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Danny Boyle recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Always, and always number one for me in every list is Apocalypse Now. There are lots of reasons. It’s imperfect; which every film should be. I love action movies. I believe in motion, in the motion picture industry. And Apocalypse Now is the ultimate action movie. Firstly, it’s the only period film you’ll ever watch where nobody ever says it still ‘stands up after 30 years.’ Every other film — like Alien, and I’m a huge fan of Alien, I even did some promotion for it when they re-released it — the main thing you say are phrases like “Even after 25 years it still stands up.” You never have to use that (phrase) for Apocalypse Now. Everyone always just says: “Wow.” The second reason it’s the ultimate action movie is every time it stops moving it’s weird and unnatural and disturbing. Everytime it stops moving: they stop to collect mushrooms, they get attacked by a tiger; they stop and watch the playboy bunnies arriving; the boat stops and they end up shooting these people over a puppy in a little boat. And it stops, of course, with the ultimate stop: When he (Martin Sheen) meets Marlon Brando, Colonel Kurtz at the end. You can tell by how unnatural the stops are, how natural an action movie it is."

The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Some genuinely chilling moments (2 more)
Authentic historical setting
Excellent acting
Period language can be a little hard to follow occasionally (0 more)
The most chilling thing about this film is knowing that it is based on historical records - that many of the things that happened were things that people of the time genuinely believed to have happened. Whether or not the witches or satanism was genuine is kind of irrelevant, as the true horror came from the consequences of believing in this stuff. The story follows a family who are torn apart by their own internal struggles of morality. It's an interesting piece that I don't think will appeal to everyone, but horror fans with an interest in history, or the occult may enjoys this.

Duncan Jones recommended Yojimbo (1961) in Movies (curated)

Yojimbo (1961)
Yojimbo (1961)
1961 | Action, Adventure, Classics
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m going for a bit film school-y one, because I love Akira Kurosawa films, but I don’t want to go for Seven Samurai, so i’ll go for Yojimbo or Sanjuro, those ones that all the spaghetti westerns were based on. I know it’s not fair, but that clump of Japanese samurai films were just beautiful films. Toshiro Mifune was such an elegant hero and there’s something really empathetic about him. There’s this lovely thing with his face where you really can just tell everything that he’s thinking. He doesn’t have to do much at all; you can just sense what’s going on with him. So I love those films, anything with Mifune in actually, but that period in particular, he was the best hero ever."


David McK (3251 KP) rated Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) in Movies

Jun 9, 2024 (Updated Jun 9, 2024)  
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
2024 | Action
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I kinda get why this was subtitled 'A Mad Max saga'.

That was to get the punters in.

I kinda don't.

He isn't in it, in either incarnation (Mel Gibson, or Tom Hardy)

Instead, we have a prequel to the breakout character from Fury Road - that of Imperator Furiosa - but here re-cast to be played by Anya Taylor-Joy instead of by Charlize Theron.

This also takes place over a longer period of time - something like 15 years - than Fury Road does, and so sacrifices the break-neck speed of that previous film for something a bit more sedate.

We also, here, have Chris Hemsworth absolutely chewing up the scenery (and loving every second of it!) as the villain Dementus!
Neighbors (2014)
Neighbors (2014)
2014 | Comedy
When I first saw the trailer for Neighbors, I thought, “Great, another lack luster comedy ruined by the trailer showing all the funny parts.” Seriously, Seth Rogan (Knocked Up) is dangerously flirting with the, “keep getting them checks” period of his career. Plus, pair him up with High School Musical famed pretty boy Zac Efron…Really? Needless to say I had low expectations for this film. That being said, I am delighted to write that this film far excited my expectations and delivers, in my opinion, the best comedy of the year so far.

The premise of Neighbors is simple. A couple in their early thirties has their first born child when suddenly a local fraternity buys the house next door. The couple tries to be “cool” with the young “hip” crowd, only the constant loud partying is terrible for their baby. They can’t afford to move, so instead they try to get the frat suspended. Shenanigans ensue, Simple.

As far as comedies go, watching this film reminded me of the first time I watched Old School. Not just because of the fraternity similarity, but rather because there were constant jokes and gags running throughout the film that kept you constantly laughing. Even with the simple premise.

Seth Rogen basically delivers his typical quick witted stoner comedic style and plays well across his on screen wife Rose Bryne (Get Him to the Greek). Together they are a pair of adults who are struggling with growing up and having real responsibilities. Their chemistry and banter is amusing and the work well together. But it is the ensemble fraternity members, Led by Zac Efron, Dave Franco (21 Jump Street), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Super bad) and relative new comer Jerrod Carmichael, who provide some of the most hilarious moments in this film. These frat boys deliver enough comedic variety with their styles and provide constant laughs that never feel stale or boring. Even the jokes that fail to hit their mark provide at the very least, chuckles and are usually quickly followed by something else that makes up for the misses. They are the reason I would recommend this film to anyone who may not be a Rogen fan, but is looking for a hilarious comedy.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Brilliant acting (2 more)
Multiple examples of excellent camera techniques, homaging a lot from that era
Superb direction
Rushed third act (1 more)
Could be too long for some people
A film for people who like to go to the cinema
Once upon a time in Hollywood is not QT’s best film but certainly not the worst. That award goes to Death Proof. It was a difficult film to market because when I got wind of his new film, it was advertised as revolving around the Sharon Tate murders/Charles “Charlie” Bronson but this film is so much more than that. The whole story meanders around like the roads around Cielo Drive, almost to the point of not really going anywhere and really just to enjoy the characters in this fictionalised retelling of that period.
It is quite astonishing that there are still people out there who would think this is a faithful interpretation of what happened and more so that QT has to publicly say ‘this is a story of fiction’ but I am no expert on the case, even though over the years I have dabbled into it through various books and news reports. 
The main thing to get across is to go in with no expectations other than QT inevitably will put his spin on things and that, really, is what will draw audiences to this film. There’s always a bit to latch onto with QT films whether it be a character or the world he has created for those characters to live in or a reference to another film or, indeed, something else. It is what makes QT so appealing. He tells stories the way he wants to tell them. That said, the third act (which actually deals with the murders), although fun and frenetic, feels a little rushed and could possibly shows signs of studio meddling with what QT wanted to focus on. That’s the main criticism of this film but the rest of it will have film academics in years to come pick apart individual sequences and dissecting them into pointless philosophical notions and semantical (is that a word?) studies that are completely off point for a long time. Do I want to bore you with how clever QT is by being able to subtly put across to the viewer through camera techniques and direction his influences of 1950s and 60s television and cinema? No, if you’re a cinema fan you’ll get those references and more on repeat viewings. If you’re not a cinema fan, then it establishes enough world for you to warrant the hyperbole ‘fantastic escapism’. The point is you’re going to enjoy this film if you enjoy going to the cinema. Well, most of you. Some may spite that statement and say Legally Blonde is where it is at. Well, if that’s your stance, go rewatch Legally Blonde as the people who came to the cinema to actually enjoy this film have no time for that viewpoint. 
See this if you love QT films. He throws in a lot of references to his body of work to make you nod to fellow audience members and silently say ‘I got that reference’. If you’re not a QT fan but a lover of cinema, especially American cinema, you’ll get more than just a kick out of it. There’s even something for the casual viewer if you’re willing to invest your time in it.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Mary Poppins Returns (2018) in Movies

Dec 22, 2018 (Updated Dec 22, 2018)  
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
2018 | Family
A sequel no one asked for, but Disney was going to give it to us whether we wanted it or not...
Unnecessary is the main word I would use to describe this film. Mary Poppins (1964) is actually practically perfect in every way, like the lady herself; and anything to follow was going to pale in comparison. Maybe I would have been more tolerant if Christopher Robin hadn't had an extremely similar plot, but I was honestly just counting down the minutes until it was over.
The music was ok, I guess, sufficient. I just can't believe Emily Blunt in period pieces, she has a face that knows about text messaging (I am a huge Blunt fan, btw). I'm glad Disney decided to keep the whole, American doing the crappiest Cockney accent thing going. I get why they chose Lin-Manuel Miranda, he's very entertaining, and I know he did that Hamilton thing (zero interest in that). The only parts I loved him in was when he was just dancing, no singing with the bad accent. The lamplighter song was by far the best out of the lot.

In the end, I've seen this same movie several times. I'm really doubting whether I want to see Aladdin, and I'll never give Disney my money again for a remake/sequel to a classic film (aside from possibly Aladdin).

Honestly, I don't know who would actually love this film. Who was it even made for? I think the reason they want everyone to see it the first weekend is so it doesn't get around how just ok the film was.

Lee (2222 KP) Dec 22, 2018

One thing I forgot to mention in my review was Meryl Streep. What was even the point of that scene and her character, it added nothing to the movie


Erika (17788 KP) Dec 22, 2018

Yeah, Streep's character had zero purpose and slowed the already snail's pace plot down. The whole movie was just odd, like a blatant cash grab like..cough, cough, Crimes of Grindelwald.

Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
Laugh out loud (4 more)
Gorilla based hijinx
The good Eddie Murphy
The classic bet goes wrong
Drunken, gun toting Santa
Xmas never looked so good
One of my favourite Xmas films and it goes beyond the season with some great performances from a on form Eddie Murphy and a wacky and deranged Dan Aykroyd. The interplay between them and there descent and rise through the class system allows them to show some different character traits that make this film interesting and thoughtful. The classic bet between 2 unscrupulous and Rick characters pits nature against nurture and is the key plot for the film. Murphy is a product of the mean streets and lives a fast changing life to hustle money and Dan Aykroyd is an elite and upper class snob with everything going right in his life. A complete reversal of their fortunes is arranged due to the bet and this is where the comedic journey really begins with drugs, hookers, thefts, dodgy deals and the scene stealing bi curious goriila who I believe is and unshaven James Belushi

In another world it would have been that duo of Wilder and Pryor who were considered to play the lead roles with the working title of Black and White. I think it may have had a different edge if that was the case.

There was a law made called the Eddie Murphy Rule in America that banned insider trading so this film had a lasting effect but I think there are more better uses of the term Eddie Murphy Rule for some of his shenanigans he has been involved in since this film.

Overall this film takes pride of place at Xmas time but I have often enjoyed it outside of this period, one of the 80s funniest and eccentric films and it just gets me on that basic level that makes me love it dearly like only a gorrila based love triangle can
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974)
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974)
1974 | Classics, Horror, International
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mayhem at the Lunatic Asylum
Above-average Hammer Frankenstein film makes up for the previous movie (a lousy reboot), finishes the series on a high note. Shane Briant is packed off to the looney bin for doing cover versions of Frankenstein's experiments, meets his hero, they team up.

Atmospheric and well-thought-through Frankenstein movie, good cast too. The actual creature looks like Bigfoot, which is a little odd to say the least, but the movie has moments of both subtlety and poignancy as it goes on. Peter Cushing rocks the joint in his last appearance as Frankenstein, managing to be both witty and chilling. Finishes with a very atypical but impressively ominous climax. One of the better late-period Hammers, and a worthy conclusion to both this series and Terence Fisher's career.
Mrs. Henderson Presents (2006)
Mrs. Henderson Presents (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brilliant and witty performances by Judy Dench and Bob Hoskins (4 more)
Full of charm and great character dynamics
Entertaining musical numbers
Plenty of humor balanced perfectly with the seriousness of the time period
Beautiful costumes and cinematography
Historical film about a vaudeville show with live nude girls during the WWII era in London
New widow Laura Henderson decides to use her wealth to purchase an abandoned theater out of boredom. Her sense of entitlement and class related arrogance can prove at times to be annoying and at times rudely persistent, especially when it comes to her relationship with the man who she chose to manage her theater, Vivian Van Dame, but with all her schemes and meddling, it shows that deep down, she always has the best of intentions.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 21, 2019

Oh, thank goodness! I have been wanting to watch this movie but could not remember the title. I'm so glad to see it as is good as I'd imagined it was. Thanks for your review!


Allison Knapp (118 KP) Jan 21, 2019

One of my favorites