30-Second Newton: The 50 Crucial Concepts, Roles and Performers, Each Explained in Half a Minute
Not only a towering figure in his own era, Newton also left an immense scientific legacy, much of...

Posture and Performance: Principles of Training Horses from the Anatomical Perspective
Adam Kemp, Gillian Higgins and Stephanie Martin
From the author of the hugely successful titles How Your Horse Moves and Horse Anatomy for...

Fearless And Healthy Podcast:High Performance|Daily Rituals|Life Transformations
2 things prevent people from living a fully present and inspiring life. Poor health and fear. Tune...
A Chronicle of First Broadcast Performances of Musical Works in the United Kingdom, 1923-1996
This title was first published in 2001. This work provides detailed information taken from the...

Sustainable Growth in the African Economy: How Durable is Africa's Recent Performance?
The current growth path in sub-Saharan Africa is not following the Lewis model where labour moves...

The Outstanding Middle Manager: How to be a Healthy, Happy, High-Performing Mid-Level Manager
Cary Cooper and Gordon Tinline
Recent research shows that the number of people in senior specialist and middle management positions...
High Performance Visualization: Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight
E. Wes Bethel, Hank Childs and Charles Hansen
Visualization and analysis tools, techniques, and algorithms have undergone a rapid evolution in...

Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music
Technology has become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, receiving a great deal of...
Religion and Drama in Early Modern England: The Performance of Religion on the Renaissance Stage
Elizabeth Williamson and Jane Hwang Degenhardt
Offering fuller understandings of both dramatic representations and the complexities of religious...

Documenting Performance: The Context and Processes of Digital Curation and Archiving
Performance in the digital age has undergone a radical shift in which a once ephemeral art form can...