Biology of Life: Biochemistry, Physiology and Philosophy
Biology of Life: Biochemistry, Physiology and Philosophy provides foundational coverage of the field...

WHY? - Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life
Join us each month as we engage in philosophical discussions about the most common-place topics with...

The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought
Jean-Etienne Joullie and Robert Spillane
This book proposes a review of important Western philosophies and their significance for managers,...

Hue Body & Soul, meditation & mindfulness for Hue
Lifestyle and Health & Fitness
Hue Mind, Body & Soul - Meditation, Yoga and Mindfulness for Philips Hue. Hue Mind, Body & Soul is...

Time Will Say Nothing: A Philosopher Survives an Iranian Prison
Sorbonne-educated and the author of almost 30 books, Ramin Jahanbegloo, a philosopher of...

Between Two Worlds: Memoirs of a Philosopher-Scientist: 2016
To go through the pages of the Autobiography of Mario Bunge is to accompany him through dozens of...

On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport: A Wittgensteinian Approach
What is the 'philosophy of sport'? What does one do to count as a practitioner in the philosophy of...
Philosophy of Technology in Spanish Speaking Countries
This text collects and translates a broad spectrum of philosophical reflections on technology from...