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Must. Move. To Italy. Now.

This is one of those books where you can live vicariously though the author and feel like you are living their life (and truly wishing you could!) Part 'Under the Tuscan Sun', a dash of 'Bridget Jones' Diary' and some hints of "Eat, Pray, Love" I am dreaming of Florence, it's people, it's food, and can easily picture the beautiful scenery after reading this!

Kamin is stuck. Shes in a bit of a rut professionally, personally, and mentally. The stresses of everyday life combined with lingering heartache are wearing down on her immensely and she takes a giant leap of faith and moves to Italy for a year. To write, mostly, but the lessons she ends up learning will change her life forever.

The way this book is structured is my absolute favorite! Every chapter is a month of her new Italian life, and starts with little snippets of the month (Smells, What's in season, Italian phrases learned) and they all end with AMAZING recipes that were talked about in that chapter. I adore how she shares these almost intimate details, and feel as if I'm there with her.

I really enjoyed this book. I can't wait to try some of the recipes, and I aim to embrace "Bella Figura!"

I received a copy of Bella Figura as part of the Penguin First to Read program in exchange for my honest review.
All The Rage (DI Adam Fawley #4)
All The Rage (DI Adam Fawley #4)
Cara Hunter | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highly entertaining
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book and ate it up in super quick time. I read Close to Home, book 1 in the series, immediately before this one and I think this enhanced my enjoyment of this story as it gave a bit more meat to the characters but having said that, I think it would work as a standalone.

A young woman is attacked but doesn't want the police involved and then it happens again; both cases bearing a striking resemblance to an old case Fawley was involved in where the perpetrator was imprisoned ... could this be a copy-cat or has an innocent man been in jail for many years?

Once again, we are treated by Ms Hunter with her excellent characters, dark and gritty story line, intrigue and suspense all wrapped up in this fast paced, page-turning thriller with twists and surprises along the way. All this and the use of social media excerpts, court and interview transcripts woven, throughout make this feel current and relevant.

This will not be my last of reading Ms Hunter's books and I highly recommend to those who enjoy police procedural/thrillers with complex story lines which are easy to follow and that are highly entertaining ... can't wait for book 5!

Thank you to Penguin Books (UK) and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
The Thursday Murder Club
The Thursday Murder Club
Richard Osman | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was a nice surprise! I usually stay clear of celebrity writers as, in my experience, they tend to be over rated and over hyped but I have to say that this book by Richard Osman was pretty good and had me engaged from start to finish.

The plot is multi-faceted with several murders both recent and historic but rather than this causing confusion, it all seems to flow smoothly and logically despite its complexity although you do have to keep your wits about you to keep up at times. The writing style is easy to read and flows well and although the main subject matter is murder, there are snippets of humour and more tender moments too.

The setting of a rather upscale retirement village is unique as are the main characters who are engaging, appealing and, at times, amusing. I really would like to get to know Elizabeth better - she is a very intriguing character and there are teasing morsels of her previous working life which are very interesting and I want to know more.

This book is what I would call a cosy-read that could be enjoyed by anyone and I would recommend it to those who enjoy a classic murder-mystery without the violence and graphic detail.

Thank you to Penguin General UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.
Hey, That's My Fish!
Hey, That's My Fish!
2003 | Abstract Strategy, Animals
How do you like your games, reader? Heavy and themeless? Dark and themey? ZANY AND KOOKY?! Well, this game is a combination of several categories of game type. I consider it cute and cutthroat. There aren’t many games that can fall into those two categories simultaneously, and maybe that’s why we like this one. Spoilers, sweetie.

Hey, That’s My Fish! is a game of attempting to gather the most fish possible before climate change engulfs your little penguin minis. I mean, before the land sinks into the sea. To setup, place all the shuffled fish tiles in a grid of alternating 8 and 7-tile rows. Then, each player will, in turn, place their penguins on tiles showing one fish until their play pieces are on the board. That’s the setup. Quick and easy.

Like I said, the idea here is to gather the most fish to be crowned the winner. You can gather fish tiles by simply moving off them and onto another tile. Choose a direction to travel from your hex, and travel to any fish tile along a straight line – stopping before jumping over any penguin and not travelling over a blank space. Collect the fish tile from where you originally left and add it to your pile. Play continues in this fashion until all players are stalemated and can no longer make any further legal moves on the ever-shrinking board of fish snacks.

So here’s the rub with this one. It’s simple. Like, really simple. Pick up your penguieeple (sheesh) and move them to another hex tile in a straight line without jumping over any obstacle. Take the tile from which you left. Repeat. It sounds so stinking boring. But when you actually have your little peng… minis… and you are trying to get those elusive 3-fish tiles, but you have no way of getting there because your dang brother cut off your route so that only he and Josh can get them because they’re jerks – sorry. I got a bit carried away. But it really do be like that sometimes.
Components. This is an easy one. There are a bunch of cardboard hex tiles and some great little penguineeples. The penguins are brightly colored, and the hexes are very easy to understand and read. No issues here at all. Bonus: the pengeeples have such awesome little sassy poses hahahaha!

So what do I think? As a seasoned gamer and the most elder of our group, I absolutely adore it. It’s not the greatest game ever published, but sometimes you want to let off some steam and play a little cutthroat. So don’t let the cute penguins fool you – this is survival and you NEEEEED those little fishies! I have now owned this game twice (which my wife totally loves when she hears that), because I did miss having it available to me. So it is no surprise that we at Purple Phoenix Games give this little darling a fishy-fishy-bite-my-hook 18 / 24. Go on, grab a copy and destroy friendships!
Batgirl, Volume 2: Son of Penguin
Batgirl, Volume 2: Son of Penguin
Hope Larson | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I fell in love with Babs again when her story was reintroduced in DC's New 52 and she got a costume redesign. As much as I enjoyed Gail Simone's run, it was the collaboration of Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr that pulled me back in. I became obsessed with the new costume and loved Babs Tarr's art style. I adored issues 35-52, but then there was another change with DC Rebirth and Batgirl left Burnside. I was not quite as invested in the first few issues (plus I didn't enjoy the art), but that was soon remedied with the introduction of Penguin's son.

The story arc contained in Volume 2: Son of Penguin felt more like the New 52 Batgirl I fell in love with, again. Although the plot was predictable at times, it will still enjoyable. Both Hope Larson's writing and the talents of the artists gave me hope that Batgirl's run will continue to improve. As she is my favourite female superhero (other than Wonder Woman, I truly couldn't choose) I cannot wait to see where this team takes her story.

I would definitely recommend her Batgirl of Burnside arc from the New 52 and her new story in Rebirth to fans of comics and interesting female characters. I may also be biased because in this iteration she is a grad school student who is currently studying to become a librarian, which is exactly what I am doing - so I feel like we are kindred spirits, or twins. Whatever.
The Electric Kingdom
The Electric Kingdom
David Arnold | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Electric Kingdom is a novel that takes another look at the beauty of humans in a post apocalyptic world. Eighteen years after a deadly Fly Flu sweeps the globe, killing most of the population, Nico and her dog, Harry get sent on a voyage by Nico’s father to find a mythical portal. Along the way, she meets other children, including a young artist named Kit. There’s also the Deliverer, who lives Life after Life in an attempt to put the world back together. This story is an exploration of art, love, life, and finding beauty.

Every character that David Arnold writes in this book is so full of love, warmth, and heartbreak. I fell in love with Kit and his outlook on live. It was beautiful. The relationship he had with his mother Dakota, and why he calls her “My Dakota” made me tear up.

I’m not sure I completely understand the whole dynamics of the world that is in this book, but I still very much enjoyed it! There are so many layers and plot twists and double backs, you don’t realize how intense it is until you’re half way through it. By then, Arnold has you hooked and you’ve got to find out what happens and how it’s all connected!

I haven’t read anything from Arnold before but I enjoyed this one and will seeking out others from him.

*Thank you Bookish First and Penguin Teen/Viking Books for Young Readers for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Gotham in TV

May 3, 2019  
2014 | Drama
Literally everything! (0 more)
The mad hatter (0 more)
Batman Begins
I wanted to wait until I had watched the series finale to do a full review of the whole show. I can honestly say that in my opinion this is tied with Game of Thrones for the greatest TV show ever made...telling the story of a pre Batman Gotham this show focuses on James Gordon's rise from GCPD detective to Captain and eventual police Commissioner. It also tracks Bruce Wayne's journey from young child who sees his parents gunned down to crime fighting vigilante...what makes this show so good is its attention to detail in the shows characters in particular the villains. We get versions of the classics like penguin, riddler & scarecrow but it's the inclusion of lesser known villains like professor pyg, Solomon grundy & azreal that means theres something for fans of the comics as well as casual viewers. There really aren't any bad series and also no really bad episodes. All the stuff with the mad hatter gets a little slow but that might just be coz I didnt like the character - but maybe that's the point as hes not supposed to be likeable!!! all builds to a crescendo in the last season where sometimes so TV shows fall down trying to tie a bow round everything. In Gotham the wait pays off and it the ending feels like watching for all those seasons has paid off...simply put this is not just for comic nerds, it is a quality TV programme the likes of which we may not see again for a while. WATCH THIS SHOW!!!
The Perfect Betrayal
The Perfect Betrayal
Lauren North | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
After the sudden death of her husband, Tess is drowning in grief. All she has left is her son, Jamie, and she'll do anything to protect him - but she's struggling to cope.
When grief counselor Shelley knocks on their door, everything changes. Shelley is beautiful, confident and takes control when Tess can't bear to face the outside world.
But when questions arise over her husband's death and strange things start to happen, Tess begins to suspect that Shelley may have an ulterior motive. Tess knows she must do everything she can to keep Jamie safe - but who can she trust?

WOW!!! What a fantastic book!!!
I am struggling with what to write as I will not give any of the plot away to you!
This was a really interesting read for me , I really thought I knew what was happening , and then wow what a twist at the end .
This book slowly builds to a great ending. Hard to say anymore without giving things away. The story is mainly from Tess points of view in terms of flashbacks to the past 2 months and occasional points of view of Ian and Shelley.
The characters are so well written and you just find yourself right there with them seeing what they see.
The plot was phenomenal.
The ending ... wow did not see that coming!
If I could give more than 5 stars I would!!!
Highly highly recommend!!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the ARC in return for an honest review .
Day Of The Accident
Day Of The Accident
Nuala Ellwood | 2019 | Mystery, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on my blog:

When Maggie wakes up from a coma, her whole life has changed. The nurse tells her that she has been in an accident, her little daughter is dead, and her husband sold the house and left her.
Maggie doesn’t remember a thing.

With no home, no family, and no memory, she has to find a way and discover what happened that day.

A thriller that will uncover the greatest of secrets everyone could have. A nail-biter, this one, I tell you.

The character of Maggie was so well formed, that love between a mother and her little daughter is expressed in such a lovely and caring way. A book that will be definitely hard to read for all the parents out there, but a very good one.

I especially loved the part with the letters – it was such a unique way to present …
… present what?
I am not telling you. Go and read it, duhh!

The scenes are so vivid and realistic and the little Virginia Woolf Easter eggs thrown across the pages of this book were so precious. Thrilling story and plot that keeps you on your toes. I haven’t read anything this good in a while!

If you are looking for a book to keep you up at night – this is the one.
If you are looking for the great plot twist – there isn’t only one plot twist…

I highly recommend it to all of the mystery lovers that are reading my review.

A masterpiece.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Books UK, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: The Long Halloween
Jeph Loeb | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of all the Superhero's around, I personally think that Batman has the best Rogue's gallery of villains: Superman, for instance, has Lex Luthor And (to a lesser extent) General Zod, while Spiderman has, what, Green Goblin? Dr Octopus? Venom?

Batman, on the other hand (and purely off the top of my head): The Joker. The Penguin. Poison Ivy. The Riddler. Catwoman (on/off as a villain). Scarecrow. Bane. And Two-Face.

Admittedly, some of those characters are now more famous than they used to be before due to the various Batman films, with the last four (And the first) mentioned in my list all appearing in the more-recent Christopher Nolan 'Dark Knight' series of Batman films. Of that trilogy, the second movie concerned itself principally with two main villains: The Joker, and Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) and, in particular, the circumstances that led District Attorney Dent to become Two-Face.

Those circumstances are also the subject of this graphic novel, which also has a foreword/introduction by the director and writer of 'The Dark Knight', Christopher Nolan and David Goyer, in which they acknowledge the huge debt their movie owes to this novel.

This is also commonly cited as one of the better Batman stories, and is set during the early days of Batman's crusade against criminality in Gotham - there's no Robin here, nor Oracle (well, there is, but only as a baby), for instance.

As such, it makes a good intro (IMO) into the Batman mythos, not far behind the futuristic The Dark Knight Returns or the early-set Year One.