Pregnancy & Baby Tracker
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Track your baby’s growth with the top pregnancy app for moms-to-be! Chosen by over 15 million...

Leading Across New Borders: How to Succeed as the Center Shifts
Ernest Gundling, Christie Caldwell and Karen Cvitkovich
An insightful, real-world look at the skills today's global leadership demands Leading Across...

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Irish Stewed (Ethnic Eats Mystery #1) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
This book starts off strongly and keeps us turning pages as we go from suspect to suspect. The climax is a tad rushed, but all the answers we need are there to tie things up. Laurel’s past as a foster child makes for an interesting main character. Occasionally, I was frustrated with her, but most of the time I liked her, and I see great potential for character growth over the course of the series. I’m already hungry for seconds.
NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Read my full review at <a href="http://carstairsconsiders.blogspot.com/2016/05/book-review-irish-stewed-by-kylie-logan.html">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Cumberland (1142 KP) rated Struck By Lightning in Books
Sep 24, 2018
Carson is a main character that you will either love or hate. The book is wrote as his diary entries, so the reader gets an inside look at his life. This makes it hard to dislike him despite his questionable moral choices. He is a sarcastic and funny character who often times critical about high school life. He does experience some personal growth throughout the book, and the reader can't help but cheer for his success.
The other characters make for an entertaining cast. Many of them depict stereotypes, but they all prove to be more complicated than they first appear. This book isn't super long so it's a good weekend read. If you like stories about high school under dogs chasing there dreams then you should definitely pick this up.

Eilidh G Clark (177 KP) rated On Writing: a memoir of the craft in Books
Jul 2, 2019

Hello Baby Parenthood
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The Evolution of a Muslim Democrat: The Life of Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim
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Blood, Dragons & Lions: How Alienation and Science Led Me to Spiritual Enlightenment and Innovation
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Motivation and Performance: A Guide to Motivating a Diverse Workforce
Adrian F. Furnham and Ian MacRae
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The Year's Work at the Zombie Research Center
Edward P. Comentale and Aaron Jaffe
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