, which was their main source of income. This forces them to change some plans of their wedding and honeymoon, but also make the break that much more needed.

While honeymooning in Bora Bora, they go on a scuba diving excursion where they find a bag floating in the water. What's inside will lead them on a journey where they will find out more about each other than they ever expected.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Someting In The Water, gives you the ending of the book first, then goes back three months for us to see what could have possibly happened. The book starts with Erin digging a grave to bury Mark in. If they are newlyweds, what could he have done in such a short time that she is now burying his body in the middle of nowhere.

This book started out really well and it was hard to put down at first. But, as the story went along, the details just became more and more implausible. To me, Erin was an idiot and the fact that she couldn't see what was happening right under her nose, and some of her actions were just ridiculous. The things that occurred in this book did not seem possible for an investment banker and a film maker to pull off (Eg. cutting the lining of their luggage to hide money). It's said this book is supposed to be a psychological thriller, but to me it was just psychotic.

This is debut novel from this author, so I'm willing to give her another chance, if she rights another book. This one reminded me of the movie Into the Blue with Paul Walker and Jessica Alba