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Guy Maddin recommended I Vitelloni (1953) in Movies (curated)

I Vitelloni (1953)
I Vitelloni (1953)
1953 | Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This has got to be the most wonderful film about that transitional period that groups of close friends in young adulthood must go through as they accept more and more the responsibilities of maturity. There is so much spontaneous camaraderie, natural humor, truth, and, finally, Chekhovian sadness in this gentle masterpiece. Plus, those Italian slackers sure know how to dress!"


Joe Dante recommended The Black Book (1929) in Movies (curated)

The Black Book (1929)
The Black Book (1929)
1929 | Action, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Originally issued as Reign of Terror, Anthony Mann’s Classics-Illustrated-meets-film-noir treatment of the French revolution is one of the most striking low budget period pieces to come from Hollywood, abetted by graphic b/w imagery from the great d.p. John Alton and striking production design from the always reliable William Cameron Menzies. Plus it’s witty moves like lightning."

The Last Picture Show (1971)
The Last Picture Show (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve had the advantage of seeing this movie at many different times in my life, and I don’t really know how it’s put together or why it works. Peter Bogdanovich captures the lives of real people using every aspect of filmmaking: casting, location, and period music whose static-y radio sound cuts against the desolate wind of a decaying small town."

Cleo From 5 to 7 (Cléo de 5 à 7) (1961)
Cleo From 5 to 7 (Cléo de 5 à 7) (1961)
1961 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I only saw this a few years ago, and I think it’s become my favorite of the French New Wave. I think it’s virtually impossible to make a film about complex ideas and yet at the same time make it feel as light as air. It’s a thrilling film that feels very much of its period but also completely timeless."


Josh Duhamel recommended Pulp Fiction (1994) in Movies (curated)

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
1994 | Crime

"That was in 1994. That was right around the time I was finishing college and moving to California, in that period of my life, and I was secretly interested in the entertainment business but didn’t tell anybody. There was something about the writing and the music and John Travolta’s resurgence. Sam Jackson was just a badass motherf—er. I love Tarantino’s writing."

All He Ever Wanted
All He Ever Wanted
Anita Shreve | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story of one man's obsession with a woman who wanted something else. Unfortunately, I found this book to be a touch too sterile for my taste, lacking in humour and devoid of the historical connections I expect to find in period fiction. You can read my full review here.
Orphans, Vol. 1: The Beginning
Orphans, Vol. 1: The Beginning
Roberto Recchioni, Emiliano Mammucari | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Orphans jumps back and forth between the period of childhood when the group of orphans lost their families, and when they are young adult soldiers. It's easy to follow, though. I wasn't sure I was liking the story until about halfway through. I did end up liking it, and look forward to reading the next volume. The story has good potential.


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    Barnum is an American musical with a book by Mark Bramble, lyrics by Michael Stewart, and music by...