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Saw V (2008)
Saw V (2008)
2008 | Action, Horror
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good Work Detective
Saw V- this frachise is keeping me on a loop, so many twist and turns, im on the edge of my seat, cause its soo good. This franchsie is keeping me questioning everything about the charcters, john and his motivation, the detective's, the victims, so many questions and so many unexpected answers, that you wont see coming from a mile away. I love this franchise.

The Plot: Despite the fact that fiendish serial killer Jigsaw is dead, his work lives on through a new apprentice, Lieutenant Mark Hoffman, a cop who appeared to be hot on the murderer's trail. As fellow lawman Agent Peter Strahm begins to suspect Hoffman is Jigsaw's protégé, the fledgling killer sets out to dispose of him.

What will happened next, i will soon find out. Cant wait.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Don't see Uncle Ben getting killed (again) (0 more)
Headache inducing! (0 more)
Headache inducing!
To the best of my knowledge, the first Spider-man film to follow the exploits of Miles Morales instead of the more famous Peter Parker, with Brooklyn teen Miles also getting bitten by a radioactive spider and acquiring new abilities just as Kingpin opens a portal into parallel universes after finally killing 'his' version of Spider-Man, as a (un-intended, from his point of view) result of which various other Spider-verse characters arrive in his universe and start to teach Miles Morales the ropes.

Much has been made of this movie, and of it's soundtrack and attempt to portray comic-book panels on-screen: bot of which, I have to say, I found to be headache inducing rather than the (supposed) 'fresh and vibrant' I had read they were.
Death in a Blackout
Death in a Blackout
Jessica Ellicott | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sets Up a Promising New Series
After a tragedy at home, Billie Harkness finds herself needing a new start, so she accepts an invitation from a distant cousin to visit the northern coastal town of Hull. She arrives just before Hull experiences its first air raid in 1940. In the devastation that follows, Billie finds a dead young woman inside a building. Surprisingly, no debris is around her body. In her new job in the newly formed Women’s Police Constabulary, she starts a quiet investigation. Can she figure out what really happened?

This series debut is much like a TV show’s pilot. We get a lot of set up near the beginning. It helps us get to know Billie better, but it does mean it’s a while before the mystery truly gets going. Although we do get some threads of the mystery thanks to Peter Upton, the other third person view point character. Both of these leads are strong, and I enjoyed getting to know them. Once the mystery gets going, it is great with plenty of twists and an ending that caught me off guard. Those familiar with Jessica Ellicott’s other series will note the more serious tone, which is appropriate given the time and place this one is set. I loved how the story brought the history of the era to live; the plot wouldn’t have worked in any other time. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what danger Billie uncovers next.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
I think I was one of the few people that was ultimately disappointed by Spider-Man: Homecoming. After Spider-Man's impressive and thrilling introduction to the Marvel universe during Captain America: Civil War, I felt Homecoming to be somewhat lacking - set pieces that had already been shown in the trailer, bigger set pieces that were difficult to follow on screen and, to quote my review, "too much awkward teen, not enough action hero". I even used the phrase "superhero fatigue", which funnily enough is a phrase currently being bandied around by some for this next Spider-Man venture, Far From Home, particularly in the wake of the intense Avengers: Endgame earlier this year. So, let's just say I was cautiously optimistic heading in to see this movie.

We kick off with a brief introduction to what will dominate the rest of the movie - Nick Fury and Maria Hill arrive in Mexico, where "a cyclone with a face" has completely destroyed a small town. As this new threat returns to wreak even more havoc, a mysterious new hero arrives to face it square on in battle, dramatically declaring to the startled S.H.I.E.L.D agents, "you don't want any part of this". From there, we switch to a lighthearted wrap up of the devastating events surrounding Infinity War/Endgame, in the form of an amateur high school news report. Mourning the loss of fallen heroes (accompanied by Whitney Houston singing 'I Will Always Love You'!), the report goes on to explain how "The Blip" - the term many are using to describe the effects of the 5 year period where half of the population were wiped from existence. Having the population age 5 years while the returning half haven't aged at all naturally has humorous consequences when it comes to students and their school life, but essentially humanity has managed to move on and has learnt to deal with it. Someone who is struggling to move on though, particularly from the loss of mentor/surrogate father, Tony Stark, is young Peter Parker. Desperately in need of a summer vacation, and a break from being Spider-Man, Parker cannot wait to join the rest of his friends, and crucially MJ (Zendaya), on an upcoming school trip which will take them to various European destinations.

But there's no chance of any kind of break for Spider-Man just yet, as Nick Fury has other plans for him. Peter does the unthinkable though and ignores the many phone calls from Fury, until he eventually tracks him down for a face to face meeting in his Venice hotel room. Since the incident in Mexico, S.H.I.E.L.D have been working with the mysterious new hero, Quentin Beck, or 'Mysterio' as he has now been dubbed, and Peter (along with us) are now brought up to speed on the origins of Quentin and these new global threats. Quentin actually comes from an alternate Earth where these creatures, known as The Elementals (monstrous versions of wind, fire, water and air), were responsible for the destruction of not only his world but his entire family too. The most powerful Elemental, fire, is yet to appear on our Earth and Mysterio, along with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D and Spider-Man, need to locate and stop it before it becomes too powerful for them to defeat.

Peter isn't initially interested though, being more concerned about jeopardising his school trip and exposing his identity, not to mention ruining his chances of finally hooking up with MJ. So, the rest of the movie nicely splits itself between teen high school banter/comedy drama and international superhero action. Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) features prominently throughout the movie, helping to guide and mentor Peter in the absence of his old boss Tony Stark, and providing plenty of comic relief along the way too. He also passes onto Peter, a gift from Tony Stark - a pair of Jarvis-like talking shades called EDITH (Even Dead I'm The Hero!) - which initially act as a funny and poignant accessory for Peter, but proves to be a hugely important part of how the rest of the movie plays out.

Beyond that, I'm struggling to avoid spoilers. And there are a lot of them. If you're familiar with the comics though (and despite having some vague familiarity with them, I'd completely forgotten everything!), you'll be able to predict a lot of what comes next anyway. But, once again, I have to say how amazed I am that Marvel managed to produce trailers for this movie which not only mislead you into believing that you know exactly which direction this movie is heading in, but also feature scenes which aren't in the final movie! As a result, I found Far From Home to be a truly wonderful surprise, and even if you know how it's all going to play out, you should still manage to get a huge amount of enjoyment from seeing the masters of storytelling at work yet again. This movie gave me Endgame-level thrills and goose-bump moments, over and over again throughout. Visually, it's outstanding - with impressive action scenes and trippy sequences the likes of which we haven't seen since Doctor Strange. Jake Gyllenhaal is perfect as Mysterio too, really bringing the character to life, and by the end of it all I was just completely blown away. So when the mid credit sequence hit, opening up some shocking possibilities for future movies, I was almost hyperventilating with excitement!

Nicholaus Prescott (131 KP) Jul 6, 2019

Homecoming is a terrible movie. I hate all the characters and none of them can act. I was done with marvel after the last movie, same goes for star wars. After this trilogy is through I'm over it. No more of my money is going to Disney or any of their properties.

Pan (2015)
Pan (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
I had mixed emotions when I first saw the trailer for Pan. The story of Peter Pan was one of my all time favorites growing up. Then Steven Spielberg had to go and get Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman together to bring us Hook, and it solidified the stories of Pan as the best thing since sliced bread for me. So here we have Joe Wright bringing the word put on paper by Jason Fuchs to real life. The story of how Peter came to Neverland; and just how did Captain James T. Hook become so fearful of crocodiles. I was worried, and so I shut it all out. I did not watch any more trailers, clips, or synopsis on the film. But, my curiosity got the best of me, and when we offered the press screening, I jumped at the opportunity to see it. And boy, I am glad I did.


Pan, in case you haven’t figured it out, tells the story of 12-year old orphan Peter (Levi Miller), who is abducted from his orphanage, along with many other little boy orphans, by pirates from Neverland. When they bring Peter to Neverland, he is forced to work in the mines, serving the evil pirate overlord, Black Beard (Hugh Jackman, no seriously. It totally doesn’t even look like him.). It’s not long before some very unusual things start happening to him, and he, along with James T. Hook (Garrett Hedlund), escape the mines to find the natives and Princess Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara), who helps Peter discover his destiny.


Loaded with stunning visuals and a great soundtrack (including some very recognizable songs in the form of pirate chants), Pan nails it in all the right ways. The visionaries who brought this world to life are amazing, and the creativity in every scene is astounding. It was especially charming that the people behind the film kept in mind that it is a family film. While there is some violence, it is an action movie after all, they applied some very interesting effects and theories to use in place of the gore and blood. I also enjoyed, as weird as this sounds, the brightness of the whole movie. They didn’t try to make the film a dark tale of gritty origins. The feel of the story has the same notes of brightness that I remember from the Disney film as a kid, to even Hook in my later years.


And the likenesses do not stop there. It was very fun, and a bit nostalgic, to catch the references and clues of what’s to come. You see things that influence the characters to become who we know and love. And true to the rumors/stories I heard of the background of the beloved Peter Pan tale, Captain Hook and Peter began their time together as friends. The film sets out to do what it was meant to do… tell the story of how Peter and Captain Hook became who they were. But, not all is revealed in this film. When the film is over, and you’ll wish it weren’t, our beloved hero and villain have a long way to go still. So look forward to more films to come.


The only gripe I had with this movie was the acting. And just one part in general. I felt most of the cast was excellent. Jackman portrayed a great, and zany by the standards of the Paniverse (hoping to coin a new term here people, #paniverse), pirate… czar?! I know I used overlord, but it’s hard to say what he is other than he is the captain of captains. Mara played Tiger Lily oh so very well, and Miller held his own right up there with the bigger names. But it was Hedlund I had issue with. His portrayal of James Hook was more reminiscent of Jack Nicholson with elongated words, and an almost creepy like vibe. It’s just not how I imagined him to act, and maybe that is just throwing my perception off. Though, my feeling and view of the portrayal was echoed by my guest at the screening, so there may be something to it. Luckily, my negative view of the acting was not enough to pull me out of the experience, and I was still able to enjoy the movie.


Bottom line. Go see this movie. Take your kids, your partners, your parents, your grandparents, your cousin’s, aunt’s son/daughter… oh wait. That’s you. The point is. It’s definitely worth seeing. The 3D effects were nothing ground breaking, but it would still be worth it to see it in 3D. And this will definitely be in my collection on day 1 of home release.
Dead Alive (1993)
Dead Alive (1993)
1993 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Have you seen the lawnmower scene? Gruesome!
Before Peter Jackson became the mega-awesome A-list director he is today, he made several small films in New Zealand including this one.

When a poisonous rat monkey gets brought to the mainland, its lethal bite causes mayhem in a young man's life. He know has to deal with the growing weirdness at his house while he pursues the girl of his dreams.

Saying this movie is over the top is one of the largest understatements of all time. If you combine Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead and The Toxic Avenger you still wouldn't come close to the campy goodness of this film.

The gore is definitely extreme, but very cheeky and comical. The demon baby is also especially hilarious.

If you ask me nicely, you can come to my house and watch this with me!


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Dec 15, 2019

Great film, one of my all time favorites.

Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Pretty good!
Thank you smash bomb!!! Finally got round to watching this movie that I received from the smash bomb competition.

Brilliant follow on from avengers endgame I felt it really brought spider-man up to date very advanced. Definitely worth the watch!

Young Peter Parker finally gets a summer off traveling with school, and with MJ the girl he has a crush on, but ofcourse for any super hero his work isn't too far behind as the four elements come to attack Venice right where they are, spider man meets mysterio a new hero and they join forces to try and stop whatever it is that keeps coming to cause harm to earth. Not going to ruin the story line but with a few twists and unexpected turns you see who is behind these attacks. Good action couldn't take my eyes off the screen!!
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Romance
A man goes to Hawaii to forget about his celebrity ex-girlfriend…only to find that she’s staying at the same resort with her new dude.

Acting: 10
Jason Segel plays the perfect broken man in his role as Peter. He carries a pitifulness that’s endearing, a guy easy to root for. From a comedic standpoint, his timing is always right there and it feels extremely natural as if we’re being introduced to a real person. I can only think of a handful of actors that could pull off the role as successfully as Segel. A number of other roles solidified the acting in the movie as well, but Segel carried the movie in my opinion.

Beginning: 10
Forgetting Sarah Marshall grabs your funny bone from jump and sets the tone. The first ten minutes introduces us to Peter as we watch him go about his boring, but hilarious day. Everytime I think about the breakup scene between him and Sarah (Kristen Bell), it still cracks me up. You knew right away the rest of the film was going to be classic.

Characters: 10
The movie sports a solid cast of characters with just enough originality to keep things interesting without going overboard. You’ve got Rachel (Mila Kunis), the badass front desk attendant who gives Peter a reason to enjoy life again. Then there’s the British rockstar and the hotel attendant who is obsessed with him. I could go on as these are just a handful of the crew that make this movie shine.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10
Others won’t agree, but this is the funniest movie I’ve ever seen. It has everything we want in a comedy. It’s funny without having to go over the top to try. It succeeds with a comical real-life premise that has the right characters surrounding it. Not only does it make you laugh, but it makes you feel as well. But, most importantly, it makes you laugh…A LOT. It hits you with several different types of funny from the characters themselves to the subtle jabs.

Memorability: 10
A classic movie has scenes that stick out in your head for years to come. Forgetting Sarah Marshall has a number of those scenes. When the towel drops. Peter crying naked on the floor then having to defend himself. Dracula musical. The surf scene. I could go on…These are scenes that, by themselves, could make a movie memorable. Together, they made Forgetting Sarah Marshall a classic.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
I know what you’re thinking. What are the chances he goes on vacation and ends up at the exact same resort as his ex at the same exact time? I thought about this a lot and concluded that it could have been completely conceivable that Peter and Sarah had talked about that resort in the past. Alternatively they could have even had plans to go to that resort together during that week and the breakup changed that. Ultimately I decided it didn’t need to completely make sense. It’s a comedy and it’s unique enough for me to not have gotten bogged down in the “how”.

Resolution: 10
Starts just like it ends: Perfectly. It fits both for Peter and Rachel, definitely putting a smile on my face. It works on a lot of levels, touching but still maintaining the level of humor that carried the film to this point.

Overall: 100
A film is always the sum of its parts. Forgetting Sarah Marshall does everything right and then some. From its beautiful cinematics (thank you, Hawaii) to downright perfect pacing, it succeeds on every level. Classic.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
This is a "must see" movie, probably best Spider-man movie since Sam Raimi's first one (0 more)
Hard to adjust to animation in beginning, some minor characters felt unnecessary and underutilized, (0 more)
Amazingly Spectacular Again - 9/10
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a computer animated superhero film based off of the Spider-Man comics and movie franchise focusing on the Miles Morales/Spider-Man. Produced by Colombia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation, it's set in a shared multiverse, which has alternate universes, called, the "Spider-Verse". The movie was directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman from a screenplay by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman and story by Phil Lord. Starring Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfield, and Mahershala Ali.

Miles Morales, (Shameik Moore) is a normal regular teenager from Brooklyn, whose parents, police officer Jefferson Davis (Brian Tyree Henry) and nurse Rio Morales (Luna Lauren Velez); have enrolled him in a new school. He visits his estranged Uncle Aaron Davis (Mahershala Ali) to vent and deal with pressures of living up to his parents expectations and making friends at a new school. His Uncle Aaron takes him to blow off steam to an abandoned subway station where he can paint graffiti and Miles is unknowingly bitten by "the Spider-Man" spider. After discovering his new powers, he returns to the subway searching for the spider and uncovers a secret lab where Spider-Man is in battle with the Green Goblin and the Prowler. Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. the Kingpin, is using the lab to test a particle accelerator which Spider-Man says could destroy the city. During the battle Spider-Man finds Miles hiding and entrusts him with a USB drive, when things don't go as planned. And that's just the beginning.

This movie is a must see. If you haven't seen this movie you are definitely missing out. My only complaints would be some of the Spider-Man felt unnecessary; also the style of movie was very dynamic and hard to adjust to, particularly the opening/intro. Once you get past that it's totally fine. The writers created a clear and captivating plot that truly encompasses the struggle of the "Spider-Man" character; such as dealing with normal problems like school, girls, parents, and hero problems like adjusting to powers, bad guys, and saving the city. This movie was rated PG so was made for kids but has a message and themes where it can be enjoyed by all ages and doesn't feel like a kid movie. This movie has quite a few entertaining characters including some of the alternate version spider men like, Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfield), Peter Porker/Spider-Ham (John Mulaney), and Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir (Nicolas Cage). Although light hearted and funny, this movie definitely touched on more serious issues like loss, death, betrayal, responsibility and finding one's self. Probably the best Spider-Man movie, undoubtedly the best since Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man. I give it a 9/10.
The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
1970 | Comedy, Horror
(The other) Young Frankenstein
At the start of the 1970s Hammer tried to relaunch both their main series with new leading men (Ralph Bates replacing Christopher Lee in this case); this was the only reboot which eventually happened. The basics of the Frankenstein story are (just about) retold; young Victor decides to make a man, if not of himself, then from some body parts.

There's no doubt that Ralph Bates could have been a brilliant Frankenstein, but not in a film with a script like this one's. The film attempts to appeal to a hip young audience by including cleavage by the yard and lots of sub-Carry On film humour; script is also thick-headed and repetitive. The moment Frankenstein's experiments included resurrecting a tortoise everyone involved should have realised there was a serious problem here. Not funny, not scary, not interesting, barely worth watching except for Hammer fans. They got Peter Cushing back for the next one.