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Andy K (10821 KP) created a video about Captain America: Civil War (2016) in Movies

Dec 2, 2017 (Updated Dec 4, 2017)  

Peter Parker Meets Tony Stark


David McK (3227 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Jul 21, 2019 (Updated Dec 19, 2021)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The first film to be set after the events of "Avengers: Endgame", I'm honestly not sure why this is considered the last in Marvel's 'Phase 3' slate, and not the first of their 'Phase 4'.

Anyway, this film takes Peter Parker - and his class-mates - out of New York and on a trip around Europe, with Peter missing his old mentor Tony Stark and just wanting to take some time for himself to recover.

Of course, things don't go to plan, with the appearance of both Mysterio and mysterious elementals causing havoc around Europe, leading Parker to having to - reluctantly - put on his suit once again.

(oh, and stay for both the mid and end-credit scenes)

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in Movies

Nov 22, 2017 (Updated Nov 22, 2017)  
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Fun to watch but doesn't break new ground
No doubt Tom Holland's portrayal of Spiderman is the most accurate version that I have seen, given that Spiderman is a teenager in a high school. I can't help but feel that if Homecoming had more time in the oven, we would have been rewarded with the best Spider-man ever seen on the silver screen. As is, this Spider-man breaks no new ground that won't quickly be plowed under.

Michael Keaton's Vulture is the perfect villain for a downbeat in the MCU symphony. A regular, working-class but ambitious man who took an opportunity - a blue collar Tony Stark. The level of detail and forethought paid to the Vulture and his crew's dealings provides much needed grounding to these fabulous tales of super-heroism. Still, the refreshing qualities of Homecoming are far-outmatched by the staleness of its formula.

Too many of these beats have already been explored in other movies. Tony Stark has remote access to his suit. Tony Stark's dad. Retro-reflective plates. Tony Stark overdesigns stuff. Peter Parker has trouble managing his two lives. Peter Parker's enemy is a close friend's parent.

But the best part is definitely Michael Keaton, who is both seen as a 'hardworking' father trying to provide for his family, while being deeply flawed - the fact that he isn't killed off is also promising. Not a bad film, but not particularly novel.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland nails awkward teenage Peter Parker (4 more)
Excellent continuity with the MCU
The Vulture is a compelling villain
Marisa Tomei, obviously
Sarcastic, Funny Tony Stark Returns!
Where's the Spider Senses? (0 more)
Peter Parker Done Right for Once!
Spider-Man: Homecoming is the perfect movie to kick off the character's triumphant addition to the MCU. I don't know exactly what kind of magic Disney worked out with Sony, but damn does it feel good. The Marvel execs know exactly how to handle the character, unlike Sony, and Sony still gets to rake in the cash from Marvel's hottest property. Spider-Man in the MCU is a huge win-win for everyone involved, but most importantly for the fans. Tom Holland plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man just as he should be, an awkward teenager still coming to grips with and refining his powers. He quips while fighting, running his mouth as a teenager with power would. Outside his costume, though, he is much more reserved. He is so uncomfortable just being himself, Peter Parker, and that fact is so integral to the character. Spider-Man has finally been perfected in live-action film, and Homecoming left me smiling and eager for Spidey to join the larger MCU conflicts once again.

Corey Richard Bennett (10 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Jul 18, 2019 (Updated Jul 18, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great follow-up to Avengers Endgame (2 more)
Extremely relatable teen angst and romance
Accurate potrayal of the Spider Man character
A lot of story crammed into two hours (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The last film in the 4th phase of Marvel's Cinematic Universe is a fitting bookend for the Universe so far, and where the Cinematic Universe is heading. After losing his mentor, Tony Stark, Spider-Man Peter Parker tries to resume a life of normality. With high hopes of romance with classmate MJ abroad in Europe, Peter is drawn into a ploy that is ultimately being triggered by fake interloper Mysterio AKA Quentin Beck. With use of virtual reality tech, and military grade drones, Beck tricks Nick Fury, and Peter into thinking beings known as Elementals are attacking Earth. Seemingly with all other Avengers busy or not home, Fury calls upon Tony Stark's chosen successor to help Mysterio in slaying the new beasts.

This is peak portrayal of the web-slinger as Tom Holland makes you really feel for his teenage character who is balancing a life of normality and a life with huge responsibility. Peter constantly thinks of his friends well-being and hiding his secret identity throughout Europe. Then there is the aspect of Peter's budding romance for MJ, played beautifully by Zendaya. This incarnation of MJ is quirky and awkward, which is not like any other portrayals I have seen before, but it matches with Holland's Parker, as he too is awkward as most teenagers trying to find themselves in life.

Now the bad guy. Mysterio is a long well known enemy in the Spider-Man lore, so the twist that he is Master of Illusion should not be a shock, but the trailers did a good job painting the possibility that we were seeing a new incarnation of the dome-headed man of mystery. The trailers also got fans excited, with the possibility of a multiverse being created by the snap of Thanos, now referred to as the Blip by the people of Earth. The multiverse could have been the way to shoe-horn the X-Men into the MCU, but alas it was all a ploy to get the ever powerful Stark Tech glasses (known as EDITH Even Dead I'm The Hero) away from Peter, as Tony had left them to him in his will. Tricking everyone including usually tactful Nick Fury, Mysterio gains Peter's trust, and then his glasses, as Peter thinks Beck is a more fitting replacement to Iron-Man than Peter himself, who wants to live a normal life for the time being. Mysterio almost gets away with his plan, but with one simple slip-up Peter realizes his gaff and pursues Beck to Berlin, which brings me to the best scene (In my humble Opinion).

Knowing Peter is on his way, Beck springs his own web of illusions around Peter which tricks Peter immensely, and dazzles the fan. Tricking Peter to the point that he learns who knows of his plan, dispatches Peter via a train, which Peter barely survives. Beck moves his plans to London where he tries to enact his greatest illusion but a rejuvenated Peter (with help from Happy Hogan) thwarts Beck's plan which ultimately leads to Beck's untimely demise. But with his plan burning around him, he uses his last minutes to frame Peter in his death, and reveal his identity to the world.

In the course of the movie, Peter and MJ finally reveal their feelings for one another, and become a couple before landing back in the USA, but with Peter's secret to the world (which MJ had figured out a while back) their relationship and Peter's safety hangs in the balance. Now the only question alot of people like myself are left wondering, what's next? What's next for the MCU? and Whats next for Spider-Man? Well for the MCU, Black-Widow's solo movie seems to be next in line with Guardians 3 in the Horizon. As for Spider-Man, Marvel and Sony's deal has one more movie left, so hopefully they make a longer agreement, as Tom Holland should being playing this role for a long time. The next film should be a fantastic spot to bring in Kraven the Hunter into the MCU, as Peter Parker is now enemy number 1 in New York and Kraven would be the best villian to set loose to hunt for Peter. Using MJ as bait or even Ned, the story rights itself, even possibly using the comic book story which Kraven buries Spider-Man. But I guess we need a few more years to find out what will happen to Peter, but this film is a great one in a line of great MCU entries.

P.S. Yeah that end-credit scene. Yup, we are getting Secret Wars storyline as the next big Avengers event.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland is perfect fit for the role, overall casting was fantastic! (0 more)
There appears to be at least on split scenes between actors that sticks out like a bad thumb (0 more)
The very best
The reboot of the reboot of our web slinger, this time around making Peter Parker with an actor who appears high school aged and not thirty something. It starts off without the origin which was a weird surprise but I think they believed the audience is well aware of how spidey got his powers so why not save some space and skip ahead to where he is experimenting being a superhero. Michael Keaton is cast as the Falcon but he is able to channel his badass side and make this character more than just a glider suite. The relationship between Tony Stark and Peter is cute and again the best part of this is Tom Hollands performance and youthfulness.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland is a brilliant Peter Parker/Spiderman (0 more)
Finally a decent Spiderman movie
Tom Holland is a spectacular Spiderman he is the closest to the comic version out of all the actors to portray the character. I was unsure about Michael Keaton as Toomes/Vulture at first but he was excellent. The addition of Tony Stark and Happy was a great idea but not necessarily needed, it feels they were added to get the bums on seats in case it failed. All in all, the action and thrills you expect from Marvel/Disney and then some. I loved the Sam Raimi trilogy, and i cant wait to see what Jon Watts can do with his incarnation of Spidey
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Michael Keaton's portrayal of his character: The Vulture. (1 more)
The idea that his Peter Parker, tried to prove himself worthy for the Avengers, and that he wouldn't let someone die just because their bad.
More detail, within the post-credit scene to foreshadow Avengers: Infinity War or Thor: Ragnarok. And maybe hint some other villians, for example Doc Ock or even Hammerhead. (0 more)
Spiderman swings into a 9/10 place, giving a comical take on the teenage superhero
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spiderman Homecoming swung into theatres last week, and provided a comical take on the young superhero. It gives us an opening on Peter, enjoying his time and experience through the events of Civil War. But this comes to an end, when it shows him as a normal teen. Michael Keaton, gives a hatred to play-boy millionaire Tony Stark. So he retrieves pieces of weaponry and tech, from previous Marvel films. And he sells them to make money, and give his family a good life. Through this Peter learns of the idea of trust, bravery, and of course doing the right thing no matter what. All in all, Spiderman Homecoming makes a great film for the new generation and for some in the old generation.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Established characters (4 more)
Strong plot
Spider-man got a happy ending 😁
Brilliant action sequences
Brilliant camera work
Bit slow in places (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Finally Spider-man gets to be with MJ!
The beginning setting up with Mysterio (sic) felt just a little tedious. Could definitely tell that guy was fake, just a bit too 'nice'. Kept thinking he was a lame Mr Strange with a bowl on his head.
Peter's bravery even though he doesn't want to save the world just speaks to his character. I would love more sarcasm from Peter.
The action sequences were great, special effects great, views while he is swinging around great, a rollercoaster of fun with slow bits for conversation. Remembering Tony Stark was a nice touch. A perfectly good addition for Marvel fans.
We Were Soldiers Once... and Young: The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam
We Were Soldiers Once... and Young: The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam
Harold G. Moore | 2002 | Biography, History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The flip side of the “The Sorrow of War,” this book is a brilliant and telling account of one brutal battle in Vietnam from the American perspective. Moore was the commander of soldiers who were airdropped into the jungle, only to be promptly surrounded and massively outnumbered by North Vietnamese troops. The reporter Joseph Galloway had rare access to the troops, witnessing this desperate battle for survival. I love it for the story of heroic journalism. It is why I so admire books like “Once Upon a Distant War,” by William Prochnau, which is the Vietnam war seen through the eyes of legendary correspondents like Neil Sheehan, David Halberstam, Peter Arnett, and others of that generation, providing stark evidence of their courage and fearless contributions to history and truth."
